• Published 18th May 2021
  • 3,692 Views, 461 Comments

Way Past Equestria - Onomonopia

The Elements of Harmony and the Freedom Fighters will have to fight together to save both of their worlds.

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World's Unite...Literally

Twilight had no idea what was going on.

As she tore across Equestria's, at least she thought it was Equestria, skies, she tried to wrap her head around what was happening to the land below. Human like buildings were jutting out of pony cities and towns. Robots were swarming across the lands en mass. A floating island had appeared next to Cloudsdale and then immediately fell out of the sky, sending shards of a green crystal across the land.

At first Twilight had thought Discord had been behind this. Causing the human world and Equis to merge together seemed like something he would do. But when she had gone to meet him she found him in bed, in the care of Fluttershy and barely able to speak to her. All he had managed to say was that somepony has messed with the chaos force and he was barely able to move. Twilight left him there and tore off across the sky, trying to find the source of the chaos...only to find it was happening across the world.

"And then there are these robots," Twilight snarled. In what used to be Mareiland, an army of round robots were attacking the ponies there...as well as what looked like anthropomorphic animals who were wearing clothes. Only one of the animals, a redhead in a blue vest, was trying to help both pony and animals get away. And while Twilight didn't know who they were, she knew that they were in danger. And as princess of Equestria, she protected all in danger.

Her horn glowed with power before she rained violet lightning down upon the robots, blasting them apart. The redhead spun to face Twilight as the alicorn slammed into the ground next to her, creating a barrier of magic to protect her and those escaping from the robots.

"Do not worry, I will handle this," Twilight said to the...squirrel? Chipmunk? To the girl in the vest. "You should evacuate with the others."

"Hold your fire," the girl said. "Those aren't just robots, there are animals trapped within there. If you torch them like you did the others, you run the risk of killing the animals inside!"

Twilight narrowed her eyes before casting a life sensing spell, growling when she saw that the girl was right. Each robot had a lifeform inside of it, one that was most certainly trapped. She cast her spell to the robots she had torched and found, to her relief, that the animals inside were alive. Shaken up, but alive.

"Alright, you seem to be the expert on these things, so how to we get the animals out without killing them?" Twilight asked the girl. She eyed Twilight's horn for a second before nodding.

"You're a magic user, right? Well if you can use your magic to hold those badniks in place, I should be able to open them up," the girl said. Twilight was about to ask how she was going to do that, only to watch with amazement as the girl threw her arms to the side and conjured two blades of hardlight from her wrists. "Princess Sally, by the way."

"Heh, Princess Twilight Sparkle," Twilight replied. Sally smiled at that before the two narrowed their eyes and turned their attention to the robots. Twilight's horn flashed and the robots all froze in place, violet light locking down their movements. Sally dashed forward, slashing, stabbing and jabbing her blades into certain points along the robots. The machines shuddered before falling apart, allowing the birds and other woodland creatures trapped within to escape.

Twilight raised an eyebrow as a squirrel ran past her before casting a glance at Sally, deciding not to ask. "Thanks for your help there, Princess Sally. I might have harmed or killed any of those animals if you hadn't stopped me."

"It's okay, Princess Twilight. Thanks for protecting the Mobians and the...horses trying to get away," Sally replied. "But judging from those same ponies, you and plenty of buildings that I've never seen before...I take it I'm no longer on Mobius, am I?"

"I was about to ask the same thing about Equestria," Twilight said. "Half of the time this land looks like my home, but the other half looks like something out of a bizarre mix and match. Human skyscrapers, flying battleships and weird stretches of lands with loop de loops in them."

"That...sounds a bit like my world," Sally muttered. "Can you get me airborne? I need to see this for myself. I mean, if that's alright?"

Twilight smiled and crouched down slightly so that Sally could climb onto her back. Once the princess was secure, Twilight took off into the sky, flying up high enough so that Sally could get a good look of what the world was like.

"I see what you mean," Sally agreed. "I recognize a lot of landmarks from my world, but there are plenty of places that look completely foreign to me. I take it those glowing forests, cloud cities and city on the mountain are all apart of...Equestria?"

"Yeah. And so the stuff that isn't Equestria is...Mobius? Did you say that's what your world was called?" Twilight asked. Sally nodded. "Okay, so from what you've told me it looks like Mobius and Equestria are...merging together, somehow."

"Two worlds merging together. I've dealt with multi world crisis before, but nothing like this," Sally muttered.

"There are only a hoofful of beings in my world that can pull of something like this," Twilight said. "But Discord is down for the count, Tirek is in Tartarus and Sombra...SOMBRA!"

Twilight weaved out of the way as a blast of darkness tore across the air, just barely missing the pair. Sally screamed as she held onto Twilight for dear life while the alicorn used all of her skill and spells to avoid the tidal wave of darkness that tore at the air in an attempt to bring her down. Twilight managed to put some distance between the...darkness and her, allowing her and Sally to get a good look at what they were up against.

The creature was like a massive squid that was covered in darkness. However, whent he pair glanced towards its main body, they found that it was actually part machine as well. Sally gritted her teeth in rage when she saw a symbol along the side of the squid, on a round face with a large moustache and a large smile.

