• Published 18th May 2021
  • 3,692 Views, 461 Comments

Way Past Equestria - Onomonopia

The Elements of Harmony and the Freedom Fighters will have to fight together to save both of their worlds.

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The Mad Geniuses

Both villains acted in a moment.

Sombra leapt back and covered himself in a dark barrier while also created giant claws of black magic. Robotnik pressed a button on his wrist and created an energy barrier around himself. A second button press caused robots to fold out of his glasses and shoes, which hovered behind him as they aimed lasers at the pony. The two took a moment to analyze the other before both smirked.

"Impressive. To be able to conjure up such a strong barrier of magic in such a short time. You are clearly a master of magic," Robotnik said with a nod. "Even that idiot Naugus could not perform such a complex spell so quickly without an emerald. I have to admit that I am impressed."

"You consider my spells to be impressive. Please, let us talk about what is really impressive and that is your machinery," Sombra pointed out. "To be able to create such complex and destructive robots that fold out of your suit that still retrain their structural integrity would require you to be one of if not the smartest beings I've come across. I'm millennia ahead of the simpletons on my world and even I can't build those. Give yourself some credit, you're brilliant."

"Well well, someone else who appreciates genius when they see it," Robotnik said with a smile. "Perhaps we were a bit too hasty in trying to destroy one another. After all, intellect like ours is so rare, it would be a shame if we wasted it trying to destroy one another without taking a moment to learn, wouldn't it?"

"Unbelievable. Somepony who actually talks some sense. It has been so long that I forgotten what it was like," Sombra cackled. He ceased his claws, but kept up his barrier, while Robotnik recalled his robots, while also keeping up his barrier. "I apologize for my rudeness. I am King Sombra, dark king of Equestria."

"Dr. Ivo Robotnik, my equine friend, and please, call me Ivo," Robotnik said with a small bow. "Soon to be ruler of all of Mobius."

"Soon to be? With an intellect like yours you should be the god king of your world," Sombra muttered. Then his eyes narrowed. "Unless, of course, there were six or so rainbow colored idiots that constantly stand between you and your brilliance..."

"Unbelievable. Someone else who gets it," Robotnik said with a laugh. "Why yes, Sombra, I do happen to have six or so assorted "heroes" who constantly destroy my robots and foil my plans. They are a constant thorn in my side. And judging from the way you reacted, I take it you have a similar problem on your world? One of them wouldn't happen to be impossibly fast and have a an ego larger than the planet, would they?"

"You understand. You actually understand," Sombra said with disbelief. "Rainbow Dash. The egotistical pegasi would moves faster than sound and has a voice like a cheese grater in a blender. She never shuts up and never stops flying circles around me! She is so annoying!"

"They always are, aren't they?" Robotnik said with sympathy.

"But it is Twilight Sparkle, the infernal princess and leader of her merry band of pukes that is the truly infuriating one! She always thinks she's smarter than me, even though it is only thanks to her friends that she manages to best me again and again. Oh, but you should see the world like her hooves and worship her as they're savior. Feh, she could never do anything by herself. She's as useless as the rest of her royal family."

"Sombra, I know you will never believe this, but I know exactly what you are talking about," Robotnik nodded. Sombra gave him a skeptical look. "Princess Sally Acorn. Princess of Acorn and the "leader" of the Freedom Fighters. Leader? Bah, she would be nothing without that infernal Sonic the Hedgehog to rescue her and her lackeys again and again. And yet her kingdom stands as the last symbol of disrespect to my reign. They think that they've beaten me again and again, when they don't even realize I've simply left them around so that I have someone to pit my wits against when I get bored. Well, they struggle to match my wits, but you get the point."

"Oh, believe me, I do," Sombra said with a toothy grin. "Sally Acorn and Sonic, huh? What original names. Almost as bad as Rainbow Dash and Twilight Sparkle. Let me guess, one's a squirrel and the other goes fast?"

"See, you do understand! How can our genius be constantly thwarted by these idiots who can't even come up with clever names for themselves?" Robotnik asked. "I mean, Robotnik. That's a name that should inspire fear and awe upon any who hear it."

"Sombra. The dark side. Chills and fear should be all that a pony thinks when they hear my name," Sombra agreed. The two geniuses took a moment admiring their own names before they turned towards one another, massive smiles on both of their faces.

"You know Sombra, I am starting to think that it might have been fate that brought us together," Robotnik said. "Two geniuses who have to put up with a handful of idiots who only manage to best us because they have one, and only one, among them that poses a small threat. And yet they act like they are better than us."

"I am starting to think that you are right. But of course, somepony...one of your intellect would always be right, wouldn't they?" Sombra cackled. "And from hearing your story, I am starting to see the problem. See, as brilliant and amazing as we are, those pests have one thing that we don't."

"And what would that be?"

"Competent help. I take I don't need to begin to talk about the kind of allies we have had to work with, do I?"

"It's like you're reading my mind," Robotnik said, before narrowing his eyes. "You aren't doing that, are you?"

