• Published 18th May 2021
  • 3,674 Views, 461 Comments

Way Past Equestria - Onomonopia

The Elements of Harmony and the Freedom Fighters will have to fight together to save both of their worlds.

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Too Slow

For a moment, time stood still as each of the heroes took in what they were seeing. Sonic standing against them...standing with Sombra.

"That...that's not possible," Sally whispered.

"Possible? My dear, it's happening," Sombra cackled. "I've taken your strongest fighter and turned him to my side. Taken control of his mind and forced him under my power. Oh, it's going to be so much fun watching you all suffer as you try in vain to save him."

"So Sonic is being mind controlled and forced to fight us? Eh, it was bound to happen eventually," Antoine said. "But he iz not ze first speedster we have fought and he shall not be ze last." He drew his sword and went back to back with his wife, getting a thin smile to spread across Sombra's face.

"You're actually going to fight the two of us? Do you all have no idea how completely screwed you all are now?" Sombra asked. Sally summoned her blades, Applejack cracked her neck and Pinkie...whistled, getting Sombra to shake his head. "You're all crazier than I thought. You're going to fight your best friend, risking his life and yours in the process?"

"Sonic's tough. He can take a few hits and be fine," Sally replied. "But getting him away from you is my biggest concern. So either let him go, Sombra, or we'll kill you to break your grip."

"Wow, a threat from you, while you're in no position to be giving them. Let me tell you how this is going to go, princess. We're going to fight. You'll try to prevail, only to realize how outmatched you are. Then, just when all hope seems lost, Twilight and the rest of your friends will come in to save the day. That I know is going to happen. What we don't know," Sombra said as a dark smile crossed his face. "Is how many of you will still be alive by the time they arrive."

Sonic was on the group in an instant. With a speed unmatched, he took aim at Sally and hurled a kick at her head...only for it to be intercepted by a whoopie cushion. The cushion exploded and sent Sonic backwards, where he flipped in the air and landed on his feet. He narrowed his eyes at Pinkie, who was bounding around in front of him.

"Thanks for the save, Pinkie," Sally said.

"Careful. He's really fast," Pinkie pointed out.

"Oui. We knew that."

"Applejack, Bunnie, Antoine, you're dealing with Sonic!" Sally ordered before she lunged towards Sombra. "Pinkie, with me! We'll handle this wannabee tyrant!"

"Wannabee?! I can tyrant with the best of them!" Sombra growled. His horn flashed and dark lightning arched towards Sally, only to be intercepted and dispersed by her shield. Sombra looked dumbfounded at what had happened before he was forced back by the twin blades of Sally and Pinkie's...rubber chicken. The dark king switched to his smoky form and weaved around the pair, narrowing his eyes at Sally's weapons.

"Hmm, you've upgraded your tech since we last met," Sombra noticed. "And you have always been a problem with the sheer chaos you give off. Seems that you won't be so easy to put down as I had thought."

"So people keep saying!"

"Dang it all!" Bunnie roared. She had her barrier up around her, Antoine and Applejack, only to watch it be assaulted from every single side seemingly all at once. Her eyes could barely keep up with Sonic's movements and she doubted she could physically either. Her best bet would be to take to the air and bombard Sonic from a distance, but she couldn't do that without leaving Antoine and Applejack open to attack.

"How long can you hold, ma cherie?" Antoine asked. A spin dash shattered the barrier and answered Antoine's question at the same time. Sonic would have punched Antoine's lights out then and there, except that his punch was once against stopped by a pink pony. "Pinkie, you can keep up with him? And aren't you supposed to be helping Sally?"

"I am!" Pinkie replied as she hopped around Sonic. Antoine looked over to find that, just as she said, Pinkie was right alongside Sally fighting Sombra. Antoine decided not to question it.

Sonic's speed allowed him to constantly catch Pinkie, Pinkie just refused to be caught. Every time he thought he had her, she warped, slipped and danced her way out of his grip. With an even faster burst of speed Sonic reached out and grabbed hold of Pinkie, yanking the pony up by her mane so that she was eye level with him. Except she was still smiling.

"You silly. You stopped moving."

If Sonic had been able to talk, he would have asked her what she meant. A metal fist to the jaw answered the unspoken question regardless. Sonic was sent tumbling away while Applejack helped Pinkie up to her hooves.

"Are ya sure ya should be hitting yer friend that hard?" Applejack asked.

"Trust me sugah, if ah don't hit him with everything ah've got, we lose," Bunnie grimly said. Just as she said this, Sonic got back to his feet, wiped his hand across his mouth and smirked at the group. "As ah said. Bring yer A game or else yer-"

Sonic vanished. The group took a moment to process that before a foot placed itself in Bunnie's chest. She barely managed to get a grunt out before a follow-up kick sent her tumbling across the square and into the side of a tent. Antoine, Applejack and Pinkie attacked Sonic together, only for him to vanish again before a whirlwind of pain inflicted itself on all of them. The three were sent crashing to the ground, while Sonic appeared before them again and wagged his finger.

"Did he...just get faster?" Applejack asked.

"He is finally taking this serious," Antoine grunted. "And, uh, what happened to Pinkie?"

Applejack glanced over to see that "Pinkie" was now just a pile of confetti, silly string and...glass? "Must of been one of her mirror clones. She must be desperate to pull out something like that."

"I am going to pretend that I understood what you said."