"Eggman," Sally snarled.

"Eggman? That's, uh, a unique villain name there," Twilight said.

"Eggman is a mad scientist from my world who has been trying to conquer all of Mobius. He must be responsible for what is happening!" Sally explained. "When I saw his badniks, I suspected, but this just confirms it. But it is weird that this creature is using dark magic. Eggman generally prefers nothing to do with magic."

"Because that's not his magic. It's from one of my villains," Twilight added on. The squid went back on the attack, launching blasts of darkness out of its maw as it fired upon the two. Twilight weaved out of the way and fired back a few spells herself, but sighed when her attacks did nothing. "Sombra, the so called king of darkness. That's his magic. But how is he back already?"

"What do you mean already?"

"Just the other day he was using some sort of chaotic power to try to take us down. But right when he was about to use it, it went haywire and self destructed. When I woke up, the world was like...this."

"And when we were fighting Eggman, he was using the chaos emeralds, forcing Sonic to use chaos control to stop him," Sally muttered. "Do you think that both of our villains using that much chaos at the same time is what caused our worlds to merge? But that doesn't make any sense."

"Chaos generally doesn't make sense. I have a friend who's a master of chaos. And he said something about the chaos force being messed with..." Twilight took a moment too long to think and as a result a blast of darkness nearly knocked her out of the air. It was thanks to Sally conjuring a shield that the two were saved, though the blast sent the both of them hurtling across the sky. "Thanks."

"You might be onto something. That much chaos being messed with at the same time..." Sally began. She then placed a finger to her ear. "Sally to the Freedom Fighters, does anybody read me? Sonic? Antoine, Bunnie, Rotor? Anyone? Comms are down. Either this land is messing with my tech or the Sky Patrol has been shot out of the sky again."

"Need to get back with your team, huh? Same here," Twilight agreed. Then she turned to face the squid robot, which was dragging itself across the land to get to them. "But judging from the way this guy is following us around, I take it he's been programmed by the doctor and Sombra to kill us at all costs. We're going to have to deal with him first before we can go searching for our friends."

"Agreed," Sally said as she activated her blades once more. "Same plan as last time? You create an opening and I'll finish this guy off."

"You read my mind," Twilight agreed. She let out a whinny before charging towards the squid. She cast her strongest barrier around herself to take the shadow blasts that the squid cast. The beast let out a mechanical roar as it hurled it's tentacles towards the pair, forcing Twilight to dodge. Sally watched the creatures attacks before she leapt off, landing on one of the tentacles and sliding down it towards the main body.

The robot caught her movements and whipped its limb, hurling Sally off of it's body part. Twilight watched the princess get launched into the air, using her magic to catch the princess and rocket her towards the creatures body. Sally smirked before sticking out her blades right before she crashed into the squid's eye, tearing through it and ripping through its body. She burst out through the back of its head, causing the creature to shriek in a metallic tone before he started to explode. Twilight was right there for Sally, catching her with the princess' magic and swinging her back onto Twilight's back.

"That went better than usual," Sally said. "And I'm not even covered in oil this time."

"I had a magic barrier around you as you dove through the robot. Didn't want anything happening to my new friend," Twilight said. Sally smirked at that before she and Twilight watched what remained of the squid crash into the ground. "But there's doubt. That was Sombra's magic and your Eggman's robotics. Which means that they're probably working together."

"Eggman is a threat to the cosmos by himself. Any time he allies himself with another villain, he becomes nigh impossible to beat," Sally explained. "I really wish I could get ahold of my friends right now, especially Sonic."

"How about we work together to find our friends?" Twilight suggested. "I need to meet up with the princesses and find out how the rest of the world is doing, but I'm sure that we'll either run into my friends or yours along the way."

"Considering I don't really have any other options at the moment, I think that's for the best," Sally agreed. "And don't worry about Sonic. Knowing him, he'll be the one to run into us."

"Heh, sounds like you have a lot of faith in this Sonic character. Are you two close or something like that?" Twilight asked. Sally had to think about it for a moment.

"We've been fighting together ever since we were little. So yeah, I'd say we're close," Sally agreed. "He's a pain and never sticks around, but he always shows up in time when I need him."

"He sounds like a friend of mine," Twilight agreed. "So don't worry, princess. Friends always have each others backs. He'll be there for you. All of your friends will be." Sally smiled at that.

"I know. They always are."

Author's Note:

"So since we come from different world's Sally, I was wondering, do you rule a nation like I do?"

"Oh no. I'm just a princess. My father and mother, the King and Queen, are the ones who really rule. I protect my kingdom, but I don't really rule it. But that's the way royalty works. The King and Queen rule while the prince and Princess prepare to take over after they die. I assume it's the same way here?"

Twilight made a face as she thought back to the royal history of Equestria, which was Princess Celestia, Princess Luna, Princess Gaea, Princess Symphonia...princesses as far back as she could remember. All calling themselves princesses because Queen made them sound old.

"Uh, yeah. Something like that."

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