• Published 18th May 2021
  • 3,689 Views, 461 Comments

Way Past Equestria - Onomonopia

The Elements of Harmony and the Freedom Fighters will have to fight together to save both of their worlds.

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The Sorcerer of Science

Rotor shoved Tails behind him, terrified eyes locked onto the dark magic coming off of Eggman's hands. Robotnik noticed the fear on both of the Freedom Fighters eyes, let out a laugh and let black fire burn in both of his hands as he slowly lowered his craft to the cockpit of the Sky Patrol. He then stepped out of his egg craft...and floated into the cockpit, his feet never touching the ground.

"There it is. There is the look I love seeing on the faces of you Freedom Fighters," Robotnik cackled. Rotor raised his fists and took a step towards Robotnik, but with a twist of his wrist Robotnik slammed Rotor into the ceiling and pinned him there with chains made of darkness. Then the good doctor laid his eyes upon Tails, who slowly backed away from Robotnik. "I am actually glad that the two of you are the ones that are here. Since I will be conquering the realm within the next day or so, this may be the last time I can speak to beings from my reality who can keep up with my genius. I'm exaggerating for you, Rotor."

"So come on Tails, where's the witty one liner you've been working on? Where's the secret gadget that is going to defeat me? Where is all that bravado that a boy your age shouldn't posses?" Robotnik asked Tails. Tails didn't say anything. All he continued to do was back away from Eggman while glancing around the room for something. "Ah, I think I know what it is. It's because Sonic's not here, isn't it?"

"Eggman! I swear if you harm a hair on his head...!" Rotor roared, but a snap of Eggman's fingers caused the chains to cover the walrus's mouth. Robotnik stalked towards Tails, who had backed himself into a corner of the cockpit.

"He's not coming for you, Tails. He's not going to save you," Robotnik said softly. "Because he truly doesn't care. The only reason he keeps you around is because you inflate his ego. You tell him how cool he is, how no one else can do what he does...you're the perfect little fanboy, aren't you? Always there for him. But now that you need him...where is he?"

"Don't...don't try to lie to me. Sonic has saved me on numerous different occasions!" Tails snapped back. "He's been there for me as much as I've been there for him. So I know he'll be here! He always-"

A dark blade slammed itself into the wall right next to where Tails head was, slightly clipping one of his whiskers. Tails slowly looked over at, before turning his eyes back on the smiling doctor.

"Dead," Robotnik stated. He then snapped his fingers and another knife drove itself into the wall on the other side of Tails head. "Dead again." Three more daggers all around him. "Triple kill. That was five times I could have easily killed you Tails and Sonic never showed. But please, go on about how he'll always be there for you."

Tails said nothing. He just shook.

"Do you finally get it? All that hedgehog cares about is making himself look good. He doesn't truly appreciate you," Robotnik said. Then he slowly extended a hand towards Tails. "But I do. I've seen what you've created, how your mind works and I know what a genius you are. If there was any soul on Mobius that I would ever consider on my level, it is you. So why not work with me? I have technology that you've never seen before. I can help that scientific mind of yours grow in a way those bumbling idiots could never do...maybe even help you to see your parents again."

For a moment Tails didn't respond. He closed his eyes and lowered his head, only to raise it once more with determined eyes.

"I will never work with you. You're evil and have caused so much harm to all I care about. My answer is no."

"Well, it was worth a shot," Robotnik said with a shrug. Then he grabbed Tails by the throat and lifted him into the air, his other hand burning with black magic. "But you must understand that I can't let you live. Not after how I've admitted that you are...within my wheelhouse. You are far too smart to leave on the board. Not to mention, I cannot wait to see the pure agony on Sonic's face when he realizes that he was...too slow to save you. Goodbye, Tails."

Robotnik raised his hand and aimed it right at Tails face, but Tails eyes never changed. Fearless and still full of hope. Hope in his friend. Robotnik smirked at the fox's foolishness.

Then he caught movement. He had been fighting beings with superspeed for so long that he had developed a kind of sense for when one of them was moving near him. And, for just a moment, he sensed one of them coming for him. He let go of Tails while conjuring a magic barrier around himself in the same instance, just in time to protect himself from the blur that slammed into him at supersonic speeds.

"Curse it all!" Robotnik roared as he was sent rocketing out of the Sky Patrol. He whistled and his egg craft landed beneath him, catching before he could start to fall.

Tails hadn't even begun to fall before a blur of motion grabbed him, shattered the chains that were holding Rotor, and rocketed both of them onto the top of the Sky Patrol. Tails had barely touched the surface of the Sky Patrol before he spun around and tackle hugged his savior.

"I knew he was wrong about you, Sonic! I knew that you would save me again!" Tails exclaimed gleefully.

"Um, glad that I saved you kid, but I'm not Sonic."

Tails eyes snapped open and he looked up at who had saved him. She had a rainbow mane, wings on her back and a rainbow lightning bolt coming out of a cloud on her flank. A pegasi, Tails realized. But despite this pony being a total stranger to him, the heroic smirk of confidence that she wore brought a sense of peace to Tails.

"Oh. Well thanks for saving me anyway," Tails replied. "I'm Tails. Who are you?"

