• Published 18th May 2021
  • 3,692 Views, 461 Comments

Way Past Equestria - Onomonopia

The Elements of Harmony and the Freedom Fighters will have to fight together to save both of their worlds.

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A New Adventure

"We believe that we have found one."

The Elements and the Freedom Fighters had all gathered in Twilight's throne room, where the two former rulers of the land had asked her to gather the heroes. From the bags under Celestia's eyes it was clear she and her sister had spent all night looking for the Element. Luna was perky as always.

"It is in the south, in an area of Equestria that should be a jungle, but with the merger between the worlds, we have no idea what could be awaiting you all there," Luna revealed. "While we cannot give you any advice on what will await you on the Freedom Fighters side, we can tell you that this particular jungle was home to large spiders, even larger snakes and an ancient race of druids that have long called the swamp home. To the team going there, be on your guard."

"So, who wants to go to a jungle filled with all sorts of giant, dangerous beasts?" Celestia asked. Fluttershy raised her hoof. "Alright, that answers that and no take backs. The team of Fluttershy, Sonic, Tails and Pinkie will be heading into the jungle for the missing Element. Be on your guard."

"Dangerous beasts and wizards? Seems like a walk in the park for us, eh Tails?" Sonic asked.

"I said druids."

"Tomato potato and all that. We've been dealing with stuff like that since we were little, right Tails?" Sonic continued. When Tails didn't answer, he looked around for his little bud and found him asking Rainbow some questions.

"So what is your top speed?"

"Well, if I had to be humble, it's well past the sound barrier," Rainbow replied. "I mean, I created a sonic rainbow, which not only breaks the sound barrier, but creates a giant rainbow that explodes out afterwards."

"Does that mean you could potentially break the luminal barrier?" Tails asked.

"The what?"

"Tails, there you are buddy," Sonic said as he walked over. "Come on, you, me, Flutters, and Pinkie are all going on a trip to the jungle."

"Oh okay! Bye Rainbow Dash! We'll talk more when I get back!"

"Sounds like a plan, kiddo."

"You're getting awfully friendly with her," Sonic observed.

"She's fascinating! Her speed, how she flies, the kind of turns and maneuvers she can do in the air...it defies science!"

"I can do all that too, y'know."

"Really? Because I don't see any wings on you."

Sonic smirked at Tails response as the pair walked over to Fluttershy and Pinkie, the former reading through a book of wildlife in Equestria while Pinkie had already packed her bag. "You guys need to grab anything before we head out?"

"No, I'm ready. I've got this book that should tell us all about the beasty weastys we'll be seeing there," Fluttershy said. "Ooo, look at this! They have pythons in this jungle that can grow up to be a hundred feet long and be thicker than even the trees! They must be fascinating!"

"Fascinating. That's a word for it," Sonic replied. "How bout you, Pinkie? You all good?"

"Yup! I've back my bag with enough food to last us weeks if the need be," Pinkie replied. She opened her bag and showed Sonic what was inside.

"Uh, Pinkie. These are all...sweets."

"Yup! They will sustain us."

"I am perfectly okay with this," Tails said as he snatched a cupcake from the bag.

"We're all good," Sonic said back at the other group.

"Very well. I shall take you close to where the Element is. Be warned, with how the world has been jumbled, my magic will not be as precise as it used to be," Celestia warned.

"It's all good. Be back in a flash guys," Sonic said to the others. The groups waved to each other before Celestia teleported them away.

"Think they'll be okay?" Twilight asked Sally.

"They have Sonic with them, they'll be fine. I'm more worried about what we're going to be up against," Sally replied. "Where is Discord? Shouldn't he already be here?"

"Discord is a god of chaos and as such is not bound by our rules such as be on time or get out of my house. He does what he wants, when he wants," Luna replied with a sigh. "But even he knows how serious the situation is, so I wouldn't be surprised if he showed up any-"

Luna didn't even get to finish. With a flash of light, the laugh of a lunatic, and an explosion of smoke that got everyone coughing, Discord appeared in the center of the room. He then doubled over and began to cough, before straightening back up with a grunt.

"Oof, that's a lot harder than it used to be. Hello heroes, I am here with the answer to all your problems," Discord said.

"You've found all of the Chaos Emeralds?" Sally asked.

"No I have not. There, your problems have been answered," Discord replied. When he got looks from the room, he shrugged. "What? I said I had the answer, didn't say you would like it."

"Did you come here just to mock us?" Antoine asked.

"Yes...oh, and also I have located one of those emeralds," Discord continued. The room perked back up at that. "However, it's in a place that's unfamiliar to me. From what little I could gather of the place, it's located in what I think is an old, crashed satellite that is definitely not from our world."

"An old satellite...it couldn't be," Sally muttered to herself, before shaking her head. "Doesn't matter where it is, we need that emerald. Alright, who here wants to go after an emerald on an old satellite?"

"I'll do it!" Twilight said as she raised her hoof. "I would love to see the technology from your world, especially if it's anything like the Sky Patrol that I've heard so much about!"

"Well, it won't be as cool as my Sky Patrol, but I wouldn't mind seeing the satellite as well," Rotor agreed. "That okay with you, Rainbow Dash?"

"Fine, so long as I get to fight something," Rainbow said.

"If I know Eggman, he'll have plenty for us to fight," Sally pointed out. "Alright Princess Luna, we're ready. We'll go take on this satellite and retrieve the emerald in there."

