• Published 2nd Aug 2017
  • 4,758 Views, 803 Comments

A Pony Displaced: Homeward - NoLongerSober

With Sombra dead and his cadets and old friends in tow, Magic Barrier and company try to adapt to the modern world, heading forward to try and make Vanhoover their new home.

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Chapter 118 - Take Two

Within an opulent and crowded hall, while most everypony was focused on the alabaster mare at the head of the hall speaking, Magic Barrier was ready to strike at an instant’s notice.

Sweeping his gaze over the crowd, he spotted Swiftsword in her formal attire with her blades resting at her sides, looking just as alert as he was. On the other side of the hall, he saw the back of the heads of Iron Forge and Winter Gem ahead of him. By the alabaster mare’s side was Captain Starshine, decked out in her purple and golden armor. She kept up a stoic appearance as she too swept the hall with her harlequin eyes.

Glancing up toward the ceiling, he saw a hint of two ponies dressed in full white body suits that camouflaged them against the pillars they clung to by the alabaster mare’s side. Verdant Range and Hat Trick were ready to bring death should the need arise.

On Barrier’s right were Fleetfeather with Wind Whistler by her side. The cycloptic pegasus didn’t look ready to strike as she fidgeted. Her right foreleg rubbed against the golden band on her left foreleg as Barrier’s eye drifted to the slight bulge in her belly.

To his left was Daring Do, dressed in her trademarked A.K. Yearling disguise with the recent addition of a golden band on her left foreleg. Despite how her disguise made her look somewhat like an old mare according to Wind Whistler, Barrier could tell that she was ready to fight should the need arise.

With one last sweep, he spotted several more former guards in the crowd. Lightning Javelin’s wings looked tense while Toil ‘N Trouble and Prismatic Radiance appeared to look calm, though Barrier wished he could make out the rest of their squads through the crowd.

He felt a tension in the air as everypony held onto the alabaster mare’s words. It was then that the crowd heard the set of words that many had waited months to hear.

“I now pronounce you mare and colt.” A proud smile was on Princess Celestia’s face as she stood in front of Shining Armor and Empress Cadance.

The crowd erupted into cheers before the newlywed couple leaned in close and shared a tender kiss shortly before a certain rainbow maned pegasus flew off into the air. In an instant, the speeding pegasus whizzed by, creating an explosive shockwave of color that swept over Canterlot and would be seen for miles away.

“Best! Wedding! Ever!” Barrier faintly heard Rainbow shouting over the ringing in his ears from the Sonic Rainboom as Twilight pulled Cadance and her brother into a tight hug.

“That went a great deal smoother than I expected,” Fleet muttered as she watched the royal couple leaving the wedding chamber with the Element Bearers, Spike and Twilight’s parents following close behind.

“I know, it was so boring!” Wind Whistler complained as she kicked the marble floor in annoyance. “I was hoping that we’d have something cool like ninjas attacking or a giant dragon showing up to eat Verdant or something.”

“Honestly, after all the crap that we had to deal with last time, I’m rather thankful for this peaceful ending,” Barrier replied as he used his magic to pick up the pegasus filly and set her on his back. “Besides, I’m sure that you’ll have more fun at the after party with the three flower fillies.”

“Only if you make sure Princess Celestia doesn’t eat the whole cake. After how dull today’s been, I deserve a piece!” Windy grumbled as she rested her chin on top of Barrier’s head.

“Even if she does, I’ll get you some cake from a local bakery.” Barrier promised as ponies started to file their way out, suppressing a chuckle at seeing some ponies being startled by Verdant and Hatty coming down from the ceiling in their white ninja garb. “How are you holding up, Fleet?”

“Alright. Thankfully the baby’s not making my stomach act up right now, so that’s a nice change of pace,” Fleet said as she placed a hoof on her belly.

“Good to hear, my dear,” Barrier replied before he and Daring gave their wife a tender nuzzle. “How are your hooves doing?”

“Not sore, so I think I’ll be up for some light dancing later tonight,” Fleet answered as their housemates closed in on them.

“Glad to hear,” Barrier said as he looked back at his former cadets. “Now, hopefully you will be on better behavior than at the gala.”

“Relax, Barrier. I promise that Gem and I won’t try to do anything in the princess’s bathroom,” Hatty replied as he and Verdant took off their face concealing masks.

