• Published 18th May 2021
  • 3,674 Views, 461 Comments

Way Past Equestria - Onomonopia

The Elements of Harmony and the Freedom Fighters will have to fight together to save both of their worlds.

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The Day They've Been Dreaming of

The devastation was hard to look at.

What had once been the beautiful plains of Equestria were now barren and desolate. What had once been thrill inducing loopdeloops and spring pads was now ruin and destruction. The sky was dark and covered in clouds, the wind didn't blow and the feeling of dread hung over the group of heroes.

It was only the twelve of them. Sonic and the Freedom Fighters. Twilight and the Elements. The six heroes from each world, come together to fight one last, impossible set of foes. If they failed here, that was it. None of them tried to think about that. Instead, they looked up at their target. The city of Canterlot, still resting upon the mountain where it had rested for so long. The group was afraid to see how the city had faired against the villains assault.

"Everyone know the plan?" Sonic asked. Everyone nodded and he smiled. "Great. Then don't look so glum. This will all work out in the end. Now then, as a certain friend of mine once said, let's a go."

Twilight wrapped the group in magic and flew them towards the city. The alicorn bit her lower lip as they got closer, able to see the damage from a distance. Buildings were toppled, streets were ruined and the crystal forms of both ponies and mobians alike littered the streets. She wished she could stop to help them, but that would only draw the villains attention and risk the lives of all caught in the crystal. They would have to be stopped first.

"It's not your fault," Sally said to Twilight. "You've done all you can and more to protect them. Remember that."

"I will."

"No traps. No missiles. No vortexes or mind controlled armies. They're just letting us fly right up to the front door," Tails muttered.

"After how badly they mopped the floor with us, I'm not surprised they're feeling cocky. Good. That gives us the edge," Rainbow replied.

Twilight set the group down outside of her castle...which, like most things she cherished, was now half dark crystal and half robotic. The sight of the symbol of Equestria reduced to such a state tore at her heart. The symbol of Eggman and Sombra on the front was just an additional kick in the teeth.

"Scanners aren't picking up anything," Rotor said. He waved a small computer around the castle. "No traps or badniks. But I am picking up two lifeforms in the throne room. No prize for whoever guesses who it is."

"They're waiting fer us," Applejack growled. "They didn't seek us out or nothing. Just waited. They knew we'd be back."

"Sad to say as predictable as villains can be, us heroes can be predicable as well," Antoine shrugged. "It is ze problem with always doing ze right thing."

"Then let's not keep them waiting," Bunnie said. "We finish this."

"Hold up everyone," Sonic said. "I know that you're all eager to give these two what they deserve and frankly I am too, but I just have to ask real quick...what do we do after this? What do we do with them?"

"Sombra goes into a black hole," Twilight said. Sonic raised an eyebrow. "Sonic, we've blow him apart, atomized him and chucked him into the sun. And somehow, he comes back. At this point, I think that might be the only way to be rid of him for good."

"Fine, your villain, your rules. But what about Eggman?" Sonic asked. The ponies shared a look with one another before Twilight shook her head.

"Like you said. Your villain, your rules."

"Guys?" Sonic asked his friends. The Freedom Fighters looked to one another, before they all looked to Sally. She sighed and shook her head.

"Let's fix all of this first. Let's get the worlds saved, our nations restored, the Chaos Force fixed...and then we can discuss what to do with Eggman," Sally replied.

"...alright, that's fair," Sonic said. "Now then, I think we've kept our hosts waiting long enough. Let's give them a night they'll never forget."

Bunnie kicked open the doors to the castle and the group headed inside. Just as Rotor had said, no traps or minions attacked them. No ruse of any kind. Just a walk to the throne room. Twilight forced open the doors this time and stepped into her throne room...to find Eggman and Sombra sitting on a pair of thrones. The villains smiled at the sight of the heroes, who entered behind Twilight.

"Finally. We were starting to wonder when...or even if you would show," Robotnik chuckled. "There was actually a moment where I believed that you decided to do the smart thing and hide in fear, cowering until we eventually found you. But no, you've marched right to your own doom. Such a pity."

"Please, don't act like we would do anything else," Sonic replied. "After all, with so many beings there's going to be a line for the end of the worlds. Better to get here early and beat the rush."

"Laughing until the end. I can respect that," Robotnik replied. "But how interesting, that I only count twelve of you. Shouldn't there be five more of you at this point? Celestia, Luna, Shadow, Discord and Cadence are around here somewhere, aren't they?"

"Now why would you think that?" Sonic asked.

"Don't play dumb, if you are playing. I know that Shadow wants me dead and I know for certain that Cadence would never pass on a chance to kill me and get her foal back," Sombra scoffed. "Speaking of the little devil..."

His horn glowed and he dragged out Flurry Heart, who was still imprisoned in a cage made of black crystals. The foal whined at the sight of Sombra, who smiled a toothy grin at her.

"Cadence, are you there? Your foal has just been dying to see you. I don't know how she'll go on without you. Are you catching my drift?" Sombra asked. He waited a moment before scoffing and setting the cage down next to him. "She'll show up eventually. Surprised none of you tried to get her back right then."

"A direct assault. I honestly can't see anything going wrong with that," Applejack snarled.

