• Published 2nd Aug 2017
  • 4,758 Views, 803 Comments

A Pony Displaced: Homeward - NoLongerSober

With Sombra dead and his cadets and old friends in tow, Magic Barrier and company try to adapt to the modern world, heading forward to try and make Vanhoover their new home.

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Chapter 80 - Winter Wonders

A gentle afternoon snow was falling through the cozy little Vanhoover district as Hatty flew about with Winter Gem who was wearing a rather heavy jacket and set of boots, keeping pace below him.

“Gotta say, while autumn is my gold medal season, winter is a very shiny silver,” Hatty said as he looked down at the snow colored mare, who responded with a sigh.

“Maybe it’s just me, but I just hate this time of year,” Gem grumbled as she passed by several ponies carrying large stacks of gifts. “It’s way too damn cold for me, the snow’s troublesome to get through, and you have to put on all sorts of clothes just to make things tolerable.”

“You say as I’m up here buck naked. Besides, you’re not even wearing pants.” The purple pegasus chuckled as he flew down lower, towards Gem’s side.

“The only reason I’m not wearing any pants is I couldn’t find a pair that didn’t ride up my buttcrack.” the snow colored mare replied. “Plus, I couldn’t find any with pockets.”

“Y’know, you could have had some custom tailored that not only fit, but could have had as many pockets as you’d like.” Hatty quickly replied.

“Eh, I’m not really keen on the idea of getting custom made pants. I’d have to be measured and spend a fair amount of bits on them. And even then, I’d really only use them for a single season of the year. Not to mention…” Gem’s words suddenly halted, making Hatty’s brow rise.

“Not to mention what, dear?” Hatty turned about so he was flying backwards to look at the bundled-up mare.

“Well, I tend to stay inside during the winter and not get as much exercise so… Well, those custom pants probably wouldn’t fit for very long.” A faint reddish tint came across her cheeks.

“Fair enough,” Hatty replied as he turned about once more, facing the oncoming street. After a moment of quiet, the stallion spoke up once more. “Say Gem, I just thought of something.”

“If it’s, ‘let’s try the polar bear challenge’ again, I’m punting you all the way to Horseshoe Bay.” Gem glared at Hatty, only for him to laugh in response.

“No, not that.” Hatty flew in front of her, looking over his shoulder with a smile. “You told me how you only ever encountered snow after you came to Canterlot. Meaning, after you joined the guard; right?”

“Yeah,” Gem’s brow furrowed as she tried to ponder where Hatty was going with this particular thread.

“Meaning, every time you dealt with snow, it was when you were working.” The violet stallion started to glide, gently landing in front of the alabaster Apple. “So, you never got to try some of the really great stuff you could do during winter.”

“Such as?” Gem’s curiosity started to rise as Hatty continued to speak.

“Well, there’s stuff like snowball fights, making snow ponies and ice sculptures, skiing and ice skating.” Hat Trick let out a happy, nostalgic sigh. “Makes me think of all the fun I used to have with my parents way back when.”

“So, you think I should take a stab at some of these things and maybe it’ll make me like winter a bit better or something?” Gem asked as she started to trot past him.

“Or something, at least,” Hatty said as he kept pace behind Gem. “I want to give you a good time, Gem.”

“Well… I guess I’d be willing to give it a shot,” the Apple mare replied as she looked at Hatty over her shoulder. “So, what do you think we should start with?”

“How about we head back home and start with a snowball fight?” Hatty asked before taking to the air. “I figure if the others join in, it’ll make it more fun.”

“Sounds like a plan,” Gem replied as she shrugged. “Just hope you’re ready to be buried in snow, Hatty.”


Approximately a half an hour later, the games were set to begin in the manor’s back yard. Because Erica was in the house with the privates, Swift had suggested making this a battle of the sexes, but they eventually decided to make it a free-for-all instead.

Soon they all stood ready to square off, eager for the games to begin. Hatty stared down Gem, both sporting confident grins. Erica and Verdant playfully smiled at each other, awaiting the game. Swift’s look towards Forge made it clear the unicorn mare was out for blood, making the stallion somewhat nervous about how far she would go.