“I don’t,” Gem cheekily said as she lightly nudged Hat Trick in the side, making Swift, Forge and Verdant all groan as Barrier and company headed for the doors.

“Perverts,” Swift scoffed as she followed after Barrier.

“At least have the decency of doing that in your guest rooms,” Forge said as he rolled his eyes. “You should have some decorum in the palace.”

“Says the guy that set the fountain on fire… twice.” Verdant gave Forge a half-lidded look.

“There’s no evidence I did it the second time!” Forge barked, making Verdant chuckle.

“C’mon, Dad, let’s go!” Windy grumbled from her spot on Barrier’s back. “I wanna get outside and stretch my legs!”

Barrier nearly stumbled back as the pink devil suddenly appeared in front of him in an explosion of confetti. “C’mon, everypony! It’s party time!”


The stars were sparkling in the night sky as fireworks cut through the darkness. In the royal courtyard, festivities were in full swing with many ponies dancing alongside the newlywed couple as festive music filled the air, drowning out the explosions above.

Off to the side, Barrier sat at a table as he, Fleet and Daring enjoyed a high class dinner, their legs somewhat tired from dancing while Wind Whistler was practically inhaling the piece of wedding cake she got.

A contented and relaxed sigh came from Barrier as he watched his former privates enjoy dances with their partners. Erica dipped Verdant so low that his mane nearly touched the grass. Forge and Snow Sweeper held each other close with the former carefully trying not to step on the latter’s hooves. Gem and Hatty both danced dangerously close to one another while Swift partook in a classical waltz with Spearmint.

“I’m just saying, dear, you can do so much better than him and her.” Barrier turned toward the table on his right, where he saw Lightning Javelin speaking with his annoyed looking daughter. “It’s just that he’s a gardener, not a real military stallion and she’s a griffin. I just want you to have better first mates, dear.”

Smacking a hoof onto the table, Storm Cloud glared at her father. “First of all, Verdant’s a damn good sniper who’s been helping me get fighting fit again. Second of all, Erica’s a lovely hen who’s a blast to spend time with. Third, I care about both of them deeply. And fourth, they’re sure as Tartarus aren’t my firsts. Verdant’s my ninth and Erica’s my eighth.”

The gobsmacked look on Lightning Javelin’s face made Barrier force down a chuckle as the older pegasus could only stare at his daughter in shock.

“I… but you… What?” The older pegasus barely managed to sputter out.

“Hey, back during the war, I was considered the hottest thing on four legs,” Storm bluntly said as she leaned back in her chair, placing her forelegs behind her head. “What makes you think I wasn’t getting tail and getting it often?”

Javelin groaned before he planted his face against the table. “Urgh… my baby girl…”

“Hey there, Barrier!” The charcoal unicorn quickly shifted his attention to Shining Armor and Empress Cadance as the couple approached. “How are you doing?”

“Very well, Shining,” Barrier replied as he raised a glass up to the pair. “Glad things have gone so well with your wedding this time. It’s been quite the spectacle.”

“I’ll say,” Cadance said as she took a seat at the table alongside Shining. “Though I still remember the look on your face when my family and I showed up for yours.”

“Well, I had hoped it would’ve been just a calm little civil ceremony… but then Hatty sent your aunt an invitation as a joke.” Barrier chuckled as he thought back to that eventful day. “Still, at least I didn’t have to worry about leftover cake.”

“Zhe’s nuh geddin’ mine!” Wind Whistler said through a mouthful of cake, making the rest of the table heartily laugh at her remark.

“Still, thanks for coming,” Cadance said before giving Shining Armor a nuzzle. “It feels good to have as much of the family as possible here for the wedding.”

“It’s been a pleasure, Empress,” Barrier said before taking a sip of his drink. “Is there anything else we can do for you?”

“Well, there’s something I’ve been wanting to ask,” Shining Armor said with a grin on his face. Leaning to the side, Barrier could see his tail excitedly wag.

“And what would that be?” Barrier asked with a raised eyebrow.

“Would you and your cadets be willing to have a dance off against me and some of my old guards? I thought it’d be fun to see how well old school guards do against new school in that department.” The grin Shining wore threatened to split his face apart as Cadance suppressed a giggle.

