• Published 2nd Aug 2017
  • 4,758 Views, 803 Comments

A Pony Displaced: Homeward - NoLongerSober

With Sombra dead and his cadets and old friends in tow, Magic Barrier and company try to adapt to the modern world, heading forward to try and make Vanhoover their new home.

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Chapter 66 - Adulthood Ailments

In a classroom, the teacher, a lavender earth pony with a light blue mane, was sitting at her desk as her students took their places at their desks.

She had started to sort through some papers when a light blue mare walked into the class. “Um, excuse me, miss? Might I ask what you’re doing here?”

“Um,” the mare looked nervously at her. It was then the teacher noticed the familiar white bow on the mare’s tail and the foal sized saddlebags. “I’m Wind Whistler, Ms. Schoolbag.”

“What?” The lavender mare slid out of her seat and quickly examined the mare. She had all the right colors and the cutie mark of the familiar filly, but this was utterly baffling. “How did this happen?”

“We had a bit of an accident at my birthday party,” Windy said as she trotted over to her desk, clearly feeling uncomfortable from both the position of her desk and seat, and from the other foals that were staring at her.

“By we, do you mean—” Schoolbag was interrupted as a pair of ponies burst through the door. Based on their colors, she knew they had to be Gold Pippin and Dawn Apple. “Ah. I see. Did anypony else get turned into adults?”

“Shutterbug, Melony, High Stakes and Crispy Wings were also there, so unless their parents kept them home, we’ll probably be seeing them too.” Windy shrugged as the Apple twins took to their seats.

After a few minutes, the remaining adult students showed up, each one feeling Windy’s discomfort about their desks.

“Oh dear, this could be a problem,” Ms. Schoolbag whispered to herself before clearing her throat. “Alright, children. It’s time for class. Starting off, the first lesson will be about the addition and subtraction of fractions.”

A wave of groans came in response from most of the students, including those now stuck in adult bodies. She had to admit that while what happened to them wasn’t funny, their childish groans were.

Without much complaint, the students took to their studies fairly well. Still, she could see the adult students were having issues sitting at such tiny desks to do their school work. A look of pity came over her as she got behind her desk. I think that if this doesn’t wear off by tomorrow, I should tell them to stay home until they get better.

After nearly half an hour had passed, Wind Whistler raised a hoof. “Ms. Schoolbag, may I please go to the washroom?”

“Of course, dear,” the teacher nodded before turning her focus back to a stack of papers she was marking. “Just try to be back quickly.”

Wind Whistler moved awkwardly between the arrangement of desks until finally making her way out the door.

Several minutes passed by, but Wind Whistler had yet to return to class. This was especially odd to the teacher since she had known Wind Whistler to be rather quick when it came to stuff like this.

Looking up at the class, she scanned her students to see which ones had set their pencils down before her gaze fell upon a certain blue unicorn. “Shutterbug, could you please go to see if you can find out what’s keeping Wind Whistler?”

“Okay!” The unicorn excitedly stood up and started to run for the door, only to trip and knock over several desks and her classmates in the process. “Sorry, my bad!” she shouted as she bolted into the hallway.

After only a couple of minutes, Shutterbug returned with a minor reddish tinge upon her face. “Um, Ms. Schoolbag? Could you give me a hoof? Wind Whistler’s… stuck?”

A bunch of chuckles came from the students as their teacher rose from her desk.

“Keep studying, children. We’ll be back as soon as possible.”


“That was humiliating,” Wind Whistler grumbled as she bit into her HBLT sandwich while she and her friends enjoyed their lunch on the school’s playground. “I’m only nine for two days and not only do I have to go through a transformation that makes almost everything too small for me, but my stupid grown-up butt gets stuck on the toilet.”

“I think it’s a pretty nice looking butt, Windy,” Crispy said before slapping a hoof over his mouth. “Uh, I mean—”

“Just stop, Crispy. You’re just making things worse.” The sky blue mare let out a sigh before taking another bite of the sandwich.

“Well, at least we got some cool photos yesterday and we could probably try things that we couldn’t do before, like rent adult only movies!” Shutterbug said before taking a bite of her potato wedges.

“I’m not sure I could do that,” Melony said before sticking her face into her fruit salad and taking several bites. “I still think some PG movies are too scary for me, so there’s no way I’m getting a PG-13 movie, much less an R.”

“Well, I’m sure we’ll find something to do like this,” Dawn interjected as she rose up. “At any rate, I’m hitting the swings.”

“Sis, wait!” Pip’s shout was ignored as the thestral rushed towards the swing and leapt to land on the seat. The instant that Dawn landed, the ropes holding the swing up snapped and she fell into the pile of sand underneath.

