• Published 2nd Aug 2017
  • 4,758 Views, 803 Comments

A Pony Displaced: Homeward - NoLongerSober

With Sombra dead and his cadets and old friends in tow, Magic Barrier and company try to adapt to the modern world, heading forward to try and make Vanhoover their new home.

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Chapter 38 - The Best Night Ever (Part 3)

Fireworks exploded across the Canterlot skies, showering the inky night in a rainbow of color for the briefest of moments.

Within the palace ballroom, a fancifully dressed pair of different species stared up at the grand display in the sky.

“These are quite the fireworks,” the griffin hen whispered as another round burst, drowned out by the sound of the band playing nearby.

“But…” the stallion at her side looked at her with concern, taking a small nibble from his cupcake.

“But…” Erica anxiously scratched the back of her neck, seeing the worry in Verdant’s eyes. “I’m sorry dear, but the fireworks just can’t hold a candle to the fireworks shows back home. The way the lights reflect off the Luna Ocean just makes it breathtaking.”

“No problem, Erica. I guess I’ll have to see that the next time we’ve got a fireworks display.” The green pony smiled, trotting closer to the window. “It’s pretty weird for me seeing fireworks like these. The only times I saw something like these when I was a colt was when Dream Valley was doing an attack drill.”

“At least we can take in the beautiful sight...” the griffin slowly and carefully stretched out a wing, placing the outstretched appendage upon the earth pony’s back. “And savor the moment.”

“Indeed.” Verdant smiled, leaning against her side as her feathers rubbed across his back, drawing a smile upon her beak.

Two more rounds of fireworks went off as the couple stared through the large window in a comfortable silence.

A smirk stretched over Verdant’s muzzle and his eyes became half-lidded. “You’re bored out of your skull, aren’t you?”

“Oh dear ancestors, yes.” Erica sighed, placing her talons upon her forehead. “This place is really nice, but this sort of stuff’s just way too fancy for me, Verdant. I can’t stand classical music, the food’s not really my taste and almost everyone here—”

“Has their noses turned up so high, they’d drown if it rained?” Verdant smirked as he finished Erica’s sentence, making her choke back her laughter.

“Yeah, pretty much.” Erica chuckled as she settled down. “Still, I’m really enjoying my time with you, Verdant.” She nuzzled the back of his neck, drawing closer to his ear before whispering into it. “And I’ve got an idea for something fun we could do.”

“Is it dancing?” The small stallion looked up toward the smiling griffin.

“Something like that.” The faintest hint of a rosey tinge flashed across Erica’s face as she plucked the flower from her head. “It’s a kind of dance I’ve never gotten a chance to try before.” She said softly, slipping the flower into his breast pocket.

“Is it the foxtrot?” Verdant tilted his head in confusion. “I don’t really know too many dances.”

“Uh… it’s not that kind of dance, Verdant,” Erica replied, amused by the stallion’s naivety. “What I’m talking about is—” She paused as she looked past him, spotting a variety of fanciful treats topped with cherries. “Aha!”

Gliding past him, Erica picked a cherry from one of the desserts. “I mean there’s something else we could do after we sneak out of here and get a hotel room.” She then caught the sweet fruit in the tips of her beak. She held the cherry gently in place before giving Verdant a wink, applying enough pressure to make the cherry pop like a balloon.

“You want… to crush fruit?” Verdant was absolutely perplexed by what Erica was doing. “Has crushing fruit become a popular pastime? How much do hotels charge for that?”

Erica sighed and rolled her eyes. Taking a deep breath, she came up to Verdant and whispered in his ear once more.

The green pony’s coat quickly exploded into a bright cherry red. “Oh! Oooohhh, of course!” He nervously chuckled as he slapped a hoof to his forehead. “I’m sorry, I’m really out of date when it comes to innuendo.”

“That’s okay, dear.” Erica’s face slowly started to become pink once more as she fiddled with her talons. “So… would you like to…”

“I would love to Erica.” The small male gently placed his hooves onto her shoulders, pulling her into a hug. “I’m just surprised you asked for that before I met your parents.”

