• Published 18th May 2021
  • 3,692 Views, 461 Comments

Way Past Equestria - Onomonopia

The Elements of Harmony and the Freedom Fighters will have to fight together to save both of their worlds.

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The Difference Between You and Me

"Infinite huh? I like it. Nice and humble, showing that you don't think too much of yourself," Sonic said. Infinite raised a hand over his head and unleashed torrents of crimson might upon Sonic, who zipped out of the way.

"Mockery, Sonic? After what I did to you, the months of agony, you dare to mock me?" Infinite asked.

"Sorry, but you must have me confused with another Sonic. This is my first time meeting you, pal," Sonic replied.

"I see. So this is what Eggman meant when he said I would have a chance to destroy a Sonic. He wants me to deal with his, as he cannot," Infinite nodded. He clapped his hands together and buildings came crashing down around Sonic and his team. "But as revenge still burns in my heart, I will destroy any and all Sonic's that cross my path. So curse your own fate, Sonic, that you had to cross paths with me!"

Sonic raced around the buildings to avoid getting crushed, until violet magic flashed across the sky and erased the buildings. Infinite watched the magic before glancing to his right to see Twilight floating beside him. "You posses a unique power. Yet you dare to use it against the Infinite?"

"So do you practice saying words all mysteriously sounding like that or does it just come naturally?" Twilight asked. "Because it doesn't make you sound intimidating, it makes you sound annoying."

"Fool. Your infantile mind cannot comprehend what I am capable of achieving," Infinite replied. Reality warped around his hand and he sent tendrils of crimson energy around Twilight, who yelped as they tore through her magic and entangled her. "What do you think of the Crimson bands of infinity?"

"What do I think? I think Dr. Strange is going to sue!"

Infinity glanced to his side just in time to take a cherry pie to the face. He snarled as he floated back, the pie breaking his concentration and his old on reality. A snap of his fingers erased the pie, though for a moment he thought he was still not seeing clearly as Pinkie hopped around him...through the air.

"I mean, come on. You're not even trying! And that building stuff earlier looked a lot like something Xemnas would pull off. Is there anything you have that's all you, all original?" Pinkie asked.

"Original? Very well, I shall show you what I can do!" Infinity claimed. He clenched his hand to conjure stone hands out of the ground that grabbed at Pinkie, but the pink horse managed to hop out of the way while humming a tune. Infinite narrowed his eyes before aiming at the horse and getting interrupted as a blast of magic blasted him in the back. He snapped his attention to Twilight, only to take a spin dash to the chest that sent him tumbling across the ground.

"Sonic. Your attempts to fight me are akin to an ant trying to battle the sun. Amusing, but futile!" Infinite sent beams of crimson power hurling at Sonic, but the blue blur easily weaved around them and spin dashed Infinite again. Infinite snarled as he staggered back, creating a sphere of energy around him to fend off the hedgehog.

"And for a guy called Infinite, you seem pretty weak," Sonic mocked. "So you can throw around lights and make some stuff. Congrats, that puts you on par with Rarity. Actually, you're a bit below her because you do not have her fashion sense. What is with that helmet?"

"Prattle. Is that your answer to everything?" Infinite asked.

"What can I say? I just love an opponent I can match wits with. So if you could go down already so that guy could show up, I would really appreciate it," Sonic said with a wink.

"Hmph, you believe me to not be up to your standards? Then allow me to rectify this." Infinite snapped his fingers and duplicated into a dozen different versions of himself. "Does this satisfy you?"

"I'm no numbers expert, but I'm fairly certain that twelve is not infinite," Sonic joked. The Infinite's began unleashing storms of crimson energy on Sonic, who actually had to try to avoid these ones. While he ran, he placed a hand to the comm in his ear. "Yo Tails, the distractions going great. How are you doing on getting our friends freed?"

"This is trickery than we thought. Do you think that you can send Twilight over to help us?" Tails replied.

