• Published 18th May 2021
  • 3,692 Views, 461 Comments

Way Past Equestria - Onomonopia

The Elements of Harmony and the Freedom Fighters will have to fight together to save both of their worlds.

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All Powerful

"Sonic? Come in Sonic? Comms dead," Tails said.

"Hmph, probably broke it," Shadow guessed.

"Should we go in after them?" Rarity asked.

"Give him a moment. Sonic likes to mess around with Eggman whenever they fight, so they're probably getting their pre-fight banter out of the way," Sally suggested.

"Well let's hope they finish it up soon," Twilight said. She then looked behind her to see all of their allies gathered around the head of the Atlas. "Because those two have a lot of people and ponies who want a crack at them and the line is getting long."

"Don't worry, any second I'm sure Sonic will come running out of there with-"

Sally never got to finish her sentence, because a certain blue hedgehog came crashing out of the Atlas and cut her off. Sonic bounced across the ground and skidded to a halt at Twilight's hooves, getting her and everyone else to look up as a metallic nightmare came walking out of the Atlas's head. It was a mix between Mogul and the Storm King, with the Master Emerald and the Tree of Harmony in the center of the being. And despite being much smaller than the Atlas, it still towered over everyone else.

"Hello, worms," the voice of Sombra and Eggman said in unison.

"Sombra? Eggman? What...what is that?" Twilight asked.

"This? Oh dear Twilight, this is your end. A combination of your two second greatest foes," Sombra answered. "Fused together, roboticized and filled with the combined powers of chaos and harmony. This...is the true magnum opus. This will be the end of you all. Don't believe us? Ask her."

As they said this, the Master King tossed a broken Fluttershy to Twilight, who caught the mare with her magic. Fluttershy seemed to be on death's door, forcing Twilight to use every healing spell she knew to try to help her.

"Sonic, are you alright?" Sally asked.

"Don't know. Are there supposed to be four of you?" Sonic asked.

"Fluttershy? Fluttershy, talk to me," Twilight whispered.

"I'm...not okay. But I'm alive," she weakly replied. Twilight helped Fluttershy back up before glaring at the Master King. All of her and Sally's allies gathered around the two of them, glaring down the masterpiece of their respective villains.

"Just one more, everyone! Just one more machine created by our foes and then we can save our worlds! We can do this! We can win!" Sally roared. Her allies roared in unison. "Now let's tear this disasterpiece apart!"

All of the heroes from both Mobius and Equestria charged, flew and raced towards the Master King, swarming it from all sides.

"They actually believe they have a chance."

"That they do. What fools."

The Master King fired a blast of magic out of its hands that tore Lune and Celestia out of the sky, dropping their smoking bodies to the ground. It swung around and fired off a kick that shattered Amy's hammer, before it slammed its foot into the ground to create a shockwave that blew back most of the ground fighters. Lightning lanced out of its shoulder and knocked Bunnie, Tails, Twilight, and Omega out of the sky. It then raised a single hand and darkness shot out to swallow all those that were unfortunate enough to be grounded.

Luckily for the heroes, they were all teleported out of the way by Cadence, who then charged towards the Master King like a bat out of hell. She slammed her full magical might into the master, who met her power with its own.

"I'm glad that you have this machine, Sombra. Because I want to watch the hope drain from your eyes as I tear it apart limb from limb! I want you in your final moments to know that there is nothing that can save you from me!" Cadence roared.

"Geez, Cadence. What did I do to make you so angry at me? From the way you're screaming you make it sound like I murdered your foal," Sombra asked. Then a devilish smile crossed his face. "Don't worry, I haven't gotten to that on my list yet. I'll kill her after I kill you."

If it was even possible, Cadence's fury exploded even further and with a screech of rage she unleashed all her power at Sombra. But her rage blinded her and she didn't see the darkness welling up in the Master King's hand until it was too late. The blast caught her square in the chest and sent her tumbling back. Her rage allowed her to get back up to her hooves despite the pain, but when she looked down at herself, the rage turned to confusion. Because from where she was shot, black crystals were expanding all over her body. She barely had time to glare at Sombra before she was completely consumed, leaving her like a statue.

"Karma's a bitch, ain't it?" Sombra asked the horrified heroes. "You all love trapping your villains in stone, or the moon, or in hell. So Robotnik and I came up with our own little place to trap you. These dark crystals will consume every last of magic within you slowly, painfully, and then, only after they have drained you for all they are worth, will they finally kill you. Seems fitting, doesn't it?"

"Everyone, avoid the lasers!" Sally ordered, but the villains were already in motion. Two beams of darkness caught Celestia and Luna, consuming them in crystals within seconds. Twilight constructed a barrier of magic around most of her friends, but the Master Emerald cut off her shield from those behind the Master King. The machine spun and fired into the chest of Knuckles, who tried to race towards the machine before he too was crystal.

"Speedsters, get everyone back!" Twilight ordered.

