• Published 2nd Aug 2017
  • 4,758 Views, 803 Comments

A Pony Displaced: Homeward - NoLongerSober

With Sombra dead and his cadets and old friends in tow, Magic Barrier and company try to adapt to the modern world, heading forward to try and make Vanhoover their new home.

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Chapter 17 - Date Night

Barrier stood before his stove, carefully using his magic to stir the sauce he was preparing for tonight’s dinner. After having all those donuts two days prior, he had decided to prepare something a wee bit fancier for a meal. After a quick stop by the library, Barrier had found a recipe for fettuccine alfredo and decided to prepare this for his housemates. Lifting the spoon to his lips, he took a quick sip.

“Hmm… Hopefully they’ll like this,” he muttered as he placed the spoon in the sink and turned to focus on the pasta. Just as he was about to lift the pot and move the pasta he had prepared into the strainer, the front door was slammed open.

“Emergency!” Iron Forge shouted from the doorway in between deep breaths. “Everypony! I need your help!”

Quickly turning off the burners, Barrier then teleported to the entrance as Fleetfeather and Wind Whistler ran in from the living room, Daring charged in from the downstairs bathroom, Swift from the backyard, and Hat Trick and Winter Gem from upstairs. From behind Iron Forge, Barrier had spotted Verdant running up from the front gate, apparently having just returned from one of his cooking lessons. “What’s wrong, Forge?”

“Are the we under attack?” Swift inquired as she drew her sword.

“No,” Forge wheezed as he tried to catch his breath.

“Take a moment to catch your breath, Forge.” Verdant gave his gasping friend a pat on the back shortly after he entered the house and closed the door with a light kick. “Do you need a drink of water?”

“No,” he replied as his breathing finally started to catch up. “But I will need all of your help with this.”

“We’re here for you, Forge.” Winter Gem stepped forward and took a battle ready stance. “Whatever you need, we’re here for you.”

“Right,” Hat Trick said to back up his fiance. “Now, tell us what’s wrong.”

After taking one last deep breath, Forge exclaimed to the gathered group, “Snow Sweeper asked me out on a date!”

“Is…” Barrier’s eyebrow rose at what the young unicorn had said. “Is that really all it is?”

“Yes!” Forge shouted back. “I’ve never been in a relationship before, I have no idea what to do on a date! Please, I know most of you have at least some sort of romantic experience, so I need your help! I… I really don’t want to screw this up.”

“Well, Forge,” Barrier stepped forward and placed a hoof on the stallion’s shoulder. “I’m certain we’ll all try. You’ve got to remember that our knowledge of modern courtship is rather limited.” His statement drew a chuckle from the yellow pegasus mare by his side.

“Good thing you’ve got me here,” Daring said and nudged Barrier. “Just call me Dr. Love.”

“Hey, Dr. Love,” Barrier retorted with a flat look. “You’ve got some toilet paper stuck to your back hoof.” He smirked as Daring quickly looked back at her hooves. “Made you look,” Barrier chortled while Daring gave him a cross looking glare.

“First thing’s first, Forge,” Verdant piped up as he drew Forge into the house. “It would be a good idea to give us some details about this so we have some idea of what we’re working with. First off, did you say yes?”

“Well…” Forge paused as he was brought into the living room. “Not so much ‘said’ as ‘squeaked like a chew toy’, but he did seem to understand it.”

“Alright, that’s step one.” Verdant lightly shoved Forge into one of the room’s chairs. “Now, when is the date set to happen and where?”

“Well, it’s set for seven o’clock on Friday at the Gilded Sunset,” he answered as he nervously fidgeted in his seat.

“Hmm...” Hat Trick rubbed at his chin with a foreleg. “Two days and semi-formal. I think that we can handle this sort of thing.”

“Yeah,” Winter Gem joined in. “We’ll give you some advice on lines to say, make sure you’re looking just fancy enough for this, and you two will have a great first date.”

“From what I’ve seen from modern books, it would be good to bring a box of chocolates with you for this,” Swiftsword approached Forge’s side. “Furthermore, listen closely to when they’re talking, and that when they ask something about you, try to keep it concise.”

“Be concise, listen and bring chocolates. Got it.” Forge nodded. “Anything else you think I should know?”

“Hmm…” Winter Gem pondered before she piped up. “Since the Gilded Sunset’s a fairly fancy place, you may want to get a suit. Some cologne may be a good idea as well.”

“You should probably also brush your mane and tail.” Hat Trick hovered over Forge and patted his mane before being close to swatted away by the unicorn.

“Why would I need to do something with my mane?” Forge glared at Hat Trick, who kept just out of reach of his hooves.

