• Published 18th May 2021
  • 3,692 Views, 461 Comments

Way Past Equestria - Onomonopia

The Elements of Harmony and the Freedom Fighters will have to fight together to save both of their worlds.

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Silent Night

Rainbow stood alone at the top of the Canterlot castle, staring up at the stars in the sky. After years of being in this very same position, she would have thought that the anxiety would eventually fade. That she could prepare for a fight without feeling dread in the bottom of her stomach. Yet no matter how many times she was in this situation, the dread never left. But it kept her sharp, focused and definitely made her faster. Maybe that was a good thing.

"Just one more battle, then hopefully we'll be able to finally enjoy some peace and quiet," Rainbow muttered. She was getting tired of all the fighting, the world ending threats and the constant attacks on their lives. And there used to be a time where she would have relished all the combat. She really had changed.

"I doubt it will happen. There always seems to be something else that pops up."

Rainbow Dash glanced over her shoulder to see Fluttershy landing next to her, joining Rainbow in staring up at the sky. "Discord said that even if we get our worlds separated and we manage to get the Freedom Fighters back home, expect things to be chaotic for a while. It will take time for the world to heal from this. Which means we'll most likely be needed."

"Of course. For the first time in my life when I want to take it slow, I'll instead be spending months keeping things from falling apart," Rainbow said with a smirk.

"I'm sorry. Congrats, by the way," Fluttershy said with a smile. "Hard to imagine that you found somepony who actually managed to wrangle you."

"Heh, well, she's something special," Rainbow admitted, rubbing the back of her head. "How's Discord? Dude's been looking worse and worse every time I look at him."

"The breaking of the Chaos Force really hurt him and constantly using his power hasn't helped either. I'm really worried about him," Fluttershy admitted.

"Then why don't you tell him to take it easy? He'll listen to you."

"...I want to. I really do. But he wants to do his part in saving our worlds. In fixing them. And honestly, without his help, things would be way worse than they are now...he was the one who teleported Shadow to where Twilight and the others were fighting Sombra...which mean he played a part in saving Applejack," Fluttershy revealed.

"Great, now I owe Discord one as well. I hate owing him favors."

"So I can't tell him to stop, even if he's wearing himself out. Because if we all don't do our part...then we're not getting out of this alive. I just wish I could do more to support him," Fluttershy whispered.

"Just be there for him. Trust me, sometimes all you can do for the one you love is be there for them. That's a lesson I had to learn myself," Rainbow Dash said. "Just the knowledge that you're there for them can be enough to help them."

"Hmm, you're right. When did you get so wise?" Fluttershy asked with a smile. "Out of all of us, you might have been the one to change the most over the years. Remember how you used to be?"

"I try not to," Rainbow admitted. "But thanks, for having my back all these years. No matter what happens, whether it's fighting the forces of evil or my new relationship with Jackie...you'll always be my best friend. And nothing can change that."

"And you'll always be mine."

||==O O==||

It wasn't until the third knock that the door finally opened, Antoine raising an eyebrow in surprise to see Sonic standing outside his room. Antoine opened the door and motioned for him to come in, which Sonic did so and jumped onto the couch.

"What are you, an animal? Take your shoes off of ze furniture," Antoine scolded with a smirk. Sonic smirked back before doing just that. "What brings you here at zis time of night? Don't you have somewhere else more important to be?"

"Well Tails is still with Sally, Twilight and the others. Knuckles is checking up on Rouge. Silver and Shadow look like they're about to throw down again and I think I lost Amy downtown. So at the moment, you're the only other friend on my list that I have to hang with."

"Ah, the last resort. I see how it is."

"Y'know, I also considered hanging out with the ponies or some of the cats I saw prowling around, but I figured you'd be better company," Sonic teased. "Where's Bunnie? I almost never see the two of you apart unless your on mission?"

"She is training for tomorrow. And when she gets like zis, it is best to stay out of her way," Antoine said.

"When she gets like what?"

"When she gets scared."

"Ah," Sonic realized, dropping the subject. The a more serious expression crossed his face and he sat up straight, getting Antoine's attention.

"I know zat look. Zat is ze look you wear when you have something either depressing or heartfelt to say. I am praying it is ze latter."

"I...just wanted to say thanks again. For what you did back at the theme park," Sonic said.

"Oh zat? Please, it was nothing. You would do ze same for me," Antoine waved it off.

"And that I'm sorry I wasn't fast enough to get to you guys in time to stop that laser from firing on you."

"Twilight and ze princesses kept us safe. Apologize to Applejack if you feel you owe someone an apology."

"And I'm sorry...for all the years of me being-"

"What is really on your mind, Sonic?" Antoine asked. His question cut through Sonic's words and got the hedgehog to smile.

"just cutting straight to the point, eh?"

"Zat is what a swordsman does. What is really bothering you? Why are you being so...not you?"

"This...might be the biggest and most dangerous mission of our lives. And...I'm worried we might not all make it back. Not this time," Sonic revealed.

"Oh, and so you came to me. I see how it is. You expect me to be ze first to die," Antoine replied with a smirk, but he was met with Sonic serious stare.

"I'm being serious, Antoine. I'm telling you this because not only are you one of my closest friends...but because you can think in a way no one else on the team can. Your the analyst. You're...practical. So you're the only one I can tell this to and expect a more...level headed response. If the time comes and someone has to sacrifice themselves for the good of all...I want it to be me."

Antoine's first thought was to tell Sonic no way, but what Sonic had said before that made him bite his tongue. He motioned instead for Sonic to continue.

