• Published 2nd Aug 2017
  • 4,758 Views, 803 Comments

A Pony Displaced: Homeward - NoLongerSober

With Sombra dead and his cadets and old friends in tow, Magic Barrier and company try to adapt to the modern world, heading forward to try and make Vanhoover their new home.

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Chapter 61 - Party Planning (Part 2)

A pair of bells chimed as Forge and Hatty stepped into the brightly lit pawn shop. All about were shelves and displays that housed all sorts of collectables, records, books, musical instruments and so much more. Opposite the shop’s entrance was a two-toned green unicorn mare sitting by the register.

“Welcome back, Forge,” the mare said with a thick brogue. “What cannae do for you today?”

“Well, Mrs. O’Chance, I was wondering if you still have that book of spells and toy wand for sale,” Forge asked, drawing closer while Hatty went wandering off to another part of the shop.

“As a matter a fact, I still do,” the mare said as her horn started to shine in an emerald light. From a far off shelf, the wand and a worn looking tome levitated to the front of her. “I think you’re the only pony that’s given a second glance at these things in at least two years or so.”

“Well, my step-sister is interested in stage magic, so I thought she might like them.” Forge’s horn was bathed in orange light while a sack of bits floated up from his saddlebags. “How much for them?”

“Given the condition of the book an’ the wand…” she rubbed her chin as she closely looked over the wand. “I’d say I’d be willin’ to part with them for… twenty-eight bits.”

“Sold.” Forge fished a collection of coins from the sack and placed them on the counter just as Hatty came back into view with a collection of toys in his hooves.

“Think she’d like some of these, Forge?” Hatty looked down at the assortment of figures. “They’re from a toy line called Real Equestrian Heroes, and some of them are even based on ponies we knew way back when.”

“Well, she used to like Foaltron, which had a fair amount of soldiers in it.” Forge carefully eyed the figures when he spotted one that stood out to him. With a quick flare of magic, he pulled the toy from Hat Trick’s grasp. This figure was a gamboge pegasus stallion clad in old fashioned royal guard armor with two shades of blue in his mane and tail.

“Oh, the series one Captain Flash Sentry figure. There’s not many o’ that figure floatin’ around,” Mrs. O’Chance said as she leaned over the counter. “A fair bit of thestrals were more than a might miffed after he was put in the heroes part of the toyline. It got pulled until it was later put in the villains line-up with a different paint job for the armor.”

“Well, I’m pretty sure Windy will want these,” Hatty replied as he flew over to the register and laid the toys out. “How much for the lot?”

“Considerin’ the rarity of the Flash Sentry figure, along with the rest of it… A hundred an’ sixty eight bits for the lot.”

“You’ve got a deal,” Hatty said as he made his bit bag appear with a flick of his wing and started to pour some coins out.

“Are you sure about this, Hatty?” Forge asked as he levitated the book and wand into his saddlebags. “I feel kinda bad I spent so little on her birthday present compared to yours.”

“Well, not everything I bought was for her, Forge.” Hatty’s wings picked up some sort of gold badge and what looked like one of the tools they used for cleaning out the couch cushions. “I got the com badge and the phaser for myself.”

“That’s one of those Star Trot things, right?” Forge carefully looked over the toys before Hatty put them into his bags.

“Yep,” Hatty said as the last of the toys were secured away. “If you want, we could swap what we got her so you give her the toy of her dad.”

“No thanks.” Forge gave a quick shake of his head. “I’d rather be honest and say I didn’t think of those gifts.” The cobalt stallion then looked over his shoulder as he and his pegasus companion started for the door. “Thanks, Mrs. O’Chance.”

“Pleasure doing business with you, gentlemen,” she said as she leaned back in her seat. “Just remember; when you buy something second-hoof, it’s always a Game O’Chance.”


Swiftsword and Winter Gem stepped into the movie store, taking in the sight of shelves lined with film canisters behind cardboard replicas of their respective posters. There were shelves that stood on their own along with ones that lined the walls below rows of plastic tubes lined with lights. Some of the shelves had signs that read ‘rent’ while a few others read ‘sale’.

Between the entrance and exit was a desk where a yellow coated pegasus with a vibrant blue mane sat by a register.

“Afternoon, ladies,” the stallion said, giving the pair a wave. “How can I help you today?”

“Well, Mr. Blockbuster, I was hoping you could recommend some movies for sale that a young filly would like.” Swiftsword broke away from her compatriot.

