• Published 18th May 2021
  • 3,689 Views, 461 Comments

Way Past Equestria - Onomonopia

The Elements of Harmony and the Freedom Fighters will have to fight together to save both of their worlds.

  • ...

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Sparks flew from Sally's blades as she slashed them across Metal's chest, getting the machine to pause for a second before it lashed out and grabbed her by the face. He clenched his fist to crush her face, only for reality to...glitch and Sally was no longer in his grasp. Instead, she had been replaced with something called a "Party bomb".

"What the-?"

The bomb exploded, knocking Metal back while covering his entire body in taffy, soda and glitter. The taffy gummed up his limbs, the soda began to short him out and the glitter made him look amazing.

"So I know that you're our mortal enemy and that you've tried to kill us a few times, but still, gotta ask, do you like parties?" Pinkie asked. Metal snapped a glance at her while trying to free himself, snarling as he saw that Sally was closing in for an attack. "Because I was thinking about it and since you don't eat or drink or really do any of that stuff, what would you do at a party? Do you still dance? What's your favorite dance?"

"Activating barrier."

"Don't know that one."

Energy erupted around Metal with enough force to throw Pinkie back and halt Sally's advance. A black prism of energy surrounded Metal, burning off the party supplies and allowing him to move once more.

"Behind you," Nicole stated.

Metal whipped around and kicked Pinkie out of the air, sending her bouncing away while making squeaking sounds. Metal turned his gaze back to Sally just in time to grab one of her blades out of the air.

"Release Nicole or else," Sally snarled.


Metal lashed out with a kick and knocked Sally back. Sally hit the ground, rolled up and transformed her swords into a pair of blasters, opening fire upon Metal. With ease he dodged the blasts before rocketing towards Sally, slashing at her with his claws. Her guns became a shield barely in time to deflect the slash, yet to her shock his claws gouged out a chunk of her hard light shield.

"You are dead," Metal promised. "Even with Sonic, you stand little chance. Without him, this is over."

"I guess you're right. This is going to be over quickly, with barely any VIOLENCE or BLOODSHED!" Sally screamed. "Geez, I'd sure hate if someone missed all this DESTRUCTION!"

"Are you malfunctioning? Why do you keep talking like this?" Metal asked.

"DEATH! DESTRUCTION! Wake up, damn you!" Sally screamed.

"It seems that she has finally snapped," Nicole stated to Metal. "It was bound to happen after all that she's been through. Killing her now will be a mercy."

"Feh, mercy. Mercy is for the weak," Metal snarled. He punched a hole through Sally's shield and grabbed her by the throat. "All shall die."


Lasers, missiles and gunfire ripped into Metal, tearing his grasp from Sally. Metal activated his barrier once more to buy himself a moment against the onslaught of weapon fire and to see who was attacking him.

It was a robot with a red body, yellow and very flat head, two red eyes...and enough firepower to sink an island.

"E-123 Omega. You have reactivated," Metal snarled.

"Affirmative. I am awake. And the slaughter shall commence," Omega replied. Even more guns came out of his body and he unleashed all of his firepower upon Metal, who took to the skies while weaving to avoid the hellfire that was raining down upon him.

"Omega, thank goodness you're finally awake," Sally sighed in relief. "I need your help. Metal Sonic has Nicole trapped and brainwashed."


"And?! And we need to get her back! I need your help! She's apart of his body right now, uploaded to his A.I.!" Sally explained.

"So when I kill him I will get two kills instead of one. This is most promising!" Omega exclaimed.

"No! No you stupid crime against trashcans! We have to save her! I need you to hack into Metal and free Nicole from his grasps!"

"Does not compute. Destroying Nicole will free her from Metal. And free Metal from existence," Omega replied.

"I'm about to remove your head from your body!"

"Watch out!"

Pinkie tackled Sally out of the way as Metal Sonic slammed into Omega, grabbing him by one of his legs and slamming him back and forth into the ground. Omega continued to fire into Metal's face regardless, to which Metal responded by grabbing Omega's right arm and tearing it off of his body. Sally fired on Metal's back and staggered him just long enough for Pinkie to free Omega from Metal's grasp.

"Hmm, ability to annihilate target reduced by fifty percent. New tactic may be recommended," Omega stated. Then he moved his head to see Pinkie smiling at him. "Visual sensors damaged. Smiling pony does not compute."

"Hey there! I'm Pinkie! Who are you?" Pinkie asked. Omega's response was to try to aim his remaining gun at her. "Well, I'm Pinkie! I think I heard Metal say your name was Omega, so I'm going to call you that! Hi, I'm your new friend."

"You are not my friend. You are another target. And once I am done with Metal, I will deal with you," Omega promised.

"Not good at making friends, huh? That's okay, everyone goes about their own way at making friends," Pinkie said. A scream grabbed their attention and they turned to see Sally laying beaten on the ground, with Metal standing over her. "But right now, I need you to help my friend. And you can't do that in the state you're in. So let me help you out."

Pinkie pulled out her party cannon and attached it to the missing stump that was Omega's right arm. Omega looked at the cannon for a moment before moving it a few times. Then he fired it at Metal Sonic and caught the metal hedgehog in the back of the head with an anvil. Omega nodded in approval as he got up before turning to Pinkie.

"New parameters accepted. Target Pinkie Pie is now friend. Metal Sonic...is dead."

Omega rocketed towards Metal, who had just gotten back up to his feet. The two robots collided with enough force to kick up a new sandstorm. Metal slashed across Omega's face and tore out one of his eyes, while Omega activated an energy blade that he used to cleave off one of Metal's legs.

Metal grabbed Omega's head and began to tear it off, only for two more blades to dig themselves into his rocket port. Metal glanced over his shoulder to see that, somehow, Sally was back up and fighting.

