• Published 2nd Aug 2017
  • 4,758 Views, 803 Comments

A Pony Displaced: Homeward - NoLongerSober

With Sombra dead and his cadets and old friends in tow, Magic Barrier and company try to adapt to the modern world, heading forward to try and make Vanhoover their new home.

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Chapter 33 - Aftershocks

As dawning sun crept over the sleepy city of Vanhoover, Barrier laid in his bed; holding the mare beside him tenderly.

Faust damn it, Celestia. Turn down the brightness. he thought as the early morning light struck his eyelids. With a sigh, Barrier pulled the one beside him closer; his grip gently tightening.

A contented humming reached his ears as she nuzzled his neck and chin. A wing ran along his side, the feathery touch tickled him lightly.

Ah, Daring. Moments like these I will always treasure. Barrier tilted his head down, giving his companion a sweet kiss upon her head, getting a whiff of her lavender scented mane. Wait a second… something’s wrong here.

“Hmm…” The figure beside Barrier hummed before placing a kiss upon his cheek. “Flash, thou wert was most wonderful last night.”

Barrier’s eyes shot open with a speed to rival lightning, in spite of the harsh glare of the sun’s light.

As his vision started to settle, he saw not the rosy eyes he was used to seeing each morning, but a single, slowly opening red eye.

“Mayhaps we shall...” The words died in Fleetfeather’s throat as her eye bolted fully open.

The pair of perplexed ponies gasped as they rapidly scampered out of the bed, tumbling to their sides in their rush.

“B-Barrier…” the pegasus mare shakily said as she tried to right herself. “Did… did we…”

“Yeah, Fleet,” Barrier replied after a moment's hesitation. He sat up and groaned. “We slept together…” His eyes drifted over the sheets as he sniffed the air, the evidence of the previous night’s activities quite obvious.

“Oh Faust… I…” Fleet’s eye darted around the room before she charged toward the door. “I need a moment… I… I need to...” Reaching the door knob, Fleet felt a gentle hoof upon her shoulder that, despite little pressure being applied, seemed to root her in place.

“Fleet… I’m sorry.” Barrier swallowed, his hoof trembling as his voice cracked more with each word. “Just… wanted to make that clear before you went… I don’t know what else to say. This should never have happened.”

A moment of long, horrible, awkward silence passed before Fleet place an unsteady hoof upon Barrier’s. “We both made a terrible mistake last night, Barrier. What matters now is we need to figure out what to do about this mess we’ve made.” Gently pulling the hoof off her shoulder, she opened the door, significantly calmer than before. “I need some time to myself. I’m going to shower and try to gather my wits.”

“Sure thing.” Barrier’s tone was a tired whisper as Fleet trudged away. “Guess I’d better take care of these sheets...”


Barrier sat alone at the breakfast table, sick to his stomach and with a million thoughts running through his mind, each worse than the last.

Way to go, Barrier. Mother used to warn you that all those nights of drinking would lead to something stupid and lo and behold, she was right. You cheated on your girlfriend and slept with your best friend’s widow. Congratu-fucking-lations. Truly you’ve reached a new level, pissing away some of the best things you’ve had in life for a drunken one-night stand with another mare. A mare you raised a toast to at her wedding no less!

Barrier was broken out of his thoughts at the sound of a chair scraping against the floor; a good thing, as it pulled his thoughts from what was steadily becoming self-loathing and anger. Looking across from him at the interruption, he saw Fleet, looking only slightly better than she did before.

“Barrier,” she spoke up, her eye focused on his hooves. “I…” Fleet rubbed her hooves together as she nervously fidget in her chair.

“I… We need to tell Daring as soon as she gets back.” Barrier looked up, seeing Fleet nodding to his words.

“Agreed.” Fleet swallowed as she continued to rub her hooves together. “We both wronged her. She deserves to know.”

“I’ll try to clean up the bedroom.” Barrier slid out of his chair and made his way over to the fidgeting mare. “Is there anything I can help you with?”

Fleet remained silent, drawing a concerned frown from the obsidian unicorn.

“Fleet?” Barrier placed a hoof upon her shoulder, snapping her from her thoughts and quickly pull away.

“Oh sorry, Barrier. I was just…” Fleet bit her lip and pondered her words. “Worrying.”

“I’m worried too, Fleet.” Barrier took a step back, trying to give Fleet some space. “We’re both worried about Daring.”

