• Published 18th May 2021
  • 3,692 Views, 461 Comments

Way Past Equestria - Onomonopia

The Elements of Harmony and the Freedom Fighters will have to fight together to save both of their worlds.

  • ...

The End is Never the End

Twilight stood alone on her castles balcony, staring out over her land. Or at least, what was now half of her land. Half a land that she had known all her life. Half a land that was foreign and from another reality. She had thought at first that it would take centuries for the two halves to learn to live and work together. In reality, it had taken a year. Even to this day, she sometimes underestimated the power of friendship.

"It's really been a year, hasn't it?" a voice said. Twilight glanced over her shoulder to see Sally walking up beside Twilight. Sally placed her hands on the railing and joined Twilight in looking over the year. "Hard to imagine that it's gone by so quick."

"There's been a lot to do. Time flies when you're busy," Twilight replied. Sally nodded in agreement. "How goes your work in the southern hemisphere? Any issues with reestablishing your kingdom down there or trouble with integrating ponies into your kingdom?"

"No, in fact, I think my dad and brother are glad that the monarchy is gone," Sally replied. "We're still the royal family, but the council is now the ones who make the decisions. It's better this way."

"I agree. Decisions are put to a vote and you still get to keep your title as princess. Win-win," Twilight said. Sally smirked at her. "Any more issues with Nicole?"

"She's back to ninety percent. She...will probably never be one hundred percent, but she's Nicole...and that's miracle enough for me," Sally softly said. "How's that student of yours doing?"

"Ugh, she never stops questioning everything I say. Why do I have to do this? Why shouldn't I chew on that? What do you mean I shouldn't use a metal umbrella in a thunderstorm?" Twilight grumbled, slamming her head into the railing. "If I was this bad when I was Celestia's student, then the universe is definitely making me understand how she felt."

"Yeah, Celestia..." Sally whispered. The two went quiet for a moment as they both looked towards the city square, where a statue of solid gold stood tall. A statue of the heroes of their world. Silver, Blaze, Omega, Amy, Knuckles, Tails, Shining Armor, Celestia, Luna, Big Mac, Cadence and of course Sonic. Those who gave everything to save their combined worlds. "It's been a year since we lost all of them."

"Since they saved us all," Twilight corrected and Sally nodded. "I haven't checked in with everypony in a while. How's Rotor?"

Sally's silence answered for her.

"I'll go check on him. Think you can cover for me while I'm gone?" Twilight asked.

"Of course. What are friends for?"

||==O O==||

Twilight found Rotor where he always was. A small bar in a small town in the middle of nowhere. The hero had a scruffy beard now and looked like he hadn't slept in a long time. He was the only patron in the bar. Twilight pulled up a stool next to him and sat down. He barely registered her arrival.

"Princess," was all he said.

"Hey Rotor, it's been a while," Twilight said softly. "I came here hoping...that I wouldn't find you here."

"Why? This is where I always am," Rotor said.

"I know, but...I know you've heard this before, but you can't blame yourself. We were all willing to do whatever it took to save our worlds. Some of our friends...just did it better than us."

"I know that."

"And so you would know that...it's not your fault...Tails wasn't your fault," Twilight whispered. Rotor took a long drink before answering.

"Course I know that he wasn't my fault. Eggman was responsible. Always is. That doesn't change anything. It should have been me," Rotor whispered.

"We...we can't think like that," Twilight replied. "If I could trade my life for all of theirs, I would, but...we can only make do with what we've got. And we're the ones who are here. So we have to build the future they would have wanted."

"Hmm," was all Rotor said as he took another swig. "Why are you here, Twilight? Got a job for me?"

"I came here to check on a friend."

"...yeah, you would. And I'm grateful. But you also have something for me?"

"I do. It's a big job and one that I can only trust to the greatest-"

"Second greatest."

"...second greatest inventor of all time," Twilight corrected. "Please, this could be key in improving lives all over Neo Equis. I need your help."

Rotor glanced at her for a moment before he finished off his drink. He stared at the bottom of his glass for a long moment before he rose to his feet, Twilight doing the same.

"You're lucky. Had you just shown up to check on me, I would have just stayed here. But you brought something I just can't resist."

"And what's that?"

"A chance to help."

||==O O==||

"...and you're good. Thanks for helping, Bunnie," Rotor said.

"No prob, sug," Bunnie said as she floated back and looked at her handiwork. A massive antenna ascended into the sky, its purpose to allow beings all over the planet to instantly to connect to one another. It was something they had long since had in the old world, but had been lost in the merger. She was happy to be able to help bring the world together again. Bunnie flew down next to Rotor, who was going over the schematics.

