• Published 18th May 2021
  • 3,692 Views, 461 Comments

Way Past Equestria - Onomonopia

The Elements of Harmony and the Freedom Fighters will have to fight together to save both of their worlds.

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Called Out

"Jeez, what did Eggman did to you, Nicole?" Tails muttered.

"Can you fix her?" Sally asked.

"I can fix this fragment so that she can function once more. She's missing a lot of data."

Tails sighed as he started a backup program for Nicole that had been saved away on the Sky Patrol, hoping that it would be enough to at least jog her memory. Sally paced behind the fox, hands clasped behind her back as she walked. Pinkie watched Tails work, having no idea what was going on but was fascinated none the less.

"At least you got a part of her back. And, judging from what I'm seeing here, you got one of the large fragments of Nicole," Tails pointed out.

"I figured that Robotnik would either keep the largest fragment for himself or give her to Metal. And seeing that he didn't have a fragment with him when he trapped us at that warehouse of his, I assumed that he gave her to Metal. Seems I was right."

"You're pretty good at this whole thinking and planning thing," Pinkie said, fiddling with her Element.

"For how long I've been doing it, I better be good at it," Sally replied. Then she did a double take and locked eyes onto the Element. "W-when did you get that?"

"Oh, Sticks found it for me," Pinkie said. "She was upset about not having a role in the story so I asked her if she wanted to find my Element. It took her a while, having to dodge the author and make sure she didn't get found out, but she eventually got it to me. She says that she's not going to risk trying to get another one, though."

"While I have no idea what you just said, all I need to know is that we've got one more Element," Sally said. "That means we've got one more Element and one more emerald to find. We're almost there."

"Yup! Oh yeah, how was Angel Island, Tails?"

"How do you know we went to Angel Island?"

"Tails, it's me."

"Right. Place looks bad, Knuckles flipped and right now he's trying to fix the place up," Tails replied.

"Think he'll need any help?" Sally asked.

"Nah, Knuckles is really protective of that island. He'll want to do the repairs himself."

A blur of blue zipped into the room, ending the conversation with the arrival of Sonic. "Yo Sal, Amy and the others are back. You're going to want to hear what they have to say."

"On my way," Sally nodded. "Tails, can you please stay here and keep working on Nicole?"

"That's the plan."

"Alright, I'll get you up to speed once I find out what's going on," Sonic said. Then he spied the Element around Pinkie's neck and smiled. "Do I want to know how you got that?"

"Sticks gave it to me!"

"Fine with me. Come on, let's go."

The three were in the war room in the blink of an eye, finding all of their friends there as well as Celestia, Luna and Discord. Amy, Silver, Big Mac and Shining were all gathered around the table on the map, with one location marked with a knife. "Thanks for getting everyone together so quickly, Sonic."

"It's what I do."

"We've found them," Silver said. "Or, at least, where the portal to their base is used most often. A portal to their dimension."

"They're in another dimension. Argh, I should have guessed," Twilight sighed.

"It was practically impossible to find. If we hadn't seen the Egg Phoenix fly out of the portal we never would have known that it was there," Amy admitted. "But once we did know where it was, it made finding where the base was hidden a lot easier."

"We have a general location," Shining added. "But none of us were equipped to open portals to another reality. There was also the issue that Eggman and Sombra's forces would quickly overwhelm us if we did." Big Mac nodded in agreement.

"That's fine, you guys did your part. Now it's time for the heroes to come in and clean up," Rainbow Dash bragged.

"Aren't ya fergetting that we're still missing an emerald and two-"

"I've got mine now!"

"-missing an Element of Harmony? Yours, unless ah'm mistaken," Applejack pointed out.

"What can I say? They saved the best for last."

"Applejack is right. Even though we've managed to save most of our friends from Sombra and Eggman's clutches, I still don't want to face them until we've got all of our items back," Sally said. "Speaking of our friends, how is everyone you recovered from Eggman the other day?"