"Please Applejack, leave the sarcasm to your lover, as you are so pitifully bad at it," Sombra dismissed. "So where are the other four? Waiting in the wings? Trying to fix the Chaos Source? Hot or cold?"

"And ruin the surprise? Now I see why Pinkie never invites you to birthday parties," Sonic shook his head. "Eggman, you should know the value of a good surprise, seeing as the only times you've bested us are when you pulled one off."

"Loathed as I am to admit it, the rodent has a point," Robotnik replied. "Which confirms that their friends are indeed waiting to surprise us. Not so clever now, are you Sonic?"

"Maybe they are, maybe they aren't. What do you think I would do, Eggman?" Sonic asked. Eggman narrowed his eyes before sighing and leaning back in his throne.

"You are chaos personified. Trying to guess your thoughts is pointless. And speaking of pointless thoughts, I'm surprised to se you so quiet, Sally. Nothing to say to me? I'm hurt."

"What is there left to say at this point? We're here to end this," Sally snarled. She thrust her hands to the side and conjured her weaponry, getting Eggman to sigh once more.

"If you insist. I was hoping that since is the last time that we'll ever see each other that we could have one last spat, hero vs villain. Who knows, maybe Fluttershy would be able to convince us to turn to the light?" Robotnik chuckled.

"Any light that was in the two of you was extinguished long ago," Fluttershy replied somberly. "Now there is only darkness in you. And so the darkness can have you."

"Fluttershy, your words would break my heart if I had one," Sombra cackled. He and Eggman rose off their thrones, glaring down at their foes. "But the princess is right. It is time that we finally ended this never ending game of hero vs villain. So since this is the finale...let's make it one to remember."

The air flickered and the Master King appeared into existence around the two villains. The King rose up to its full height while the smiling Eggman and Sombra could still be seen within, until they vanished beneath the metal monster. The Master King snapped it's fingers and the groups found themselves outside in the plains where they had just been.

"Come now, you didn't expect us to thrash a perfectly good throne room, did you? We're not savages," Robotnik laughed.

"Your actions in the past paint a different picture," Antoine countered.

"Silly Antoine. History is written by the winners," Sombra replied. "And we'll be the ones holding the quills."

"Keep telling yourself that," Twilight said. "I want to take every comfort and belief from you before you're purged from our worlds once more."

"Funny. Cadence said the same thing. Guess how that worked out for her?"

Sonic broke the conversation by just blitzing the Master King. He was nothing more than speed personified as he bombarded the Master King from every angle. His attacks amounted to nothing more than a gnat trying to bring down a mountain.

"Pitiful, Sonic," Robotnik mocked. The King flicked his head and Sonic was blasted back, slamming into Applejack to take them both out. "I had hoped for so much more."

Twilight planted her hooves and fired a black beam of magic from her horn, with a below that sound unnatural and cruel. The Master King raised a hand and intercepted the blast as the villains watched her magic fizzles uselessly against the machine.

"Dark magic, Twilight? So in your final moment you turn your back on your morals and reveal your true colors?" Sombra asked. "Oh Twilight, I couldn't ask for a better farewell present. You really do care."

The Master King appeared in front of Twilight, driving a fist into her face. Twilight dropped without a sound while the rest of the heroes rushed the King. Sally and Antoine swung with their blades, Tails and Bunnie unleashed laser fire from all directions. Applejack, Rotor and Rainbow hammered away with their might while Pinkie unleashed every trick in her party bag against the King.

It all amounted to nothing.


The Master King slammed it's hands together and created a shockwave that blasted the heroes back. A wave of its hand blasted them with dark lightning and consumed them in hellish fire. A snap of its fingers suspended them in the air, the heroes dangling limply as their bonds drained their power.

"You know, I've been dreaming of this moment for years. The day that I finally kill you all and take my rightful place as king of the world. But I had always expected our final battle to be...better," Robotnik said with a disappointed sigh. "I had hoped that you would have some miracle left, some last ditched, plan that you foolishly put all of your hope into to beat us. But this is. This is all you had, isn't it?"

"How sad. All that talk about friendship and harmony. About teamwork and trust. And you go down within minutes," Sombra muttered as he shook his head. "I guess you are really nothing without your Emeralds and Elements. Even I'm a little sad to see it be over so quickly. But only a little."

"You...you..." Twilight whispered, getting the villains to laugh.

"What's this? Your last words? This should be good," Sombra chuckled.

"Go on, Twilight. What do you have to say? What could be so important that you'd use up the last of your breath to say it?" Robotnik asked.

"You two talk too much."

A vortex ripped its way into the castle and a colossal tank tore through the vortex, slamming into the Master King and knocking it back. The villains had just a second to register what had happened before they found the turret aimed right at them, with a black and red hedgehog grinning like a maniac.

"Now Shadow-"

A blast of pure chaos power tore into the Master King and sent it hurling across the sky and into the side of the mountain. Shadow watched them sail before he looked down at the others, who had been freed from their bonds thanks to the attack.

"And that, Sonic, is why I use guns."

Author's Note:

"Wait, is Shadow fueling the Final Gambit? I thought we were drawing power from magic?"

"We were. But Shadow wanted to do this personally."

"I see. Why is the barrel much larger than the last time I saw it?"

"Because Shadow said he wanted to make this hurt."

"For once, I agree with Shadow."

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