• Published 2nd Aug 2017
  • 4,751 Views, 803 Comments

A Pony Displaced: Homeward - NoLongerSober

With Sombra dead and his cadets and old friends in tow, Magic Barrier and company try to adapt to the modern world, heading forward to try and make Vanhoover their new home.

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Chapter 44 - Harvest Helpers (Part 3)

A thunderous crack echoed throughout the orchard as Winter Gem struck a tree with a powerful buck, creating a downpour of apples that fell into the barrels below.

“All clear on this one,” Hat Trick called down before he fluttered down to her side. “How you holding up?”

“I’m doing alright,” Gem gave a stretch before lifting one of the full barrels onto her back. “How ‘bout you, Hatty?”

“Eh, I’ve been worse,” the purple pegasus gave a shrug and grabbed a barrel. With a grunt, he took to the air, the barrel occasionally scraping against the ground as he bobbed.

“Alright, let’s move out.” Winter Gem walked forward, leaving Hat Trick struggling to keep up.

The pair soon arrived in the barn, its shade being a refreshing change of pace from the heat of the autumn afternoon. Gem wiped the sweat from her brow as she caught her breath.

“So,” Hatty said, a lack of energy clear in his tone as he laid next to a barrel. “What do you think of the farming life, Gem?”

“Well, it’s certainly… Nostalgic.” Gem trotted over to the stallion and laid down beside him. “It reminds me of when I used to harvest apples for my family and the trading post all those years ago.”

Gem gave a sigh and rested her chin atop Hatty’s head. “It’s hard to believe that was so long ago. Even without the empire, it was years before I had last been home and harvested apples with my family.”

“You ever…” Hat Trick poked at the ground, carefully considering his words. “Y’know, want to go back? See what’s become of your family’s old place?”

“On occasion,” Gem gently nuzzled the top of Hatty’s head, mussing up his tied back mane. “I looked it up on a map a while back. It’s in a place now called Dodge Junction.” She pulled away, making her mate look up at her curious expression. “What about you? Ever think about going back to Manehattan?”

“Eh, not too much.” Hatty looked away and scratched the back of his neck. “I mean, my parents’ house was destroyed by termites and I lived in an orphanage for a few years, so I didn’t really have much there.”

“Hatty,” Gem’s look of curiosity shifted to a chiding face. “I know when you’re lying after all these years. C’mon, spill.”

Hat Trick gave a deep breath. Winter spotted the slightest sign of a shudder from the stallion before he spoke. “Honestly, I’m a little scared about what I’d find there.”

“How so?” Gem gazed into his eyes with concern and placed a hoof on his shoulder.

“Remember when we first came to Vanhoover? We saw all sorts of utterly baffling things. There were lights that didn’t need oil or candles, strange machines and so much more…” Gem felt Hatty quake a bit as he spoke. “I’m just worried that… If I went there, it’d make me realize that the city I once called home, that I could navigate like the back of my hoof is gone, replaced with a city that very well may have changed in so many great ways… but it would just feel wrong to me…”

“There there, Hatty,” Gem gave him a tender squeeze and a kiss on the cheek. “I’m here for you and you don’t have to go there if you don’t want to.”

“Thanks, Gem.” A smile slowly graced his face before he gave a kiss of his own to Gem’s cheek. “Could we change the subject though?”

“Sure thing, dear,” Gem said as she stood up and stretched before the tired pegasus. “What would you like to talk about?”

“Well, what do you think of becoming a farmer full time?” Hatty tried to stand, his knees wobbling after carrying barrel after barrel to the barn.

“Honestly, I think I’d like it,” Gem replied while she stretched and trotted closer to the door. “It feels pretty natural to me and I could easily see it becoming a part of my life. Sure, it’s not fighting off griffins, but it’s a lot more peaceful than than I ever thought things could be.”

“Indeed,” Hatty chuckled as he leaned into one of the barrels. “A year ago, if we saw a griffin hanging around Verdant like he does with Erica, we’d have broken their bones and dragged them off to the dungeons, at best. Now, it’s just another happy coupling.”

“Yeah,” Gem rubbed the back of her head. “It’s still weird to think about, since hippogriffs pretty much only existed if a griffin forced themselves on a mare back then.” She took a deep breath, enjoying the crisp air and the scent of freshly picked apples. “Sometimes, it feels like we went to sleep and the entire world decided to change overnight.”

“I know the feeling,” Hatty wobbled over to Gem’s side once more and laid a wing upon her back. “Still, as long as I’m with you, I can handle anything the world can throw at me.”

“Thanks, Hatty,” Gem whispered before giving the pegasus a gentle nuzzle. “How about you and your job? How’s it going?”