“No, Barrier. That’s not what was on my mind.” Fleet finally faced him, the first sign of tears starting to form in her eye. “I’m worried I might get pregnant.”

“Oh Faust…” The color rapidly drained from Barrier’s face. “I hadn’t even thought about that.” Taking a deep breath and rubbing his temples with his fore hooves, Barrier tried to calmly think about possible solutions. “Okay, since Daring takes pills to prevent pregnancy, maybe she’ll have something for things like this.”

“I hope so, Barrier.” The sky-colored mare sighed before slowly stepping out of her chair. “No offense, Barrier; but I don’t really want a child by you.”

“None taken, Fleet.” Barrier replied as he made his way out of the kitchen. “I’ll take care of the bedroom.”

“Alright.” Fleet gave a hard exhale before trotting out as well. “I’ll take care of the living room. Hopefully it’s less of a mess than the bedroom.”

Barrier looked back over his shoulder once he reached the bedroom door, seeing once more the sad look on Fleet’s face. Taking a deep breath, Barrier turned his attention to the bedroom.

“Hopefully we can fix this disaster,” he whispered to himself and closed the door behind him.


Barrier laid back on the living room couch as he slowly had his meal of leftovers from the previous night. He bit into a slice of last night’s pizza while Fleet sat across the room, having a small bag of cold fries. Silenced reigned over the room as the pair disposed of their food.

A click came from the front entrance, making the pair’s ears stand at attention. It couldn’t have been the kids since it wasn’t even noon yet, meaning it could only be…

“Hey Barrier, I’m home!” Daring’s voice echoed out, the two nervously swallowed as they stepped onto the floor.

This is it, Barrier. Faust be on your side.

“You would not believe it. I came all the way out there, and it turns out the ‘artifact’ they found was just some old dog collar. The whole thing was such a huge waste of—” The goldenrod pegasus strolled into the room, but her words failed as she saw the looks upon their faces. “Guys, what’s wrong? Did something happen to the kids?” A note of worry entered her voice as she ran over to the two.

“No, at least not to my knowledge.” Barrier signed, tempted to pull out his flask. “What happened was last night, after Fleet and I got really drunk…”

“What, did you two break something? I’m sure it can’t be that bad,” Daring said calmly as she placed a hoof on Barrier’s cheek, only for him to pull away.

“No, Daring. It’s was much worse.” Fleet drew closer, biting her lip.

“Daring…” Barrier winced before he spat out the words like a foul poison. “Fleet and I got drunk and had sex last night.” He closed his eyes in a flash, moving as if he were about to be struck.

“...What?” Daring’s voice cracked as she reeled back in surprise, her mind still processing the statement. “I… How could you!?” She started angrily before pawing at the corners of her eyes and feeling the tears that had already begun to form.

“Daring, please.” Fleet quickly stepped past Barrier to Daring’s side. “This was a horrible mistake that both of us regret. Neither of us would ever do something like this intentionally. We were stupid and pissed to the gills. Faust, there’s a chance I’ll get pregnant from this drunken mistake and—” A loud stomp from the professor the echoed through the room and silenced the soldier.

Though she had silenced them, she didn’t immediately reply, opting instead to take a series of deep breaths and close her eyes tightly, reigning her emotions in as best she could given the news she’d just received.

“Alright.” Daring growled slightly, stalking close to the pair. “I am beyond furious with the two of you right now.”

“As you well should be.” Barrier nodded, leaning back into the couch slightly as his fight-or-flight instinct attempted to show itself when he saw the contained fury in the smaller mare’s eyes.

“And believe me when I say that we will talk about this later, but first…” Daring snapped her gaze to Fleetfeather. “We have other priorities. Get your saddlebags, Fleetfeather. I’m taking you out to help you find an emergency contraceptive for this mess.” Her gaze snapped to Barrier next. “You’re staying here, in case the kids get back before we do.”

Both of the old soldiers nodded their assent before Fleet swiftly stepped out of the room to don her saddlebags and rushed after Daring who had already stalked from the house, the door slamming angrily in her wake.

Barrier stood alone in the large living room, the only sounds to break the silence were the ticks of a clock.

This is it, Barrier. The secret’s out. The black stallion sighed as he fell onto his side, sinking into the couch. Daring knows you cheated on her and will probably ditch your sorry flank, like she should.