“I’m not the biggest expert on movies for fillies, but the movies for foals that are for sale are in the back right corner.” Blockbuster pointed towards that corner. When Swift looked over, she saw that Gem had vanished from sight.

Assuming Gem headed to the back room behind the beaded curtain, Swiftsword trotted over to the collection of various films she was pointed to.

“Hmm…” Swift carefully eyed the selection of films as she rubbed her chin. “Escape from Catrina, The Great Rainbow Caper… Oh, The Would Be Dragon Slayer!” Her expression turned brighter than a neon light as she picked up the film in her magic. “That sounds like a magnificent movie for her.”

“Hey Swift!” Gem called as she trotted up to her unicorn companion. “I’ve found what movie I’ll be getting her.” The snow colored earth pony patted the saddlebag on her right, though Swift could spot two films within.

Swift’s horn flared brighter as her magic opened up the bag and pulled the second canister out. Gem tried to quickly grab away the film and stuff it back, but Swift held it out of reach as she read the label on it.

“I assume the other film in your bag is the one for Wind Whistler because I sincerely doubt that her mother would appreciate you giving her ‘Phallus in Wonderland’.” Swift smirked as the now scarlet faced earth pony quickly grabbed the film and stuffed it back into her bag.

“No! I got her The Fugitive Flowers!” Gem huffed while Swift stuck out her tongue.

“Word of advice, my friend,” Swift said smugly as she sauntered over the register. “It would probably be best not to have a friend around while you go to purchase pornography.”

Gem quietly muttered a series of curses as Swift gave Blockbuster some bits.

“Oh, by the way, Gem,” the pegasus said as he looked past Swift. “Your rental of My Little Ponut is two days late. You can either pay the late fee or you could buy the film for a bit more.”

More mutterings of curses followed as Swift suppressed a chuckle.


Barrier stood impassively outside of the garishly decorated flower shop as he awaited Verdant’s return, his eyes occasionally scanning around, watching the occasional pony that passed by or tracking the leaves as they were blown around in the wind.

Before he could consider reaching for his flask, the bells on the door jingled as the shamrock stallion stepped out.

“Good news,” Verdant said with a grin. “The magician’s all booked. Thankfully she’s willing to hold off on billing us until after the show.”

“Excellent,” Barrier replied as he stood up. “So, should we head home or go get takeout?”

“Sorry sir, but I’ve got to run some supplies over to the Pear family farm.” Verdant gave his stuffed saddlebags a pat as he started to pull ahead. “Apparently some crows broke into their storehouse and ate a lot of their seeds. You should probably head back home or to a restaurant while I take care of this.”

“Actually,” Barrier sped up, stepping ahead of the shamrock earth pony. “I was hoping to ask you a bit about herds.”

“Any particular reason why me?” Verdant’s eyebrow rose.

“To be frank, it’s because you’re the only pony I know of who grew up in a herd, so you seem like the best source of practical advice. Herding wasn’t very common amongst the nobles in Canterlot in our era, so some advice would be quite useful.”

Verdant nodded. “I see.” He rubbed his chin in thought, nearly bumping into Barrier as he corrected his path. “Just keep in mind that some of my advice might be outdated what with the whole ‘thousand years’ thing.”

“Maybe, but you’re all I’ve got,” Barrier bluntly said as he pulled his flask from his bags. “So, what would you say is the most important rule?”

“Well that would be not to have sex with anypony you’re not in an active relationship with.” Verdant’s words made Barrier halt the movement of his flask, stopping just an inch away from his lips.

“Ah…” Barrier looked away from the emerald coated pony. “Naturally…”

“At any rate, another important thing is to treat your mates equally.” Verdant gave Barrier’s shoulder a light pat, drawing his eyes back to him. “A good herd is about having a good strong bond between you and all your mates. You’re not to give one preferential treatment and if there’s an argument between the two, you have to try to resolve it or at least calm things down without taking a side.”

Barrier remained silent, nodding along as he walked beside Verdant.

“Another thing is as the stallion of the house, that typically would make your mates the breadwinners of the family.” Verdant continued onward. “Since both have jobs while you are currently unemployed, I’d say that statement seems to hold true.”

“Fair enough,” Barrier said as they both trotted along. “Though I don’t suppose you could recommend some ideas for a job could you? It’s a bit tiresome being at home alone so frequently and I’m mostly caught up on the advancements of magic at this point.”

