• Published 18th May 2021
  • 3,693 Views, 461 Comments

Way Past Equestria - Onomonopia

The Elements of Harmony and the Freedom Fighters will have to fight together to save both of their worlds.

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Sore Loser

"Nicole?! How!" Sombra roared.

"Forget about how! Activate anti-virus!" Robotnik ordered.

Nicole could feel the anti-virus starting to consume her at a rapid rate, so she had to act now. Nicole took control of the Master King and snapped its fingers, freeing the heroes that were trapped in crystal. Then she deactivated the barrier around the Master King and ejected its generator from the King. Lastly, before she was completely consumed, she exposed the Master Emerald and the Tree of Harmony and locked the system so that it would take even Robotnik and Sombra some time to override.

"Your turn, Sally. Save them all, like I know you will," Nicole whispered. Then she was completely deleted.

"Whew, we got her. That was close," Robotnik sighed. "Come on, we need to get our systems back up before-"

"Congrats, you killed one of me." Then dozens of Nicole's appeared around the cockpit of the Master King. Every single fragment that Sombra and Eggman had made set free by the power ring. "But did you kill all of me?"

"Oh my gears and starters."

The Master King went ballistic. It spun around like it was dancing, started bobbing up and down rapidly, and used its magic to do all sorts of silly things. And all the while Eggman and Sombra did everything they could to wrestle back control of their greatest weapon from the A.I.

With the Master King experiencing technical issues, that gave a moment to the heroes to get their bearings. Most of them managed to get back up, but those who had been in the crystals before, Shadow, Celestia and Luna, stayed down.

"Ugh, what happened?" Sally groaned.

"What happened is that Ant figured out a way to give us a chance," Sonic said with a smile. "Look at the Master King. Those look like a bunch of nice, vulnerable weak spots for all of us to hit."

"Forgive me, my princess, but I had to sacrifice a part of Nicole to give us this chance," Antoine apologized weakly. Rotor picked up Bunnie in one arm and Antoine in the other, helping them over to the group.

"What do you mean?"

"Simply put, Eggman and Sombra's system were still working off of fragments of Nicole," Tails explained. "We used the program we developed to free her and injected it into the King, before sneaking in a power ring to super charge the process. It allowed the Nicole fragments to break free of their control long enough to give us this chance."

"And...what about Nicole?" Sally whispered.

"She...we still have our copy of her back at the base. Maybe one day...I will be able to complete her again," Tails said with a shake of his head. "But we can't let her sacrifice be in vain. She's give us an opening! The Master King can barely move, much less fight back. We have to win this now!"

"Do you think we can?" Bunnie asked.

"Of course. Because right now we have a couple of villains that have long since expired their free life trial," Twilight snarled as she and the other Ambassadors arrived next to the Freedom Fighters. Twilight's horn flashed and magic powered limbs appeared for Bunnie, while most of Antoine's wounds were healed. She then teleported Antoine his old sword to him, which he caught with a bow. "And they haven't payed nearly enough yet for their extended trial. This is long overdue. Everypony ready?"

"Ready to finally end this? I was ready twenty chapters ago," Pinkie replied.


"Freedom Fighters..."


The two teams charged the Master King, who swung around to face them. It snapped its fingers to erase the heroes from its sight, but instead it unleashed a massive blast of energy that was dodged by the heroes. It aimed its hands at them and prepared to fire, but both hands shot up suddenly and fired off into the ether. The villains roared in frustration before try to take a step forward, only for the King to take a knee.

"Well looks like someone doesn't have their systems working properly," Sonic teased as he spin dashed the Master King, which actually took damage due to the shield being gone. "What's the matter Egghead, download a program that you shouldn't have?"

"Cursed A.I.! Curse you hedgehog!" Robotnik roared.

"You thought that she was stay broken, that you could keep her down," Twilight scorned as she unleashed her magic on the King, which started to fry. "But just like with everything else, you underestimated her Sombra. You underestimated her heart, her soul, but most importantly, her might. And now it will cost you your life."

"I will destroy you!" Sombra bellowed back.

