• Published 2nd Aug 2017
  • 4,758 Views, 803 Comments

A Pony Displaced: Homeward - NoLongerSober

With Sombra dead and his cadets and old friends in tow, Magic Barrier and company try to adapt to the modern world, heading forward to try and make Vanhoover their new home.

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Chapter 81 - Barrier Birthday Bash

Barrier stretched as he trotted into the kitchen on a cool winter morning. To his surprise, he saw the rest of his housemates were already huddled around the table and chatting about something. His ears stood at attention at the mention of his name and the word ‘birthday’.

Right. That’s this week. Barrier thought to himself as he moved closer to the table. The day I turn thirty eight.

“Everypony.” Barrier’s words drew the attention of everypony at the table. “I know you’re talking about my upcoming birthday and I’d like to say a few things about it.”

The onyx stallion’s horn glowed blue as he pulled a mug from the cupboard and filled it with fresh coffee. A moment later, he pulled a few ice cubes from the freezer and dropped them into the hot brew.

“While I’d be okay with getting gifts, I’d say you save them for Hearth’s Warming since that’s only two days later.” Barrier then took a quick sip of his brew before sitting down at the table. “And I’m not really a party guy, so no parties, please.”

The privates silently nodded while Daring looked at Barrier with a raised eyebrow. Fleet focused on having a forkful of scrambled eggs while Wind Whistler stood up in her seat.

“Are you sure, Uncle?” the little filly asked. “We could do some really nice stuff for you.”

“I’m positive, Wind Whistler,” Barrier replied from his seat. “Still, if you all really wish to do something for me on my birthday, there are a few things you could do for me.”

“And what would that be, sir?” Swift enquired, leaning the smallest bit closer to the charcoal unicorn.

“Well for one, I’d like the day to be fairly hassle free,” Barrier stated before taking another sip of coffee. “No messes, no fights, that sort of thing.”

“That sounds… doable…” Hatty said as he looked around the table. “Anything else?”

“I think I’d enjoy a somewhat fancy dinner, if possible,” Barrier stated as Verdant placed a plate of scrambled eggs, bacon and toast in front of him, receiving a grateful nod in thanks. “I was thinking of trying this food I heard of in a book. Spaghetti al nero di seppia with cheesy garlic bread and a marinara dipping sauce.”

“That sounds like something I could do,” Verdant replied as he returned to his seat. “Though it may take me a bit to find the exact recipe for the pasta and the squid ink.”

Hatty, Gem, Forge and Wind Whistler gave the shamrock stallion odd looks, as if asking ‘what kind of recipe would ever need that?!’.

“And to top it off, I was thinking of seeing a few movies,” Barrier said as he started to cut into his eggs. “I was thinking of some films such as The Climax, Disorder in the Court and Strangers on a Train.”

“I’ll see if I can find those the next time I head to Blockbuster’s,” Gem said as she stood up from the table before picking up her empty plate and putting it in the sink. “Well, I’m heading out. Belmont’s gonna be doing some maintenance and taking inventory, so I’m gonna be helping out.”

Shortly after Gem left, the rest of the household went out to attend to their daily lives, leaving only Barrier and Daring at the table.

“So, you’re sure about this stuff, Barrier?” the golden coated mare asked as she put her plate in the sink. “Seems like a pretty regular day really.”

“Yes. Parties were never really my thing, so at least I can help steer this to something I would enjoy as well as help keep it from getting out of hoof,” Barrier said before taking the last bite of his breakfast. “Just having a nice relaxing day, enjoying an especially nice dinner with you all and watching some classic movies.”

“Okay, just wanted to make sure,” Daring replied as Barrier’s plate levitated into the sink. “Any particular reason for the gift thing, though?”

Barrier offered a shrug as he slid out of his seat. “Perhaps it’s just me, but growing up, I never really saw birthdays as something really celebratory or restful. More a reminder that I was getting older and as such had to take on more responsibility. Hearth’s Warming, by contrast, just felt a lot more joyous and fitting for gifts to me, hence my preference.”

“Fair enough, I guess,” Daring said as she moved away from the table. “Well, I’m thinking about going for a fly. Wanna come with?”

“Sure, I could use the air,” Barrier replied shortly before the golden mare flew upstairs, leaving him to casually walk to the front door. After a few moments for Daring to put on her A.K. Yearling guise, the two set off into the snowy morning.


The two were soon strolling along the pier, with Daring flying a few feet off the ground while Barrier followed from below.

Daring took a deep breath of cold sea air. “Ah. The smell of the sea in winter. It’s more refreshing than a hot shower.”

“I’ll take your word on that one,” Barrier quickly replied as he looked out to the Luna Ocean. “I’ll stick to something less salty to feel refreshed.”

A chuckle came from the golden pegasus as she halted in the air and looked out to a nearby part of the beach. “Remember this spot, Barrier?” she asked as she held out a foreleg.

Barrier’s eyes carefully examined the spot she was pointing towards. A sudden wave that crashed against the spot drew the charcoal unicorn’s memory to a rather passionate night at that very spot which was ruined by a combination of sand, seaweed and cold water.