"I can't ask anyone else from our team to do. Tails is too young to have to risk his life and has his best years ahead of him. Sally is going to run a kingdom and she has the peoples trust. You're married and if either you or Bunnie had to do it...I won't see any more families torn apart. Not while I'm still breathing. It has to be me."

"I noticed you left Rotor off your list," Antoine pointed out.

"Heh, I'm sure he'd try his best to make sure he'd be the one to take the bullet. But we all know that I'm the one who's going to be closest to the final battle. It has to be me."

"And if one of the ponies tries to make this play?"

"Then I'll do it in their place. Twilight is the ruler of a kingdom. Applejack's family has already lost enough. Rainbow Dash sacrificing herself would tear apart the team, especially after she and AJ went through to get to this point. Pinkie has a boyfriend, Fluttershy is all Discord has and Rarity...well...I'm sure there's somepony out there for her. I won't let them do it either."

"What brought this on, Sonic? It is not like you to have such a fatalist attitude," Antoine said. "We are going to win zis, just like we always do. Is it riskier and more dangerous than our past battles? Perhaps, but together, we shall win this one like we have all the others."

"I know we will. I have no doubt about that. I'm just saying that should it come to it, I'll be the one to do it," Sonic said again.

"You always have to be ze hero. Do you know what losing you would do to our team? To all of us?" Antoine asked.

"I know. But you would recover. And you would rally. I know you would."

Antoine sighed and leaned against the wall for a long time, saying nothing. "Very well, if you wish to be ze hero, go ahead. But know zat I will be doing everything in my power to make sure we do not get to ze point where you have to sacrifice yourself. Loathed as I am to admit it, I have a small amount of respect for you and would hate for you to be gone, if only because I look so much better with you around."

"Thanks Antoine. Always there to tell me what I need to hear," Sonic laughed.

The sound of fighting reached their ears and they opened the door to Antoine's room in time to catch Blaze running past. "Yo Blaze, what's going on?"

"Shadow and Silver are fighting out in the garden. I'm going to try and stop them," she said before taking off.

"Well, we both knew this was going to happen...ten bucks says Shadow wins."

"Sonic, how many times must you be wrong? Twenty on Silver."

||==O O==||

Sally sat alone in the darkness, staring at a computer screen that had a single loading bar on it. The bar was about at fifty percent and was slowly going up. For days the bar had been barely moving, telling Sally how badly Nicole had been damaged...and how much Eggman was going to pay for what he had done to her.

"It's late. You should be in bed."

Sally glanced over her shoulder to see Rarity walking over to her. Sally only grunted before turning back to watch the bar. "Darling, there is nothing more you can do for her at the moment. You resting would be more helpful than sitting here watching a bar slowly go up."

"I'm here for her. Isn't that doing something for her?" Sally asked.

"...yes, I suppose that it is. Do you mind company?" Sally shook her head and Rarity pulled up a seat next to Sally. Rarity's horn glowed and she summoned a teapot with a pair of cups. "Care for some tea? If you're going to be up late, this will help."


The two sat in silence for a bit, just watching the bar. Then Sally looked over at Rarity. "Thanks for helping Rotor with the nanosuits you two developed. From what I've heard, the team really like them. You've done good."

"Thank you, I always appreciate hearing feedback on my work," Rarity said. Then her smile fell slightly. "So, due to the reason that you are here, I assume that you and the others managed to come up with a plan?"

"Indeed. We have one. It's...not great, but it's the best we can do and if there's any team crazy enough to pull it off, it's ours," Sally admitted.

"That I can agree with," Rarity said. Then she flashed Sally a look. "How are you holding up, darling?"

"Not well. Not well at all," Sally admitted. "I'm scared, Rarity. I agree with Pinkie that there's something we missed, something big. But for the life of me I can't think of what it might be. But we don't have time to wait around and find out. The longer we wait, the longer we give Eggman and Sombra the ability to prepare for us."

"It is not a good position to be in," Rarity agreed.

"And I'm worried about how my plan will hold up against Sombra. I've gotten used to how to plan for Eggman, but Sombra is far craftier than Eggman has ever been. And the fact that the two of them are still on such good terms means that I doubt they will turn on each other. I don't know if my mind is a match for his."

"Of course it is. Sombra may be a tactical genius, but he also has an ego larger than Sonic and Rainbow Dash's combined and that is not something I say lightly," Rarity said. "The biggest difference, though, is that he will most certainly underestimate you while you know how dangerous he is. And that is what will give you the edge. Whenever he does something amazing or clever, you will be ready. Whenever you return the favor, it will baffle and confuse him. Trust me Sally, I've seen his type plenty of times before. Egotistical, so sure of how amazing he is, enough ego to inflate his head and will spend the rest of his life single. He is pathetic. And he is no match for you."

"Pft, how did you manage to take an evil genius like Sombra and turn him into a sad loser in just a couple of sentences?" Sally asked.

"Oh please, you think what I said there was bad, wait until I meet him face to face. That's when I'll really tear apart his ego," Rarity said with a wink. "Who needs fists and force to win a fight? When I destroy somepony, I use my words and I make sure to ruin their confidence to the point that they'll never be a bother again. Shall I teach you some of my favorites?"

"Oh yes. This I got to hear."

Author's Note:

"Well, that...wasn't what I expected."

"I admit, even I am amazed by zis predicament."

Both Sonic and Antoine were looking at Blaze, who had just gotten done moping the floor with Shadow and Silver after one of Shadow's chaos spears had hit her.

"So then, who wins the bet?"

"That would be me," Blaze said."

Antoine and Sonic looked at each other, shrugged and pulled out the money for her.

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