“Not sure about that, sir.” Verdant seemed slightly taken aback by Barrier’s question. “In the herds I knew growing up, while the mares would have careers, the herd stallion would be the home maker. They’d tend to the house cleaning, making the meals and raising the children.”

“Is that really how things were done back in Dream Valley?” An eyebrow rose in question as the two turned onto a market street, where a variety of stands were set up and ponies were selling their wares.

“Yep,” Verdant cheerfully replied. “My father used to tend to trees and gardens until he got his herd. After that, he’d take care of the house, the cooking and the children while the mares all brought in the bits.”

“Certainly different from how the nobility functioned,” Barrier said before sighing. “I suppose we’ll cross that bridge when we come to it. Anything else?”

“Well, a good idea would probably be to learn some more recipes and perhaps some massage techniques,” Verdant said as he placed a hoof to his chin. “Among other things.”

“Learning proper massage techniques came with my study of anatomy but… other things?” Barrier’s brow rose as a slight crimson appeared on Verdant’s cheeks.

“Well… Y’know…” Verdant glanced around at the stands and spotted a fruit vendor. He quickly grabbed a single cherry with a stem before tossing some bits on the counter. “Something like this.”

Verdant then bit the cherry’s stem off, taking it into his mouth. He swirled his tongue around in his mouth, making Barrier’s eyebrow rise even higher. After a moment passed, Verdant stuck his tongue out, revealing the cherry’s stem was now tied into the shape of a bow.

“Where in Tartarus did you learn to do that?” Barrier asked, somewhat taken aback by the sight before him.

“My dad taught it to me before I started my apprenticeship in Canterlot.” Verdant peeled the stem from his tongue before tossing it aside. “He said it was a vital skill to have in order to pleasure one’s mates.”

“I… think I’ll stick to magical stimulation, thank you very much.” Barrier put a bit of distance between himself and the earth pony, shaking his head slightly.

“Alright, but don’t blame me if your magic is incapacitated again.” Verdant started to toss the cherry up and down in the air like a toy. “Though now that I think about it, there’s something I’ve been wondering about you, sir.”

“And what would that be?” Barrier pulled his flask out once more, bringing it to his lips and closing his eyes.

“Do you have a pegasus fetish?” Verdant asked. To his disappointment, Barrier only opened his eyes and gave him a half-lidded look instead of having a spit take.

“No,” Barrier bluntly replied as he stuffed the flask away.

“Are you sure about that?” Verdant tilted his head as he looked at Barrier. “After all, the only mares I’ve seen you engaged with like that were all pegasi. Ember, Fleetfeather, Daring Do Dazzle-”

“Dazzle?” Barrier looked at Verdant, confusion clearly written on his ebony face.

“You don’t know Daring’s last name?” Verdant choked back a giggle. “But yeah, all three were pegasi, so I think I see there’s a pattern there.”

“Rest assured, Verdant; it’s just a coincidence.” Barrier gave an annoyed sigh as they continued on. “I’ll have you know the first mare I was romantically involved with was an earth pony.”

“Alright then,” Verdant rubbed his neck. “Sorry if I bugged you with that question. At any rate, that’s all I can come up with right now. I hope it’s of some help to you.”

“So do I, Verdant.” Barrier looked towards his hooves as they trotted along. “I love the two of them and I want to do right by them.”

Verdant gave a small smile before he reached over and patted the older stallion on the shoulder. “I’m sure you’ll be fine, sir.”

“You know, Verdant… you can call me Barrier. I’m not your captain anymore… just a friend and relative now.

“Hmm…” Verdant seemed to be thinking hard before he spoke with trepidation. “How about… Brother?”

Barrier smiled and nodded. “It may seem a bit odd in regular conversation, but I’ve no objections. It’s been a long time since I had a brother.” The stallion glanced at his flask for a moment before stowing it without taking another drink, smiling faintly instead. ‘Brother will work just fine. “I suppose I should go make dinner for the family. I’ll catch you later, Brother.”

“You too, Brother,” Verdant said with a smile as he started to pull away. “I shouldn’t be too long at the Pear farm. Try to keep dinner warm for me.”

Author's Note:

Alticron: Hey folks. Welcome back and I hope your new year's going better than the last. This was an interesting chapter to do since I had the cadets in pairs they're not normally in. Hopefully we'll see more of this down the line.

And now, for this chapter's pic, depicting our two shopkeepers.

Next time, we'll focus more on Daring and Fleet before they get set for the party. See ya then.

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