• Published 2nd Aug 2017
  • 4,758 Views, 803 Comments

A Pony Displaced: Homeward - NoLongerSober

With Sombra dead and his cadets and old friends in tow, Magic Barrier and company try to adapt to the modern world, heading forward to try and make Vanhoover their new home.

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Chapter 43 - Harvest Helpers (Part 2)

Erica watched on as a cascade of apples fell from the tree into the barrels, the morning dew on their skin sparkling as sunlight struck them.

“So, think we’re doing this right?” The hen asked as she looked over the collection of fruit in the barrel before her, carefully examining them for any sign of damage from the fall.

“To be honest, I don’t really have a clue,” Verdant replied, trotting up to her side. “I’ve never really harvested fruit from trees. I’m more used to pulling stuff from a vine or from the ground.”

Erica looked out over the field, seeing Winter Gem using the same tactic Verdant had employed, knocking the apples from the tree with a swift, hard buck. “Eh, I guess it’s okay since that’s what the actual farmer’s doing.”

“Well, this tree seems to be bare now, but…” Verdant started to say before Erica took to the air and flew a few quick laps around the tree.

“Looks like it. Let’s get this stuff to the barn.” Erica flew over to one of the barrels and picked it up in her talons, clutching it close to her chest while Verdant slid another barrel onto his back.

“Have I ever mentioned how much I wish I could fly like you guys with wings?” Verdant chuckled as they headed off. “Flight’s just so amazing.”

“Yeah, it’s pretty useful.” Erica was somewhat strained as she carried the large barrel of fruit.

Once the two had dropped off their payload, they readily headed back to the orchard with fresh barrels in toe.

“So, how’ve things been by you lately, Erica?” Verdant looked up the the griffin, seeing her sigh.

“Honestly, it could be worse, but I wish it was better,” Erica grumbled as she kept her eyes peeled for an unoccupied fruit-bearing tree. “I met up with my parents yesterday and they found out I have a boyfriend now.”

“Oh?” Verdant drifted close to Erica. “Do they disapprove of you dating?” he asked concernedly.

“Ha! I wish!” Erica rolled her eyes before she fluttered to the ground, setting her barrel in front of a tree. “The two’ve been bombarding me with all sorts of dating advice, asking a ton of questions and begging to meet you.”

“Is that really so bad?” Verdant’s eyebrow rose in perplexment as he placed the barrel on the other side of the tree.

“It is when you’re as enthusiastic as my parents,” Erica muttered as she leaned over the top of the barrel. “‘Erica, why didn’t you tell us sooner? Is your boyfriend fertile? Is it true that he was in the military? What job skills does he have?’” She said in a mocking tone before sighing. “I love them, but they are way too interested in my love life for comfort.”

“Well, it could be worse,” Verdant shrugged as be backed up towards the tree’s base. “Would you like me to meet them?”

“Not yet.” Erica slid off the barrel, walking up to face Verdant. “I’m just… not quite ready to have you meet them quite yet. Gotta brace myself before they can drop a metric ton of embarrassment on me.”

“Alright, no problem.” Verdant nodded with a comforting smile and gave a strong buck, striking the tree with all his strength. A rain of apples came falling down into the barrels, quickly filling them up. “So, what do you have planned for our date on Monday?”

“I was just thinking about having dinner at my place and a movie,” Erica answered as she glanced up into the tree’s leaves. “I think another buck should do it.”

“On it,” Verdant said just before his hind legs hit the tree once more, knocking the last of the apples loose. “Looking forward to this. It’s my turn to cook and I found a really interesting recipe for chicken salad.”

“That sounds great, Verdant.” Erica said as she spread her wings and jumped into the air, grabbing her barrel. “And maybe if we’re feeling up to it afterwards, we could have some more fun.”

“Such as?” Verdant tilted his head after placing his barrel on his back.

“Oh, not much. Just enjoying our time together.” Erica grinned as she floated closely to him. “Just you, me, and a thin sheet of rubber.” She gave a flirty wink to the small stallion, making him chuckle.


“Alright, this tree’s clear,” Snow called out, hovering above the top of a now bare tree. “You hear me, Forge?”

Forge stood silently as he watched Verdant and Erica sharing a laugh as they headed towards the barn. He looked on with a look of frightened anticipation, as if watching a mouse heading towards a hungry snake.

“Hello, Earth to Forge?” Snow Sweeper flew up in front of Forge’s face, pulling him away from his stare.

“Oh! Sorry, Snow. What were you saying?”

“I said the tree’s clear. We gonna move this stuff or what?” Snow asked, a hint of impatience clear in his tone.

“Right, sorry about spacing out before,” Forge replied as his horn started to glow. The unicorn placed the barrel upon his back. With a bit of strain, he started to walk off to the barn, Snow Sweeper following along with his own barrel.

“So, mind telling me why you were off in la-la land there, Forge?” the pegasus glided closely to the unicorn, having difficulty keeping the barrel from scraping the ground.

“I was just watching Verdant and…” Forge paused, seeing the pair headed off with empty barrels once more. “I can’t help but worry about him.”

“Oh for the love of…” Snow quietly muttered as he struggled to fly higher with the heavy barrel. “Forge, you’ve got to let this go. Your friend’s gonna be fine dating Erica.”


“Besides,” Snow interrupted, trying to shut down the unicorn’s arguments. “Didn’t you say you’ve got a griffin co-worker now?”

“I do…” Forge said with his eyes falling to the ground, not wanting to look Snow in the eye. “And she seems nice… but I still don’t feel that comfortable around her.”

