• Published 2nd Aug 2017
  • 4,758 Views, 803 Comments

A Pony Displaced: Homeward - NoLongerSober

With Sombra dead and his cadets and old friends in tow, Magic Barrier and company try to adapt to the modern world, heading forward to try and make Vanhoover their new home.

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Chapter 32 - Preparations and Temptations

As the early morning sun beamed down upon Vanhoover, Barrier, Daring and Fleet strolled out onto his front lawn where the house’s younger residents were assembled, sorting through their saddlebags.

“You kids ready for your trip?” Barrier asked with a yawn as he cracked his neck, getting closer to Swiftsword.

“Yes, sir!” Swift saluted, the others falling into line behind her. “My compatriots and I are ready to depart for our stealth operation.”

“Stealth operation?” Barrier choked back a chortle. “You’re going to help set up a surprise party for Pinkie.”

“Yes.” Swift gave her captain a knowing smirk. “And remember how quickly she found us after we arrived and set up a party for us?” Barrier gave the unicorn mare a flat look.

“...Right, stealth mission it is.” Barrier muttered with a dismissive wave. “Hope you have a good time there.”

“Be on your best behavior while there, Wind Whistler.” Fleet pulled her filly into a tight embrace before setting the foal back down and turning her focus to the former privates. “I expect that you will keep her safe, understood?” Based on the authoritative tone of her voice, it wasn’t a question.

“Yes, ma’am!” The five ponies gave a sharp salute to her order.

“Hope you all manage to have fun while we’re gone, but not too much fun,” Hatty said as he slung his saddlebags over his withers, his statement causing Barrier to roll his eyes.

“I’m sure we’ll figure something out. Besides, Daring and I have some pla—” Barrier was cut off as a pop came from above Daring’s head as a letter materialized above her. Quickly grabbing the note, she unfurled it and scanned its contents.

“Oh Faust curse it.” Daring glared and bit her lip. “Looks like our plans are on hold, Barrier.” She sighed and stuffed the letter in her saddlebags.

“Daring, what’s wrong?” Barrier laid a hoof on her shoulder. “Is there anything I can do to help?”

“Not particularly. More frustrating than anything.” Daring sighed as she and Barrier pulled away from the gathered group. “Somepony was starting to build a grocery store in Tall Tale and they found something. They need a qualified archaeologist to check it out and see if it turns out to be some kind of historical site, and guess who’s the closest one.” She lifted her glasses and rubbed the bridge of her snout. “Hopefully it won’t take too long, but I need to head out ASAP. Sorry, love.”

“It’s okay.” Barrier sighed before giving Daring a kiss on the cheek. “Duty calls. It’s something I’ve had to say quite a lot in the past.”

“As have I,” Fleet spoke up as she pulled up to the conversing pair. “I hope it’s not too much hassle for you, Daring.”

“It’s not really that big of a problem.” Daring gave Fleet a smile and gently bumped her hips against her. “I like this sort of stuff, but I wish I didn’t have to push back what Barrier and I had planned.”

“Well, we’ll try not to have too much fun without you, Daring.” Barrier nuzzled the golden mare’s cheek. “Hope to have you back soon.”

“I’ll try to get back soon.” Daring returned the nuzzle, rubbing against the stallion’s neck. “Just cause I’m gone doesn’t mean you and Fleet can’t have fun.”

“We’ll see about that.” Barrier took a deep breath before pulling her into a hug. “Love you, Daring.”

“Love you too, Barrier.” Daring returned the hug and planted a kiss on Barrier’s lips. “Now c’mon, I need to get packed.”


As the train pulled away, slowly disappearing beyond the horizon, Barrier could only sigh and turn away.

“So,” he started, Fleet closely by his side. “Do you have anything planned for today?”

“Not particularly, no,” the cycloptic pegasus replied as she flew alongside him. “It’s my day off.”

“Well I hope one of us will think of a way to kill time, otherwise I’ve got nothing to do but think about where I could drop off some of my resumes.”

“Barrier,” Fleet rubbed her chin she glided by his side. “What would you say are your hobbies?”

“Honestly, I haven’t put much thought it to that sort of thing, Fleet.” The charcoal stallion looked to the sky as he pondered. “Usually, someone’s there to keep me occupied or I’ve got a book to read or study. But right now, I don’t really feel like reading a book. Maybe a walk or a grocery run would kill some time, but I figure that’ll only stave off boredom for so long.”

“Well in that case,” A soft smile graced Fleet’s face as she flew in front of Barrier. “I may have an idea as to how we should spend the day.”

Barrier chuckled at the giddy look upon her face. “Well don’t keep me in suspense, sergeant. What’s the plan?”