“Eh, it’s an adjustment,” Hatty gave a tired shrug and leaned more into the mare. “Back when I was doing my little acts for change, I was my own boss. I’d just pick whatever spot I’d like and just do whatever tricks came to mind. Now I’ve got schedules to follow, having to go to whatever spot Fiesta’s picked, do whatever tricks the client wants. I even have to share the spotlight with others, like some of the clowns Fiesta’s got working for her.”

“Now when you say clowns, are you being literal or—”

“Literal, Gem,” Hatty chuckled as he replied. “They’re pretty good at their jobs. You should see Showtime. She’s a rather stern mare who takes acting and performing very seriously, but once the makeup and costume’s on, she’s all,” he cleared his throat, “Hiya kids, I’m Slippy Shoes! We’re gonna have a superrific day!” he said in the goofiest voice he could muster, drawing a chuckle from Gem.

“Hey, Cousin Gem, Mr. Hat Trick, are you decent?” a young colt’s voice called out as a series of knocks came from behind the barn door.

“Yeah, we’re good, Pippin,” Gem called out to the voice. After a brief instant, the door was pushed open and a small thestral with a dark yellow coat and red mane trotted in.

“Alright, had to make sure,” the colt, Gold Pippin said before looking back towards the door. “It’s okay! We won’t need to use the hose!”

“So, what brings you here, kiddo?” Hatty said just as a second thestral foal walked in, a large pitcher of water perched on her back. Hat Trick had to force down a giggle at the sight of the little pony carrying a pitcher bigger than her head.

“We wanted to see if you needed some water,” Dawn said with a strain in her voice, trying to act strong in front of the grown ups.

“No thanks, we’re good,” Gem gave the two each an affectionate pat on the head. “You ready to head back out, Hatty?”

“Yep,” the pegasus said before he strolled past the foals with Gem at his side, stopping only to put two empty barrels on her back. When the two stepped through the barn door, they found Wind Whistler sitting there with a hose held in her mouth.

“Windy,” Gem tilted her head at the sight, “Why do have a hose?”

The pegasus filly spat the hose down to the ground and replied. “Because everypony knows what you two do when you get to be alone for a little bit. I took precautions.”

“Wow,” Hatty said as he and Gem started to head into the orchard. “I didn’t think we were that loud. Guess we’ll get our room some soundproofing.”

“I meant every pony in Old Canterlot!” the blue filly’s words echoed throughout the orchard, making the pair blush a bright apple red.

“Faust curse it,” Gem sighed as she slammed a hoof into her face. “Were we really that unsubtle?”

“Well, there was the time with the princess’s bathroom…”


“I’ve got to say, it’s a real honor doing all this with you, Viscountess Falchion,” Belmont was grinning like a mad pony as he and Swiftsword gave the tree a hard buck.

“Please, you flatter me, Belmont,” Swift gave a dismissive wave as the last of the apples fell from the tree. “You are family of my sister-in-arms and I’ve yet to really rebuild my house. You may freely call me Swiftsword.”

“Oh, thank you, Swiftsword!” Belmont’s eyes were starry at Swift’s words. “This means so much to me!”

“I assume you are a fan of the Flame Crest book series,” Swift said as she flared her horn and picked up one of the barrels.

“Oh yeah! I’ve been reading those books for as long as I can remember.” Belmont grinned as he picked up a barrel and flew over to Swift’s side. “The tales about Mars Falchion were some of my favorites.”

“I’m glad that my brother’s exploits have brought you such joy, Belmont.” Swift returned the grin as she marched forward, years of practice masking the strain her legs and back were feeling as the pair drew closer to the barn.

“I still can’t believe that you’re the last Falchion, Swift,” Belmont gave her a look of sympathy as he glided close.

“Sadly, I can,” Swift replied flatly. “We Falchions prided ourselves on being warriors, which meant every able bodied one of us joined the guard when possible, leading to many being lost during the war. Alongside that, ponies tended to live shorter lives and infant mortality rates were much higher in my era. This, along with Mars’ infertility unfortunately makes it understandable why I am the last of my once grand house.”

“Whoa, was it really that bad?” Belmont tilted his head in surprise at the mare’s words. Had he been trained as a guard, he would have noticed the faint trace of a twitch from her eye before she faced the thestral.

“Before I was sealed away in the empire, I had never known a pony over the age of sixty other than the princesses. I would, on average, have to attend seven funerals for family members lost in battle a year, and many more due to illness or crib death. Nearly every pony did.”

“Whoa…” Belmont’s face paled at her words before biting his lip. “Sorry about that, Swift.”

“Worry not, kind Belmont.” Swift’s expression started to soften as they walked. “At any rate, though I have not yet read the Flame Crest books, I know a few things they’ve said about myself are quite inaccurate.”

“I’ll say,” Belmont said as he examined the young mare carefully, noting some small scars covered by her coat. “The books described you as a mare who would rarely lift a sword, but would love to dance.”

