• Published 18th May 2021
  • 3,692 Views, 461 Comments

Way Past Equestria - Onomonopia

The Elements of Harmony and the Freedom Fighters will have to fight together to save both of their worlds.

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In the Shadow of the Titan

"He couldn't just build another end of the world death robot. No, he had to go and make a MASSIVE end of the world death robot," Sonic groaned. He whipped past some badniks which exploded well after he had passed before coming to a halt at the base of a very large climb. "Ugh, I know I can run up walls, but even I might have some problems with this. If only I had some super amazing friends that could-"

"Need a lift?"

Sonic turned with a smile to see Fluttershy float over to him, her Elemental power illuminating the colossal chamber they were in.

"Well, I wouldn't say I need one, but if you're offering," Sonic said.

"Grab on," Fluttershy offered. Sonic took her hoof and Fluttershy flew upwards, taking Sonic along for the ride.

"Y'know, you and I haven't really had the chance to interact that much," Sonic pointed out. A sqaudron of badniks attacked them, but before Sonic could do anything Fluttershy's Element flashed and the machines were gone. "I mean, I've said hi and stuff and then there was that one time you totally scared Eggman, but even on missions I don't really talk to you."

"Sorry. I'm not one for talking. Or fighting. Or going fast," Fluttershy admitted. "I just thought that you might think I'm uncool or something like that, so I didn't want to bother you."

"Uncool? Fluttershy, you're out here with the rest of us trying to save your world. You stared down Eggman, Sombra and everything else that's come you're way without losing a shred of your kindness. You're one of the coolest ponies I've met."


"Heck yeah. And I don't say that to everyone," Sonic winked.

"Oh. Well, thank you," Fluttershy giggled. "I think we're about halfway up. Yet...none of their forces have attacked us. I don't like that."

"Me either. Drop me here." Fluttershy flew over to a platform and let Sonic down, where he pressed a finger to his ear. "Sonic to team, come in. What's going on out there?"

"Currently trying to stall this behemoth that's heading towards Ponyville," Sally replied. "The magic users are working with Silver, Shadow and Blaze to push it back, but the thing is unbelievably powerful! We're only managing to slow it down!"

"Egghead did say that he made it to counter all of us. Even the Elements aren't working?" Sonic asked.

"Sorry, but they work at their best when all six of us are together," Twilight's voice cut in. "If you need Fluttershy in there, we'll manage, but if not..."

"I got a better idea," Sonic chuckled. "Hey Fluttershy? Light it up."

Sonic ran straight up the walls as Fluttershy unleashed her Elements power, watching over his shoulder as her magic tore apart their section of the machine. He came to a stop on a catwalk and waited a moment for Fluttershy to catch back up to him. "That do anything?"

"The behemoth just had one of its knees buckle. Whatever you're doing, keep it up!" Twilight ordered.

"And she didn't even say please," Sonic said. He then offered a hand to Fluttershy. "Think you can keep it up or do you need a moment?"

"I've got this," she said, though it sounded more like she was trying to convince herself.

"Alright then. Hold on. I run, you shoot!" Sonic said. Fluttershy grabbed hold this time and Sonic took off, practically flying up the behemoth. Fluttershy unleashed bursts of magic as he ran, creating explosions that tore apart the machine from within. "This suit is really holding up. I'm not feeling anything from those blasts of magic you're giving off. Rarity really knows her stuff."

"She does, but I think it has more to do with you being a good person and my Element doesn't hurt good people," Fluttershy pointed out.

"Maybe not, but I'm feeling in the mood to give compliments, even to Shadow. Think that's a side effect of your Element?"

"Well, compliments never hurt anyone."

"They sure hurt Eggman."

"...I can live with that."


"Whatever you two are doing in there, keep it up," Twilight said over their comms. "The behemoth is down on one knee and it's abdomen just went up like a firecracker. And I think I can hear Eggman cursing your name from here."

"Nice to know that he hasn't forgotten me," Sonic said. "Come on Fluttershy, whaddaya say we really rattle his cage?"

"How so?"

"Watch and learn. Twi said we're in the middle, right?"

"Close enough."

"Then he should be able to hear this. Hey Eggman, I'm disappointed. You spent all this time creating a giant, and I mean GIANT, death robot and all it takes for it to fall apart is to let Fluttershy in here! You're losing your game, old man! No offense, Fluttershy."

"Oh, none taken.

"...infernal rodent..."

"Well, he may be losing his mind, but his hear is as good as ever," Sonic admired. "Come on, I can see the way down to the other leg from here. Let's go trash that one next."

"Shouldn't we head up to where they are?" Fluttershy asked.

"I don't think it's a good idea. If we leave even one limb operational, this thing might be able to drag itself towards civilians. And that's a risk I'm not willing to take," Sonic said, before his eyes narrowed. "Besides, there's the thing Pinkie mentioned about us missing something. And I think she's right. So we'll confront the two of them once we've ruined their machine and have everyone there to stop them. Better safe than sorry."

"I'm actually shocked to hear those words come out of your mouth."

"Heh, I only act like a reckless goofball. I know what I'm doing. How do you think I've always stayed one step ahead all these years?" Sonic asked, before extending his hand once more. "Now, shall we go cause more wanton destruction and carnage?"

"Well, since you asked so nicely..."

||==O O==||

"Not today, mister!"

