• Published 18th May 2021
  • 3,674 Views, 461 Comments

Way Past Equestria - Onomonopia

The Elements of Harmony and the Freedom Fighters will have to fight together to save both of their worlds.

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Final Phase Part 1.1

"...and's that how you make metal wings that are light enough to fly while also being strong enough to carry a filly!" Tails exclaimed proudly. Both Rainbow Dash and Scootaloo began applauding the genius, who had not only come up with the idea for lightweight metal wings, but had also built a pair right in front of the two of them.

"This is so awesome!" Scootaloo exclaimed. "So will they work?! Will they let me...fly...?"

"One way to find out," Tails said. He picked up the wings and attached them to Scootaloo, taking an extra moment to make sure that everything was secure before giving Scootaloo a thumbs up. Scootaloo flapped her wings a few times...and looked down to find herself hovering above the ground.

"I'm flying! I'M ACTUALLY FLYING!" she shrieked with delight. She then tackled into Tails and pulled him into a tight hug. "Thankyouthankyouthankyouthankyou-"

"O-okay, you'll want to take it easy at first, since you still haven't," Tails tried to stammer out. Scootaloo let out a whoop and rocketed out of the room, getting a yelp out of Applejack and Sonic as she did so.

"Did ah get hit in the head harder than ah thought or did Scootaloo just fly?" Applejack asked.

"Sonic! Applejack. I see you all got back just in time to see my latest invention...take flight."


"Ya built a pair of metal wings that work? How? And why? Ah mean, it was very nice..."

"Applejack, trust me, that is far from the weirdest thing that I've had to build," Tails informed her. "Rainbow Dash and I were hanging out when Scootaloo came in and joined our conversation. I noticed her wings, she told me her story and I decided to help her. The end result is who you just saw fly by you."

"Well watch out, sugarcube. She'll be awfully attached to ya now," Applejack warned.

"No worries. Sonic's show me all the best ways to avoid a girl chasing you."

"Taught him all that he knows," Sonic said. He then gave Rainbow a look. "So why were you hanging our with Rainbow Dash when you have such a cooler and faster friend?"

"Because he saw what a real hero looks like and wanted to learn my tricks," Rainbow smirked back.

"Knock it off ya two," AJ said as she stepped between them.

"I was visiting her for some high speed flying advice," Tails clarified. "No offense Sonic, but while you have a lot of experience with going fast, you haven't had to go fast while flying. Rainbow's more of an expert on that than you."

"Expert means better," Rainbow added.

"Not to mention she's got some really cool stories. Like how she once created a sonic rainboom."

"That was when I was still learning."

"How she managed to outrace a living bolt of lightning."

"Wasn't that hard."

"How one time she went too fast and burned off her mane and tail," Applejack added. Rainbow snapped her head to AJ while Sonic and Tails snickered at the mental image. Rainbow gave AJ a look that clearly said "what the heck?" and all Applejack did in response was smile. "Don't worry, ah'm always there to keep yer ego in check. One of mah many charms."

"You're lucky you're you," RD muttered. "So, now that you're back, how did the mission go? Sorry that I wasn't there to greet you, but I was-"

"With Tails and Scootaloo. We know," Sonic said. Then he sighed and started to rub the back of his head. "So, here's the thing. While we were on our mission, Sombra maybe, kinda, sorta...took control of me..."

"Like mind control? Ha! He's never managed to pull that off on any of us! How guilible to you have to be to-?!" AJ elbowed Dash in the gut to end her sentence early.

"And while I was under his control I may have...nearly killed Applejack." All delight vanished from RD's face upon hearing that. "Luckily, Antoine managed to take me down and none of your friends were hurt, but I figured if you were going to hear it, you should hear it from me. So if you want to yell or hit me, take your shot."

Rainbow Dash stared at Sonic for a long moment with a dangerous look on her face, getting Applejack to step beside her as a precaution. Dash finally let out a sigh and gave Sonic a smirk. "Well, she's fine and you're free, so I guess no harm done. Wouldn't have been your fault anyway if she did get hurt. It would just mean I would tear apart Sombra more painfully."

"Wow, that was really mature of ya. Now who are ya and what have ya done with mah short tempered Rainbow?" Applejack asked.

"Oh come on, I've grown...some...since those days," Rainbow Dash defended herself. AJ elbowed Dash's shoulder and Dash pulled AJ's hat over her eyes, getting the pair to giggle before turning back to Sonic, who smiled at Rainbow Dash. "But hey, thanks for not hurting Applejack...or Pinkie. Not sure she can be hurt."

"Don't thank me, I'm the guy who lost his body. It was Antoine who protected your friends and mine," Sonic corrected.

"Antoine did?" Rainbow asked.

"Yup, dude's apparently been studying us for years, learning our weaknesses. I would be worried if I didn't completely trust him with my life," Sonic said. He then glanced over at Tails and smiled. "Hey buddy, you want to hear about what it's like to be possessed by a dark pony?"

"Do I?!"

Tails and Sonic ran out of the room, leaving the two mares alone. Rainbow Dash sighed and looked over at AJ with a pained smirk.

"You okay?"

"Ah'm fine. Got dicey there for a moment, but it's all good," Applejack replied. "How ya holding up?"

"Alright. Should be patched up soon," Rainbow Dash replied. Then she got up to her hooves. "I need to go talk to Antoine for a moment. You can come if you want."

"Uh, sure, but what for?"