“My plan is simple,” she said as she landed in front of Barrier, drawing him to a halt. “We get take out from the Four D’s, rent some movies from Blockbuster’s, and get all sorts of drinks from Liquor in the Rye’s.”

“You've mentioned alcohol.” Barrier smirked as he moved past her. “I’m liking this plan already.”

“We put on a little movie marathon for ourselves and have some drinks.” Fleet grinned as she trotted up to Barrier’s side. “I figure we could have some fun while the kids are out of town.”

“It’s certainly worth a shot.” Barrier chuckled once more. “So, how about I go pick up the food while you pick out the movies?”

“Sounds good,” Fleet said with a tilt of her head. “But what about the drinks?”

“Knowing me, I’d probably just get the same old stuff I always get, so scotch, whiskey and… probably more scotch.” Barrier’s horn lit up as he opened his saddlebags and pulled out some bits. “I figure you’re more likely to pick up something new to try out.”

“Alright then.” Fleet nodded and grabbed the collection of coins. “Just make sure to pick up a lot of food. I don’t plan on either of us doing any cooking tonight.”

“Not a problem, Fleet.” Barrier patted the pegasus on the back before pulling away. “I don’t plan on having to cook or clean up one of your fires again.”

“That was a one time thing with the oil and you know it!” Fleet exclaimed as Barrier rounded a corner, drawing a choked laugh from the stallion.


The light of Barrier’s horn died down as he set several bags of food upon the living room’s coffee table. Taking a deep breath, he savored the delicious scent of the delicacies contained within.

“I’m home!” Fleet’s voice echoed through the manor as she came through the front door. “I hope you’re ready for a wild time, Barrier.” Her grin faded to a smirk as she gently slid her saddlebags off her back and onto the floor.

“Well I doubt it’ll be boring, Fleet.” Barrier’s horn lit once more as he picked up the bags. “What’ve we got to pass the time tonight?”

“Well I picked up some films that I was told were great for drinking games,” Fleet replied as Barrier pulled some of the film canisters free of her bags. “I got the Mortal Fighters movies, Batmare V Aquamare: Prawn of Justice - Supreme Edition, Mighty Morphin’ Pony Rangers: The Movie, Da Pukas, Ad—” Fleet was silenced as a charcoal hoof was gently placed over her lips.

“Fleet, Fleet, Fleet…” Barrier chuckled and shook his head. “You’re neglecting the most important part of this.”

“And that would be?” Fleet inquired as she brushed his hoof aside.

“What kind of liquor did you get us?” He smirked as he started to sort through the second bag.

“Well I figured we’d start off light with this thing called Oroku Sake,” she answered as Barrier pulled out a white bottle with a Neighponese symbol on the label. “The ads said this is guaranteed to get one ‘shredded’, whatever that means.” Fleet dismissively waved as he set that aside and pulled out another bottle.

“S’more schnapps?” Barrier’s eyebrow rose as he examined the second bottle. “Why in Zacherle’s name would anypony want to mix those two things together?”

“I haven’t the foggiest,” Fleet replied as she snagged the bottle out of his magic. “Still, I figured it would be worth trying out.”

“I think I’ll pass on that. What else did you get?” He drew closer to the bags and pulled out two more bottles that he closely scrutinized. “Buttercreme’s Scotch?”

“Hard Rye said that this stuff goes down really smooth.” Fleet chuckled as she grabbed one of the bottles with her wing. “Besides, she recommend a quite few drinking games for the movies I got.” She smirked wickedly as she drew closer to the stallion. “Think you got what it takes to take me on?”

Barrier gave a muffled chuckle that quickly evolved into a hearty laugh. “Dear Fleet…” He paused for a moment to calm himself. “There’s no way you can beat me at drinking, kiddo.”

“Kiddo!?” Fleet snorted and she stomped toward him. “I’m a year older than you, Barrier.”

“Not anymore, Fleet,” he replied as he casually strolled past Fleet, flicking her nose with his tail. “Your time in the empire made me two years older than you, and believe me, I attained more than a little drinking experience in that time.”

“I sincerely doubt that.” Fleet rolled her eye and set her drinks aside. “At any rate, I’m getting hungry and I don’t want my food getting cold.” She grabbed one of the bags with her teeth and hopped backwards onto the couch. “I suggest you start digging in before I eat all the croutons.”

“Not a chance in Tartarus!” Barrier called out as he trotted back to the couch. The charcoal stallion took a seat next to Fleet, leaning close to her. “So, what were those drinking games you were talking about?” He asked as the mare stuck her head into the bag.

“Wrr,” Fleet pulled her head back, showing her mouth stuffed full of fries and gravy. She gave a hard swallow and let out a small belch. “Excuse me.”

“Nope,” Barrier replied, holding back a laugh. “Afraid there’s no excuse for you.”