“Ugh, I’m not ready for the insanity my parents would bring if they found out I had a boyfriend yet.” Erica returned the hug, resting her chin on top of Verdant’s head. “Shall we away from this place?” She spoke in a put upon, fanciful and accent.

“Come, let us away for we shall soon have shot twixt wind and water!” Verdant pulled away as he spoke overdramatically leading Erica towards the palace’ main entrance.

“Could I get that in Modern Equish?” Erica asked as she pulled ahead of her companion, confusion clear in her tone. “I missed most of my old Ye Olde Speak lessons in school.”

“Let’s get out of here to enjoy our private time together, my dear.” Verdant smiled as he nuzzled her neck, bringing a matching look to her face.

“I’d love to, Verdant.” Erica stretched a wing over his back once more, holding him closely, letting him hear her passionate heart beat.

At the two started to exit the palace, Erica looked down at the dessert her boyfriend was carrying.

“Say Verdant, why’d that pink mare give you that cupcake?”

“Trust me, you don’t want to know. It’ll ruin the mood and your appetite.”


“Have a most pleasant evening, Mr. Fancy Pants, Mrs. Dis Lee,” Swiftsword waved as a sharply dressed stallion and a stunning mare sunk back into the crowd of gathered guests. “It was a pleasure meeting you.”

Well, I may not have found an eligible noblestallion to become my consort, but my reintroduction to the nobility has gone swimmingly. The blue unicorn mare beamed as she trotted along, eyes ever shifting to find a potential mate. Still, I wish I knew why so many were jumpy at the sight of my sword. Has carrying a weapon in the open become a faux pas and now carrying a concealed weapon has become the norm for such events? Oh well, at least I’m covered on the front too.

Feeling somewhat parched, Swiftsword turned her attention away from the plentiful stallions on the floor and over to a table, upon which sat a fountain of punch. As she ensnared a crystalline cup in her magic, a unicorn stallion in a dark green suit made his way to her.

“Why hello there, Madame,” He leaned against the table, taking in Swift’s visage. “I don’t seem to recall you at any of the previous galas I’ve been to.”

“Well, I’ve been unable to attend a Grand Galloping Gala in quite some time due to circumstances beyond my control.” Swift held out a foreleg for the orange unicorn to take. “Swiftsword of the Falchion clan. A pleasure to meet you, Mr…”

“O’Lantern. Jack O’Lantern of the Vines family.” The tiniest hint of a smirk crossed his face as he took her hoof in his, giving the extended limb a gentle kiss. “A pleasure to meet you, Swiftsword.”

“Ah, I remember the Vine clan quite well. Lady Grapevine was one of my father’s closest business partners and informants long ago.” Swift smiled as she pulled her hoof away before pouring herself another glass of punch.

“You don’t say?” Jack rolled his eyes the second Swift’s were focused upon the drinks. When did Celestia start letting cosplayers in here? Eh, she’s got a nice flank, so she may be worth it.

“Oh yes, the Falchions and Vines were close friends in days long past.” Swift floated a pair of glasses to the two of them as a grin spread across her face. “Mayhaps we shall be close as well.”

“Well, we’ll see about that, Swiftsword.” The green maned stallion swirled his drink around, briefly pondering her words.

That seemed like a signal… but I’d better make sure before trying something too forward.

“So,” He paused to take a quick sip of the punch, the drink providing him with an ounce of liquid courage. “Hope you don’t mind my asking, but how would you like to end up full of pumpkin seeds tonight?”

Dammit, Jack! What were you thinking?! Now you’ve blown it worse than with that maid! There’s no way she’ll—

“Hmm…” Swift hoof gently rose to her chin, considering his offer.

He does seem to be a rather fit stallion of a noble family, so that is certainly something in his favor. Besides, not only would it be rude to turn away the offer for a sample of his wares, but it would probably be better for me than the desserts here. If only he were in the sunflower seed business.

“That sounds quite nice actually, sir. Simply give me a bit to let my appetite return.” Swift innocently smiled before taking another drink.

Holy crap, I’ve hit the jackpot! The stunned look on Jack’s face was quickly washed away as brimming confidence took its place. “Fantastic.”

