• Published 18th May 2021
  • 3,693 Views, 461 Comments

Way Past Equestria - Onomonopia

The Elements of Harmony and the Freedom Fighters will have to fight together to save both of their worlds.

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Push On

The two teams had to admit that Discord was right. They were impressed.

Rotor had managed to take the tech and the vehicles that had been lying around and, along with some chaos magic, managed to combine them into an ultra tank that looked like it could take on anything. Rotor stood atop the death machine, waving to his friends as they entered.

"You guys got here ten seconds sooner than I predicted. That's the heroes I know and love," Rotor said. "Sorry I walked out, I just needed to get something done."

"And it looks like you have," Sally said. "Rotor, what is this, how did you build it so fast and how soon until we can use it against Eggman and Sombra?"

"This is the Final Gambit. I had another name for it, but I don't like naming my machines after swear words," Rotor chuckled. "Discord and I threw it together. Literally. Normally, you wouldn't be able to build something this complex by throwing together a bunch of parts and expecting it to make anything remotely resembling a death machine. But throw in some chaos magic atop of chaos theory and low and behold, the Final Gambit. As for how soon we can take it out..."

Rotor pressed a button on his wrist and the machine roared to life. It hovered into the air as neon lights dashed across every aspect of it, while a strange energy source hummed with a power that made the groups hair/manes stand on end.

"It's got everything. Hover jets for all terrain travel, reflector shields that are tough enough to stop thoughts from getting through and a giant, high powered, atomically charged hyper cannon that I like to use when I feel like taking a delicate approach," Rotor chuckled. "All powered by literally sucking the magic out of the air."

"This is amazing," Tails said. "Do you think it can defeat Eggman and Sombra?"

"After what they just did to us? No. But it will give us a chance. And that's all we've ever needed," Rotor replied. "I built the weapon, but how and when to use it is up to you guys. Sally and Twilight, you're the planners. Figure out what we need to do. Everyone else, get ready. I have a feeling we'll be going after Eggman and Sombra sooner rather than later."

"Heh, keep giving orders like that and you might just be leading all of us," Twilight said. She turned to face her friends, a stern expression on her face. "I think our first order should be freeing our allies still trapped in the dark crystals. But in order to that, we'll need a team that is willing to take on Eggman and Sombra to distract them. It will be incredibly risky and there is every chance that you could...and you're the first to volunteer, eh Sonic? Why am I not surprised?"

"I'll go too," Rainbow said. "One speedster won't be enough."

"Then make it three," Pinkie added. "I'm great at being a distraction. And I'm even better at getting out of situations that I shouldn't be able to. I can help."

"Alright, the three of you, along with the Final Gambit, will keep the Master King busy. The rest of us will do our best to get our crystalized friends away from our foes," Sally said. Then she looked over at Discord, who was leaning against the wall and holding his hand to his head. "Is something the matter?"

"Nothing that should concern you all at the moment," Discord grunted. "Oh by the way, don't worry about the fillies or Spike. I got them safely here. They're sleeping in the back. They've...had a rough day, so don't wake them yet. Continue, princess." Sally looked concerned, but shook her head before turning back to the group.

"I know this isn't the best plan, but it's all we've got. And I know that after getting our butts kicked that badly that this might seem like we're just pretending we have a chance...but I believe in you all. And so did our friends. We might not have been able to save those we've lost, but we have a chance to save those in the crystals. And like Rotor said, all we need is a chance. We move at night fall. Get ready."

The heroes split apart into different teams and Sally walked over to Twilight, who was staring up at the Final Gambit with doubtful eyes.

"We'll get them back. We have to," Twilight whispered.

"Twilight...are you alright?" Sally asked.

"No. No I'm not. Because even if we get those in the crystals back...my brother is still gone. And with him, a part of me that will never heal," Twilight replied. Then her eyes hardened. "And I will make sure that both Sombra and Eggman both lose a piece of them that will never heal either."

Tails was helping Rotor make some adjustments to the Final Gambit. He was so focused on his work that he didn't notice when Fluttershy walked up beside him.

"Are you doing okay?" she asked him. Tails glanced over his shoulder at her, before shaking his head and getting back to work.

"No. But I've lost people before. Those I cared about. I know...that I have to stay focused. That there will be time for mourning when we win," he replied.

"You're very brave for someone your age," Fluttershy said softly. "Would you like a hug?"

"...I would, yeah," Tails said, before Fluttershy pulled him into a hug.

Rarity walked over to Rotor, who was making some kind of bomb, but what it was even Rarity's critical eye couldn't discern.

"I think I finally realized what you bring to the team," Rarity said.

"High powered ordinance?" Rotor joked.

"You're the rock. You keep everything going when all hope seems lost. You keep working when everypony else is too distraught to move. I respect that, Rotor."

"I've just gotten beaten down more than them, that's all. I'm used to it."

"Which means you're just as adapt at picking yourself back up and channeling your grief into progress. I wish I was more like you," Rarity admitted.

"Then how about instead of whining about it, you hand me that wrench and help me finish up this crime against life?" Rotor teased. Rarity smirked back at him before levitating the wrench over to him.