In the blinks of an eye, Sonic, Rainbow Dash and Shadow got to work. Sonic grabbed Tails and Sally, Rainbow grabbed Applejack and Shadow grabbed Rarity and Fluttershy. The Master King aimed towards Rotor and fired, but Bunnie intercepted with her shield. Yet to her horror, the dark crystal began to spread along the energy crystal and quickly worked its way up her arm.

A blade flashed and Bunnie cried out in pain as Antoine sliced off her arm just below the shoulder, before pulling his wife back as her arm was completely consumed in the dark crystals.

"Now that's a husband!" Sombra laughed as he focused his full attention on Antoine. "Antoine. You constantly find new ways to surprise me. Even though I am about to kill you, I must admit that I am glad to have met you. You have been a constant source of entertainment."

Antoine placed himself between him and Bunnie as the Master King took aim at him, but before it could fire beams of purple light rained down from the heavens and bombarded the Master, giving Sonic and Shadow time to zip in and get Bunnie, Antoine and Rotor out of the way. The Master King turned towards Twilight, who was glaring down at it from above with her Element blazing on her head.

"Twilight. It's always you. You're always the final thorn in my side," Sombra snarled. "But today it ends. Today I finally kick the princesses off their throne and place the rightful ruler of Equestria on the throne. Enjoy your final moments, Twilight, because it all ends today."

"You're right, Sombra, it does end today. It ends with you being erased once and for all," Twilight promised as her horn glowed.

"I admire your optimism pony, but you can't beat us," Eggman chuckled. "Actually, I remember you saying something when you fought Silver all those weeks ago. About how you move stars? Well then, I hope you're ready, pony...because you're about to become the silver medal at something else."

The Master King put its hands together and then slowly pulled them back, creating its very own star in the center. Twilight's eyes went wide as the villains let out a laugh, before they hurled the star towards Twilight. She threw up a barrier, which shattered as the sun exploded in her face. Only her Element saved her life as she was sent hurling backwards, crashing hard into the ground. Rainbow and Pinkie were at her side in an instant, with the rest of her friends racing to her side.

"Still alive? Impressive. That crown is more than a fashion statement, isn't it?" Eggman asked. "But now let's see if you can survive another-"

The Master King staggered forward as something kicked it in the back of the head, getting the machine to spin to see Shadow hurling spears at it. It raised a hand and erased the spears, before firing dark beams of magic at the hedgehog.

"I owe you both a beating for what you both did to me. And it's time to make you both pay," Shadow seethed.

"Shadow. I'm so glad that you're dumb enough to face us alone. You took the greatest victory from me. Now I'll take everything from you!" Sombra roared. The Master King unleashed all of its firepower upon Shadow, who zipped and weaved around the machine, throwing spears at it while trying to find a weak point. Then the Master King snapped it's fingers...and time slowed to a crawl for a brief moment. And in that moment, it moved in front of Shadow and aimed right at his head. Time resumed, Shadow looked up to realize that somehow the Master King was in front of him...before he was shot right in the head.

"Shadow!" the heroes cried out. Shadow collapsed to the ground, quickly being consumed by the dark crystals. The Master King raised a foot over the crystalized Shadow and stomped down, only to blink and find that they had missed. They looked over their shoulder to see that Sonic had moved Shadow out of the way, and was now glaring at the villains over his shoulder.

"That's enough," Sonic decreed. "You've hurt enough of my friendd. The both of you have. This ends now. Sally?"

Sally tossed a briefcase to Sonic, who caught, open and removed the contents from within it in the blink of an eye. The seven chaos emeralds began to circle around the hedgehog, infusing him with all of their power.

"Do you really think we wouldn't be ready for this? Take this!" the two villains roared in unison. They fired a blast of energy towards the hedgehog, only to watch in amazement as six ponies came together to create a barrier of magic that deflected the shot. With a roar Sonic's body turned golden and he floated off the ground, flanked by the six Elements of Harmony. Chaos and Harmony, standing side by side.

"Sonic is right. Eggman. Sombra. The two of you have wrought an immeasurable amount of chaos, death and destruction across both of our worlds. Today is the day you pay for your crimes," Twilight snarled. "For ruining our worlds."

"For trying to kill our familes," Applejack added.

"For hurting those we love," Rainbow snarled.

"For attacking those that sought to help you," Fluttershy whispered.

"For tearing apart friendships," Pinkie growled.

"For crushing those you thought were weak," Rarity sneered.

"You're going to pay. And it's going to feel great," Sonic finished.

"Well then what are all of you waiting for?" Eggman and Sombra asked in unison.

"Bring it."

Author's Note:

"Oh come on, why would the Author cut it there?"

"Because when there's a super awesome mega battle coming up, you want to make the build up to it amazing, but brief. Too much build up can be a bad thing."

"Really? Name one time when there was too much buildup?"

"How about when they spend seven episodes reaching their ultimate forms while screaming to whole time?"

"How dare you slander the classics."

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