• Published 18th May 2021
  • 3,674 Views, 461 Comments

Way Past Equestria - Onomonopia

The Elements of Harmony and the Freedom Fighters will have to fight together to save both of their worlds.

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Blue Blur

With a groan and a click, Sombra fitted his jaw back into place. Being most machine now meant that he didn't feel any pain from the act, but the fact that his now metal jaw had been broken in a single blow told him he might need to take this carefully.

"Well, now that we've-" Bunnie fired a laser blast from her palm and knocked Sombra back to the ground, where he let out a frustrated snarl. "Okay, enough of that!" A dark barrier went up around him. "There, now that you can no longer shoot me-"

Bunnie took a few shots to test that theory.

"-enough already woman! We just met! Why are you so keen on killing me?!"

"Ya hurt mah man. Fer that, ah will not stop until ah've turned ya into a trash can," Bunnie replied.

Sombra narrowed his eyes as he considered his options. He could fight the three of them and he would most likely win. But he was in a new body. And not like his usual new body, where he was blown up and had to craft a new body out of shadow. But one of metal and wires. One that he was not used to. And his magic wasn't quite yet at the same level as it would be in his regular form. He was certain he would be far more powerful in the long run, but at the moment...

Then there was the fact that he had lost his metallic advantage. Against Rarity and the other ponies, his metal form would baffle and confound them, allowing for an easy victory. Even with Antoine, who knew of machines like him, he still believed in his magic and skill enough to prevail. But Bunnie had turned the tide. She was clearly like him and had been a cyborg for far longer than he had. She would have the edge in experience. Even as he thought this, Antoine and Bunnie went back to back in a way that told him they had been fighting together for a long time. It might be a better idea to fall back...

'Master, I have retrieved that which you have asked. I will return it to the Egg of Darkness immediately.'

That made Sombra's decision for him.

"Seems that my fun will have to come to an end for today," he said with a bow. The other three gave him a look. "While I would love nothing more than to kill all of you and take the Element for myself, it seems that I am needed elsewhere. Rarity, it was nice to see you again. I'm sure we'll meet again soon. Antoine, you are braver than I heard. I will remember that for next time. And Bunnie-"

Bunnie's metal fist slammed into his shield right in front of his face, getting the dark king to jump slightly.

"-I will deal with you another time. Farewell, fools. We will meet again soon."

In a whirl of darkness Sombra vanished, leaving the three heroes alone in the field. Rarity let out a tired sigh as she sat down while Antoine sighed in relief and wiped his brow with the back of his hand. "Thank goodness you showed up when you did, ma cherie. I was certain zat Sombra would-"

Antoine was cut off as Bunnie slammed into him and lifted him into the air, squeezing the air out of his lungs as she held him tight and swung him around. "Oh sugar-Twan, ah sorry ah was so late. Ah woke up after the attack on Eggman's base and ah didn't know where anything was and ah saw yer distress flare go off but ah was afraid ah wouldn't get here in time and-"

"It...is...truly...alright," Antoine managed to get out. "You...saved us...when it mattered. Now please...set me down...I can see my father..."

"Oh, sorry hun," Bunnie said. She set Antoine down and, after he took a moment to catch his breath, glanced over at Rarity, who was watching the couple with a smile. "Yer the one who helped keep mah sugar-Twan safe until ah got here, ain't that right? Ah'm Bunnie. Bunnie D'Coolette."

"I pieced that together, darling," Rarity giggled. She extended her hoof and Bunnie shook it, though Rarity did take a moment to examine Bunnie's metal limbs. Bunnie caught where Rarity was looking and smiled. "Forgive me for staring, it is just...I had not seen anything like this until Sombra showed up looking like...well, he had a similar design."

"Yeah, ah'm not exactly one hundred percent mahself. But ah can't complain about the extra strength and firepower. If it keeps mah family safe, ah can put up with it," Bunnie said as she pulled Antoine into a one armed hug.

"We call what has happened to ma cherie and Sombra being "Robotocized"," Antoine said.

"Roboticized, hun."

"Merci. Essentially, Eggman takes a being of flesh and blood and turns them into one of his mindless servants," Antoine continued. "He has done this to many of our friends and loved ones, all in an attempt to destroy our home and conquer our world."

"But it has it's benefits. Like ya saw with what ah did to Sombra, ah'm far stronger, faster and tougher than ah used to be," Bunnie added.

"Nonsense, you were always those things, mon amour. Ze robot parts cannot improve perfection," Antoine cut in.


"You say that they make a being mindless, but that was still the silver tongued and devilish minded Sombra that we know and hate. How come he is still himself and not a mindless drone like the others?" Rarity asked.

"Zat...we do not know," Antoine admitted.

"We kinda have no idea where we are or what's going on," Bunnie said. "As ah flew over here, it looked like our world mashed up with yers somehow. Ah don't know where we are or where we're going."

"Then perhaps I can be of some help. As I was telling your husband before Sombra so rudely interrupted us, that mountain over there is where the leaders of our land live. If there is anypony that can help us, it will be them," Rarity said. "Canterlot may be a bit...different at first, but I guarantee that we will be able to find somepony there to help."

"Zat sounds like a plan," Antoine agreed. "Amour, it is seeming that I have broken my hoverboard. If it would be no trouble to you..."