“The rules are simple,” Swift bellowed, drawing all eyes to her. “If you’re hit five times, you’re out. No use of wings or magic will be permitted. Only the use of hooves or talons is allowed for the crafting and throwing of snow balls. Should you violate these rules, you’re disqualified. Is that understood?”

A muttering of agreements emanated from the five.

“Then let the games begin!” Swift bellowed before leaping away from the crowd and darting towards the house.

The rest soon took off as well. Verdant ducked behind Forge’s shed while Erica leapt into a bush. Forge hid behind a tree as he started to sculpt some snowballs while Hatty leaned against one of the manor’s walls. Gem pressed her back against the fence while she formed a generous collection of snow ammunition, trying to keep her eyes on her opponents.

Swift suddenly rushed from her corner, carrying a collection of snowballs in her left foreleg. Unfortunately for the noblemare, each of her opponents launched a snowball at her. Forge darted out from behind his tree as three of the snowballs collided with Swift. Forge’s second toss of a snowball managed to hit home while Gem rushed forth and threw the final ball that eliminated the viscountess from the game.

“Oh yeah!” Gem exclaimed excitedly, not seeing Forge had another snowball at the ready. With her distracted by her celebration, he launched the icy projectile, aiming for the back of her head.

“As my cousin would say, yippee-ki-yay MOTHERFUCKER!” Her joyous proclamation turned into a furious scream as Forge struck her uncovered nethers. Her tail slammed against her hindquarters before a forehoof pressed against her now freezing injury.

“Sorry, Gem!” Forge worriedly said as he and the others rushed over to the mare with gritted teeth. “I was aiming for your head, I swear!”

“Screw this game!” Gem growled as she hobbled towards the manor. “I’m going where there’s nothing frozen that can smash against my crotch!”

“Sorry about all this,” Hatty said to the crowd before flying after Gem. “You guys can keep playing if you want. I’m gonna make sure she’s okay.”

Hatty managed to just barely squeeze through the manor’s back door as it slowly started to close.

“You okay, Gem?” Hatty rushed to her side, ignoring the snow that fell from his hooves to the floor.

“I will be when this cold ache goes away,” Gem muttered before sighing. “I know you’re trying Hatty, but—”

“I get it, that was a disaster. I didn’t think anything like that would happen,” Hatty interjected as he brushed snow from his mane. “Still, I think we could try something else. Maybe some skating?”

Gem was silent as she walked towards the stairway. After a moment, she looked over her shoulder to the purple pegasus. “I’ll be willing to give it a shot tomorrow. But right now, I just want to take a nice hot soak in the tub and wait for this pain to go away.”

“You got it, Gem,” Hatty apologetically said as she started to clamber up the stairs. “While you’re doing that, I’ll make… Well, I’ll get Verdant to help me make some grilled chicken and rice for you.”

“Ah-hem.” The clearing of a throat drew Hatty’s eyes to the living room, where he spotted Barrier pointing at the trail of snow and water he and Gem had brought in with them.

“Well, after I get the mopping done, I will.”


The next day, Hatty had taken Gem to the park, where a skating rink had been set up. Lots of ponies were enjoying their time gliding across the ice while Gem was simply trying to keep steady on her unstable legs.

“This will be pretty fun, Gem,” Hatty said merrily as he skated around her in circles. “All you need to do is get used to the skates.”

“Easy for you to say,” she shot back as she coasted along the icy surface. “You’ve got wings to help keep your balance.”

“Gem,” Hatty skidded to a halt beside her, his wing ever so slightly extended. “Want me to help you keep balance?”

“Yes, please,” the snowy Apple replied before the purple stallion gently placed a warm wing upon her back.

“Alright. I’ll hold you steady and we’ll move at your pace. That sound good?” He gave Gem a smile that made her feel warm despite the biting cold.

“Sounds good,” she responded before slowly starting to move towards the wooden walls that surrounded the rink. “Think we can stick to just skating around the rink in some loops?”