“Oh, man. I don’t wanna get in trouble,” Dawn glumly said as she dusted herself off.

“This is why I’m sticking to something made of metal,” Wind Whistler said after she finished off her sandwich. “That slide is all mine!”

Windy grinned as she flew up to the top of the slide, relishing how much stronger her grown up wings were. The sky colored pegasus leaned back to let her hind end go down the slide. She went down the slide for only an instant before she found herself halted.

“Oh, son of a…” She grumbled and growled. “Stupid grown-up butt! Somepony get me out of here!” She angrily exclaimed and flailed her limbs in a way that reminded her friends of a turtle stuck on its back.


The last bell for school rang out and most of the students started to merrily make their way out. However, the turned foals found themselves rather sore from their day’s experiences. This of course wasn’t helped by the fact that the gym-activity that day had been to play dodgeball. As they found out, they made for much bigger targets as adults.

“Children,” Ms. Schoolbag said as Wind Whistler and her friends headed for the door. “If what’s happened to you hasn’t worn off by tomorrow, I think it would be best if you stayed home.”

“Good call, Teach,” High Stakes said as she gave her a quick salute.

A few moments later, the collection of ponies had started their walk towards their homes while Crispy followed after Windy.

“Hey Wind Whistler,” Crispy said before coughing into his hoof. “There’s… um, there’s something I want to tell you?”

“What’s that, Crispy?” Windy saw his face was quickly turning crimson as they walked along.

“It’s just that…” The pegasus colt in a stallion’s body’s wings twitched nervously as they walked along. “I wanted to say your grown-up self looks really… pretty.”

Windy resisted the urge to chuckle at his nervous confession. “Thanks, Crispy. You look pretty nice too.”

“Hey, Wind Whistler!” What sounded like a filly’s voice reached her ears, tugging her gaze towards the source she spotted Verdant being carried in Erica’s talons, waving at her as the griffin flew closer. “How was school today?”

“Urgh…” Windy rolled her eyes. “Do you really want to know?”

“That good, huh?” Erica asked as she dipped lower and let Verdant land gently on the ground in front of her.

“My butt’s killing me from sitting in a tiny chair, not to mention the stupid thing got stuck on stuff twice. I had the worst game of dodgeball in the history of Equestria and to top it all off, I’ve got to write a book report on The Runaway Rainbow!” Windy ranted angrily, her volume growing with each word until she was shouting.

“Well, hopefully you’ll get better soon.” Erica landed by her side, walking alongside the ponies.

“Maybe if we’re lucky, Miss Yearling will have found that counterspell already.” Crispy tried to sound optimistic, though Windy could tell he had strong doubts.

“She does seem pretty smart. I mean, she writes all those books about an archaeologist hero and while the writing can be a bit silly sometimes, I’ve heard its archaeology is pretty accurate,” The griffin said as a charcoal colt emerged from around a corner. “Hey, is that—”

“Uncle Barrier!” Wind happily exclaimed as she charged towards the stallion. A surprised Barrier raised a shield in front of him, but the charging mare was too much and she plowed right through it, shattering the shield into dust. Barrier was tackled to the ground and pulled into a tight hug.

“Windy, knock it off!” Barrier tried to struggle out of her grip, but it was no use.

“No can do, Uncle,” Windy replied as she tightened her grip. “I’ve had a lousy day and I need something like this.”

Barrier sighed and grumbled before returning the hug as best he could until Wind Whistler finally let him go.

“How was your day, Barrier?” Erica asked as she, Verdant and Crispy caught up to them.

“Besides being unable to withdraw money to get rid of an unwanted guest, being kept away from my alcohol and being followed around by a policemare thinking I was playing hooky, I’m just peachy.” Barrier dusted himself off as he followed the rest of the group along. “How about you?”

“Eh, same old.” The griffin shrugged as the manor’s gate came into view. “At least I’ve gotten over the cold I had. Oh, remind me to get the present I got for you later, Windy.”

“Will do, Miss Erica,” Windy said, her wings a flutter at the thought of getting another present as Barrier pushed the gate open with his magic.

Before the group could go very far onto the property, the front door burst off its hinges as something blue and silver rapidly zoomed around the yard, screaming like a bat getting a colonoscopy.

The rushing mass soon split into two, a slender brown blur and the large blur which proceeded to crash into Barrier, knocking them both onto the lawn and kicking up dust and dirt.

When the dirt settled, Trixie was revealed, trying to brush the earthy debris off of her sore form. “Well, at least we know Tia Freyle is a spell that makes brooms fly.”