"No trouble at all, hun," Bunnie giggled as she wrapped a hand around Antoine's waist. He placed his arms around her neck before Bunnie extended her other hand to Rarity. "Ah hope ya don't mind flying. It may not be the most comfortable flight, but ah'll get us there quick."

"Ah...well, how can I refuse?" Rarity asked. She had barely taken Bunnie's hand before the rabbit rocketed off into the sky, sailing towards Canterlot. Rarity took a minute to adjust to the altitude, before she peeked around Bunnie. "So Antoine, if you do not mind, may I ask a quick question about your family."


"You wouldn't happen to have a brother, would you?"

||--O O--||

It had been a rough day for Fluttershy. First, Discord was rendered bedridden because somepony had been "Messing with the Chaos Force" and it had practically taken his power from him. Then Sombra attacked. That was becoming a regular occurrence. Then...she wasn't sure, but when she came to, the world was...broken. So she had flown home as quickly as she could to check up on her most precious friend. She had just gotten his tea brewed for him when something attacked.

It was blue and metallic, with red eyes and a rocketpack. All it had said was that it was there for Discord and went right on the attack. Luckily for Fluttershy, Discord used what little power he had left to teleport Applejack in time to fight it. Unfortunately, it was currently flying circles around Applejack.

"Dang it ya varmint, hold still!" AJ roared. She let her lasso fly and tried to wrangle the metallic menace, but once more it easily dodged around her. The metal monster was on Applejack a moment later, grabbing her by the face and hurling her through one of the walls to Fluttershy's cottage. With her out of the way, the creature looked back over at Fluttershy...or to be more precise, Discord.

"Acquiring target," the machine said. Fluttershy threw herself between Discord and the machine, but it had barely taken a couple of steps before AJ burst through the door, ripping it off of it's hinges and hurling it at the machine. The door shattered to splinters against the machine, who only responded by snapping his eyes towards her. "Dealing with annoyance first."

With a speed that neither could keep up with, the machine rocketed to AJ and grabbed her by the neck. It slammed her into the ground with enough force to crack it, before hurling Applejack through Fluttershy's table. She had barely bounced once more the machine grabbed hold of her, punching her up into the ceiling before kicking her across the room next to Fluttershy.

"Applejack! Are you alright?" Fluttershy asked as she knelt down next to her friend.

"No...ah can't say...that ah ahm," Applejack coughed out. "This bugger is fast...too fast. Faster than anything ah've seen. Fluttershy...ya need to run. Ah'll keep it occupied...as long as ah can."

Applejack tried to get back up to her hooves, but then a fragment of the door she had thrown into the machine caught her in the chin and dropped her once more. Fluttershy looked up to see the machine standing over her, its red eyes locked onto the yellow pegasus.

"Target nearly acquired. Eliminating all non-essentials." The machine brought back it's spiked hand, aiming right at Fluttershy. The mare closed her eyes as she threw herself over Applejack right as the machine attacked. Then the next thing Fluttershy knew a tornado was roaring inside of her cottage. A tornado that was a blazing blue. The machine looked around to register what was happening before something struck it from the side, knocking it out through the hole it had made with Applejack. The machine spun around in the air and landed on it's feet, just as the source of the tornado came to a halt in the front yard. Fluttershy peeked out through the hole in her wall to see who had helped her.

The being was similar to the machine, but more. He wore red shoes, had white gloves, a cocky smile on his face that Fluttershy had only seen on one of her other friends. But what really gained her attention was the fact that the machine had locked on completely to the new arrival.

"Wow, would you look at that, the toaster that looks like me is here as well. Man, Egghead really built you to take a beating, didn't he?" the being asked. "I mean, he would have to from all the times I've scrapped you and sent you back home to the doc in a box. But whaddya say, one more for old times sake?"

"Target: priority one. Sonic the Hedgehog...kill," the machine said and for a moment Fluttershy thought that she heard rage in the machine's voice. "Today is the day that you finally die."

"Is that a promise? Because I've heard those words so many times now that I've been keeping track. That's one hundred and twenty," Sonic replied. Then he slightly crouched down and the smile of a daredevil crossed his face. "But if you think you've got what it takes...then let's go, Metal."

Fluttershy had no words to describe what happened next. She blinked, there was a massive blur of blue...and then the machine crashed to the ground with an arm missing and pieces of him dented in. Sonic landed on one foot and hopped twice, before he glanced back at Metal and shrugged his shoulders.

"Same promise and same results. Run back home to Eggman and see if he can buff out my bootprint from your rear." Metal said nothing. He simply activated his rocket pack and flew off, with one last glare over his shoulder at Sonic that told the hedgehog this was far from over. "For someone who is supposed to be a superior version of me, he cannot trash talk to save his life. Hey over there, I'm Sonic. Are you-"

"Die ya metal menace!" Applejack roared before punching Sonic in the face.

Author's Note:

"Master Robotnik, this is Metal. I...have failed."

"You failed to get the source of Chaos energy?"

"Yes, master. Sonic-"

"You can stop right there, I've heard this song before...did you at least punch Sonic in the face?"

"Affirmative. I can confirm Sonic got punched in the face."

"Atta boy."

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