"Fer mah brother!" Applejack roared as she slammed into the King, knocking it back. The King fired back at her, but RD zipped in and pulled AJ out of the way.

"For our friends!" Tails added as he fired a laser gun at the King, who shielded itself with magic.

"For Nicole!" Sally roared, landing on the head of the Master King and driving her swords through its viewports.


The King slammed its hands together and sent everyone hurling backwards, stopping them before they could truly begin to comeback. "We will not fail here! Not after getting so close! You may have broken our shield, exposed our power source and damaged our pride, but this machine is still far stronger than anything you can deal with! So-"

Another spin dash tore through one of the arms of the Master King and dropped it to the ground. Eggman and Sombra had just enough time to register the arm falling before a rainbow blur tore off the other one, leaving the King disarmed. Twilight's magic ripped off one of the legs while Sally's sword dealt with the other one. The villains let out a screech as the machine fell over, struggling to even twitch.

"And just like every other machine you've built, it's nothing more than scrap once we figure out what makes it tick," Sonic chuckled. "Ready to give up?"

"Sorry, but I've got one last trick left. A little something I learned from one Dr. Wily!" Robotnik roared. The Torso of the Master King ascended into the air while making a terrible noise, before it spun to face the heroes. "And who needs limbs with minds like ours?!"

The Master King unleashed its chaos and harmony powers every which way, unable to aim thanks to its lack of extremities. The heroes had to move quick to avoid being erased by the erratic attacks. "What's the play, Sally?"

"Get to the Master Emerald and the Tree of Harmony! We'll use their power to get our super forms one last time so we can end this once and for all!" Sally ordered.

"Like hell we'll let you!" the villains roared. The Master King rocketed into the sky and unleashed its power upon the heroes. Twilight and Rarity combined their magics to deflect some of the attack while the speedsters got everyone else out of the way. Sonic looked up at the King and smirked.

"They've lost. And they know it," Sonic said. "Hey Tails, about how long do you think they have until they manage to reboot their systems?"

"Normally I'd say five minutes. But since it's those two, I'd say we have a minute at best," Tails replied.

"Oof, that long? Well looks like this is over," Sonic chuckled. "Hey Rainbow, how about a lift?"

Rainbow Dash grabbed hold of Sonic and rocketed the pair of them after the Master King, whose pilots could be heard roaring at the approaching heroes. The King unleashed everything it had at the pair, but without its systems or its limbs to properly aim or control its attacks, Rainbow Dash was able to easily weave and fly safely around everything.

"What's the matter, you two? You're looking a little desperate?" Rainbow taunted. Eggman and Sombra screamed at the pair in reply before firing a beam of pure death from the head of the Master King. Rainbow smirked at their attempt to be dangerous before she kicked it into high gear, vanishing from the villains sight and appearing behind them, winding up Sonic. Rainbow Dash spun like a hurricane, generating force until she hurled the hedgehog with everything she had, resulting in a sonic rainboom.

"No..." Robotnik whispered.

"Not again..." finished Sombra.

Sonic cleaved clean through the Master King and practically tore the machine in half, causing it to plummet towards the ground with the sounds of the two villains cursing their names being drowned out by the King exploding. Sonic landed with a bow as the King crashed into the ground behind him, exploding in rainbow light. The heroes gathered around the smoldering wreckage, waiting for the villains to crawl out.

"That went well," Fluttershy said to break the silence.

"I like that positivity Fluttershy, but stay on guard. Who knows what else these two have planned," Sally warned.

The head of the Master King rolled off and the two ash covered villains spilled out. Robotnik got to his feet with a groan and a bitter sigh, while Sombra looked like he had gone feral. He did nothing but growl as he glared at each of the heroes like a cornered animal. Eggman took off his glasses and wiped off the soot as Sally pointed a sword at him.

"It's over Eggman. You lose," Sally stated.

"It seems that I have," Robotnik admitted. "Nicole. I should have seen that coming. Of course you would find some way to break her free. You always do. Well as the song says, live and learn. There's always next time."

"Next time? After everything you've done, do you really just expect to walk away from this?!" a voice roared. The heroes turned to see Shadow, Celestia, Luna and Discord approaching. Shadow pushed past the heroes to get to Eggman and Sombra, only to be stopped when Rarity placed a hoof on his shoulder.