Swift chortled at her description. “It was much the other way around. I would only tend to dance at fanciful parties and the sword was my life. What’s next? How do they think I died?”

“Well, the books say you were being escorted by some guards to the Crystal Empire when your group was ambushed by griffin soldiers.” Belmont bashfully looked away as he heard Swift barely able to suppress her laughter.

“Griffin soldiers? That far north and inland?” the unicorn mare giggled, wiping a tear from her eye. “Oh, that’s quite the laugh. Besides,” a brief moment was all it took for Swift’s tone to morph from jovial to deadly serious. “Even if we had been attacked by griffin soldiers, I am certain we would have slain them.”

“So...um…” Belmont swallowed before looking back at Swift. “Have you ever killed anyone?”

“But of course. My first kill was when I was fourteen.” Swift said with an air of pride as she trotted on, much to Belmont’s shock. “A burglar had broken into my family home in the night, but he soon learned the error of his ways when I struck him down.”

“Holy shit…” Belmont’s golden coat became even paler than before. “You… you killed a pony for that?”

“Of course. He had violated the sanctity of my family’s home and attempted to steal from us. I was fully within my right to slay the intruder for his transgression.” Swift locked her eyes on the barn with a look of grim seriousness.

“Yikes… I never knew…” Belmont gulped as he slowly fell behind her.

“Well, if it makes you feel any better, the intruder did take a swing at me with a kitchen knife before I ended his life.” Swift slowed her walk to keep alongside Belmont and gently placed a hoof upon his shoulder. “Since then, the only ones I have slain were undead monsters conjured by dark magics, just as my brothers and sister in arms.”

“That’s good, I guess…” Belmont gave her a soft smile which she quickly returned. “It’s just a surprise to hear some of these things, y’know? Seeing how the real you is just so much different from the book you.”

“I can understand that.” Swift nodded and started to move a bit faster towards the barn. “I think I may read those books soon and contact the publishers about this. Still, the first thing I would probably have corrected is the “Maiden of Blades” title the books have given me.”

“Huh?” Belmont’s head tilted in surprise and perplexment. “Why’s that?”

“Simple. I would like a presentation of myself to be accurate to who I really am.” Swift placed a hoof over her heart as she walked. “‘Maiden’ is not a term one would use to describe a mare who was in an arranged marriage to two wonderful ponies whom I frequently saw. Any mare who’d claim she was a maiden under such circumstances is clearly a liar.”

“I...wow…” a rosy tint appeared on Belmont’s face as they reached the barn. Pushing the doors open, they found Sweet Honey and Fruity Punch, lying upon the floor, groaning and gasping.

“Are you alright?” Swift set aside her barrel as she looked over the weary form of Punch.

“Worst… pain… of… my...life…” she faintly spoke between deep breaths. She struggled to lift her forelegs up to the blue mare in a childish way. “I’ve never pushed myself so hard before… Could I get a hug?”

A kind smile spread across Swift’s lips as her magic picked up the pink mare before pulling her into a warm, soft embrace. “Better?”

“Hmm… much better,” Punch hummed as she gave Swift a squeeze. “You want some of this, Sis?”

“No thanks, I’m good,” Honey waved from her spot on the ground just as Belmont flew over and checked over all the filled barrels. “Just gimme a few minutes until my legs don’t feel like lead anymore.”

The thestral gave a low, impressed whistle at the sight before him. “Well hot damn, it looks like we’ve got all this stuff taken in faster than I thought we would.”

Belmont floated back down to the ground right as the others arrived at the barn with the last of their barrels.

“Great work there, everyone!” Belmont cheered, “Thanks to all of you, we’re way ahead of schedule. Now, how about you all hit the showers and I’ll take us out to get all of us some dinner. It’s the least I can do to pay you back.”

“Yeah, since it’s cheaper to pay for one big meal than minimum wage,” Honey muttered, only to receive a jab in the shoulder and a glare from Punch.

“Hey Belmont,” Hatty raised a hoof up, “Think we could get some cider as well?”

“You sure as shoot can!” Belmont beamed. “I’ll treat all of your to some of the best cider we’ve got stocked as a special thanks.”

The gathered assemblage cheered before they began the walk back to their homes to wash off.

As the manor ponies chatted amongst themselves, Barrier would occasionally pass a glance at Fleet.

Stop thinking about her, Barrier. he silently scolded himself. Just hope Daring will somehow forgive you for your screw up.

With a deep breath, Barrier quietly sighed, careful to make sure nopony heard him.

Author's Note:

Alticron: Hey folks, here's yet another new chapter and the end of the Harvest Helpers three parter. This was a pretty fun thing to write and I hope you enjoyed this.

Next time, we'll have a fairly calm chapter, but watch out for the calm always precedes the storm.

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