Pinkie and Sonic were off in one of the corners, both of them doing stretching exercises in preparation for what was to come. At least, Sonic was. Pinkie was twisting and stretching herself in ways that made Sonic wonder if she was actually made of taffy.

"Do you think we'll be fast enough?" Pinkie asked Sonic.

"We have to be."

"And if we're not?"

"I refuse to even think that's a possibility," Sonic replied. "If my friends need me to be fast, I go faster. If they need me to do the unthinkable, I do the impossible. Because I have to."

"Heh, we're similar like that, then. No matter what get's thrown at us, no matter how down we get...we keep a smile on our face and keep going. We're the ones always smiling when things are at their worst."

"And in turn, give them hope that things might just work out," Sonic finished with a chuckle. He then held out a fist to Pinkie. "Bump it."

Pinkie smiled and did so, confetti coming out of her hoof when they collided.

"Okay seriously, what are you?"

Discord was helping Antoine attach a clawed arm to Bunnie. Rainbow Dash started to walk towards them, before noticing that Applejack was sitting by herself with her hat laying at her hooves. Dash walked over to her marefriend and sat beside her, silence passing between the two of them for a minute.

"Applejack, are...?" Dash began, but stopped. It was a stupid question to ask. Instead, she wrapped a wing around AJ and pulled her close. "I'm here for you. No matter what."

AJ didn't reply. She simply leaned into Rainbow Dash and stayed there. Dash heard footsteps approaching and looked behind her to see Antoine and Bunnie walking over, with Bunnie's new arm attached. Antoine looked at AJ, a questioning look in his eyes. Dash slightly shook her head, tightening her grip on Applejack. Antoine nodded and sat next to Applejack, with Bunnie sitting next to him. He placed a hand on Applejack's shoulder as Bunnie rested her head on his shoulder.

They sat together in silence.

And Discord watched all of this. From Sonic and Pinkie to Rarity and Rotor, he watched it all and cursed himself. Cursed himself for being so weak. For being unable to do anything, despite being a god. He held up a hand and channeled all of his might into it. He could barely manage a small star. Pathetic. They were all suffering because of him. Because he was so weak. Because he hadn't done enough.

"I promise this to all of you, I will not fail you again," Discord silently promised them all. "I will find a way to make this right. No matter what I must do."

||==O O==||

Canterlot, a city that once been home to thousands of ponies, now held within it only crystal statues. The once bright and shining castle was now a dark red and black, the color of its conquerors. And the throne that had sat upon it dozens of wise and kind rulers now housed two, who had split the throne down the middle so that both had an equal rule. Sombra sat on the left and Eggman on the right. And standing behind them was the Master King, awaiting it's masters commands.

"We Sombra, we finally did it," Robotnik said. "We've won. The world is ours, Sonic and his friends are crushed and we are unchallenged. It's a good day."

"It is a good day," Sombra agreed. "And now we can focus on the final phase of our plan. What will ensure that we rule not just this world, but every single world in the multiverse. Nopony will be able to stand against us." But then he narrowed his eyes. "But still, a part of me is concerned."

"About what?"

"We cashed in our win. And it was glorious. The Elements and Emeralds are dust. So many of Twilight and Sonic's friends are dead. Equestria and Mobius are ours...but Sonic and Twilight still live. The Freedom Fighters and the Ambassadors still live. And every time they have survived..."

"They come back to stop us in the end. Yes, you are right to be concerned," Robotnik agreed. Then both of the villains smiled the most evil smiles they could muster at one another before gazing at the throne room before them. Where the crystalized forms of dozens of other ponies and mobians decorated their halls.

"So let them come. Let them come and be bested once and for all!" Robotnik laughed. "Without the Emeralds, Sonic and his friends cannot bring chaos to my perfectly concocted plans."

"And without the Elements, Twilight and her allies cannot hope to bring harmony to my storm of darkness," Sombra added. "The Master King crushed them at their best. It will be more than enough to crush them at their worst."

"It will indeed...if they make it to us. For we have far greater matters to attend to," Eggman chuckled. "But they will go for their friends first. That is what they do."

"And it just wouldn't be right if we didn't have somepony there waiting for them, just so they don't feel left out," Sombra added. "So, who'd ya pick?"

"Oh, I've got a real winner. Ripped him from another reality. And while they may be able to best any regular foe," Eggman began as he pressed a button on his watch, bringing up a screen that showed where the crystalized heroes were...along with a black jackal with a red ruby that presided over all of them.

"The don't have what it takes to defeat Infinite."

Author's Note:

"And we're certain we got everypony? No last minute, surprise out of nowhere foes that might be able to come back against us and turn the tide?"

"Trust me, I got everyone. Every single, important villain and hero that the hedgehog has ever had on his world was dealt with...wait...ah crud."

"Robotnik, who did you forget?"

A portal opens before Eggman and Sombra, and a green hedgehog emerges.

"Alright Mobius, bow before your new king! Scourge the Hedgehog is here to...Eggman? A horse? What are you two doing on my throne?"

Eggman and Sombra share a look, before smiling as they teleport into the Master King.

"Well, what a nice little warmup before we crush Sonic once and for all."

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