“At any rate,” Fleet said with a roll of her eye. “In the first game she told me about, when we watch Batmare V Aquamare, we take a shot every time someone says the name, ‘Marshal’. Rye said we’ll be hammered faster that you can say ‘beer-battered seapony’. And that’s just one of them.”

“I doubt it’ll be too bad, Fleet. If nothing else, we’re both very experienced drinkers and can hold our liquor.” Barrier’s horn ignited as he pulled one of the film canisters out. “Well then, let’s get started. I’m hoping to have some fun tonight.”


Hours passed as the pair played movie after movie, indulging in drink after drink, pausing only for the briefest of moments.

As midnight drew near, five film canisters laid off to the side while a collection of empty bottles sat upon the table, some upright, some not.

“Y’know,” Barrier slurred as he leaned into the couch. “That Cyborganizer rebootening or whatever was pretty neat.”

“Not really my…” Fleet went silent for a moment before she gave out a loud belch. “Not really my thing,” she finally said without another pause. “Wait, weren’t we just watching that Batmare thingie?”

“We did,” Barrier replied as he leaned against Fleet. “But I’d like to remember that there’s joy in the world.”

Fleet chuckled as she leaned back against Barrier’s side, her feathers lightly brushing his back.

“Hmm…” She nuzzled the underside of his chin. “This feels so nice.”

“Glad you’re havin’ a good time, Fleet.” Barrier slung his foreleg over her withers in a friendly embrace, making her feathers tickle his side.

“Haven’t felt this good in a while,” Fleet murmured as she leaned further into Barrier. “Always either trying to help keep this place going or working with a bunch of ponies that act like foals at the weather factory and insist on treating me like an old cripple ‘cuz of my lack of depth perception.” She sighed in exasperation as she placed her head upon his shoulder.

“You know better than that,” Barrier stated matter-of-factly as he stroked her mane and moved her back into a standing position. “You and I both know damn well you’re not a cripple or old.”

“I know, Barrier…” A hiccup interrupted her very briefly, “but it sure as Tartarus doesn’t feel like it.” Fleet sniffled as she set her lone eye to Barrier’s sympathetic face. “It’s just… hard. For the longest time, I had so many ponies around me. When at work, it was all of the guards. When at home…” A half-concealed sob worked its way out of her throat. “I’m lonely, Barrier. I know you and the others are here for me, but it’s not the same. I can’t even remember a time when my bed was as cold and empty as it feels these days...” She turned her gaze to the couch as she blinked back the beginnings of tears, several faint sniffles escaping her.

“Fleet,” Barrier brought a hoof to her chin and lifted her gaze to his once more, revealing her eye was now redder than usual. “You know I’ll always be here for you. I love you, Fleet. You’re family.”

“Barrier…” Fleet slowly leaned closer to the charcoal unicorn, wrapping her forelegs around his shoulders. “Thank you,” she whispered, her face nearly touching his.

The two held each other’s gaze for several long moments before Fleetfeather pressed her muzzle forward, closing the gap between them and gently pressing her lips to his.

Nothing but silence remained between the two for a long minute and Fleetfeather made to shift as if she were trying to get up before Barrier reciprocated, forelegs wrapping around her smaller frame as he pressed their lips together once more.

After what felt like an eternity, the two finally separated for a moment, each taking several deep breaths… before diving right back in, the reason for their separation having been sated.

Barrier soon felt the sensation of the tip of Fleetfeather’s tongue brushing against his lips. After moment of resistance, the fleshly organ moved past his lips, gliding across his teeth and tongue. Barrier’s tongue rose up to clash against Fleet’s before he began to explore her mouth as well.

Fleet leaned closer to Barrier before they both tumbled off of the couch, rattling the empty bottles on the coffee table as they came to a halt, Fleetfeather resting atop Barrier’s barrel. Neither of them seemed to mind or even notice as their hooves slowly traveled downwards. Fleet’s wings quickly rose as her tongue kept up its assault.

“Barrier…” Fleet gasped as she felt Barrier’s hooves stroking her flanks and saw the look in his eyes. “Bed…” She bit her lip as his hooves began to knead her lower half. “Bedroom.”

Barrier acknowledged her words with a lighting of his horn. In a bright flash, the two vanished from the living room before reappearing a foot above his bed, landing on it with a thud and a creak. Had it been an hour or two earlier, he might have had the mental acuity to take a step back and calm down, but at this particular point most of the blood-flow was being redirected downward.

What came next was glorious… and terrible.

Author's Note:

Alticron: Uh-oh, Barrier and Fleet and gonna be in trouble. What will be the fallout of this? Tune in next time.

In the meantime, if you want to find out what the cadets were up to, I have a story with a new chapter that shows what they were up to today, but I can't link it.

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