“Yes. That was a rather poor decision on our parts.” Barrier let out a light chuckle as he looked into Daring’s magenta eyes. “Why they made an alcoholic beverage named after something so uncomfortable, I’ll never know.”

Daring soon joined in on the stallion’s chuckles as they continued their way along the pier. Eventually, the two made their way to a fish and chip restaurant near the pier’s end.

A few minutes passed before they received their meals. Daring had opted for a haddock sandwich with a side of chips while Barrier had a large cutlet of sole with mashed potatoes.

As the meal was drawing close to an end, the pair was having a laugh that was loud enough to be joyous, but quiet enough to not annoy the other customers.

“So, that little bathroom stunt Hatty and Gem pulled made it so that the whole squad had to run all the way from Old Canterlot to Hollow Shades?” Daring tittered as Barrier savored another piece of potatoes.

“And not only that, they had to get a parcel she had in Hollow Shades, and then bring it back, all in the span of two days.” Barrier quietly chuckled as Daring clamped a hoof over her muzzle to keep from disturbing the other customers.

“Sweet Luna, that sort of trip is insane!” She said as she adjusted her glasses and leaned closer to the unicorn. “That’s a three day trip on hoof, even if you went at a good clip. I’ll bet they were nearly dead when they got back.”

“Well, they certainly were wishing for death,” Barrier stated as he started to cut another piece off the sole. “And after that exhausting trip, do you know what Princess Celestia had them pick up and bring to her?”

Daring leaned closer to Barrier, who noticed a slight twitch of her wings in anticipation, even with the cloak covering her.

“A single small strawberry cake.” Barrier’s words caused Daring’s hooves to slip out from under her in surprise, causing her face to hit the table.

It seemed whatever pain she’d experienced from that was overpowered by her laughter at the thought, which Barrier soon joined as he recalled the absolute disbelief when the cadets had discovered what their errand was for. It took a long moment for the two of them to rein themselves in.

“Aaaah, I missed moments like these,” Daring said as she fell back into her chair. “Just swapping stories and enjoying good food with someone close to me.”

“So, did I, Daring,” Barrier replied, leaning closer to her. The unicorn then let out a small sigh. “I’m still sorry about—”

“I’m gonna stop you right there, Barrier.” Daring hushed the unicorn by gently placing a hoof on his lips. “I forgive you for what happened.”

A moment of silence passed between the pair as she pulled her hoof away. Once the moment had passed, Barrier chose to break the silence. “May I ask why you did so?”

“You mean besides the fact I suggested we started herding before we officially did because I kinda saw something like this coming?” Daring asked before taking a bite of her sandwich. “Let’s just say that I have some experience with doing stupid shit in an altered state,” she said through her mouthful.

“Might I ask what?” Barrier’s question made the pegasus mare pause as she prepared to take another bite of her sandwich. “You don’t have to answer if you don’t want to.” He quickly added.

“Nah, it’s fine.” Daring sighed as she set down her sandwich. “It involves some really stupid stuff when I was younger that I still regret.”

“Rest assured, that’s a feeling I’m quite familiar with,” Barrier said as he gently reached across the table and placed a hoof on hers. He then gave her a gentle smile as he rubbed her hoof.

“Thanks.” Daring returned the smile before she took a deep breath. “Okay, here’s the thing. Back in high school, I was a… well, to be frank, a moron that would do stuff like trying really dangerous stunts without thinking or experimenting with drugs.

“One day, while I was high as a kite, I was in a shady poker game with some sleazy ponies. When I ran out of money, I decided to break into the house of my best friend, Heartbeat, while she and her family were out of town. I ended up stealing her family’s valuables while wrecking the place in my stumblings.

“After her family returned and learned what happened to their house, they were absolutely furious. Meanwhile, I had a splitting headache after coming down. It really stung to see how badly hurt my friend was by my actions.”

Barrier saw the faint appearance of water forming in the edges of Daring’s eyes before they were wiped away with her wing. “Did you tell her what happened?”

“No. Not at first.” Daring looked down to her hooves. Barrier could practically hear the guilt and remorse in each word that she spoke. “I helped with some of the clean up and once that was done, I tried to scrounge up what money I could to eventually get her family’s stuff back.

“At first, when I showed up with a wagon full of their stuff, she was happy… but then I told her about what I had done…” She let out a sigh that was both sad and tired. “She beat the shit out of me, but I really think that seeing how hurt she was, especially at the fact that I’d hid this from her, hurt a lot more than the bruises or chipped tooth I ended up getting.”

Daring slipped her hoof out from under Barrier’s and placed it atop his before staring her rose colored eyes into his icy-blues. “She may have decided to not press charges against me, but she never wanted anything to do with me ever again.

“After I had some time away and wrapped up that cult thing, I was thinking about what you and Fleet had done that night and realized that it was pretty much just the shoe being on the other hoof here, albeit with different circumstances… except for one crucial detail. That was how you two didn’t try to hide what you did like I did. You confessed to me what you did as soon as you could. I tried to keep what I had done secret until I couldn’t keep it bottled up inside anymore and had their stuff back. You two, though? Instant confession. Plus, you didn’t try to dismiss your actions because you were in an altered state like I did.”