"Are ya doing okay, sugar?" Bunnie asked.

"I'm fine. Just making sure everything's working before I head off to the next project," Rotor replied.

"Ya know that's not what ah meant."

"Work keeps me busy. Busy keeps me from going back to the bar. And being busy means the world is getting helped. It's...a life worth living," Rotor replied. He sighed and looked off into the distance. "And it's what Tails would want me to do."

"He would be proud of ya," Bunnie said.

"I can only hope. Why are you still here? Don't you have a family to go back to?" Rotor asked. "Go on, get out of here."

Bunnie smiled before she took to the skies, rocketing across the land of Neo Equis faster than sound. Within minutes she spied her home, a small but nice cottage not far from the nearby town. She landed with a thud before opening the door, a smile spreading across her face when she heard a small shriek.

"Ah'm home!" she sang as she entered.

"Welcome back, ma cherie," Anotine said from behind the counter. "You are home early."

"Rotor's a genius and managed to get us done well ahead of schedule," Bunnie said before staring to look around. "And ah couldn't stay away fer too long. Now where's mah little filly?"

A blur shot out from a back room and tackled into Bunnie, who giggled as she spun around and clutched the little alicorn tight. Bunnie held out Flurry Heart and smiled at the foal, who was waving her arms at Bunnie with a smile on her face.

"Mama," Flurry managed to say.

"Aw, this is the best part of coming home," Bunnie said as she hugged Flurry again. Antoine walked over from the kitchen and wrapped an arm around Bunnie. "How was yer day, sugar-Twan?"

"Not much happened. Rainbow Dash wants to speak with me tomorrow, so that should be fun," Antoine said. Before Bunnie could ask why, one red and one yellow robot came racing out of the back, heads literally swiveling around.

"I am so sorry, she is supposed to be down for her nappy," Orbot said.

"But we fell asleep and she got by us. Sorry," Cubot added.

"It's all good," Bunnie replied. She nuzzled Flurry Heart before leaning into Antoine, letting out the happiest sigh she had ever sighed.

"In fact. It's perfect."

||==O O==||

Antoine found Rainbow Dash sitting at the top of a small hill, staring up at the sky. He walked over beside her but didn't say anything. He didn't need to. He could tell from the look on her face that the mare was worried about something and it was serious. She had bags under her eyes, she was breathing funnily and he had never seen someone chew on their lip like that.

"Nervous?" he finally asked.

"Petrified?" Rainbow replied.

"You have nothing to worry about. It will go perfectly," Anotine comforted.

"I know that. And yet I still worry," Rainbow replied.

"Well, I can understand that," Antoine agreed with a smile. "But trust me. It will be amazing."

"I hope so. How's the family?"

"Doing well. Flurry is growing fast and she's learning spells faster than language. I feel bad for Orbot and Cubot," Antoine said before a small smile crossed his face. "And yet, Bunnie wants another."

"Really? She said so?"

"She has been hinting. And I suppose I do not blame her," Antoine said before smiling at Rainbow Dash. "Now how about we go over it one more time? Better safe than sorry."

||==O O==||

Applejack sighed as she placed the apple on her brothers gave, giving it one last bitter smile before she walked off. It had been over a year ago, but the pain was as fresh as the day it had happened. She missed everything about him. His voice, his laugh, just his presence...she missed her brother. The only comfort for Applejack was the rainbow maned pegasus waiting for her at the cemetery entrance.

Rainbow didn't say anything as Applejack exited, she just placed a wing over AJ's shoulder and pulled her close. Applejack leaned into Rainbow Dash and smiled softly. Over a year ago Applejack had thought that this was just a fantasy. Now everyday her fantasy was reality. Good with the bad.

"Something the matter?" Applejack asked.

"What do you mean?" Rainbow said quickly.

"Yer breathing heavily, yer shaking slightly and yer looking everywhere but at me," Applejack said. Dash laughed nervously before looking away. "Come on, talk to me. What's the matter?"

"It's...it's not that something's the matter, it just that...this isn't the time to talk about this. Come on, we should head back to the farm and make sure Applebloom hasn't burned it down."

"Rainbow, talk to me," Applejack said. When Rainbow didn't answer, Applejack planted herself and gave Rainbow a look. "Rainbow, ah'm not going any further until ya tell me what's wrong."

"It's...it's not that anything's wrong, it's just that...argh, can we talk later?"


