• Published 18th May 2021
  • 3,692 Views, 461 Comments

Way Past Equestria - Onomonopia

The Elements of Harmony and the Freedom Fighters will have to fight together to save both of their worlds.

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Chasing a Shadow

"Alright, looks like I've got another one," Discord said. The god snapped his fingers and created an image above the gathered group of fighters that made both teams of heroes gasp. Because the location of this emerald seemed to be...in an Eggman themed amusement park. That was floating above the ocean.

"Eggman land? I thought we destroyed this place already?" Tails asked.

"We did. But I guess all of reality getting merged together somehow managed to bring it back," Sonic guessed. "Great, if there's one thing I hate more than regular clowns it's clowns that are shaped like Eggman."

"How dare you. I'll have you know that I minored in clowning around when I went to college," Pinkie replied, before she burst out giggling. "And let me tell you, we were one creepy class. I totally get why ponies are scared of clowns, but I still love it."

"We need to secure this emerald as soon as possible," Sally cut in. "Now that Robotnik and Sombra have...weaponized Nicole, I wouldn't be surprised if they started putting out badniks by the thousands. And if they keep fragmenting her to operate all of them..."

"We won't let them, Sal. We'll get her back, I promise," Sonic said. He then turned to face the group and smiled. "So come on, everyone, let's go to the creepiest place in the multiverse and get the emerald."

"Hold your horses, Sonic," Twilight said. "Rushing in isn't a good idea right now, especially after what just happened to us."

"What do you mean?"

"Look at your friends and you tell me."

Sonic glanced around at his friends and quickly realized what Twilight was talking about. Rotor was covered in bandages and even a cast for his leg. Fire still burned in his eyes, but Sonic knew that he was pushing himself too hard. Tails seemed fine, but he had talked to the doctors and confirmed that the kid had a nasty concussion. And that was just from his friends.

Rarity was having trouble standing on her hooves and constantly seemed to be struggling to focus. Rainbow Dash had just recently tanked an explosion to the face, but somehow seemed even happier than before she had gotten blown up. She still looked like a train wreck, though. Discord was barely able to stand at this point and if a god was having issues, then that was never a good sign.

"By my count we have at least four members of our team that should be sitting out. That's a third of our team," Twilight pointed out. "Meanwhile, while Sombra and Eggman have lost some of our friends that they had been controlling, they still have plenty of machines, monsters and villains to call on."

"So you're saying that we just sit here and let them get the emerald?"

"You know that's not what I'm saying. What I am saying is that we need to be careful," Twilight explained. "Every one of our friends that has to sit out is an advantage given to Sombra and Eggman. And you remember what you told me about not wanting to give Eggman the advantage..."

"I do," Sonic replied.

"What about Silver, Amy and Big Mac? Do you think they could replace us?" Rotor asked.

"I don't want to bring them into combat. There are too many unknowns with them," Sally said. "Yes, they seem to be free of Sombra and Eggman's control, but...with how crafty these two are, I wouldn't put it past them to have a trick up their sleeves just in case they lose control of our friends. For now they are safest to everyone here."

"Discord and I are working on trying to get Big Mac and Shining Armor back to normal. We could also try to see if there is any dark magic left in Silver and Amy?" Fluttershy offered.

"Do that. Stay here with the others. So I know you don't want to hear this, but as of right now...Tails, Rotor, Rarity and Rainbow Dash. You're all benched until you recover," Sally ordered. "Applejack, Antoine, Bunnie, Sonic, Pinkie and myself will go after this emerald. Twilight and Fluttershy will be staying behind to make sure nothing happens here. And I'm sorry my friends, but this is for the best."

Rotor wanted to argue but said nothing while Rarity nodded in agreement, knowing she was far too out of it to help. Tails looked to Sonic, who nodded in agreement, before sighing and sitting down. Only Rainbow Dash got angry.

"What do you mean we're sitting out?" Rainbow Dash asked as she stepped forward. "Yeah, my body might be hurting and I might have an issue standing at the moment, but you need us. All of us. And even me at my worst is still better than Sombra at his best."

"Rainbow Dash."

"Twilight, the fate of so many worlds hangs in the balance. We don't have time to sit and recover. At least, I don't," Rainbow continued. "Do you really think that these two will stop because we've gotten some of our friends back? What if they come for the rest of our families? What if they come for Scootaloo, Sweetie Belle or...well, you get the idea. You need us out there."

"No. You're staying here," Twilight replied, using her royal voice. "Rainbow, I know you mean well, but you getting killed is the last thing that any of us need."

"Are you kidding me? After everything those two monsters have done to our friends and family, you're telling me to sit back and stomp my hooves? What if something happens to all of you out there? What if I'm not there to...?" Rainbow ceased her rant when an orange hoof placed itself on her shoulder.

"We'll be fine, sugarcube. Ah trust everypony on this team to get the job done with as little risk as possible," Applejack told her. "So please, trust us like we've always trusted ya."

For a moment Rainbow just stared at her before, to the surprised of everyone there, Rainbow sighed and sat down. "Fine, but I'm not happy about this."

"That ah understand completely. Ah wouldn't be happy either," Applejack agreed. She smiled at Rainbow Dash and Rainbow softly smiled back. "But don't worry. We'll be alright. That's a promise."

"Fine, fine...just come back safely. Won't be able to sit still until you're back...all of you."

"When should we head out, mon princesses?" Antoine asked.