“Yes, I’m sure your…” The blue mare’s words died out as past the orange unicorn she spotted a familiar green mare clad in golden armor. “Oh! Sir O’Lantern, may I please have a moment to speak to my friend? It’s been a few months since I last saw her.”

“Of course, Swift. Maybe she’d like to join in the fun we’ll be having.” The orange stallion grinned as he slung a foreleg over her shoulder before heading for the armor clad mare. “Think she’d be willing to join the fun we’ll be having?”

“I would hope so, but it may take her away from her duties,” Swift replied somewhat sadly before taking on a perkier face and tone. “Spearmint, my friend! It’s been far too long!” She called out, drawing the green mare’s eyes and bringing a blush to her face. “Has your night been going well?”

“H-hey there, Swiftsword. Nice to see you again.” Spearmint anxiously smiled before she spotted the stallion at her side; her smile shifting to a small frown. “How’s things been going recently?”

“Rather swimmingly, dear Spearmint.” The noblemare beamed, not noticing the stallion’s hoof ever so slowly going down her back. “My friends and I have settled into Vanhoover quite well. We have all managed to find careers as well. Winter Gem’s managed to mend things with her family while Hat Trick’s become a performer. Forge has managed to gain an apprenticeship at a smithing company and Verdant’s found employment at a flower shop. But enough about my friends and I, how have you and your friends been?”

“It’s been going pretty well I guess.” The armored mare shrugged and looked away from the azure unicorn. “Cobalt’s managed to get promoted to ensign and Moonstone’s gotten herself a girlfriend as well. As for me, Lieutenant Starshine says I may get a promotion if I improve my combat skills.”

“How wonderful, Spearmint!” Swift cheered, tapping her hooves together; brimming with enthusiasm. “If your combat skills require some improving, perhaps I could be of assistance in some way? If you have a free day, you could come visit and I could help you hone your skills. I could easily pay for your train ticket.”

“Why thank you, Swift, but you really d—” The shamrock mare attempted to cut into the unicorn’s words, only to be quickly deflected.

“Or better yet, I could visit on some of my days off and train you! Just a warning, Spearmint,” Swift grinned, leaning closer toward the nervous mare, “I would work you so hard, you’d be begging for mercy.”

Spearmint’s face rapidly changed colors from her usual pale green to a striking cherry red, drawing a grin to Jack’s face.

Man, this night’s going better than I ever hoped! He chuckled as his hoof slid ever further down Swift’s back. I’m about to become the luckiest stallion in all Equestria.

“In a matter of weeks, you’ll soon be the best you’ve ever beeeEEEEEEN!” Swift spun around to face the stallion upon feeling a hoof upon her rump. “How dare you!” She glared daggers at Jack, making him take a shaking step back.

“Wait Swift, I really misread y—” He was cut off as Swift landed a hard slap across his face.

“You have insulted my honor!” the furious mare exclaimed, drawing the eye of several party guests. “I challenge you to a duel!”

“Alright, just calm down. I accept.” Jack tugged on his bow tie as he tried to back away. One little card game and we should be able to settle things, maybe even salvage this night. Thank Faust I brought my cards with me.

“Very well!” Swift furiously bellowed, undoing the clasp of her cape as she drew closer to him. “Forge, my cape!” She tossed the cape aside, her eyes locked on the stallion reaching into his jacket with a flare of magic while she slowly pulled her sword from her side. “Now draw!”

“Right, let’s—” The words died in his throat has he pulled the deck from his jacket, seeing the longsword pointed directly at his face. In that instant, Jack did the only thing a well bred stallion of his standing could do at the sight.

“Aaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhh!” He shrieked as he flew off like a shot from a cannon, leaving behind a flurry of cards as be bolted for the stairs.

“Face me, you cowardly lech!” Swift barked, quickly taking pursuit of the screeching stallion.

“Swift, wait!” Spearmint called out as she followed after. “For the love of Faust, stop!”

Author's Note:

Alticron: Hey folks. Hope you enjoyed this next part of the gala. I wonder what Verdant and Erica are up to. :raritywink:

Next time, we see what Forge, Snow, Gem and Hatty got up to at the gala. I sense shenanigans coming.

Until then, see ya there.

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