"Grr, it's...it's not that anything is wrong, it's just...I have...a question...to ask you..." Dash barely managed to get out.

"A question?" Applejack asked. Then the tiniest smile spread across Applejacks face. "Well go ahead. Ask away."

"Here? Right now? On this dusty path?" Rainbow asked.

"Here, home, a fancy restaurant...don't worry, Rainbow. Mah answer will be the same.

||==O O==||

Rarity hummed to herself as she put on the finishing touches of a fancy, black and red suit that she had been working on in secrets for weeks. A suit that she was certain the being it was tailored for would hate it. But she didn't care. The thought of them in the suit was enough to give it a chance. A ringing bell snapped her out of her thoughts and she turned to see Applejack entering the Boutique.

"Applejack! Darling!" Rarity said as she rushed over to her friend. The two shared a hug before Rarity stepped back. "I haven't seen you in ages! What brings you to my home?"

"What, ah can't just stop by to see mah friend?" Applejack asked.

"Of course you can, but I know you dear. You wouldn't be here without reason," Rarity said. "So what is it? Need a work suit? Some heavy duty horseshoes? Perhaps a little something added to your hat?"

"No, what ah need is...a dress," Applejack admitted. Rarity raised an eyebrow and Applejack blushed. "A...wedding...dress..."

Rarity's brain ticked along with the clock on the wall for a few seconds before the widest smile she'd ever smiled crossed her face and she let out a shriek so loud that the entire town shook. The door to the boutique exploded and Shadow hurled himself inside, pair of guns raised as he looked around the room.

"Rarity, are you alright?! I heard you scream and-"

Shadow was cut off mid-sentence as Rarity tackled him, swinging him around happily.

"Shadow, it is so wonderful! Rainbow Dash and Applejack are finally getting married!" Rarity exclaimed. She let him go and danced around happily. "Oh, I have so much to do now! Because if you need a dress then Rainbow is going to need a dress and agh!"

"Oh...that's what it was," Shadow sighed with relief as he holstered his guns. He then looked to Applejack. "Congrats."

"Thanks," Applejack smirked. For a moment the pair watched as Rarity tore around the boutique before AJ had to ask. "So, how are things between you and Rarity?"

"Fine," Shadow replied. Then he raised an eyebrow at her. "Why?"

"Oh no reason," AJ said with an innocent smile. Shadow narrowed his eyes.

||==O O==||


"Present!" Pinkie sang. Pinkie looked towards the entrance to see that Rarity had ripped the door off its hinges and had flung herself towards the counter, her mane telling Pinkie she was in for a doozy.

"Pinkie, I need your help. The wedding is tomorrow and things still aren't ready. Please tell me that the wedding cake will be done!"

"Let me check. Oh Cheese!"

"Yes my love?" Cheese asked as he head stretched around the corner.

"How's the cake for the lovebirds coming?" Pinkie asked.

"Are you talking about theirs? Or ours?" Cheese asked with an eyebrow wiggle as he pulled out a small, heart shaped cake with Pinkie's name on it.

"Oh you. The cake for Applejack and Rainbow, silly," Pinkie giggled.

"Completely finished," Cheese said, before an explosion went off behind him. "Practically finished. One moment."

Cheese returned to the back, getting Pinkie to smile as she turned back to face Rarity, who was giving her a smile. "What?"

"Oh nothing. Pretty soon we might be having to plan a wedding party for you," Rarity said.

"Really? Oh, I would love to plan my own surprise wedding!" Pinkie said, then thought about it. "Wait, how could I plan my own surprise wedding if I already know about it? Hmm."

"Love just seems to be in the air. Rainbow Dash and Applejack. You and Cheese. Fluttershy and Discord."

"You and Shadow," Pinkie giggled, her giggle turning into full on laughter as Rarity stammered and looked around while smiling.

"What? No, there's-there's nothing there. We're friends," Rarity said in the least convincing voice Pinkie had ever heard.

"If you say so," Pinkie replied. Then another explosion happened behind her and she whistled. "Cake's done!"

||==O O==||

Fluttershy couldn't remember the last time she had felt this happy. All of her friends gathered together, not for a fight to save the world or to battle evil. Just to be happy. The wedding party was going off without a hitch and considering Discord was there, that was saying something. Her and her friends, from both world. They had laughed, the had sang, they had cried when the vows were spoken. And Fluttershy loved every moment of it.