"You head out immediately. Grab what you need and meet me over by the war table," Twilight ordered. The group nodded and began to get to work. Sonic saluted to Tails before zipping over to join Sally and Pinkie, while Applejack walked over to Rarity to check on her before heading out, and Sally received a couple of gadgets from Rotor as well as some advice.

And Rainbow Dash watched all of this while tapping her back hoof as fast as she could, hating that she couldn't go with them, couldn't help to keep them safe. She had been telling the truth to Applejack when she said she couldn't imagine losing her parents or her brother. But in her deepest nightmares her greatest fear, what she could never live with, was losing any of her friends...of losing her...and now she had to sit by while they all risked their lives.

"Do not worry. I will make sure that she stays ze safe. That all of your friends do." Rainbow glanced over her shoulder to see Antoine standing behind her, a kind smile on his face. "I will protect the ones you care for...and the one you care for slightly more."

"I...I have no idea what you're talking about," Rainbow Dash replied.

"If you say so," Antoine replied with a smile. "But I promise you, as a knight, that no harm shall come to them. Or her." Antoine winked at Rainbow before walking off to join the rest of the group, finishing off the cast.

"Antoine, what was that about?" Bunnie asked.

"Oh nothing, ma cherie. Just...comforting Rainbow Dash by promising to make sure she is reunited with those she cares about," Antoine casually replied. Bunnie looked from him to Rainbow to AJ for a moment, before realization dawned and a massive smile spread across her face. Twilight then nodded to Sally before she activated her magic, sending them all of to the next emerald.

Rainbow hated to watch them go, but knew Applejack was right. She had to trust in them, like they had always trusted in her. They were every bit the heroes she was...even Sonic. And while she would never say it aloud, Rainbow felt just a bit better with Antoine's promise.

||==O O==||

"Welcome to Eggman land, the creepiest place on Mobius," Sonic said with a mock bow. "Or I guess, above Mobius, since the whole island is floating and everything."

The group looked around at the place and found it hard to argue with Sonic's description. All around them were all the things that you would expect to find in a place like this. Rides, games, food stands...except that plastered on everything was Eggman's face and his creepy smile. Sally felt a shiver go up her spine as it felt like Eggman was always watching her. A feeling she had grown up with nearly all her life.

"Over there are the rollercoasters and death traps. Over there is the merry go round and the death traps. And surprise, it's the hall of mirrors...filled with lasers and death traps. Would recommend," Sonic continued on. He then placed a hand up to his eyes and scanned the area. "So where is this emerald hiding anyway?"

"Not sure. Scanners are having a hard time pinning it down," Sally replied. She shook the device that Rotor had given her and smiled. "Alright, we've got a location. Up ahead in the big tent. That's where it's located."

"Great, let's head on..."

Sonic stopped talking as something caught his attention. Out of the corner of his eye, he thought he had seen movement. Something moving into the hall of mirrors. Maybe it had been his eyes playing tricks on him. Or maybe it was something else.

"Sonic, what's the matter?" Pinkie asked.

"You guys go on ahead. I need to check up on something real quick," Sonic said. Before he could take a step he felt a hand on his wrist and turned to see that Sally had already grabbed him.

"Check on what?"

"Saw something go into the house of mirrors. Might be something. Might be nothing. Better check to make sure," Sonic replied.

"So you want to go in by yourself? That's risky."

"Sally, risky is what I'm all about. Besides, our goal is to get the emerald. You guys should do that while I check this out. If it's nothing, I'll catch up in a flash. If it's something, I'm the best fighter here and stand the best chance at handling it." Sally looked like she wanted to argue, but before she could Sonic placed a hand on her shoulder. "Sal, you trust me, right?"

"...yeah, I do. Alright, go ahead and check, but if this is anything, I want you to get in contact," Sally said. She handed Sonic a transmitter. "And no heroics. We already have one speedster in the hospital, the last thing we need is the two of you trapped in the same room with no way to release your pent up energy."

"Trust me. In and out. I got this," Sonic said before he rocketed off into the house of mirrors. Sally sighed as she watched him go before she motioned to the rest of her team to move out.

Sonic raced past the entrance to the house of mirrors and into the maze, looking around to find himself looking back. "Alright, I know you're in here somewhere. Are you going to come out or are you going to make me look for you."

"No need for that, Sonic. I'm right here."

Sonic spun around and found himself looking at the dark king himself.

"Sombra," Sonic snarled. He went to speak into his transmitter but found that it was gone. He shrugged his shoulders before glaring at the dark king. "So you came to face me one on one? Got to admit, I thought you were smarter than that?"

"Perhaps, but I've realized that you and I haven't really had the chance to meet. And while Robotnik got to test my speedster, I never really got to see what you were made of," Sombra replied. "And I do like to get to know my foes before I crush them into nothingness. And after Robotnik did to hype you up. He believes that you are some unstoppable force of chaos that always manages to thwart a plan, no matter how well crafted it is. I just had to see for myself."

"And you came out all by yourself just to see me? I'm flattered," Sonic said with a smirk. He then crouched down and a dangerous smile crossed his face. "And don't worry. I promise not to disappoint."

"I'm sure you won't."

Sombra blinked and then Sonic was right in front of him. Sonic raised his eyebrows at Sombra as he threw a punch...that went clean through the dark king.

And then the whole world shattered.

Author's Note:

"We shouldn't be fighting, Sonic. We should be on the same team."

"What, are you trying to get me to join you? Please, that will never happen?"

"Really? Even though we have to same enemy?"

"The same enemy...do you mean Eggman?"

"No, I mean the true enemy. The greatest villains in the multiverse."


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