Barrier tried to interject, but the second he tried to open his mouth, he found Daring had softly placed a hoof upon it to silence him once more.

“That stupid little experience made me realize something important, Barrier, and that was to know how much somepony means to me.” Her words were as soft as a baby pegasus’ down as she leaned in closer to him. “And you and Fleet matter a great deal to me.”

Barrier felt a bit of dampness starting to form around his eyes at Daring’s words. “I… Thank you, Daring.”

The two silently gazed into each other’s eyes, no words needing to be said between the two of them. Soon they had leaned towards each other and gave one another a tender nuzzle, followed by a soft kiss.


Dinner that evening was a rather scrumptious affair, coupled by a visit from Erica and Snow Sweeper who had dropped by to wish Barrier a happy birthday. Despite some initial hesitance to have pasta that was covered in squid ink, everyone at the table had found the dish to be quite delicious.

“Very good work, Verdant,” Barrier said as he dipped a stick of garlic bread into his bowl of marinara sauce. “The pasta was especially splendid.”

“Thanks, Barrier. I decided to make the effort to do the pasta and marinara by hoof,” Verdant said before taking a bite of his own sauce-covered breadstick. “Though it’s a bit spicier than I planned on.” As he started to pull away from the table, Barrier held out a hoof to him.

“If you’re going to get some milk, I was about to stand up anyway,” Barrier said as he stood up from his chair.

“Alright. Thanks.”

Barrier opened the door to the fridge with a quick flash of his horn. When he looked inside, he felt his heart sink in his chest and only years of practice allowed him to resist the urge to leap back.

Sitting in the fridge was none other than the Pink Devil. Despite the coldness of the fridge, she sported a warm smile as she held a large cake in her forehooves.

It was a long cake covered in vanilla frosting with more dollops of frosting lining the top that alternated between the two shades of blue that composed Barrier’s mane. The words, “Happy Birthday Barrier” were written on the cake in fancy cursive blue piping. On the top of the cake was a single candle flanked by two small replicas of Barrier made of modeling chocolate.

“Um… Thank you for the cake, Pinkie, but we’re in the middle of dinner right now,” Barrier said as he cautiously drew closer to the fridge, feeling the eyes of everyone at the table falling upon him. “We’ll save it for dessert later.”

“Okie-dokie-lokie,” Pinkie replied with her usual level of cheer. “Happy Birthday, Barrier.”

“Thank you, Pinkie… Have a good day,” the onyx stallion replied as he slowly closed the fridge. After a moment had passed, Barrier felt oddly curious and opened the door once more. To his mild surprise, Pinkie had vanished, but the cake was sitting perfectly fine in the center of the fridge and nothing else appeared to have been disturbed.

“So… how the heck did she do that?” Erica asked from her seat beside Verdant as Barrier picked up a milk carton in his magic.

“Don’t ask,” Barrier replied as he closed the fridge once more and pulled a glass down from a cupboard. “Trust me, it’s for your own sanity.”


The night quickly wound down after the household watched the movies Barrier had picked out. Overall, it was a rather pleasant evening for the unicorn. Dinner was quite good, there weren’t any things that had annoyed him and the movies were better than he’d hoped they’d be.

When it was nearly half-past ten, Barrier headed to his bedroom to turn in. Giving the door a gentle kick to close it, the stallion noticed that rather than hearing it click into place, he instead heard something hard making contact with the wooden surface, followed shortly by the creak of its hinges.

Quickly turning about, he saw Daring entering the bedroom. She was no longer sporting either her Yearling disguise or any other form of attire.

“Hey there, Birthday Boy,” she said in a seductive tone as she strode into the bedroom. “I was finding tonight a bit chilly and I wanted to give you a gift that I don’t want to save for Hearth’s Warming.”

Before he could respond, Daring had pressed her lips against his. As he closed his eyes and returned the kiss, he felt Daring stroking his back with her wing.

Once she pulled away, Barrier opened his eyes to see one of the most sultry gazes he’d ever witnessed.

“How about you open this gift tonight to make up for some lost time?” Daring pressed her lips to his once more, but more passionately than before.

Barrier felt as if the temperature in the room began to rise as he pulled Daring into his forelegs. The two then tumbled onto his bed and rolled, eventually ending with the pegasus straddling the unicorn.

What would come next was glorious.

Author's Note:

Alticron: Hey everyone. Hope you enjoyed the latest chapter. Part of me worries about this bit of backstory I put in for Daring. Hopefully it goes down well.

Here's a fun bit of trivia: This chapter was actually written after the next three chapters. The reason why? Well, I realized that I had skipped over Barrier's birthday and figured I could put some character development here, so here we are.

Now, there's no art here for this chapter, but there is for past chapters since I've revised the cutie marks for the cadets. In the past, before I had confidence in my art skills, I used stock art for them or commissioned Stephanoodle to redraw them. Now, they all have cutie marks drawn by me. Are they better? Are they worse? I'll leave that to you to decide, but I do prefer their new looks since they have more effort put into them.

At any rate, see you next time as we begin the Hearth's Warming trilogy. See ya then.

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