• Published 18th May 2021
  • 3,689 Views, 461 Comments

Way Past Equestria - Onomonopia

The Elements of Harmony and the Freedom Fighters will have to fight together to save both of their worlds.

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Gathered Together

"We've finally done it."

Both groups, the Elements and the Freedom Fighters, took a step back to admire their handiwork. Seven emeralds were gathered together on one side of the war table while on the other six Elements of Harmony shone. All of the teams hard work had finally paid off and now they held everything they needed to fix their worlds and save the day.

"So now what?" Tails asked.

"Now...we prepare," Sally instructed. "We may have gathered all of the Elements and Chaos Emeralds together, but just running right up to Eggman and Sombra's base without a plan is suicide. We'll need to come up with a strategy before we do anything."

"I dunno Sal. Running right up to the base sounds pretty good to me," Sonic said. Sally rolled her eyes at him.

"I agree with Sally," Twilight said. "Eggman and Sombra will have the home field advantage and that is something I do not want to underestimate. We've seen how dangerous these two can be when they come onto our turf. I hate to think what they're capable of when they have prepared a place for us."

"I must concur. Eggman and Sombra have been formidable foes on their own. But working together, even zey might be able to handle the combined might of ze Elements and ze Chaos Emeralds," Antoine added. "Especially, as is tradition, Sonic will be ze one to use ze emeralds to fight them. I assume zat you ponies will be giving your power to Rainbow Dash?"

"That's not how the Elements work," Rainbow said. "All six of us get a massive power and magical boost from the Elements. Once we go rainbow, we're basically all on the same playing field."

"Well zat is just not fair."

"Antoine brings up a good point, though. The Chaos Emerald will be given to Sonic and, even then, there's a time limit to how long he can use their power," Sally said. Then she flashed Twilight a smile. "I'm guessing that your Elements don't have one of those, do they?"

"I don't know. We always win pretty quickly once the Elements come out."

"Of course zey do."

"So we save the Chaos Emerald for when we fight against Sombra and Eggman, and not a moment before then," Fluttershy nodded. "That means that the six of us will have to do the heavy lifting once we get to the base. Well, I don't mean that you won't be helping, I just mean that...oh dear."

"Ah get what yer saying. While we'll all be fighting, it'll be the ponies and their Elements that will carve us a path right to that varmit," Bunnie said. "That's fine. Ah don't need no fancy powerup to break his jaw."

"Get in line, D'Coolette. Sombra messed with my mind first, meaning I'm the first that gets to pay him back," Shadow said from off to the side.

"I'm sorry, but you must have helped us to gather the Elements and emeralds to have a say at this table," Silver replied.

"You only helped to get one."

"That's one more than you."

"I saved the orange one's life. That counts for more."

"Every one will get a fair crack at Sombra. Believe me, we'll need everyone's help to take them down," Sally pointed out. "There is no way they'll just come at us with their standard powers and tech. Whatever super doomsday weapon they've been saving up until now, this will be the time they use it. And since the two of them are combining their minds, I'm sure it's going to be something that will require all of us to stop. You want to bicker? Do it once the worlds are saved."

"The place is going to be a death trap. That much is certain," Applejack said. "Ah don't know how ah feel about all of you going in there without any magic or emeralds to protect ya. Especially the young ones like Tails."

"Then you should be glad we're here, darling."

The teams turned to see Rotor and Rarity walking towards the group, smiles on their faces that told the heroes that they had something planned. The two walked to the side so that everyone in the room could see them, before holding out small discs with a triumphant look on their faces.

"Tada! Behold, the answers to all your prayers," Rarity said. "You may start applauding now."

"Uh, Rarity? I don't mean to stomp on your hard work, but how are drink coasters going to help us?" Pinkie asked.

"Drink coasters? My dear pony, these are much more. Rotor, if you would please."

Rarity swept her mane back as she struck a pose, while Rotor placed one of the discs on her chest. In a moment nanites shout out across her body, enveloping the mare in a silver suit of nanites that covered her complete. A blue visor allowed her to see as Rarity took a bow.

"Behold. Body armor that protects completely. Air tight, rip, burn and magic proof and is fit and slimming. Not to mention, each one is made to aid your special talents. For example, Sonic's will store up residue kinetic energy from his running and allow him to fire off pulses of energy to knock foes back."

"Now that sounds cool."

"Of course, darling. Only the best for my friends," Rarity replied.

"Here, the one that belongs to you is marked by your symbol or cutie mark," Rotor said. He passed out the discs to the groups, who all studied theirs. Then he turned to Shadow, Silver and the others who stood off to the side. "Sorry that we didn't make some custom ones for all of you. We only made them for the main members of both our groups. We just have standard suits for all of you."

"Hey, I'll never turn down a free gift," Knuckles said as he took his.

"This is way better than the armor they supply for the guard," Shining said with a chuckle. "So Celestia, when can we expect this to become standard issue?"

"When you find a tree made of endless bits to pay for all of it," Celestia teased back. "I can't even begin to imagine how much it would cost to outfit a whole army in this."

"Wow, that's amazing! And you two did this all by yourselves?" Tails asked as he studied his.

"I came up with the tech, while Rarity made the design and how they would aid each of you," Rotor admitted. "Despite not being a mechanic like you or me, she's a genius in her own right."

"Rotor, please, flattery will get you everywhere," Rarity replied. Then she flashed a smile over at Rainbow and Applejack. "Yet here I had been hoping to steal the show with the reveal of our suits, but it seems that something else happened out there that sounds far more important. I heard that two of our group found their special somepony at the same time. Care to elaborate, you two?"

"When all this is over, we'll tell you all about it. Until then, buzz off," Rainbow smirked back as she placed her wing over Applejack's back.