“While I’m sure the privates would be more than willing to face off against your guards, I’m going to have to pass,” Barrier said as he gently set down his glass. “I was never much of a dancer and even then, my leg wound limits what I can really do. Besides, I already spent over an hour dancing with the two loveliest ladies in Equestria. Hope you don’t mind this old stallion saying he’s just tuckered out.”

“Oh, I don’t mind at all,” Shining replied before he faced Cadance. “May I?”

“Knock ‘em dead, Shining,” Cadance said before the two shared a quick kiss.

“I’ll do my very best,” Shining said before he teleported away.

Barrier saw him talking to Spearmint, Cobalt and Moonstone, then to the privates before he went up to the DJ.

“Things turned out a lot more pleasantly than I thought,” Cadance said as new music began to play, speaking of ‘vocal percussion on a whole ‘nother level’ as Shining Armor and his trio of guards began to contort themselves into what Barrier assumed modern ponies called a dance.

“It’s certainly much smoother than before,” Barrier replied as he set his drink aside. “No shapeshifters trying to mess with our minds or replace us. No elaborate schemes to overthrow the kingdom.”

“Speaking of, how’s things going with the changelings on your end?” Daring asked before she took a bite of her salad.

“Very well, all things considered,” Cadance replied with a warm smile. “Their new king’s been very pleasant and while there’s the occasional hiccup, we’ve managed to work out a good deal of problems. Though we’re still working on having our people learn to trust one another.”

“It’ll be a long journey, but I’m sure it’ll work out in the end,” Barrier said as he looked past Cadance’s shoulder, where he spotted Punch Buggy in her Fruity Punch guise giving out snacks. He recalled how the changeling was rather insistent in helping out the wedding, even if it were in some minor way.

“I think Barrier’s right. Things are kinda looking like a fairytale right now,” Daring said before taking a sip from her wine glass. “The land is at peace and the beautiful princess is now married to her handsome prince, breaking the hearts of millions of bachelors and bachelorettes.”

The princess chuckled at Daring’s remark. “This certainly has been quite the exciting year for all of us, hasn’t it?”

“I’ll say,” Barrier said as he nodded. “A pitched battle with a mad alicorn, reuniting with loved ones while freeing a lost empire, being targeted by shapeshifters, forming a herd and getting married…”

“Learning that antibiotics make birth control fail, not learning to use condoms or pull out,” Wind Whistler’s remark made Barrier bring a hoof to his forehead, Fleetfeather’s face to turn scarlet, and Cadance to cover her snout to keep from laughing.

“By the way, do you think you’re ready to handle parenthood, Barrier?” Cadance asked after tossing a quick glance at Fleet’s baby bump.

“I’m sure we’ll be able to handle it, no matter what they may throw at us,” Barrier confidently replied. “I’m sure I can think of a few things that the cadets have done in the past that were more difficult to handle than a baby.”

Fleet scoffed as she rolled her eye. “Says someone that’s never had to squeeze one out of them or raise a child.”

“Touché,” Barrier replied before placing a hoof on hers. “Still, I’m not alone. I’ve got the greatest mother in Equestria by my side.”

“Urgh, are you trying to make me throw up my cake with how sappy you’re being?” Windy angrily muttered before returning to her snacking.

“At any rate, how about a toast?” Daring said as she held up her glass once more. “To many wild adventures in the past and a future full of happiness?”

“Hear hear,” Cadance said as she and Barrier raised their wine glasses and Fleet lifted her glass of carrot juice, clinking their glasses together.

It was then the gathered ponies heard the crowd of wedding guests cheering at the dance Shining Armor and his team completed as the music died down.

“Well, I think I’ll go check on Twilight and her friends,” Cadance said as she rose up from her seat. “Do you think your cadets will stand a chance?”

A smirk crossed Barrier’s muzzle as he watched Swiftsword walk up to the DJ booth and grab a microphone. “I should hope so. They practiced for three weeks for this sort of thing.”

The charcoal unicorn leaned back in his chair as he watched his four former soldiers move in near flawless synchronization as Swift sang.

Baby, it’s time to make up your mind! I think… tonight is when the stars align!

With a contented sigh, Barrier leaned closer to Daring and nuzzled her.

After all this war, violence and conspiracy, it’ll be nice to finally get a good night’s rest.

Author's Note:

Alticron: Can you tell this chapter was written long before Warner Bros. shut down Rooster Teeth?

Not too much to say here, folks. I'll see you in the epilogue.

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