“I know, Forge.” Snow sympathetically said as he leaned closer, giving the unicorn a gentle nuzzle. “I know it’s hard after all the griffins in your era did, but this is something you’re gonna have to work through eventually. Lots of griffins are nice and living in Equestria. Plus, quite a few are in relationships with ponies, just like Erica and Verdant.”

“It still seems unbelievable to me,” Forge said once they reached the barn. With a quick flare of his horn, he levitated the barrel off his back while Snow just dropped the barrel, clearly looking worn out. “Are you okay, Snow?”

“Yeah, I’m fine. Just give me a couple minutes,” Snow dismissively waved, unable to mask how sore he clearly was. “Still, what makes it seem so impossible, Forge?”

Forge sighed as he sat down, taking a breath to steel himself. “The war we had was long lasting and brutal, Snow. I didn’t realize how bad things were as a foal until I found out a cousin of mine was slain by one of them that was hiding on the island. The next day, my parents made it clear to me how dangerous the griffins were.

“They were brutal creatures who would tear a pony apart if given the chance or start to eat them right on the battlefield. I was told about them by both my family and those that trained to fight them that any attempts to surrender or displays of sympathy from griffins were simply a trick to lure an unsuspecting fool to their death. A griffin attempting to seduce a pony was merely a honey trap.”

“Forge…” Snow stumbled forth, placing a comforting hoof upon his shoulder.

“My aunt had to have closed casket funeral for her daughter,” Forge sniffled and placed a hoof on Snow’s. “The griffins had torn Steel Hammer to pieces before any of the other guards could get them off her.

“She once found a hen that was hurt and hiding after a battle. Steel took care of her and the griffin made her think she loved her… and then she lured her away to be killed during the next attack they launched.”

“I’m sorry, Forge.” Snow’s eyes started to dampen as he pulled the unicorn into a hug.

“This is why I can’t really trust a griffin claiming they love a pony,” Forge’s voice trembled, causing the pegasus to tighten his grip. “They only loved us as a food source and nothing more.”

“I know, Forge,” Snow whispered into the stallion’s ear, followed by a quick nuzzle before pulling away. “Still, couplings like what Verdant and Erica have aren’t that uncommon. Honestly, I’m pretty sure that a hen with a stallion’s a lot more common than a tiercel and a mare.”

“Perhaps…” Forge slowly looked up into Snow’s beige eyes. “Why do you think that is?”

The pegasus chuckled as he wiped the last trace of tears from Forge’s face. “I’m gonna take a shot in the dark and guess bedroom stuff. I heard that more herbivorous guys have bigger packages than carnivorous guys or something like that. That’s part of the reason I never dated a griffin… well, that and the barbs.”

Forge shuddered at the thought of a griffin’s genitals. “Still… I doubt I could ever see Verdant with Erica and not worry.”

“Forge,” Snow’s voice became sterner, the smile on his face fading away. “There’s not much you can really do about it. Times are much different and he’s not any danger. This is something you’ve got to eventually accept.”

Forge looked off to the side, silence was his only reply.

“At any rate,” Snow pulled away from Forge’s hooves and came up to his side, giving his back a firm pat with his wing. “We’ve got some work to do. You ready to head back out there?”

“Yeah…” Forge spoke up, a tiny smile forming on his face as he faced Snow. “Let’s get going.”

“Alright!” Snow darted over to an empty barrel, knocking it over and started rolling it out the door. “C’mon, Forge! We’ve got apples to harvest.”

Forge mirthfully chuckled as his horn flared to life, picking up another barrel. “Coming, dear.”

The unicorn quickly caught up to the pegasus as he kept pushing the rolling barrel into the orchard. “So, what do want to do on Monday?” Forge inquired as he traveled along at Snow’s side.

“Eh, I was thinking about having this Lady of the Rings movie marathon and getting take-out. Sound good?” Snow gave the tip of the barrel a kick with a foreleg, knocking the barrel upright and stopping in front of tree full of apples.

“Sounds good, but this makes me think one of us should learn how to cook something.” Forge set his barrel at the tree’s base.

“Maybe we could start taking some cooking classes at the community center?” Snow shrugged before leaning against one of the barrels. “We could probably have some fun and meet some new ponies.”

“I’m not sure…” Forge grimaced as he squatted before delivering a hard buck to the tree’s base, sending a chunk of the tree’s apples falling into the barrels. “Our schedules might make that a little hard.” Another buck followed, knocking more apples loose. That, and with Erica there…

“Eh, I figure we could find a way.” Snow said as Forge delivered a third strike, filling the barrels almost to the top. “Besides, you know the old saying.” The snowy stallion slipped away from the barrel and lowered his head to be level with the bucking unicorn. “For the things that are important to you, you make time.”

Snow leaned closer and delivered a quick kiss to Forge’s cheek. The unicorn’s face exploded into a bright pink before he struck the tree once more, knocking the last of the fruit from the branches.

“Alright, good job, Hot Stuff,” Snow grinned and pulled the unicorn back up. “Now let’s get these bad boys to that barn. I’m thinkin’ that maybe if we get these things done quickly enough, we could get some free apple cider out of this.”

“Right-o, Snow.” Forge made his horn pick up one of the barrels as his blush slowly drained away. “Off to the barn we go.”

Author's Note:

Alticron: Happy New Year, everyone! I hope you have a great time and this year is better than the last.

Since there's not much for new characters here, here's what Forge's lost cousin looked like.

Next time, we wrap things up and see what the rest of the housemates are up to. See ya then.

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