"Wait what?" Bunnie asked, looking from AJ to Rainbow. She glanced to her husband, who nodded, getting Bunnie to let out a squeal before she raced to the two and hugged each of them. "Congrats you two! Ah knew it was going to happen, ah just didn't know when! Oh when all this is over, ya have to go on a double date with us!"

"Oh believe me, Jackie had the exact same idea," Rainbow smirked.

"While I'm glad to see that you're all so happy, can we focus on the mission?" Sally asked. The groups regained their composure and waited for Sally to speak.

"We have no idea what those two will have in store for us, so I believe it be best for Twilight, Tails, Rotor, Celestia, Luna and myself to spend this time coming up with as many plans and strategies against the two as we can," Sally said. She looked towards each of them as she said this, each nodding in response. "While they are doing that, I want each of you to prepare however you can. If that's by training, meditating or whatever, do it. Because once we have a plan...we're going to attack. And we're going to win. Because I don't want to dare think of what will happen if we lose."

"Now that's a battle cry I can get behind. Let's win because only the source knows what will happen if we lose," Sonic cheered. Sally threw a book at him and he ducked with a laugh.

"Thank you for what I'm certain was vital impute, Sonic," Sally said with a smirk. "Now then, unless there is anything else, dis-"

"I don't like this."

Every eye in the room turned to face Pinkie Pie, who was sitting with her arms crossed and a look on her face none of her friends had never seen before. "There's something wrong. Something that we're not getting. I feel it in my soul. In my very being. Eggman and Sombra are planning something."

"We know that. Which is why we're coming up with counter strategies and plans to..." Sally began, but Twilight held out a wing to stop her.

"Pinkie, we've known you for over five years now. And we all know better than to dismiss your or your Pinkie sense. What do you think is wrong?" Twilight asked.

"I don't know. I can't pinpoint it," Pinkie shook her head. "But we've missed something. Something big. But I just don't know what it could be. So we need to be careful. Like, even more careful than we've ever been before. Because I love all you guys and if something happened to any of you..."

Pinkie stopped talking when she felt a hand on her shoulder. She looked up to see Sonic smiling down at her. "Don't worry Pinkie, we're going to win this. I agree with you. We've missed something. We always do. But we're going to come out ahead. And I promise you, I'm not going to let anything happen to any of you or your friends."

"Aw, thanks Sonic, that makes me feel better," Pinkie said with a smile. "How about when this is all over, I throw you and your friends the biggest party you've ever been apart of?"

"Now you're talking my language."

||==O O==||

"It seems that it's finally time."

"Yes, it does, doesn't it?"

Both Eggman and Sombra stared down at the colossal being of metal and magic that was entering its final stages down beneath them, watching as their worker slaves finished the essential. Weapons, shielding and the sickest paint job the two had ever seen. Orbot and Cubot stood next to Eggman, while Sombra had Flurry Heart in a cage of darkness hanging from the ceiling, having finally caught her.

"It's...such a weird feeling, isn't it?" Robotnik asked.

"What's that?"

"Knowing that this is it. I mean, I've fought Sonic and his weakling friends for so many years now and this...will be the last time I do it," Robotnik replied. "I'm...I'm not one to get sentimental, but there have been some good times. Like when I killed Sonic's best friend, or burned down his home, or when I collapsed the space time continuum on top of them. But once this battle is over, that will never happen again. I'll have finally won."

"Ah, I see. No, you make a good point. You and Sonic have been fighting for so long that, in a way, a part of you will die with him. But think of it like this. You're not ending a rivalry between you and him. You are putting the exclamation point on the book that is Dr. Robotnik. And when it's done, you will finally have proven to everyone that you are the one who deserves to rule. To be respected. To be feared."

"I guess that is one way to look at it. Yes, then I will make sure to make his defeat a defeat that is talked about for centuries to come," Robotnik said with pride. Then he raised an eyebrow at Sombra. "But you don't feel the same way about your foes?"

"Are you kidding? The sooner I get to kill them off, the better. I'm sick of their preaching, I'm sick of their holier than thou attitude and I am sick and tired of being nuked to death with rainbows. Every time I see a rainbow in the sky I shudder. It sucks," Sombra grumbled, then his eyes narrowed into slits. "But while you kill Sonic, I want to end Shadow."

"Shadow? Why?"

"I had her. I had Applejack dead to rights and was ready to watch her be wiped off the face of the planet. And for a moment I thought I had. The ponies were shattered, Rainbow Dash was a crying wreck and even Twilight's eternal optimism was gone. And then that edgehog shows up, saves the hicks life and dares to challenge me. I'll give him what he wants. And I'll make sure he lives just long enough to regret it."

"Fine. Shadow is the creation of my grandfather after all and it just wouldn't sit right with me killing grandpappy's work," Robotnik said.


"Are you kidding? I'd shoot him into the sun first chance I'd get," Robotnik chuckled.

"Glad to see that you're just as despicable as ever," Sombra said. Then he looked towards the center of the machine, where the faintest traces of screaming could be heard. "And what about him? Think he'll live?"

"He'll live long enough to serve our purposes. After that, who cares if he dies?" Robotnik asked.

"That's what I like the most about you, Robotnik. You're practical," Sombra chuckled. Then a soft smile crossed his face and he chuckled.

"Tomorrow. Tomorrow it all ends."

Author's Note:

"Hey, this is the Author's Notes. How come there's nothing funny or creative in here?"

"Go easy on the guy. They've got to write this super epic battle coming up and they're afraid of blowing it. It's surprisingly hard to write a finale that is both engaging and satisfies everyone."

"What are you talking about? Sonic shows up, Sonic looks cool and Sonic saves the day. It's easy."

"I swear if we could weaponize your ego there's no being in the multiverse that could stand against us."

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