• Published 18th May 2021
  • 3,693 Views, 461 Comments

Way Past Equestria - Onomonopia

The Elements of Harmony and the Freedom Fighters will have to fight together to save both of their worlds.

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Escape from the City

It had just not been Rarity's day.

First the boutique she had tried to buy a new dress from said they didn't have it in her size (she knew what they meant by that). Then then shopping mall had closed down early, meaning that she couldn't get a hold of the new gemstones she wanted. Then Sombra attacked and she, along with her friends, had to battle him once again. A massive explosion had gone off and the next thing she knew she was in a strange city while malicious beings made of darkness started raining from the sky and attacking everypony in sight. And yet the last of those was the most normal for her.

"At least, it is supposed to be something I should know how to deal with by now," Rarity mused to herself. Her horn flashed and crystal erupted from the ground, impaling the dark monsters that were advancing towards her. Yet with a nervous laugh she watched as the creatures simply reformed, walking through her crystals as they marched deeper into the city.

It was the city that confused her the most. At first, it seemed like a normal city. Large buildings, a good amount of stores, even a casino. But what raised an eyebrow from Rarity was that the entire city was populated with humans and animals that were human like. And she didn't recognize any of the brands. But she was still an Element of Harmony, so she had decided to buy them time so that they could escape.

"Of course, that does not mean that I want to do this on my own," Rarity bemoaned. She fired blast after blast of magic from her horn, striking down shadow monster after shadow monster. But for each one she struck down, two more took its place. "Oh Twilight? Applejack? Anypony? I could really use one of my friends right about now!"

The shadows leapt on her, forcing Rarity to throw up a barrier to protect herself. While her barrier was impressive, she was no master of magic like Twilight was, so within a matter of moments the dark beings began to tear their way through her shield. She took the time they were taking to get some distance between her and them, let out a small 'hmph' before she dawned her Element of Harmony.

"Very well ruffians, you enjoy playing in the dark so much? Then perhaps it's time somepony showed you the light." Rarity activated her Elements power and a shining, beautiful flash of light went off around her. While the Element was nowhere near it's best without its five compatriots, it still was an ancient, magical artifact designed to overcome any foe. It still packed quite the wallop. Rarity struck a pose as the light faded, letting out a small sigh of relief when she looked around to see the dark monsters were gone.

"See? Huff...darkness is nothing...before a light...this beautiful," Rarity panted. She flicked her mane and turned around...only for her eyes to go wide when she saw even more shadow monsters emerging from the depths. "Ah...my apologies, but I don't do encores. Perhaps if you gave me few hours or so to recuperate I could show you the Element's power once more. You wouldn't be opposed to that, would you?"

The shadow beasts lunged towards Rarity, who let out a yelp at the oncoming sea of darkness. Yet before the first shadow being could reach her, numerous sword strikes flashed in front of her and the shadow monsters leading the attack faded into darkness. Rarity blinked as she tried to comprehend what had just happened before she looked to her side at her rescuer.

He looked like a coyote, had blond hair, a nervous smirk on his face and held a shining saber in one hand while in his other was some kind of...board. But what truly gained Rarity's attention was the way he bowed to her politely before standing between her and the shadow monsters.

"Of course, mademoiselle. It would be rude of these beast to attack a lady when she is not ready, non? But there is no cause for fear. For I s-shall hold them off for as long as you need to recharge that flashy flash thing you have done...so long as it is no more than a few minutes. It will only take a few minutes, oui?"

"Oh...thank you," Rarity said with a small giggle. Then her smile fell. "But sadly darling, I will not be able to access my Elements power for another hour at the very least. And while you may be the perfect gentlestallion...I do not believe that these ruffians will be so patient."

"Ah. I see," the swordsman said. He then turned back to see the hundreds of shadow monsters that were closing in on the pair of them. "Then I shall use my intellects to decide ze best course of actions. And I have decided that our best course of action...is to flee."

The swordsman threw down his board, which Rarity noticed could hover, and rocketed away from the shadow monsters, scooping her up on to the back of the board as he did so. He flew them through the cities streets, while a tidal wave of darkness crashed after them.

"Mon dieu that is a lot of them," the swordsman noticed as he looked behind him at the advancing tide.

"I appreciate the rescue, but we have to deal with those monsters. We cannot let them run free and attack the...people of this city," Rarity pointed out.

"I am not. Ze monsters seem to be following you and that magical tiara you have. I noticed it when I was flying in. Zhey are all swarming to you, ignoring the people they pass," he pointed out. Rarity looked behind her at the advancing tide before holding out the Element to one side of the board. The tide started to swarm that side. She then held it out to the other side. The tide shifted to the other side.

"You would be right."

"Zat is why we are going this way, away from the people who are taking the shelter," the swordsman continued. "Not to be mentioning zat we will be needing a place to be disposing of all of these shadow monsters. And I have ze perfect place in ze mind."