"I owe him my thanks...and a lot more than that."

||==O O==||

"Well that went wrong," Sombra sighed. He dropped onto one of the couches that the evil masterminds had selected, grunting as he impacted.

"So how did it go?" Robotnik asked.

"Didn't you hear me? Poorly," Sombra said through the cushions.

"I don't know about that. I watched the whole thing and honestly I think you did a pretty good job," Robotnik said.

"How? I got no kills and I couldn't even get Sonic to break down and do a whole "What have I done?" bit. Ugh. Waste of my trip to the amusement park," Sombra complained.

"Well, the fact that you were able to mind control him at all is quite a feat..."

"Soul control. That's the trick. I don't go for the mind, I go for the soul. You'd be amazed how many creatures protect their minds but don't bother with their souls."

"Well that's good to know."

"No secrets between besties."

"That's right. Besides, you knew something like this would happen," Robotnik pointed out. "I mean, you had Pinkie and Sonic, the two fundamental beings of chaos from both our worlds, in the same room together. Your planned was doomed from the start with those two there."

"You're right, as always, but I really thought I had a chance, you know?" Sombra asked as he rolled onto his back. "Still, can't believe it was Antoine who managed to be my undoing. Ugh, it feels wrong just to say that."

"There is a reason I call them all annoyances. Because even the ones who shouldn't be a problem end up being one," Robotnik stated. "But still, Antoine is acting...bolder...than I am used to. I wonder why that is?"

"Feh, is it worth thinking about?"

"Not in the slightest. So how about we move to a happier topic. Orbot! Cubot!" Robotnik summoned. He clapped his hands and a moment later two small robots, one red and circular, the other yellow and cubed, hovered into the room.

"You called, boss?" Cubot asked.

"Hold on a sec, where's Flurry Heart?" Sombra asked them. The two shared a look before shrinking down.

"We, um, may have lost her in the ventilation shafts," Orbot admitted. Robotnik and Sombra shared a look before Robotnik sighed while pinching to bridge of his nose.

"Remind me to punish you later. What is the status of the Magnum Opus?"

"It is entering the first part of its final phase, sir!" Cubot reported.

"First part of final phase, why does that sound wrong?" Sombra asked.

"Very good. What is the status of the remaining minions we have?"

"Sir, all of them have been upgraded with the Nicole shards. They should operate much more effectively now," Orbot said.

"Well they can't be any worse. And what's the status on Sonic's quest for the emeralds and Elements?"

"They have just found their forth emerald and have three Elements."

"That's it?" Sombra asked. "Why is it taking them so long? If it was just the Elements it would only take them a day to get it done. It's like they're taking their time getting them. Have they no respect for our work schedule?"

"Finding the emeralds does take a matter of weeks on my world, so I'm used to this," Robotnik said with a shrug. "Very good you two. Send Metal in and then go find that Alicorn. Last thing we need is our master plan being brought down because a foal got into the power supply."

The two bots whipped around and zoomed out of the room, which Metal entered in a few moments later. "Metal, anything new to report?"

"Amy, Silver, Big Mac and Shining Armor are all active once more for the Freedom Fighters," Metal stated.

"So their number grows. Unimportant," Robotnik said with a wave of his hand. "Sombra, new bet. Will they free all their friends first or will they gather all the emeralds and Elements first?"

"Seriously? Twilight is the Princess of Friendship and I have her son/brother/slave on my beck and call. She will do everything in her power to free them as soon as possible."

"Yes, friends mean everything to Sonic and his allies too...I am starting to get concerned, Sombra. This isn't going like we planned."

"No, it's not. Things are far more different than they should be," Sombra agreed. "Do you think it's because of how they are interacting with each other? Or is it an effect of our worlds being merged in this way?"

"Whatever it is, I don't like it," Robotnik muttered. He pressed a button on his wrist and summoned an egg suit that looked like a triceratops. "We need to get this back on track if our plan is to work. Looks like it's time for me to enter the field myself."

"Finally stepping in, eh? You have a better grasp on your magic?" Robotnik teleported into the cockpit of his machine to answer. "Very good. Looks like the next Element is in the...let's see here...a pier? Seriously? I take it you'll want Metal with you?"

"Yes. I also want Cadence, Blaze, Shadow...and Spike."

"Spike? Really?"

"I want to test something against Twilight. And the best way to draw her out is to use the perfect bait," Robotnik replied. "Metal, I also want you with me in the field, but you are not to engage. You and Prime Nicole are to observe and recon. Nothing else. Am I clear?"

"Yes, Eggman," Metal replied.

"Yes, Doctor Robotnik," Nicole said from within Metal.

"That's a lot of family and friends you have on your team, Robotnik. Just what are you planning, I wonder?" Sombra asked.

"Something extraordinary, my dear friend," Robotnik replied. He pushed his glasses up his nose with a wicked smile on his face, a sight that unnerved Metal, as he only would see it before tragedy.

"We are going to see just how much punishment Twilight and her friends can take before they break."

Author's Note:

"So let me get this straight. You made metal wings for Scootaloo?"

"Yup. She wanted to fly."

"Alright, that one is fine. But then you went and made a metal suit for Applebloom?"

"She said she wanted to be able to buck trees harder than anypony else. Now she can."

"I guess I get that one. But what on Mobius did you do to Sweetie Belle?"

"I turned her into Sweetie Bot!"

"I was hoping you would say anything other than that."

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