• Published 18th May 2021
  • 3,692 Views, 461 Comments

Way Past Equestria - Onomonopia

The Elements of Harmony and the Freedom Fighters will have to fight together to save both of their worlds.

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The End of the World

"You will never beat me!" Sombra bellowed.

Darkness exploded from the top of his crystal chimera and rained meteors of darkness down upon the land of Canterlot, blotting out the sun and casting darkness upon the land. Yet in the complete darkness, six rays of light rocketed around the dark blasts and hurled themselves towards the top of Mt. Solaris, where the chimera stood unopposed. Those lights were the six Elements of Harmony. The champions of Equestria. And they were sick and tired of Sombra coming back to life.

"Four times!" Twilight roared as she blasted apart meteors with her magic. "Four times now we've blasted you to Taratarus and four times you've come back! Will you take a hint that nopony wants you and just stay DEAD!"

"Sorry Twilight, but I like making you guys suffer far too much to allow such a small inconvenience like death stop me," Sombra cackled back. Lightning erupted from his horn and tore apart the sky as it tried to knock the six lights out of the sky. The chimera swung one of it's massive limbs towards the princess of harmony, its swing so powerful that nearby trees were uprooted just from the wind created alone.

Orange, yellow and pink came together in front of Twilight and created a barrier of pure support and strength, stopping the chimera's paw with ease. "We'll handle big ugly. Ya go on ahead and take out the fake king!" Applejack grunted.

"FAKE KING?! I stole the throne fair and square, thank you very much!" Sombra bellowed down at AJ. He then yanked on the dark chains around him to pull up the sun and moon, who were completely bound by the chains. "Do you know how hard it was to take these two down and steal their throne?! Not hard at all. But do you know how hard it was to do all that while keeping this BEAST under control?! I am far stronger ruler than anypony here and if they have an issue with my words, they can take it up with me!"

"Fine by me."

A rainbow blur slammed into Sombra, sending him tumbling across the mountain like back of the chimera. He snarled as he rose up to his hooves, before he realized something was missing and reached up for his crown...which was no longer there. With a roar of fury he turned to face Rainbow Dash who was spinning the crown on her hoof. "Wow, it's amazing what this tiny circle of gold does to a pony. I feel my ego getting even larger and I didn't even know that was possible."

"Rainbow Dash. How much mane dye does it take to keep your mane like that? Or do you drink out of the rainbow fountain like the simpleton you are?" Sombra asked.

"Sombra, please, use small words for somepony like me. Two syllables or less, please," Rainbow Dash smiled back. "Like fastest, coolest or toughest. All of which describe me perfectly."

"Dear Faust your ego is larger than mine. And that shouldn't be possible," Sombra snarled. His horn flashed and chain erupted out if the chimera, snapping towards the rainbow maned mare. In a blur of movement she zipped past each of the chain and charged headfirst into Sombra. A smirk crossed Sombra's face before Dash passed clean through him, slamming face first into the back of the chimera's head.

The creature let out a roar that shook the mountain, before it rubbed a paw on the back of its head and turned to look at Sombra with tears in its eyes. "It's just a scratch, you big baby! Get over it!" Sombra snarled at the creature. "Ugh, try to build an unstoppable monster of darkness and they all turn out to be babies. What's an evil genius to do?"

"How about you finally give up?!"

"Here we go ag-"

Rainbow light blasted Sombra across the back of the chimera and he slammed into one of the creatures many back spikes. Sombra let out a small groan as he slowly rose back up to his hooves, turning to see that now all six Elements of Harmony were now standing before him. He glanced past them to see rainbow chains holding his chimera in place, while the ponies light was dispelling the darkness that he had cast over the land.

"It's over, Sombra. With our friendship and harmony, there is no way for-"

"Yeah yeah, this is the fifth time we've done this whole song and dance, sparkler," Sombra cut Twilight off. "So how about we skip the whole my friends are my power speech and we get to the part where you call down the death laser that sears my flesh from my bones and blows me apart in the most painful way possible? That way we can all get home before dark. I've got other things to do."

"If you insist," Twilight agreed. The six ponies combined their powers, rose into the sky and created a light show that would have been a sight unlike any other except for the fact that Sombra had seen it around four times now. But this time, he had snuck something into the performance. As the ponies unleashed the full power of the Elements into Sombra, he pulled out a staff that looked like a mix match of parts and eras. The Elements of Harmony struck the staff and went haywire, firing off beams of light that began to tear apart the land.

"Sombra, what have you done?!" Twilight yelled at Sombra.

"What I should have done a long time ago! Crush you once and for all!" Sombra bellowed. "It took years of searching and plenty of painful deaths, but now I've finally found a way to defeat you rainbow pukes. Behold, the staff of-"

Sombra hadn't even begun to say the staffs name before the staff snapped in half, creating a moment where absolutely everything came to a halt. All of the ponies looked down at the broken staff, which began to shake violently.

"Well that can't be-"

And then an explosion of white covered everything.

||--O O--||


Missiles exploded with enough payload to tear down buildings. Lasers fired in each and every directions. Blades swung, saws buzzed and the massive, crab looking robot slammed down its colossal pinchers at the ground in a desperate attempt to crush something moving around beneath it. Yet, just as all of the robots before it, it failed to crush the blue blur that was currently ruining the day of the mad doctor that sat inside of the crab. One very blue and VERY fast hedgehog.