“You got it.” The pegasus nodded, giving her a soft peck on the cheek. “We’ll just coast along around the rink as fast as you like for as long as you like.”

“Thanks.” A smile crossed Gem’s face before she looked down at her hooves. She moved very carefully with each and every movement of her legs to avoid tripping onto her face.

The pair made their way around the rink as if it were a slow, gentle dance. After nearly five minutes, the two had started to pick up speed as more and more loops were made.

Soon, nearly twenty minutes had passed and the two were now looping around the rink rather quickly.

“Say, I think I’m getting the hang of this, Hatty,” Gem said with a smile as they finished another lap.

“I can tell you are, Gem.” Hatty’s words were filled with joy as he saw how much his beloved was enjoying his favorite winter activity.

“Think you can take your wing off? I’d like to try to see how well I can do with no back-up.”

Gem was rather surprised as Hatty seemed to laugh at her request.

“Gem, I took my wing off about eight minutes ago,” he said as he smiled proudly. “You’ve been doing this speed all on your own.”

Winter Gem looked over her shoulder and saw Hatty’s wing was folded tightly against his side.

“I… Whoa! I’m really doing it!” Gem joyously exclaimed as she started to gain even more speed. “I’m really doing it!”

“You are, Gem!” Hatty shouted as he picked up speed to keep pace. “You’re really—”

The pair were silenced as the gate to the rink suddenly swung out in front of them, making them crash face first into it.

“Alright, Beans. You’re finally gonna learn to…” the towering mare had her attention pulled away from the rink when she heard a pair of pained groans. Looking down, she saw the crumpled up forms of Hatty and Gem. “Oh, sorry! I didn’t see you there! Are you two okay?”

“Yeah I’m fine,” Gem winced as she started to get back onto her hooves. “Only thing wounded was my pride.”

“Um, your nose too, judging from the blood coming from it.”


A brisk winter night had fallen as Gem laid in her bed. She was rather grateful that the doctors were able to give her and Hatty clean bills of health and that the bleeding had eventually stopped.

The alabaster earth pony had a quick stretch before she continued to read from the novel in her forehooves. It was a tale of murder and mystery in a quaint little town.

Just as the young detective in the tale reached to pull back a curtain to see whose body had fallen from the library’s top row of books, Gem found herself pulled from the tale as Hatty entered the room with two cups of hot chocolate carried in his dexterous wings.

“Sorry about how the skating turned out today, Gem,” the pegasus said with a mix of sadness and embarrassment in his voice as Gem dogeared the book and set it aside.

“Don’t be,” Gem warmly replied as she grasped one of the cups of hot chocolate. “It was pretty fun once I got the hang of it. The only real issue was because of the accident with Beanstalk.”

“Oh…” Hatty was rather stunned by her words, falling silent before he took a couple sips of the hot drink. “So… wanna try it again?”

“Sure thing,” Gem happily answered before chugging down the mixture of chocolate and marshmallows. An instant later, she let out a strong belch that was followed by a short series of coughs. “Urgh, that was a dumb idea.”

Hatty chuckled before taking another careful sip of his own brew. “Glad to hear it, Gem,” he softly said before placing a kiss on her cheek. “So, what did you get the others for Hearth’s Warming?”

Hatty was surprised to see Gem’s coat had somehow grown pale as her pupils dilated.

“Hearth’s Warming is soon?” Her whisper would’ve been more at home on Fluttershy or a mouse.

“Uh, yeah. It’s next week,” Hatty answered in confusion. “I thought everypony knew that.”

The empty cup fell from Gem’s hooves. Hatty was rather grateful that it didn’t smash to pieces against the carpeted floor.


Author's Note:

Alticron: Welcome back, everyone to this latest chapter of Homeward. This chapter was pretty fun to do since I'll admit, I don't tend to put too much focus on Hat Trick or Winter Gem, so it's was a nice change of pace to put them in the spotlight.

Not else much to say other than I hope you enjoyed this and look forward to the next one. See ya then!

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