But at the moment she sat at a table by herself as Rainbow and Applejack danced alone on the dance floor. This was their dance and Fluttershy knew nopony would dare to ruin it. Not even Discord.

"So how is everything?"

Fluttershy looked to her side to see Pinkie sitting next to her, clearly stressed.

"The party is wonderful, Pinkie. You should be proud," Fluttershy said.

"Are you sure? Because the ice cream was melted a bit, the ice sculpture was nearly punted out the window, and when Rarity nearly hospitalized that one mare trying to catch the bouquet..."

"It's an amazing party. You and Cheese have done incredible. So just take a moment to relax and enjoy your hoofwork, Fluttershy said. Pinkie tried to say something, but Fluttershy turned the mare's head to where Applejack and Rainbow were, with only absolute bliss on both of their faces as the two danced. "You've made them incredibly happy. And you've made this day perfect."

"Yeah, I guess we did," Pinkie said before she passed out on the table. Fluttershy caught her head so it wouldn't disturb the dance before looking over at Discord, who had appeared on her other side. "Thank you for being on your best behavior."

"Yeah well, while I love nothing more than to crash a wedding, this one...is special," Discord sighed.

"I miss them too," Fluttershy said, practically reading his mind.

"Celestia always cried at weddings. She couldn't help it. Luna would sometimes help me crash them. And then Celestia would make us cry," Discord chuckled. "It's so hard to think of them...all they've missed..."

"Then let's not. Just for today," Fluttershy said. The dance finished and the wedded couple left the dance floor, letting everypony else on. A funky song began to play and Pinkie materialized with Cheese, while Antoine and Bunnie walked on while giggling. Fluttershy watched as Rarity tried to hint at Shadow to dance with her, but either he was dense or having none of it. She guessed both. Applejack said something to Shadow and whatever it was resulted in Shadow grabbing Rarity by the hoof, taking her to the dance floor, and dipping the mare. Rarity looked like she would die from delight.

Then Twilight appeared in the middle with a huge smile on her face.

"Well, there goes the dance floor," Discord chuckled before glancing at Fluttershy. "How about you? Gonna dance?"

"Oh heavens no. I can't go out there. Too many eyes," Fluttershy said.

"That's fine. You mind if I keep you company?" Discord asked.

"I would like that very much."

||==O O==||

Fluttershy found Sally where she always found Sally. On the roof of the castle looking up at the stars. Aside from a nod, Sally didn't move as Fluttershy sat down next to her. Fluttershy looked up at the stars with her, watching the majesty of the universe swirling overhead.

"We take it for granted, don't we?" Fluttershy asked.

"That we do. The fact that everything just...works when so much could go wrong," Sally agreed. "Sorry, I'm still tired from the wedding."

"That was a week ago."

"Yeah, and it was one crazy night," Sally said.

"Oh now I remember, you had way to much to drink and ended up nearly getting into a fight with the castle," Fluttershy giggled.

"Please stop. I still can't show my face around Applejack or Rainbow Dash," Sally groaned.

"For what it's worth, I believe you could have taken the castle," Fluttershy said. Sally groaned and hid her head in her arms, but Fluttershy could see the smile. "You still miss him?"

"I miss all of them. They were some of my closest friends. And Sonic, there was so much history," Sally sighed. "I've tried to move on, to focus on helping, but...when I'm alone...I hear their voices. I miss them."

"I know. I know," Fluttershy nodded. "But their sacrifice wasn't in vain. All of our villains are gone. The worlds are perfectly balanced. Our races living in harmony. They brought peace. He brought peace to two worlds."

"He always said he would. I just always assumed he would be here to see it," Sally sighed.

"Well, he might not be here, but maybe he's out there somewhere," Fluttershy suggested. Sally gave her a look. "I mean, you've told me some of the stories that you and your friends have been through. How would Sonic surviving this be any different?"

"...maybe you're right," Sally said. "Maybe he is out there."

"Maybe. I'm going to head back in. Rainbow's almost done telling her "scary" story and I need to go wake the others up," Fluttershy said. "You going to be alright?"


Fluttershy left, leaving Sally alone. Until Nicole appeared next to Sally.

"Do you think she might be right?" Nicole asked. "Think Sonic might still be out there?"

"I wouldn't be surprised. He's survived way worse," Sally said. "But if he is out there, I'm just wondering what's taking him so long in getting back."

"Yeah. He shouldn't leave you alone like this," Nicole said.

"But I'm not alone. I have my kingdom. I have my friends. And I have you," Sally said as she placed a hand over Nicole's. "And that's all I've ever needed. So I'll be here when Sonic gets back. And we'll see what excuse he comes up with for being late this time."