"Call me Rainbow Dash. And don't worry," she began before turning to face Robotnik. "I'll deal with this."

"Feh, Rainbow Dash. Sombra told me about you," Robotnik snarled. "Hmph, you are fast, but you are nothing that I haven't already dealt with. So how about we save everyone here a lot of time and have you all just-" Dash appeared right in Robotnik's face. The doc had just enough time to process that before a hoof slammed into the side of his head, snapping his head to the side and knocking him right out of his carrier.

"Wha-?" Robotnik barely managed to get out before Rainbow Dash was on him once more. He crossed his arms and covered himself in a magic barrier, just in time before Rainbow Dash started her assault. She was a blur of speed and power, bombarding the doctor from all sides. He tried to keep up with her, but found himself unable to. After a few frustrating seconds of trying to keep up with her he let out a roar and hurled his arms to the side, creating a blast of darkness that pushed back the mare.

"Hmm. Forgive me, I lost my composure there for a moment," Robotnik stated. He pushed up his glasses before pressing a button on his wrist. His egg carrier began to fold and expand, until it was the shape of a metal lion. Robotnik floated over to the lion and entered the command center, his smile growing wider as the beast came to life. "Now then, how about we try this again?!"

"Oh look, a giant kitty. How terrifying," Rainbow said with a smirk. She zipped towards the robot and prepared to hurl another punch, only to snap back as the cat spun to her and slashed at where she had been a moment before.

"Foolish pony. While you may have been able to handle my admittedly beginner magic skills, this is where I am truly at my best. Each and every machine I have built has been designed to kill a being much faster than you! What chance do you possibly have?!"

"Faster than me? I'll believe it when I see it," Rainbow replied. She crouched down, cracked her neck and let a smile cross her face. "But now you've gone and called out my ego. Can't let that slide. So let's go, tin man. Me and you."

Rainbow was on him in an instant, unleashing a flurry of blows onto the side of the machines head. Eggman activated the counter maneuvers and the lion began to slash and bite at her, with Rainbow just managing to avoid each of his attacks. She flew back and skidded to a halt along the ground, narrowing her eyes as she prepared her next attack. Eggman smiled maliciously before he pressed a button, causing the lion to roar before it shot out a blast of electricity along the ground. The entire ground around the lion became electrified, giving Rainbow nowhere to approach from.

Eggman laughed at the mare, about to dare her to try to get to him...only for the lion's head to be snapped to the side as she delivered a diving kick to the side of its head. Robotnik shook his head as he tried to figure out how she had gotten around his trap that even Sonic couldn't get around...before his eyes narrowed on her wings.

"So that's what you have over Sonic," he muttered. Then a light started flashing on his wrist and he pressed a button, looking down at a screen for a moment before a smirk crossed his face. "That will be enough for today, my rainbow maned menace. Be thankful that I have matters in other places that need my full attention. But know that the next time we meet, you will not be so lucky."

"Huh, did you say something?" Rainbow Dash asked. "I dozed off for like, half of that fight. You gotta try doing something more impressive than that slow hunk of junk. It's really a bore to fight."

Robotnik bit back his response before he activated the lions jet boosters, taking to the sky and flying away. Rainbow Dash watched him go, waiting until he was completely out of sight before she flew back to where Tails and Rotor were. "You two alright?" she asked as she landed.

"Yeah, thanks to you," Rotor said. "We would have been done for had you not showed up. I'm Rotor."

"Rainbow Dash. Fastest flier in Equestria."

"Well after that performance I have no reason to doubt you," Rotor said as he extended a hand. "Thanks for saving us."

"Anytime. Saving others is what I do," Rainbow replied as she shook his hand.

"That was so cool!" Tails exclaimed. He raced up to Rainbow Dash with stars in his eyes as he gazed over her wings. "The way you flew! How fast you could move! Your skill and grace in the air! You move so fast, but you hit so hard too! It was incredible!"

"Well, I am pretty amazing, but please go on," Rainbow smirked.

"It's been a long time since I've seen Eggman get backed into a corner like that. You really caught him off guard, even though he's used to fighting people as fast as you," Tails continued on.

"Wait. As fast as me?"

"Or faster, it's been a while since we've clocked him," Tails replied.

"Alright Tails, that's enough. We need to start repairing the Sky Patrol, see if maybe we can get communications back on or something," Rotor said. He then looked to Dash. "You're welcome to stick around if you want. Honestly, I would feel a lot safer having you around with us. We can talk while we work. I have a feeling we aren't on Mobius anymore and I would love to listen to what you can tell us about this place."

Tails and Rotor turned and walked into the Sky Patrol, staring to work on their computers and communications. Dash simply stood and stared at the two, trying to process what she had just been told.

"Wait a moment. Faster?"

Author's Note:

"Rainbow Dash, Sonic, how many fast animals are there in the multiverse to annoy me? Let's see...google. Type in Speedsters. Here we go."

"There's Rainbow Dash...Speedy?...The Roadrunner?...there's Sonic...wait, who the heck is the Flash? And click...ah. Wow that's fast. And there are seven of them? No thank you. I may be mad, but I'm no idiot. I'll just stay here and handle my ONE super fast opponent, thank you very much."

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