"What it means is that Pinkie is no longer with us, just Sally," AJ said. "Which means that it's just the two of us against Sonic. Can we win this?"

Sonic shook his head at them.

"Perhaps," Antoine muttered. He then cast a glance over at where Sally and Pinkie were fighting, and losing, against Sombra. That gave him an idea. "Sonic, I know that we have not always been on the best of terms, but from the way you are acting I know that at least a little bit of you is still in zere. So please listen."

Sonic raised an eyebrow.

"Sombra is killing Sally. He has wounded my wife and he is now forcing you to fight your friends. I know you, Sonic. We have been foes and comrades for a long time. And I know zat ze only thing zat you would hate more than watching your friends get hurt...is to be forced to hurt them against your will. Fight his control, Sonic. You are stronger than zat pompous metal fool."

"Hey, words hurt, Antoine," Sombra chimed in as he slammed Sally into the ground.

"I know zat you are stronger. I know zis...or maybe you aren't," Antoine said with a smirk and a shrug. "It would not be the first time you have disappointed me. At least I can take comfort knowing that Knuckles would never allow himself to be controlled like zis. Ah, if only you were as cool as him."

For a long moment, Sonic just stared at Antoine, enough time passing that Applejack looked at Antoine with concern. "Um, Antoine, ah don't know if yer plan-"

"Trust me, it has worked."

Sonic snarled and held a hand to the side of his head, snapping his head from side to side as he began to stagger around. He blinked a few times and the darkness began to regress from his eyes, just enough that Antoine could start to see his old friend in there once more. Problem was, Sombra noticed this too.

"Well, that's not good," Sombra said. He unleashed a blast of darkness that hurled everyone away from Sonic before appearing next to the hedgehog. "Geez, Sonic wasn't kidding about his control resistance. Normally it would take some powerful magic and some emotional connection to fight off my soul-washing, but he's doing it through a sheer desire to prove Antoine wrong. Well, I'm not ready to give him up just yet. I mean, I haven't killed any of you yet and that just won't do. Well, if you want someone killed right..."

Sombra turned to smoke and wrapped himself around Sonic's head, entering into the hedgehog and turning his eyes completely black in the process. Then Sombra's signature smile spread across his face.

"You kill them yourself."


Sombra glanced to the side to see Bunnie rocketing towards him, metal arm brought back for what he was certain would be one heck of a punch. But it was too slow. With ease, Sombra stepped to the side, avoided Bunnie's punch and swatted her in the back of the head to send her skidding across the ground. Sally and Applejack were up next, Sally coming in with the swords and Applejack whirling her lasso overhead, but much like with Bunnie, they couldn't keep up. Sombra kicked Sally in the gut, avoided the lasso, grabbed the rope out of the air and used it to tie Sally's hands together. He then spun the princess fast enough that Applejack was ripped off her hooves and sent flying face first into a sign.

He made sure to go after Pinkie next. Even with all of her crazy shenanigans, Sombra knew how to counter her. She was unpredictable, wild and tricky...but had one, predictable flaw. Sombra spun away from Pinkie and lunged towards Sally, murder flashing across Sonic's face. And just as he had predicted, in an instant Pinkie was standing over Sally with her party cannon out.

He ducked the explosion of vanilla and firecrackers that the cannon unleashed and spun dashed right into the chest of the pink pony, driving her into the ground before he kicked her in the side to send her tumbling away. That left one. Sombra turned to look at Antoine, who was now beside his wife. The moment Antoine felt Sombra's gaze on him, he spun towards the king and drew his blade, waiting for the king to make his first move.

"Yeah, just wait right there, I'll deal with you in a second," Sombra said to Antoine. He then turned and walked over to Applejack, who was just getting back to her hooves. "While I would love nothing more than to kill that coward, I was denied watching a member of your family die a painful death last time. So this time, I'm going to ensure," Sombra began as he grabbed hold of AJ's throat and began to squeeze. "That your brother wishes he could have died in your place."

A blur of motion appeared in front of Sombra and it was only thanks to Sonic's insane reflexes that the dark king didn't get a hand taken off. He dropped AJ and moved backwards just in time to avoid Antoine's blade. Sombra didn't have any idea how Antoine had gotten over there so quickly or how he had been willing to cut off the arm of his friend, but if the coyote wanted his attention, he now held all of it.

"Applejack, taken ma cherie and the others. Grab ze emerald and leave this place as quick as you can," Antoine instructed. "I will deal with zis."

"Antoine?" Applejack asked. "What are ya saying? Ya can't fight him on yer own."

"For once the hick is right. You stand no chance against me, swordsman. So of course I'll fight you in a one on one," Sombra cackled. "AJ, you can go. I've gotten my fun out of you. You and your friends have however long it takes me to kill this fool before all of you are dead as well. If you think that means you can get the emerald and leave before then, by all means. Give yourself that false hope."

"Sugar-Twan," Bunnie said. She tried to walk towards his side, but he held out a hand and shook his head.

"No, ma cherie. Grab ze emerald and get ze others home. Zat is what is important," Antoine instructed.

"And what about you?"

"I made a promise to keep all of you safe, especially for Rainbow Dash," Antoine said before brandishing his blade at Sombra, who had a wickedly wide smile on his face. "And zat is what I intend to do."

Author's Note:

"Ah yes, this is quite a body. The power, the speed, the sheer refusal to be killed off...it's amazing."

"Yet why do I feel the need to constantly go fast and eat chili dogs?...and only chili dogs?"

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