"Spike and Cadence are awake, but they can't talk yet. Blaze and Shadow still haven't woken up, but they seem fine," Twilight replied. Shining Armor tore past Twilight and headed for the infirmary, with Silver not too far behind him. "Oh yeah, forgot to tell them. Jeez, I've been out of it. This stress is going to kill me."

"Wait until you get to our age," Celestia chuckled.

"So we've got one of each left. And then...we finally end this," Sonic said. Everyone looked at the spot on the map where Silver had marked. "We storm their base, take down whatever end of the world weapon they've got, because come on, and then...we deal with them." Sonic and Antoine shared a look as he said this.

"Have the three of you found anything?" Antoine asked.

"At the moment, no. Despite our best efforts, Rainbow's Element remains hidden," Celestia said, shaking her head.

"Maybe we should have Applejack call for it. I'd wager it would appear then," Luna teased.

"I haven't found the last emerald either," Discord shook his head. "Whether it's my own, failing powers or the fact that it's just far better hidden, I have no idea."

"That's odd. Normally you'd at least have some idea where it is," Fluttershy muttered. "Why is this one different?"

"That would be our fault."

A swirl of darkness erupted in the middle of the table and two figures made of darkness towered over the heroes, blotting out the light with their darkness.



"Sonic! Twilight! We can yell your names too," Robotnik said.

"What do you want?" Celestia snarled.

"We heard you were having trouble locating the last of your precious little super weapons, so we thought we'd do the neighborly thing and help you out," Sombra cackled. He lifted a dark hoof to reveal a neckless with a thunderbolt in it. "Like this little one here. I think it's Rainbow's, but it's so subtle that I'm not sure. It could be any of yours."

"As for your missing emerald, allow me. Tada," Robotnik said. He lifted the last emerald, a violet one, and held it aloft. "I know that you've got some, but the complete set is just so much better, wouldn't you agree?"

"What's your angle?" Sonic asked. "You've ignored the emeralds up until now, so why take this one?"

"Why? My dear rodent, isn't it obvious? We've been giving you a chance," Robotnik laughed.

"We knew that you were all so horribly outclassed that we could have crushed you at any time. But instead, we wanted to give you a fighting chance. So we decided to let gather five and six of the magical artifacts that you would need to defeat us, only to completely crush you when you had gotten so close," Sombra added.

"Letting us? We've whooped yer rears every time we've crossed paths!" Bunnie called them out.

"You've won some battles. It accomplished nothing," Robotnik brushed her off. "But this will be the ultimate battle. For all the marbles. All of you against us at our best. And just in case your brains finally decided to work for once and you're feeling cautious..."

Robotnik raised a hand and pulled a chained up Rouge into view. As he did this, Starlight Glimmer appeared next to Sombra.

"Seems that a little bat tried to break into our base. Pity that she's not as good as she thought," Robotnik cackled. "She may be a scoundrel and a thief, but I'm pretty sure one of you there cares about her. So come and get her."

"I've got nothing clever for mine, it's Starlight. Either ya care about her or you don't," Sombra said with a shrug.

"The hostage weren't necessary, Eggman. We would have come to kick your butt regardless," Sonic said.

"Perhaps, but I just wanted to let you know the stakes for this game of ours," Robotnik said with a smile. "I am in the ruins of the old kingdom, a place where we nearly destroyed the world. I'm waiting, hedgehog."

"And I will be in the place that you all know well. A place where your adventure first started. Everfree Forest," Sombra added. "Send as many of you as you like. It won't matter in the end. But please, do bring everything you've got. I'd hate for our final battle to be a boring one."

"You're going to regret this. Both of you are," Twilight growled. "We will do everything in our power to stop you."

"Oh, we're counting on it."

The two vanished back into the darkness, leaving the group to take in everything they had just learned. Two more of their friends were being held hostage, Eggman and Sombra had the last two items they needed, and they had plenty of time to set up a trap before hand. Things were lookin grim.

So of course Knuckles would pick that moment to return.