GET YOUR DAMN BUTT OFF ME!” Barrier’s muffled voice said through the thick flank flesh, his hindlegs struggling out from under her.

“Fine,” Trixie rolled her eyes as she lazily climbed off. “But do you know how many ponies would pay Trixie to do that to them?”

“Why would anypony pay another to sit on their face?” Crispy rubbed his chin in curiosity.

“Uh, say, Crispy!” Erica quickly said, hoping to derail that train of thought. “Shouldn’t you be heading home around now?”

“Oh, right!” the amber pegasus exclaimed before spreading his wings and flying over the gate. “Thanks for the reminder! Bye, Windy!”

“Well, at least that’s one less awkward conversation to have.” Barrier breathed a tired sigh and stretched out before getting up and heading to the doorway.

“Say Barrier, can Erica stay for dinner?” Verdant asked as Trixie’s magic picked up the door and managed to stick it back into place.

“Might as well, though we probably won’t have the best food tonight,” Barrier replied without looking back as the five headed into the house. Daring, still garbed in her Yearling guise, looked over the group.

“Well, at least nopony’s badly hurt and we’re only down a broom,” the golden pegasus said as she guided them into the kitchen, where the other foals of the house were assembled around the table.

“Anything close to curing us?” Barrier asked as he removed his saddlebags from his sides and opened up the fridge.

“Well, I’ve found that ‘brickenblaxen’ seems to work as an undo for some of the spells cast by the wand, so all we have to do is find the right spell and try that to see if it will fix you guys,” Daring replied as she moved to the table, taking the book and wand away from it. “Other than that, I’d say the most productive thing I’ve managed to accomplish was making the northern lights appear in the kitchen.”

“Faust be willing, you’ll find it soon,” Barrier said, closing the fridge behind him. “So, what’ll we have for dinner?”

“Well, since we still have leftover pizza, I was thinking we’d try to finish it off before I get back to trying to find the spell,” Daring said as she gently set the book aside. “Sound alright?”

The assembly at the table gave a series of agreeable nods and mutterings.

“Can’t complain about free pizza,” Erica said as she took a seat next to Verdant.

“Trixie calls dibs on having a peanut butter slice!” the magician mare exclaimed, much to the disgust of most of those at the table.



Barrier let out a muttering of curses as he felt something bouncing on the bed beside him. Prying his eyes open, he could see it wasn’t even close to sunrise and that it was a pegasus filly bouncing beside him.

As his eyes adjusted to the darkness, he saw that the filly had a mane that was composed of multiple shades of black and grey while her coat was a light gold. What little he could make out of her face was a maniacal grin that stretched from ear to ear and her eyes were bloodshot.

“Urgh, what the? Daring?” Barrier gave his face a couple of quick slaps to chase away the sleepiness. “What’s going on?”

“I figured out the spell!” She happily exclaimed. “Now I can turn us all back to normal!”

“That’s great, but why are you screaming?” Barrier quickly covered his ears to prepare for the next auditory assault.

“I had way too much coffee to pull an all nighter!” Daring shouted before jumping from the bed and loudly rushing to the kitchen. “C’mon, everypony! We’re getting changed back!”

With a sigh, Barrier climbed out of bed and followed her to the kitchen. From what little light was reflecting off the moon, he could make out that the kitchen clock read that it was a quarter to three.

A few moments later, the rest of the house had entered the kitchen, with Wind Whistler still trying to rub the sleep from her eyes.

“Right, ready to change back, everypony?” Daring asked with a yell as she dramatically stood on top of the table.

“Give Trixie a moment,” the caped mare muttered as she grabbed the coffee pot with her magic and headed for the front door. “Trixie wants to be out of the blast radius.”

Once the door clicked shut, Daring’s grin returned. “Right, let’s do this!” she shouted as she held the wand aloft. “Uthos Penthros Aetate Inverto Brickenblaxen!”

The wand started to shimmer in her grasp, quickly glowing bright until the room was swallowed by the light and a burst of wind knocked everypony back.

Barrier let out a groan as he tried to get back to his hooves, his eyes starting to readjust to the kitchen’s lights.

“Sound off, is everypony okay?” he asked before a smile stretched across his face. He recognized the voice as one he’d heard every day for over twenty years.

“Yes, I’m a foal again!” Windy happily jumped onto the table and tried to leap at Barrier’s face, only to be caught in mid-air by his magic and given a nuzzle before being gently set down on the kitchen floor.

The others quickly rose up with Swift and Verdant helping Daring to her hooves.

“Ha! Victory!” she exclaimed proudly as she placed the wand on the table. “We’re all back to normal.”