"Very well. Gather up and we will head out," Luna said. "Discord, you and the others will wait here until me and my sister return, or you sense another emerald first. Stay out of trouble."

The four heroes gathered together around Luna and in a flash of light they were gone. That left Rarity, Applejack, Antoine and Bunnie alone with Discord in the center of the throne room. For a moment, they simply stared at the spot where the groups had left. Then Discord glanced at Bunnie.

"You know, if those mechanical parts bother you so much, I could probably put you back to normal," Discord offered. Bunnie snapped her eyes to Discord, who held up his hands. "Just offering."

"How did ya know about that?" Bunnie asked with a slight snarl.

"I can tell when something is there that isn't supposed to be. God of chaos and all that. And let me tell you, those cyborg parts are a crime against natural order," Discord stated. A flash off to the side gained his attention and he looked over to see a sword pointed at his throat.

"Consider your next words very carefully," Antoine softly said.

"I mean no offense. All I am saying is that those robotic parts are forced onto you, much like how your world is forced onto ours. It's not a natural union. It's...wrong."

"Well...yer not wrong," Bunnie said as she held her robot arm. Twan placed one hand on her shoulder while pushed the tip of his sword closer to Discord's throat. "But to answer yer question, no. While these cybertronics are...rough, they do more good than harm. After all, without them..." she pointed her hand cannon at Discord's face, "Ah wouldn't be able to threaten a god."

"Well, it was just an offer. Trying to be nice and all," Discord replied with a shrug.

"Are ya sure ya can't feel any more emeralds, Discord?" Applejack asked. "Ah don't just like sitting around here while the others are risking their lives."

"I'm trying, Applejack, but I'm still not feeling great and there is so much chaos going around because of the two worlds colliding that I'm having trouble sifting through all of it," Discord explained. "And then there's...something else..."

"What is that?"

"Evil. There is a lot more evil in this land than there has been in the past couple of millennia," Discord muttered. Then he glanced back at the four remaining heroes and frowned. "I know that we're supposed to wait here until the next Element or Chaos Emerald comes up, but would you guys mind coming with me for a bit? I need to check on something, but in the shape I'm in I'm afraid to do so by myself."

"Something that you need to check up on? What could that possibly be?" Rarity asked.

"A place I haven't been to in a bit...a place that very few ponies alive know about. Because if it's been compromised..." Discord muttered to himself. He then smiled back at the group and shrugged. "Ah, I'm sure it will be fine. I've got all of you with me and I'm a god of chaos. How could it go wrong? Many ways, but that's not important now."

"Fine, we will go with you," Antoine said. Then a sly smirk crossed his face. "But should you find yourself in danger, I may just let you squirm a wee bit before coming to your aid. For what you said to my wife."

"I was trying to be nice! I know I'm bad at it, but throw me a bone," Discord said.

"Then you must learn a little something called tact," Antoine continued on. "It is clear that you do not know how to speak to a lady."

"Well then perhaps we can teach him, Antoine," Rarity offered with a devious grin. "Teach him manners, how to dress himself...why, we'll turn him from a god of chaos to a god of class within the week."

"I'm starting to think that I might have been better off with the villains," Discord said. Then he smirked, held up his hand and snapped his fingers, causing the entire group to vanish in a flash of light.

||--O O--||

"Finally. I thought those fools would never get moving."

"Yeah, it's only the end of the world here folks, but no, let's take out time and talk about our feelings before we head out. Feh."

"Seems your magic was right on the mark. The sun alicorn is taking Sonic and some other fools to the Wispy Jungle. What do you think, Sombra? Robotnik asked.

"Jungle...I'm thinking Chrysalis, two of the Deadly Six, the mechawolf and perhaps Knuckles. He seems best at jungle combat," Sombra replied.

"He's decent. But we'll go with it. After all, what good are henchmen if you don't use them?"

"Agreed. And now we move on to the other group. The satellite," Sombra mused.

"Wait a moment, let me take a look at that satellite," Robotnik said, scooting next to Sombra on the monitor. "Oh ho ho! Haven't seen that in a while. Don't worry, Sombra, I know exactly who to send for this place. As this group is a little on the weaker side, let's send Tirek, Metal Sonic, Zavik and Zomom...and definitely Shadow."

"Oh, there's some history there. Well then, by all means," Sombra said. Then Sombra narrowed his eyes at the monitor once more. "Well now, what are you up to, Discord? Why would you be going to..."

Sombra turned and started to walk off, leaving Robotnik to look at the dark king with some confusion. "Erm, partner, I know that we don't have to tell each other everything, but I know that look on your face. I've worn it myself a few times. That's the look of someone who sees their foe up to something that you would never expect them to do."

"Discord has gone to a place that I never expected him to go again. A place that I must get to, no matter what," Sombra replied.

"Well, then would you mind me tagging along? If this place is so important, I would love to see it."

Sombra considered it for a moment, before a deadly smile crossed his face. "How could I refuse? Come along, Robotnik. And bring your most dangerous robot."

Author's Note:

"So are your cybernetic enhancements only good for fighting, or can they do other things?"

"Oh no, they can do plenty else. Ah've got a few repair tools in here, ah can create umbrellas, chopper blades and the sort. Ah can even cook with them."

"Oh, you cook as well? What do you like to make?"

"Oh all sorts of things, but ah can make a mean meal with margarine."


"Uh, Antoine? What's the matter?"

"Nothing, I am just...having ze flashbacks."

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