"Hey guys, so clean up on Angel Island is going well, and..." He stopped talking when he saw the looks on everyone's faces, getting him to sigh as he crossed his arms. "I missed something big again, didn't I?"

||==O O==||

"You all know the situation. You all know who we're up against. So I'm going to skip the pep talk and get right into how we're going to deal with this," Sally said. "Two teams. As many of us as we can fit. Eggman and Sombra are the last two obstacles to finally bringing an end to this mashup nightmare and I want to make sure that nothing goes wrong that we can't deal with."

"Here is the first team against Eggman. Sonic, Rainbow Dash, Knuckles, Fluttershy, me, Pinkie, and Bunnie. According to Silver, he's using the Egg Phoenix, which means having a good number of fliers is recommended as well as Sonic. Pinkie is there to confuse him and Fluttershy should get him to mess up at just the sight of him."

"Makes sense," Fluttershy nodded.

"Team for Sombra. Twilight, Antoine, Applejack, Tails, Silver, Celestia and Luna. The three Alicorns, Antoine and Applejack all have experience with handing Sombra his rear, while Tails can hack into any machinery he tries to bring. And Silver for some TK support. He's still new with machines and Tails can take advantage of this. With these teams, we can shut down anything he tries."

"Old timer that doesn't know how to work computers. Got it," Tails chuckled.

"Finally, Omega, Shining, Big Mac, Amy and Discord will be back here to keep the rest of our friends safe. Any questions?"

No one said anything, getting Sally to smirk.

"Alright then. Group up and get ready to roll out."

"Hey, Optimus says that too!"

||==O O==||

"Heh, these teams seem pretty perfect. Our villains won't know what hit them," Bunnie said.

"Oui, but we must not be cocky. These two have zere backs to ze wall, and zat is when they are ze most dangerous," Antoine pointed out. "Be safe, ma cheri."

"Always am."

"It has been a while since we last went into the field with you," Celestia said. "Do not worry, we may not be rulers anymore, but we are still two of the strongest magic wielders in the land. We will more than carry our weight...and don't you dare make a comment, sister."

"All I was going to say is that with three Alicorns together, our victory is all but certain. With all of us together, I am certain we will win," Luna added.

"I am happy to be working with you once more. I'm kinda glad to not be the only princess for a mission this big," Twilight sheepishly admitted.

"I'm just glad to finally be able to get some payback," Silver growled.

"You and me both," Tails agreed.

"You and I, finally together on a team," Sonic said. "I would say that this would signal the end of the world, but Eggman has an emerald and Sombra has an Element, so this basically is the end of the world."

"It's not the first time and it probably won't be the last. So let's focus on saving the world safe and then I can prove to you that I'm the fastest in both worlds," Rainbow replied.

"I'm looking forward to it."

"Hey, can I try racing you two?" Pinkie asked.

"No," they both said together.

"Will you be fine without me?" Discord asked Fluttershy. "After what you did to him, Eggman is going to have it out for you."

"I'll be fine. I have Sonic and Rainbow Dash both there, along with all my other friends. He'll be too busy getting smacked around by them to worry about me," Fluttershy promised.

"I hope that you're right."

"We'll get her back, Knuckles, I promise," Sally said.

"I'm not worried. Rouge is tough. It'll take more than Eggman to stop her," Knuckles said. Then he lowered his head and sighed. "I'm just worried about who we might lose to get her back."

"We won't lose anyone, trust me," Sally replied. "Alright, time to head out. Every one ready?!"

The heroes grouped up with their team and prepared to be teleported, leaving only a moment for any last goodbye's.

"See you after this," Rainbow said to Applejack.

"Don't worry, ah'll have yer Element when ya get back," AJ replied with a wink.

"Lead well," Twilight said to Sally.

"You too," Sally replied.

"Keep them safe, Sonic," Tails said.

"Keep their heads on straight, little bro," Sonic waved.

And then, in a flash of light, the two teams headed off towards their greatest battle.

Author's Note:







Shadow looked around, before lowering his head with a sigh.


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