"Do not act in anger Shadow, it never ends well," Rarity warned.

"This is not anger, this is just common sense! These two are some of the most evil and foul beings to have ever existed! They deserve nothing less than total annihilation!" Shadow demanded.

"Believe me, I agree with you, especially in Sombra's case," Rainbow nodded.

"No Shadow, first we fix everything, then these two will be judged for their crimes," Sally said. "We have to let the law and justice judge them. That's what separates us from them."

"They deserve to be erased."

"And maybe they will. If that's what the law decides," Sally said. She glared at Eggman, who smirked at her in reply. Then she looked at Twilight. "At least, that will be the case for Eggman. You are the ruler of your world and the one who ultimately decides Sombra's fate. What will you do with him?"

"There are so many things to do. Throw him into the sun. Throw him into a black hole. Atomize him. Again. But there's a chance that he could come back from any of those. So how do you stop somepony who is smart enough to keep coming back from anything?" Twilight asked. Then she smiled. "You throw them in a place where smarts mean nothing. We're throwing you into Discords reality. And may Faust have mercy on your sanity."

Sombra sputtered something out as his horn started to glow, but then a blade flashed and his horn was severed from his body. He stared at the spot where it had fallen before looking to Antoine, who was sheathing his blade.

"You..." Sombra seethed.

"Don't worry guys, the Master King is done for." Sally held up a small computer and a tiny hologram of Nicole appeared above it. "I made sure to shut off its weapons. We're good."

"I'm so glad to see that you're okay. How are you feeling?" Sally asked.

"Like I've got a splitting headache," Nicole joked.

"Boo," Sonic chuckled.

"Then this is over," Twilight said as she stepped forward. Her horn glowed a bluish color as she aimed at the pair of villains. "I'll put the two of you on ice until we've fixed the crack in the Chaos Source. Then we'll deal with you."

"No...no...nononononono," Sombra seethed.

"Give it up Sombra, we've lost. But to be fair, it was our best attempt yet. We nearly made the Chaos Force ours," Robotnik shrugged. "But don't worry my friend, I've already got several more plans that we can do once-"

"No...never again..."

Sombra glared at the heroes, but there was something...off about him. The way his eye twitched, the look in his eye...and the twisted smile that pulled at his face. "I will not be imprisoned again. I will not be killed by you again. I will NOT lose again...and if I can't win...then I will just have to make sure you all lose! Activate To Hell with you ALL!"

The Master King came back to life as dark magic poured thought its body and unleashed a blast of power that knocked everyone, including Sombra and Eggman, away. Then the machine ascended into the heavens, right towards the chaos source. Twilight was on Sombra the moment she could get back to her hooves, pinning him down with her magic.

"What did you just do?!" she roared at him.

"At this moment, the Master King is reaching the part of the chaos source that Eggman and I weakened when all of this first started!" Sombra cackled. "The weakest point of one of the most powerful sources in the multiverse! And it will then end everything."


"Easy. By combining the Master Emerald with the Tree of Harmony by using the Phantom Ruby."

"Are you mad?!" Eggman roared at Sombra. "Do you know what kind of power the resulting explosion of all three of those artifacts going critical would unleash?! It would be strong enough to-"

An explosion in the chaos source rocked all of eternity. The heroes looked up to see that what had once been a crack in the chaos source was now a fissure, one that was rapidly growing across the source. And as the fissure grew, reality all around them began to break down.

"Strong enough to cause the chaos source itself to explode...and tear down the multiverse with it," Sombra finished. He then glared right into Twilight's terrified eyes with the largest smile he had ever smiled on his face. "So I may lose Twilight..."

"But I'm taking all of you down with me."

Author's Note:

"Oh don't worry Sombra, I have the perfect punishment for you."

"What? Torture? Imprisonment? Blinded with pepper spray?"

"Nope. You're going to have to go to one of Boom Amy's therapy classes."



"So Sombra, tell us about how you feel?"


"Let's try a different approach. How about starting with "When you do this, I feel like this"?"


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