"Can do." Sonic raced in front of Twilight, motioned for her to go join Tails and took off running again before the crimson blasts could catch him. Twilight got the message and headed over to the others, while Sonic came to a stop in front of Infinite and wagged his fingers.

"Come on now, I was promised a fight. All you've done is shoot things at me and talk fancily. If I wanted a foe who could do that, I would fight Mammoth Mongul. At least he has some class."

"Class? A whelp like you dares to mock me about class?" Infinite asked. He raised his hands once more, getting Sonic to roll his eyes, and summoned a colossal meteor that he hurled down towards Sonic. The sky went red, the clouds were blown away and the planet began to shake from the meteor's impending collision with the planet.

"And a giant meteor. Sonic, this guy is boring," Pinkie said.

"Agreed. Want to shoot me into a meteor?" Sonic asked.

"Do I?!" Pinkie exclaimed, her party cannon already out. Sonic hopped in, Pinkie took aim and a moment later Sonic was being launched into the meteor. He landed on the surface of it, flashed a smile and then raced around it with such speed that the crimson meteor quickly became blue. It exploded a moment later, nearly every part of it vaporized by Sonic's speed. Sonic landed in front of Pinkie, took a bow and then smirked over his shoulder at Infinite.

"Ta-da. And that is how you save the dinosaurs from extinction," Sonic said.

"Wow, that was so cool! You were like the Flash there!" Pinkie exclaimed.

"But...how...?" Infinite asked.

"Don't you get it? It was me, Infinite. I blew up your meteor," Sonic replied with a smirk. "Sorry, I'm a fan of the comics and I wanted to say that line."

"What are you going on about?!" Infinite roared.

"Hey, I'm paired with Pinkie today. We were bound to make some references," Sonic chuckled.

"This...this isn't right," Infinite growled, though there was fear in his voice now. "I have fought you. I have fought two of you. And yet neither of them...were anywhere close to what you are. What you do so...casually. Why are you so strong? How are you this strong?!"

"Well, a lot of people have said I'm one of the stronger Sonic's, but hey, I like to think we're all strong in our own way," Sonic replied. "See Infinite, that's how you be humble while still being cool. Not by naming yourself after something you're clearly not."

"It matters not! My power is...well, you get the idea!" Infinite roared as he channeled all of his might into his hands. Sonic raised an eyebrow at the sight before placing a hand to his ear.

"Tails, we nearly done? This is getting boring over here."

"We've just about gotten them free, Sonic," Tails replied. "Sally figured out how to counter frequency the crystals so that the harmonizing effect-"

"Glad to hear you got it figured out. We'll finish up things here," Sonic replied.

"Finish up. I am glad to see that your sense of humor still functions," Infinite cackled madly. "Because I am done holding back. With the full might of the Phantom Ruby, I shall-"

"Phantom Ruby? You mean that thing that Pinkie's got there?" Sonic asked. Infinite looked over at Pinkie to see that she was holding the ruby. Infinite stammered out some babble before he fell to the ground, unable to comprehend what had just happened. "What's the matter, pal, never fought another reality warper before? Not so fun when you're on the receiving end."

"How disappointing. I had really been hoping he had been more of a challenge for you."

Sonic raced Pinkie back as Infinite exploded in a pillar of chaos energy, turning him to dust. The dust reformed into an image of Eggman, who smiled down at Sonic.

"Eggman. I should have known you'd never let another villain take the spotlight," Sonic growled.

"You know me so well. Did you like the guest I brought over for you? With the chaos source crumbling, the barrier between realities is weakening, meaning I get a chance to see so many interesting versions of ourselves. Yet, of course, I seem to have gotten the most annoying."

"So I was right. Infinite wasn't from this reality. I knew he felt way too much like a rip off!" Pinkie exclaimed.