"Alien invasion. It's always that."

"I'm betting parallel reality. That's always possibility."

||==O O==||

There was nothing else he could ask for. A beautiful day, a soft breeze and a nice hill far away from everything. With nothing but the sound of the wind. A hedgehog couldn't ask for anything more. Everything was nice and peaceful.


"I should have guessed," Sonic said with a wry smile as he opened his eyes. Tails was floating above him, a look of concern on his face. Next to him was Tangle, who was bounded around nervously. "Alright, what's the crisis?"

"Eggman is attacking with some kind of super condor! He's already torched one city and is on his way to the next!" Tangle said. "Come on, they need heroes and we're heroes, so let's go!"

"Alright, alright," Sonic said as he stood up. "Where does Amy want me?"

"Knuckles, Silver and Blaze are dealing with Central City. Shadow and the Chaotix are fighting in the wave zone. That leaves the Northern Tundra for us."

"Ice. Great. This is what I get for putting off those ice skating lessons," Sonic joked as he stretched out his legs. "Alright team, on your mark, get set..."

"Hold your horses, Sonic. First we gotta..."

Sonic didn't hear the rest of what Tails said. Horses. Why did that make him feel...nostalgic? Like he was thinking of an old friend he couldn't remember? All he had were the faintest memories, like a dream, of harmony, magic, chaos...and a squirrel...whose name he couldn't remember.


Sonic shook his head and gave Tails a thumbs up.

"Sorry buddy, brain sometimes doesn't move as fast as my legs. Come on," he said before rocketing off towards the danger.

"Let's go save the world!"

Author's Note:


In all seriousness, thank you to everyone who stuck through this monster of a story. Let me tell you all when I started this I did not mean for it to be a 64 chapter epic. But I have a deep love for the Archie Sonic series, flawed and weird as it can be, and I wanted to make sure I did it justice in this homage. So while it did go on for a long time, this is some of the most fun I've had doing a story in a long time, and I hope you all had as much fun with me. I just wanted to give some of my fav characters in the sonic series who don't get much notice a chance to shine, and have some fun with Equestria while I'm at it. Thanks again.

If you have any questions or things weren't made clear, feel free to ask. Even I lost track of a few things at times. As for the next story, there is a fan of mine who asked me for this next story and it's time I finally kept my promise. Starfox.

Fox McCloud.
Falco Lombard.
Slippy Toad.
Peppy Hare.

And a new, Equestrian pilot who is out of her depth, away from home and brought into a conspiracy that has the potential to tear apart the Lylat system. So another Tuesday for these guys. See you next time.

Comments ( 24 )

Wow. You actually went there. You delivered a powerful punch to the gut with keeping the characters "dead", and yet somehow managed to weave their "resurrections" perfectly into the new IDW canon. I didn't see that coming, and I salute thee. :rainbowdetermined2: But I also rage at thee, which means you did well. :flutterrage:

A beautiful, yet bittersweet ending to an overall amazing story. There were ups and downs, and things I think I would've done differently, but it's not my story, isn't it? It was always yours, and you wrote it the way you wanted to, and you had fun, so that's all that matters. The humor was great, the characterization was almost perfect, and the romance side-plots were adorable. My favorites have to be Discord and Fluttershy (because it's my OTP anyway) and Rarity and Shadow; they're perfect for each other and don't realize it yet. :raritywink:

Obviously you want to get some other stories out of the way first (speaking of which, Star Fox, ALL MY YES, I LOVE THOSE GUYS!), but someday I wonder if it'll be possible to return to this "Neo Equis". Someday...

But I'm rambling. Enjoy your newfound freedom, and I'll see you in the Lylat System! (Let's hope it takes place after Assault and not Command...Command was awful...)

I'm just going to throw this right here. I do have a question: Why leave Flurry with Ant and Bunnie? Not that they wouldn't be good parents. I thought Twilight would raise her.

Couple reasons for that. Ant and Bunnie were thinking about kids, so they'd be the first to volunteer and are probably the most mature out of the two teams. Twilight has two worlds merged into one to deal with, so she's uber busy.

so it finaly comes to an end. only question now is ............ will sonic make a come back to them?:fluttershysad:

Raises an alcoholic drink for Sonic. He rebooted into the IDW Sonic but made sure to save his friends. Now the question is who will be sent to Star Fox?