"With how in sync we are, I don't need to! Don't you get it, My dear doctor? The only reason we have lost to these pests again and again isn't because of any failing on our part! It is our minions, our robots and magical monsters, who fail us! Our plans always come undone because of one of them! Not because of a fault on our part, but by sheer incompetence on their's!"

"I would kill for some good help. I would kill for just competent help," Robotnik agreed. "But that little problem is at an end, isn't it?"

"Yes, I would say so," Sombra agreed. "Two worlds. Two geniuses. It almost seems too perfect. How about a little partnership? We help each other to be rid of the worlds pests so that we can finally be the rulers we were always meant to be?"

"I like the way you think," Robotnik agreed. "So please, allow me to start with my pests. I have already mentioned Sally Acorn. She is a tactician, if you want to call her fumbling around the most simple of tasks being tactical. But physically, she is no threat. Antoine is a swordsman and a coward. He is nothing. His wife, Bunnie, isn't much better. She's half robot, thanks to my robotocizer, but she isn't any smarter than her husband. Strong, but that's it."

"The next three are the real problems, though. Rotor is a mechanic and a fairly competent one. Nothing like moi, but Even with inventions as simple as his I appreciate him trying. Tails is another story. While again, not on my level, he is smart. There is no denying that. Smart enough that I have considered taking him under my wing once or twice. Such genius shouldn't be wasted on idiots like the Freedom Fighters."

"Of course."

"And finally...Sonic." Sombra raised an eyebrow as Robotnik's face went red and veins started to pop out on his forehead. "He is fast. He is arrogant. He is lucky. But if that's all he was, I would have beaten him years ago. But there is one, crucial thing you must know about him if we are to work together to best him. He is chaos."

"Like, a force of chaos or-"

"He is the unknown variable. The thing that will go wrong even when your math is perfect. The wrench in the machine," Robotnik seethed.

"Ah. That kind of chaos. I understand."

"No you don't. And you won't until you've faced him yourself," Robotnik corrected, regaining his composure. "But that is all the important ones. Now please, I would love to hear about the foes that cause a master of magic such as yourself so much trouble."

"I'll follow your lead and start with the throwaways. Fluttershy is a coward and weak. She is nothing. Rarity is a dressmaker who is well past her prime. Nothing worth talking about. Applejack breaks trees with her face. Amusing, but that's it. They are not worth wasting our valuable brain cells on."

"They are very valuable."

"Rainbow Dash is incredibly fast, but she's no thinker. Like a gnat buzzing around. But you've dealt with a speedster before, so she will be nothing to you. Pinkie is...odd. She is random, chaotic and...nothing she does makes any sense. But once you realize that nothing she does makes sense, you start to make sense of her. Make sense?"


"Well you'll see soon enough. And then there's Twilight." Robotnik raised an eyebrow as Sombra started to foam at the mouth. "If your Sonic is chaos, then Twilight is harmony. No matter how badly I beat her or her friends, crush their souls, or tear apart their world, she manages to bring them all back together and summon some brand new form of power or flavor of the week. She is a consistent, the variable that can be added to any formula to change it to a losing formula for me. She may have impressive magic and a calculating mind, but make no mistake, it is her ability to unify her allies that makes her so dangerous."

"Ha. How incredible is this. I've spent years fighting a force of chaos while you've spent years trying to corrupt harmony. The way the realities work," Robotnik chuckled. "It does seem you've got quite the problem with those...horses that you fight against. It's a testament to you that you're still fighting."

"And it shows your resolve that you haven't succumb to the chaos yet," Sombra smiled. "But now there are two of us here, we will make short work of those annoyances and then get to work showing our realms...no, all the realms that they belong to us."

"I like the way you think, Sombra," Robotnik said. He then reached into a coat pocket and pulled out a device. "So please, allow me to get us out of here so that we can get to work. I would love to see how my badniks would do after being enhanced by your magic."

"And I would love to see how my magical monster will do once they've been...robotocized? It is sure to be one hell of an experiment," Sombra said. His horn crackled and he punched a hole in reality with his magic just as Robotnik used his device to rip open a hole. The two looked at each others work before they shared a laugh.

"We really were meant to find each other, weren't we?" Robotnik laughed. "Now let's get to work. I can't wait to see your face when I show you the chaos emeralds. Ever seen seven gems tear apart reality?"

"Only if I can watch yours when I reveal to you the Elements of Harmony," Sombra poked back. "Because I doubt you've ever seen SIX tiaras fix all of reality. One less and even stronger."

"Oh Sombra, I am going to enjoy working with you," Robotnik said. The two combined their portals into a single, vile vortex. Robotnik placed a hand on Sombra's shoulder and the two walked into the portal, each of them smiling darkly with the thought of what horror they were going to wreck upon their foes. "So tell me something, dark king. Have you ever considered growing a mustache?"

Author's Note:


"Together we will be nigh unstoppable!" Sombra exclaimed. "But just to be safe, are you sure there aren't any other evil scientists we could call upon?"

For a brief moment Robotnik though back to a battle across dimensions, a blue, robot hero, a mad scientist with one respectable mustache and their sudden but inevitable betrayal of one another that nearly destroyed the space time continuum.

"Nope. Not a one."

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