"Well I'll follow your lead..."

"Antoine, mademoiselle. Antoine D'Coolette," Antoine introduced. "Freedom fighter and swordsman expert."

"Well it is my pleasure to meet you, Antoine. I am Rarity. Element of Generosity and expert on all things fashion," Rarity replied. "And I must say, it is nice to finally meet somepony who knows how to speak to a lady."

"Of course, madam. We may be fighting for our lives, but there is no reason that we cannot maintain some standards while we do so, non? Looking good is half ze battle, or so they say."

"Finally. Somepony who speaks my language," Rarity whispered. She batted her eyes a few times and shifted her mane to look as pretty as possible...before she spied something that made her smile bitterly. "Ah, no surprise there. Not with someone as classy and heroic as him."

"Hang on, we are getting close."

With one more burst of speed Antoine rocketed out of the end of the city, with the tide of darkness following him. He spun in the air and skidded to a halt, allowing him and Rarity to watch as the tide came charging at them. For a moment the tide was right on top of them...and then the tide of darkness plummeted off of the cliff that the edge of the city rested on. Antoine and Rarity waved at the tide with smiles as nearly all of the dark monsters plummeted to their demises. Only a few remained at the edge of the city.

"Well now, those odds look a little more fair, wouldn't you say Madam Rarity?" Antoine asked as he drew his saber.

"Oui, Monsieur Antoine. I believe we can handle this," Rarity agreed.

The pair swooped in on the remaining shadow monsters, which let out roars as they leapt at the passing pair. Antoine's blade flashed and Rarity's horn glowed, resulting in the beings being no more a moment later. Antoine brought his hover board to a halt and the pair looked over the damage.

"Not to much damage to ze city. Zat is good," Antoine observed. "But ze city is precariously perched on a cliff in a strange land zat looks nothing like Mobius. Zat is bad. But the people of the city are still safe. Zat is good. But these shadow monsters are everywhere. Zat-"

"Monsieur Antoine," Rarity cut him off. "I am still flattered that you saved my life, but I must find a way to contact my friends and tell them what is going on. What...is going on, anyway?"

"I am not sure myself. One moment we are stopping Eggman's latest attack and ze next the whole world is topsy turvy," Antoine said with a shake of his head. "Why can we not go more than a day before some new, world ending threat appears."

"Tell me about it darling. One time we were attacked while I was in the spa having my mane done. I had to go into battle with half of my mane hanging out at an odd angle. It was embarrassing."

"Villains, feh, always attacking at ze worst of times. Ah, here are ze phone booths."

Antoine brought the boared to a halt and hopped off, extending a hand to Rarity. Rarity giggled as she took Antoine's hand before stepping off of the board. She walked over to a booth with some kind of device within it. She looked it over for a second before shaking her head and looking back to Antoine.

"I am sorry darling, but I have only seen something like this before in Spike's Supermare comics. Do you have a mail station or a desk I can write a letter at?"

"Hmm, letters are a bit of ze old fashion, but perhaps I still have some parchment and quills back at Knothole," Antoine mused. "But I do not even know where Knothole may be in this hodge podge of a world and it is far to dangerous to be doing any exploring on my own..."

"That is no longer necessary, darling. Thanks to that floating island falling out of the sky, I believe I can still see Canterlot up on the mountain far in the distance," Rarity pointed out. "That is where the leaders of my world live and where my friends would go once they've seen what is happening. How about we go there, regroup with my friends and then we can help you find your friends?"

"Zat sounds like a wonderful plan. Hop back on mademoiselle and we shall-"

A blast of darkness caught the side of the hoverboard and sent Rarity and Antoine tumbling through the streets. Rarity let out a ground as she tried to shake the cobwebs out of her head while Antoine was already on his feet, sword drawn and eyes locked onto the foe that had attacked them. Yet as Rarity could see from the way he slightly shook, Antoine was nervous of this foe. And when she looked upon who it was, she didn't blame him.

A dark pony stood across the street from them, with a red tipped horn and a wicked smile that Rarity knew all too well. But it was the rest of him that made her gasp. His body, which had once been pony before, was now covered in metal, with gears and wires moving beneath his plated armor. His limbs made whirring sounds when he moved and light shone from beneath a chest piece. And when he let out a small laugh, his voice sounded distorted and almost...robotic.

"Ah Rarity. The only one of the Elements to actually hang onto her Element. Sadly, that will mean that you must be the first to die," Sombra said in a cold and metallic tone.

"Sombra...what have you done to yourself?" Rarity asked in horror.

"What have I done? Why it's simply, Rarity."

"I've become perfect."

Author's Note:

"Excuse ze moi. I know zat we are still at ze beginning of ze story and have many other characters and plot points to get, how you say, rolling, but I must ask ze quick question..."


Antoine, quite breaking the fourth wall. That's how Wade keeps getting back in here.

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