Barrier pulled out his flask, staring at his reflection in the worn but polished silver.

“If you weren’t the only thing I have left of somepony dear, I’d throw you out the damn window.” He muttered before tossing the flask onto the coffee table and shifting onto his back.

How are things going to be from now on? Laying his hooves over his eyes, Barrier took a deep breath, groaning as his mind tried to puzzle out how life might be from now on. Fleet will probably not want anything to do with you after this, and that’s just if you’re lucky enough not to knock her up. If she is though… what will happen then?

Staring up towards the ceiling, as if hoping for an answer of some kind from above, Barrier could only keep his gaze forward as his vision became blurry.

“I suppose I was overdue for an absolute disaster in life….” He whispered to himself as he wiped away the forming tears only to have them replaced moments later.


The sound of the front door creaking open stirred the red-eyed stallion from his slumber. As he rubbed the last remnants of sleep from his eyes, his ears caught the sound of one of the approaching ponies.

“-should be in the clear, hopefully.” He heard Daring speaking to Fleet as the pair made their way back into the living room, when the golden pegasus spotted the tear-stained stallion.

“Daring...” Barrier started to rise from the couch, but the archaeologist raising her hoof was enough to make him immediately stop.

With a sigh, Daring trotted over to a chair while Fleet took a spot on the far end of the couch.

“Alright you two, listen up.” Daring’s words made the two before her lean closer in nervous anticipation. “I’ve been thinking about everything that’s happened, what you said, and what I’m going to do about it.”

A moment of tense silence dragged on before Barrier leaned closer.

“Go on…” he hoarsely croaked, shaking despite his best efforts.

“I...” The mustard yellow mare sighed and rubbed her temples. “I don’t think I’m going to break up with you.” Her eyes met Barrier’s.

“You…” Barrier gulped as he leaned closer, his fore hooves on the coffee table. “You’re sure about that, Daring?”

“Yeah, kinda,” Daring muttered and leaned back into the chair. Barrier noticed she seemed to be trying to avoid making eye contact with them. “I mean, you two didn’t try to hide things and you admitted the whole thing was a huge mistake.” She sighed before she placed her chin on her hoof, leaning to the side.

“I feel a ‘but’ coming on…” Fleet’s gentle whisper reached Barrier’s ears just a Daring straightened herself out.

“That being said, I’m going to be leaving for a while.” Daring tiredly rose out of the chair, her wings drooping at her sides. “This whole thing hurts pretty bad. I’m just… really upset… and not just with you two...” She paused, taking a deep breath as she placed a hoof to her chest. “I just need some time to cool down and collect my thoughts. I have to think some things through, without being as… frustrated.”

“I understand completely.” Barrier fell back into the couch as Daring slowly walked away. “Daring…” he spoke up, causing her to face him; her normally rose colored eyes looking much redder. “Whatever you choose in the end, I’ll respect your wishes.”

“Thanks, Barrier.” She sighed and turned away, slowly trotting to the master bedroom she shared with the unicorn.

“Daring, where will you go?” Fleet asked as she slowly lifted herself off the couch.

“I’ve got a house of my own,” the yellow mare answered without looking back, pushing her way into the bedroom. “Haven’t been there in a while. I’ll probably clean it up and sort through my mail while I’m there.”

“Do you…” Barrier pulled himself off the couch, slowly walking over to Fleet’s side. “Do you want us to help you pack?”

“No need.” Daring emerged from the bedroom, now dawning her Masquerade guise. “I’m still packed from when I got here. Just grabbed a couple of books.”

“Alright.” Barrier edged the tiniest bit closer to her. “Would you like us to accompany you to the train station?”

A moment of silence came as Daring seemed to ponder her decision.

“No, not really,” she answered, trotting over to the door. “I don’t want anyone knowing where my real house is, if possible.”

“Very well, Daring.” Barrier walked over to the foyer, where he saw Daring standing at the threshold. “I… I guess this is goodbye.”

“Yeah,” Daring sighed and took a step forward, not looking back even for an instant. “Goodbye, Barrier.”

“Goodbye, Daring Do.” Barrier replied just before the front door quietly closed behind her. “I love you.”

Author's Note:

Alticron: "Hey folks, welcome back. Yeah, this chapter was a bit on the heavy side. Hopefully things will be more lighthearted next time when the cadets get back from Pinkie's party. See ya then."

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