"Come on egghead, a giant crab? Do you know how many of these I've crushed over the years?" Sonic asked. The crab stomped down on him and snapped it's pinchers at where he was, but where Sonic was was long gone by the time the crab got there. "Back in the day every giant robot you built to kill me was something new and original, something special. But now it's all duplicates and repeats. Where did the spark go, egghead?"

"You want a spark, rodent?! I'll give you a spark!" Dr. Robotnik roared. He punched a hole through his command console, which caused the crab to open up its maw and unleash a torrent of flame towards Sonic. The hedgehog smirked before he took off running, his smirk growing wider as he felt the heat on his heels.

"Yo Sal, how things going in the command room?" Sonic asked into his earpiece. "Because I don't know how much longer I can keep Robotnik distracted. His heart's just not into this fight today. I wouldn't be surprised if he packed it in and called it a day any time now."

"Then keep him busy, Sonic. We've almost got my citizens free from his assembly line," the voice of Sally replied. "But we've encountered more resistance than we were expecting. It's like he was ready for us."

"Princess, we need to be moving on. Ze badniks just keep coming and we are, how you say, cutting the close."

"Don't worry, Sal. I got it. Stall for time, crush Eggman and go home for a well deserved heroes party," Sonic replied. He glanced over at the crab, which was now in the middle of the factory, before a full on smile crossed his face, knowing how he was going to win this.

Sonic rolled up into a ball and launched himself towards the crab, expertly weaving around it's attacks despite its best attempts. He slammed into the crabs legs, practically a buzzsaw at this point, and tore clean through the set on the left side. Before the doctor even had time to register what had happened, Sonic took out the ones on the right as well. Sonic then landed in front of the crab, took a quick bow, and then watched with a smile as the crab came crashing down. And the only sound louder than the mechacrab falling apart were the screams of hatred that were coming from within the machine.

Sonic whistled a tune as he walked over to the machine and knocked on it three times, before stepping to the side as a panel flew open. A large and round shaped man came stumbling, his moustache a mess and his goggles cracked. He cough up some smoke, before he turned to glare at Sonic with a look of absolute loathing burning in his eyes.

"Hey doc, how ya doing?" Sonic asked.

"Do. Not. Think...that this is over," Robotnik seethed. He jabbed a finger in Sonic's face, while the hedgehog merely raised an eyebrow in response. "I will still win this day. You have not bested me."

"Really? Let's do the math. I've crushed your giant robot, I've embarrassed you in front of your army..." As Sonic said this, Robotnik's pants fell down. "And my friends have freed all of the people that you've captured for your sick experiments. Sounds like a total win in my book, but I'll play along and bite. How are you going to "win this day"?"


Robotnik pointed up at the top of the factory, where a new device came down out of the ceiling. A device that was guarded by a blue, metallic knockoff of Sonic. But that wasn't what grabbed Sonic's attention. What caused his eyes to go wide was the fact that there were seven different colored emeralds within the machine. And that only meant trouble.

"When did you...?" Sonic muttered.

"While you've been resting on your laurels, I've been hard at working gathering the Chaos Emeralds," Robotnik explained with malicious glee as he pressed a button on his sleeve. The machine began to glow with a chaotic light, one that shook the whole factory. "So enjoy your last, worthless victory against me. Because with the power of the Emeralds, I'll-"

Sonic didn't let Robotnik finish. In a burst of speed Sonic ran up the walls of the factory and launched himself towards the emeralds. "METAL! Stop him!" The metal knockoff placed itself between Sonic and the Emeralds, eyes glowing red.

"Hey Metal. Normally I wouldn't mind knocking your screws loose, but I'm in a bit of a hurry," Sonic said with a smirk. He leaned to the left, before rocketing around to the right. Metal caught the movement, but, just like everyone else that faced Sonic, was a moment too slow. Sonic weaved around Metal and grabbed hold of the emeralds, just as the device reached full power.

For a brief moment, time came to a halt as Sonic processed what he should do. Remove the emeralds? It was too late for that. Destroy the machine? Might cause the whole continent to explode. Go for Robotnik? No, he wouldn't stop it. Take the risky option and prayed it all worked out? Was there any other way he would do it? Sonic grabbed hold of the emeralds with both hands, feeling the power of chaos flow through him before yelling,


The machine shook violently, the sky turned black and chaos itself began to go wild upon the land as Robotnik slowly placed his goggles over his face.

"Well, that can't be-"

And then everything went black.

||--O O--||

"Ugh, that hurt. Stupid ponies, always ruining my plans," Sombra grunted as he felt consciousness return to him.

"That blasted hedgehog doesn't know when to leave well enough alone. Always breaking my stuff," Robotnik groaned as he slowly pushed himself up.

"They think they're so smart and strong, but it's all the Elements power. I would have beaten them ten fold if not for them," Sombra snarled.

"But thanks to the Chaos Emeralds, he always finds a way to foil my plans," Robotnik seethed.

"But while they may have beaten me this time..."

"My next plan will be so cunning and diabolical..."

"That they will have no choice..."

"But to fall to me!"

Sombra and Robotnik both leaned back their heads in preparation to laugh, before they both slowly turned and realized the other was there. For a long moment, neither said anything, before they both sighed before both saying in unison.

"Great. Another one of those days."

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