"Yes, I brought him back to life and supplied him with that fake phantom ruby," Robotnik continued. He then laughed at the looks Sonic and Pinkie gave him. "Of course it's a fake. Do you really think I would give someone as foolish as that the real thing? Sombra and I have much greater plans for it. So go ahead and free a few more of your friends. That will just make it all the sweeter when we kill them too. Tata."

The ash blew away in the dust, leaving Sonic to glare after it.

"He was able to make a fake object that powerful? Eggman's gotten even more dangerous," Sonic growled. He then looked at Pinkie, who had bitten off a corner of the ruby and was chewing on it.

"It's actually rock candy!" Pinkie exclaimed.

"Well I hope you're not going to hog all of it?" Sonic asked. Pinkie snapped the ruby in two and gave half to Sonic, who took a tentative bite, found she was right, and decided to save it for later. The two walked back over to Twilight, Tails and Sally, who were helping their friends out of the crystals. "How are they?"

"They're all unconscious and have lost a lot of their strength, but...they're alive," Twilight whispered, a smile on her face as she placed a hoof on her sister. "We didn't lose all of them. We saved them."

And that smile made it all worth it for Sonic.

||==O O==||

"Another day, another third tier villain bites the dust against the Friendship Fighters or whatever they're calling themselves now," Sombra chuckled. "You know for somepony called Infinite..."

"Please don't, that joke has been done enough," Robotnik sighed. Sombra chuckled and appeared next to Eggman, who was working on the Master King. "And I'm not surprised. Every villain that has gone up against that hedgehog aside from me has been bested. He was there to buy time and to prove a hypothesis, nothing more."

"Well, he certainly did that," Sombra agreed. "So this Phantom Ruby..."

"If Infinite's universe had one, then we should as well. And low and behold, I found it," Eggman chuckled. With one last blast of magic he finished infusing the Master King with the Phantom Ruby, causing red lines to burn through the Master King while it glowed like a sun. "Haha, now that is some power! The Master Emerald, the Tree of Harmony and now the Phantom Ruby! We have enough power to take on any being in the multiverse!"

"Or any force," Sombra cackled. He placed a hoof on the front of the Master King, looking at the branches of the Tree of Harmony...and the images of the seven beings who rested on the ends of those branches. "Fueled by magic, chaos, reality and the souls of the very beings we've slain. I have to admit, I'm a lunatic, but even I'd never dream up something as crazy as this. Robotnik you have outdone yourself."

"I am so glad you like it. Because now, there is only one last force to conquer before everything belongs to us," Robotnik grinned. And the two looked up towards the heavens, their smiles growing large.

"One last force indeed."

Author's Note:

"Wow, that guy was a yahoo. Where did you find him?"

"I found Infinite from a place called the "Prime" universe. No idea when they call it that when I'm the Prime Eggman in the multiverse."

"You study your multiverse too? Okay, tell me some of the weirder ones. Those are the best."

"Well for starters there is one where Sonic is a colossal jerk, Tails is the real hero and Super Sonic is evil, as well as a split personality of Sonic."

"Wow, I bet that was a real shocker for you to see."

"It wasn't even the strangest thing there. The thing I found most surprising is that this version of Amy has a wife and child. Considering how nearly every version of her chases after Sonic, I'd never believe there'd be a universe where she'd pick someone else. Oh, and they're all a bit British."

"What's a British?"

"There's another one where Sonic ended up in the human world and Tails got a plant girlfriend who he had to blow up in order to save reality."

"Ouch, I almost feel bad for him."

"And then there's something called...Sanik, but I'm scared to look into that one. Okay, your turn."

"Well, our multiverse is weird that we share it with the Transformers and GI Joe universes. And they're apart of a weird multiverse. Star Trek, X-Men, Street Fighter..."

"Wait...Street Fighter...Ryu, Chun-li, Guile?"

"You know them?"

"I fought against them. Does that mean that...our multiverses...are the same?"

"You're blowing my mind right now."

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