"Enough. Nicole, activate barrier."

"...error. The barrier mechanism...is gone."


"Oh I'm sorry, is that was this is?" Pinkie asked. Despite having a robot and a princess ripping him apart, Metal managed to look over to see Pinkie off to the side. And in her hooves was the device that created his barrier. "I thought it was what Eggman was using to control you. Sorry, I'll put it back when we put you back together."

"This...This is..." Metal couldn't comprehend what was happening. He was being ripped apart, his barrier had been stolen and somehow there was still glitter in his visual sensors. That was no longer a problem when Omega changed his gun to a claw and slammed his fingers through Metals head and into his A.I. core.

"Beginning download," Omega stated. Metal shuddered as he felt his very self being ripped out of his own body, out of Eggman's systems. He tried to resist, but this time Sally rammed her own device into the back of his head and activated the scrambler Tails had installed on it. That was enough to finally force Metal to his knees, unable to move as his entire being, as well as Nicole, was downloaded into Omega. Finally, Omega ripped his hand out of Metal's head and Metal's body collapsed to the ground.

"Download complete. Nicole and Metal Sonic are secure," Omega said. Then his one good eye turned red. "Beginning deletion process."

"Don't you dare," Sally snarled. She limped over to Omega, grabbed his hand and placed her device on it. She began to scan Nicole's consciousness on Omega, sighing with pain when she saw how small Nicole's file was compared to what it had once been. "What did they do to you?"

"Shattered her consciousness and rebuilt it as their own personal slave," Omega replied. Sally flashed him a look. "You asked. I answered. You plan to save Nicole, so what should I do with Metal?"

"Do what you want with him," Sally spat.

"Metal, prepare for termination."

'Fine. Nothing you do to me could be worse than being stuck with you.'

"...new plan. Metal shall be trapped within me, forced to watch as I destroy Eggman," Omega said to Sally.

"I don't care. We need to get Nicole out of you and fixed."

"Well congrats Omega! You went from no friends to three friends within the span of a few minutes," Pinkie said. "And as a sign of our new friendship, you can keep the party cannon! It's, uh, a lot less violent that your other weapons."

"I shall keep it. The element of surprise is a dangerous weapon and this cannon is full of surprises," Omega agreed.

"We need to head back to Canterlot," Sally interrupted. Her eyes were glued to her device, checking Nicole's condition "Nicole's in worse shape than I thought and I don't have the tools out here to fix her. Pinkie, can you use your...abilities...to get us back?"

"Silly Sally, that's not how it works. Come on, if we leave now we should make it back in a few chapters," Pinkie sang, tossing the teal emerald into her mane.

"I was afraid she would say that."

||==O O==||

"Well this can't be right," Robotnik muttered.

"What's the matter now? Flurry Heart toss Orbot into one of the engines again?" Sombra asked.

"No, it's Metal. He's...gone completely offline," Robotnik said.

"So he got trashed?"

"No, whenever Metal get's destroyed, his A.I. gets uploaded back to my mainframe. Yet this time he didn't. How did they pull that off? Only someone with intimate knowledge of my systems would be able to cut him off like this..."

"Robotnik, does it matter?" Sombra asked. "We've lost plenty of henchmen during this battle. What's one more?"

"Sigh, you're right, but Metal was one of my first. There's some sentimental value in him," Robotnik said, before he shrugged. "Eh, you're right. We're too close to our goal now for me to care about losing another robot."

"Besides, once we're the gods of our worlds, you can rebuild him and a dozen others just like him," Sombra pointed out.

"Rebuild him? That Metal has been due for an upgrade for a long time," Robotnik stated. "Nicole, what's the progress of the Magnum Opus?"

"Fifty percent completion. Production is still on schedule," Nicole replied. "Also, you should be informed that what little information the Nicole with Metal sent said that Sally found another Emerald."

"What are the odds?" Sombra asked.

"The odds are-"

"That's enough. Get back to monitoring the progress of the Opus," Robotnik ordered. Nicole bowed and vanished, leaving Robotnik to ponder. "It's almost too easy. The emeralds and the Elements are practically falling into their laps at this point. That might complicate things, especially if they begin to wonder..."

"Then we need to find the next set and make a really good show of it," Sombra replied. "Got anything special that you've been saving for a moment like this?"

"Well, I don't like to brag, but..." Robotnik pressed a button on his wrist and a giant, robotic phoenix shot out of their base and rocketed through a brightly dark portal. "I was going to save that for the moment that Sonic thought he had me beaten once and for all, then, like the bird, I would rise up to crush him. I like to theme my machines to what's going on in my life. Adds to the fun."

"Of course, the best villains are all about presentation, after all," Sombra agreed. "Then I guess I'd better make a good show of it too. Sadly losing Spike means that I can't use him against Twilight, but oh well. Maybe Starlight can get the job done. Mind if I use what we got left?"

"Go ahead. They're all worthless at this point anyway."

"At this point. Robotnik, they were always worthless."

||==O O==||

"Did you see that?"

"You mean the giant, metal phoenix that just erupted out of a portal of both darkness and light? Yeah, I saw that."

"Good. Glad that I wasn't the only one. Amy, can you track where it came from?"

"...yeah, I've got a location. Which means it's time to let Sonic know...we've got them."

Author's Note:

"So, since you and Metal are stuck together now, you should try to find some common ground. What interests do the two of you have."

"There is nothing I could have in common with a malfunctioning reject."

"Error, nothing compatible with Eggman's lackey."

"I will tear you apart and use what's left of you to make a paperweight."

"Response: you lose every fight you are apart of and this will be no different."

"Aw, see, you two do have something in common."

"And what is that?"

"Your love of violence."

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