Aaah I didn't even realize what you were doing with killing off all the "classic" Sonic characters and leaving the SatAM-only ones intact.

Up until that point I was wondering if you were leaving things open ended. Sure, Neo Equis is peaceful, but all our heroes have regrets they can't seem to shake off. Should the opportunity present itself... would they go back to try and undo everything? Even if it meant their worlds would never meet? Maybe Neo Equis is unstable and can't survive long term (eg like "Mobius: 20 years later")? Would be interesting to explore those questions in a sequel in the future. "Way Past Equestria: Endgame". Just think about it.

Also you know Rarity already has 20 different suits she made for Shadow hiding in a trunk somewhere. She can't quite get it perfect.

(Partly because she is trained to create DRESSES for MARES... who are QUADRUPEDS. Also nobody takes Shadow's measurements without getting a concussion. That's not going to stop her from trying though.)

I’d just like to say you did a great job with this series. I loved the dynamic with Eggman and Sombra, and while it was killing you you did a great job with the larger cast. And it looks like the character structure of the next story will be different from your usual fare in the one Equestrian will be with a cast of people from the other series. Good luck with this newer format, but at least this story gave you experience with an entire cast from a different story under your belt already.

Do who could that pilot be for the next series be? Rainbow is the obvious first thought for any pilot roll. Since this is in the Lylat System a world hopper like Sunset might work. Well I can’t wait to find out. :twilightsmile:

So no easy reset button for the deaths, huh? But hey, everyone's doing well and it's good to see some Tangle too.

Originally, I was just going to do an easy reset, but I thought that would lessen the story, so I decided on Sonic creating a new reality where all his friends are still alive, being the IDW comics. And Sonic takes Eggman with him, to ensure his Archie friends are safe and never have to deal with him again. The only reason Shadow get's left behind is that Archie Shadow and IDW Shadow are such different characters that I figured they had to be different versions.

Is this Sat-Am? Because Sat-AM Robotnic is actually extremely effective and downright terrifying. Sonic needs an entire guerilla movement behind him to keep up with this Robotnic.

Nearly at the end, but I need to ask... Did you discard the sub-plot of Sonic jealous of Rainbow Dash with Tails?

It wasn't so much discarded as it was Sonic is mature enough to accept that Tails found Rainbow Dash just as cool as him.

Hey, I have some suggestions for another story, I hope it's not to much trouble.

If you know a series called Darkwing Duck then I would love to see a crossover between the original Darkwing Duck Series and mlp. if you do want to do it and just don't know what that is then go to Disney plus. they have the whole series there. That is if you got Disney plus.

a crossover between One Punch Man and MLP. cause Saitama needs more love these days, and if you don't know what One Punch Man Is then either go to Netflix or Crunchyroll/Funimation. if you have those.

and finally a Morgan Williams returns to ponyland/Equestria thing. if you don't know who Morgan Williams is, she's the main character from MLP G1, I don't know where you can watch the show, but you should be able to find history about it on the internet. and from clips on YouTube. the reason I wanted you to do this is because there aren't that many story's of this happening, and It's a real shame because some of the ones that do are really good and aren't given enough attention.

Thank you for reading this comment, again these are just Ideas that I would love to see, you don't to do them.

They are all good ideas, thanks for the suggestions. I've got the next handful of stories planned out, but after that who knows?

Umm.. its "Megan" Morgan sounds like a dude's name

to add to suggestions. Dragon Quest Equestria, no characters crossing over but Equestria itself is a DQ world, where there are monsters everywhere to the point they have an adventures guild. Even Whitetail woods have Slimes. Luna fresh from banishment wishes to show her ponies she's there to help set out on a journey with a simple sword and cloak on her back as signed up as a level 1 adventurer

Comment posted by AlongCameSonic deleted Jan 18th, 2022

Oh yea, sorry about that. Just checked.

so to clarify, this is the Archie/SaTAM universe Sonic and friends but then when he sacrifice his life he was reborn into the Sonic X/game universe?

Archie Sonic but his sacrifice turns it into the IDW universe

huh, ok. Wonder if we'll see more Mobians meet Equestrians from you that doesn't involve mergers lol

Are you going to make a sequel to this?

If the Archie characters ever appear in the IDW comics, then I will do a sequel. If not, i think the story is perfect as is.

It’s just I didn’t exactly enjoy the ending. Everyone believing that mobian heroes are gone when in reality they’re not. Shadow staying in Equestria. Mac, Shining, Cadance, Celestia, and Luna believed to have been sacrifice. It just doesn’t work for me.

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