With a thought, Rarity conjured thousands of threads of magic that she used to ensnare one of the arms of the Magnum Atlas, stopping a punch that would have wiped a small town of ponies off the map. Even though her Elements power was impressive, she still had to use all of her concentration to keep the limb at bay.

"Twilight...civilians...in the village."

"On it. Keep the Atlas at bay."

"Working...on it!"

Rarity caught movement out of the corner of her eye, turning to see dozens of shadow vultures sailing towards her. With all of her effort spent on keeping the behemoths arm in place, all she could do was narrow her eyes as the shadows appraoched.

"Do your worst, beasts. I can take it."

Spears of light appeared around Rarity, hurling themselves into the vultures and ripping them apart. Rarity pondered who had come to her aid only to realize that Shadow was floating next to her.

"Shadow! Do you always make it a habit to rescue damsels in distress or are you making an exception for moi?" Rarity asked.


"I mean, first you save Applejack and then me. Are you sure you're not trying to take Antoine's place as a knight in shining armor?" Rarity replied.

"No. I am here to make sure Sombra pays for what he has done. And nothing would bring him greater joy than to kill one of you. So I will ensure that all of you live," Shadow replied darkly. He then narrowed his eyes as he spied another squadron of shadow beasts heading for them. "And right now, you are the most exposed and the one who is currently keeping a village of both ponies and mobians alive. So I will protect you until they are safe."

"Well, that is a comfort, I suppose," Rarity said.

Shadow didn't wait for the beasts to come to him. In the blink of the eye, he was already behind them. He punched a hole through one of them before spinning and kicking another in half. His chaos spears ripped through two more and a single spin dash dealt with the remaining ones.

"That should be all for now," Shadow told Rarity.

"Thank you, darling," Rarity grunted. "I must admit, you intrigue me."


"Most I meet like you are only concerned with vengeance. With making those that wronged them pay. And all of those that I've met have been standing against me and my friends," Rarity explained. "Yet here you are, dark, brooding and full of vengeance, yet you are using your power to save and protect rather than destroy and harm. You are...different."

"I may have been created to be a tool, but I decide my own path. I choose who I want to be...and I have seen enough death and destruction for lifetimes. So I will give my all into fighting that evil," Shadow informed Rarity. He then looked up to see a storm of shadow monsters heading for them, enough to block out the sun.

"Heads up everyone, seems that Sombra's finally stopped playing around!" Tails voice said over their comms. "There's enough shadow beasts up there to cover a state! Elements, I'll need all of your power up there to wipe them out!"

"There's no need, Tails. I will deal with this," Shadow stated.

"Darling, are you sure about this?" Rarity asked. "Wouldn't you rather I go with you or-?"

"You are protecting the innocent. That is what's most important right now. So I will protect you," Shadow replied.

"Well then, what are you waiting for? Go," Rarity said with a smile.

Shadow fired a blast downward and rocketed himself into the oncoming swarm of darkness. The swarm consumed him instantly and, if he didn't know better, Shadow could feel that this was almost personal. That the entire swarm had been tasked with the purpose of wiping him out. That got a smile to cross his face.

"What's the matter, Sombra? Are you angry that I ruined your fun? That I didn't let you tear apart Applejack and Rainbow Dash? Well, then you're going to love me after this." Shadow then took the rings off of his wrists, crossed his arms, and smirked. "Chaos Blast."

With an explosion that was bright enough to rival the sun, Shadow dealt with the entire army of shadow beasts. He looked around as what remained of the beasts faded away around him, before he cast a glance down at the head of the Atlas. He could feel Sombra's hatred from where he was floating, so, with as big a smirk as he could make, he flashed a thumbs up to where the villains were.

"Well that was quite something," Rarity said as Shadow floated back down to her. "And I've just received word that our friends have safely gotten all of the innocent out of the area. So far be it from me to be allowed to be shown up!"

With a grunt of effort, Rarity spread out her threads across the behemoths entire arm. She then flashed a smile at Shadow before pulling all of the strings tight. For a moment it looked like nothing happened, before the entire arm of the behemoth started to fall towards the land, in thousands of sections.

"Not bad," Shadow said.

"Well, it may not have been as impressive as yours, but there's grace and poise to how I work," Rarity replied.

"Hmph, think that grace and poise will help you with those?"

Rarity looked over her shoulder and saw a giant, metal, silver hedgehog heading for the both of them.

"Is that a metal version of Silver?"

"No, I believe it was an early version of Metal Sonic. Or was it a later version? Damn timeline," Shadow grunted.

"Shadow, language. Just because we are fighting brutes does not mean we have to act like them," Rarity chastised. She then flashed a look towards the metal foe and it exploded into a shower of light and sparks. "Because without our morals, we are no better than those we fight."

"Well, guess I have to agree with you on that one," Shadow said. Then he and Rarity spied mecha-Chrysalis and her metal army coming out of the Atlas, getting the pair to smirk at each other. "Seems the party's really starting. So what do you say, Rarity? Care to dance?"

"Shadow, darling, I thought you would never ask."

Author's Note:

"Why would they build a robot that's so easy to get lost in?"

"No idea. Do you think that's a different skeleton we passed back there, or have we been looping?"

"How would we be looping?! It's a straight line up and down?! Only an idiot would get lost in a place like this!"

"Oh, hey Sonic."

"Cubot? You're down here?"

"Yeah, I came down here weeks ago looking for Flurry and couldn't find my way out. I keep going in a circle."

"I rest my case."

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