“That’s great, Daring,” Fleet said as she quickly went to her side. “Now, how about we take you up to bed so you can get a good night’s rest?”

“That… that sounds really good,” Daring replied as she leaned into the cyclopian mare’s side. “Hatty, could you put the wand in the study?”

“You got it,” the purple pegasus said tiredly as he grasped the wand with a wing. Before moving away from the table, he tried to speak, only for a yawn to make his speech incomprehensible.

Just as he finished yawning, a white light emanated from the wand once more.

“Oh crap, crap, crap!” Hatty screeched as he tried to toss the wand away. The mystical stick landed on the table just as a second eruption of light flooded the room and knocked everypony back once more.

Barrier groaned as he rose back to his hooves yet again. As his eyes adjusted once more, he let out a sigh of relief as he saw from the height of the table that he was still an adult.

“Sound off, is every… po... ny… Oh, Faust curse it!” Barrier slapped a hoof to his head as he recognized the voice he’d only heard twice before.

A series of groans rang out as the housemates started to rise to their hooves. Taking in their appearance, Barrier confirmed what he thought had happened.

“Urgh, what’d Hatty… wait,” Forge groaned before noticing the emerald colored pony by his side. “Verdant! You’re a mare!”

“What?!” Verdant shouted in surprise as he quickly looked over his now feminine form. “What? I… How?! What the fu…”

“Now you know how I feel when Poison Joke affects me.” Barrier let out a sigh. “At least I can drink again.”

“I… this is unbelievable…” Swiftsword muttered to herself as she examined her new masculine body. “Winter Gem, are you alright?”

“I’m… not sure Swift,” the alabaster pony said, examining her hooves.

“Uncle,” a tiny colt’s voice drew Barrier’s eyes down, seeing the now frightened Wind Whistler looking him in the eye as tears started to form. “What should we do?” Barrier remained silent, only shifting to give his goddaughter a proper hug.

“Sonova…” Daring groaned, slapping a hoof to her masculine muzzle. “I’m too tired to deal with this now.”

As Fleet patted Daring on the back, the front door opened up and Trixie trotted up to the kitchen, a now empty coffee pot in tow.

“Well,” Trixie clicked her tongue as she examined the ponies that had undergone a sudden sex change. “Seems things didn’t go as planned.”

“Yeah,” Forge grumbled before shooting daggers at the purple pegasus. “And Hatty’s the reason we’re like this now.”

Now the rest of the eyes in the room fell upon Hatty like a ton of burning bricks.

“Um… Oops?” the purple pony said as he backed into a corner of the kitchen.

“Show of hooves, who wants to murder Hat Trick?!” Forge’s hoof shot into the air, swiftly followed by his fellow privates.

Hatty let out a bone chilling scream before the four chased after the fleeing purple pony, who bolted for the front door with the others close behind.

“Shouldn’t you head after them?” Trixie inquired as she put the coffee pot back.

“Not really,” Barrier replied as he magically picked up the tired foal by his feminine foreleg and deposited her onto his withers. “They’ll just blow off some steam and make Hatty do more chores or something along those lines.”

Giving a tired yawn, the pony reached out with his magic, digging into the cabinet above the sink and retrieving a small bottle of whiskey. Taking a quick sip directly from the bottle, he returned it to the cabinet and continued. “In the meantime, it’s too early to deal with this, so I’m gonna go back to bed and try to sort things out when I’m not so tired.” Barrier headed up the stairs with Windy dozing on his back and with Fleet and Daring following shortly behind.

“If it makes you feel any better,” the magician called out from the kitchen, “Trixie thinks you all look cuter this way.”

Author's Note:

Alticron: Wow, the manor ponies just went from one magical mishap to another, huh?

Well folks, I hope you enjoyed this chapter. Both this and the previous transformations were an idea for a chapter from when Sober and I were working on the tail end of Another Path, so we've been waiting to do this for a long time.

Now that we've got through this chapter, it's time for the pic of the chapter.

Why do these Rule 63 looks for them look so different from how they appeared in the art from one of the Another Path bonus chapters? Well my friends, that's the power of retcons.

In a Rule 63 universe, these would be the looks for the housemates. Their names would go like this:

Magic Barrier - Arcane Shield
Fleetfeather - Fastfeather
Wind Whistler - Tornado Twist
Swiftsword - Quicksword
Hat Trick - Magical Hat
Winter Gem - Winter Wonder
Iron Forge - Steel Forge
Verdant Range - Shamrock Meadow

Next time, we see how the household does with this spontaneous sex switcheroo spell. See ya then!

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