“Well to be frank, your mane looks like you just got out of bed, which wouldn’t really fit with a fancy restaurant like that,” Daring stated. “Just brushing it back should be fine though.”

“Alright, I’ll be sure to brush it,” Forge sighed. “Any other words of advice?”

“Hmm… well, other than don’t try to get to intimate too early in the relationship without your date’s permission and remember to have a good time, nope.” Daring then glanced at the others. “Still…”

“What’s wrong, Daring?” Barrier asked, noticing how Daring looked at the confused batch of ponies.

“I’ve seen enough things where a pony’s friends try to help them out on a date by doing stuff like feeding them lines on cue cards or dressing up like waiters at the restaurant they’re going to, and it always ends in disaster.” Her tone became harsh as her glance turned into a glare. “I want all of you to promise not to interfere with Forge’s date, alright?”

“Not a problem, Professor.” Hat Trick casually waved. “Gem and I were thinking of heading down to The Cook’s Canvas then, so we’ll be on the other side of town.” As he ended his statement, Gem punctuated his sentence with a happy nod.

“And I’ll probably still be in my cooking class by then, so I won’t be bugging you.” Verdant’s response drew a raised eyebrow from Barrier.

“Correct me if I’m wrong, but I thought those classes were only on Tuesdays and Thursdays.” Barrier’s inquiry drew the eyes of those assembled towards the green pony.

“I managed to talk Ms. Bleu into giving me some extra lessons,” Verdant chuckled before he continued. “It’s amazing what somepony will do when you can more than pay for the expenses.”

“Right,” Swiftsword spoke up. “I give you my word, as your friend and as a Falchion that I shall not interfere, Iron Forge.” Her words drew a happy smile from Forge.

“I promised Wind Whistler we’d have one more movie night before I try to enroll her in school on Monday, so we’ll be here.” Fleetfeather gave the small filly by her side a smile, leading her to happily hop in place.

“Yay!” Wind Whistler happily chirped as she hugged her mother’s leg. “We’ll watch Escape from Midnight Castle and have popcorn and candy!”

“Just as long as you remember to put the plastic sheet on the couch, Windy,” Barrier said before he turned his attention to Forge. “I’m sure Daring and I will find something to do then, Forge. I hope you have a good time.”

“I… Thank you. All of you,” Forge said before he hopped out of his seat. “I’m glad you’re willing to do all this. Now, Professor.” he drew closer to Daring. “Would you be willing to help me pick out a suit? I don’t really trust my old sense of fashion on this.”


The two days had gone by rather quickly for Iron Forge. He and Daring had picked out a black tuxedo with a white undershirt and a black bowtie for his dinner ensemble. His mane and been brushed back, turning the wild spikes of his hair into a smooth, slicked back style. Looking back in the bathroom mirror, Forge made sure that absolutely nothing was out of place.

“Right. Teeth.” His reflection smiled as he did, showing off that they were nearly sparkling. “Check. Breath.” He exhaled into his hoof before taking a sniff, catching the pleasant scent of mint. “Check. Bits.” Patting his jacket pocket, he heard the jangle of the coins within. “Check…” As he stepped out of the bathroom, he placed a hoof on his chin, “Hmm… I feel as though I’m still forgetting something…”

“Oh, I know!” Hat Trick ran up beside Forge. He was sporting a white suit with a deep purple undershirt and a green bowtie, “I’ve got something you may need.” With a flick of his hoof, a small plastic square appeared that he slipped into one of Forge’s pockets, “Just in case things go really good for you tonight,” he emphasized with a knowing wink.

“Hatty, knock it off!” Winter Gem called as she entered the hallway, sporting a flowing red dress. “I’m sure you'll be fine, Forge.” She gave Forge a pat on the back before heading towards the door. “Now c’mon, I want to get to the Cook’s Canvas before-” Her words were cut off as the sound of the doorbell emanated throughout the manor.

“He’s here!” Forge shouted out as he started to run to the door before he regained his composure and steadied his steps. “Right. Keep calm, you’ve got this, Forge. You’ve got this.” With a quick flare of fiery orange, the door’s handle moved into place, opening the large doors to reveal the light coloured pegasus stallion with a dark blue dinner jacket.

“Whoa, Forge…” Snow Sweeper’s jaw almost hung agape as he gazed upon Forge and his fine clothing. “You look fantastic.” his eyes shifted back to his much more modest attire. “Do you think I’m underdressed for this?”

“Hardly,” the unicorn replied in a slightly higher pitch than he had intended before coughing into his hoof. “Not one bit, Snow.” Stepping into the evening sun, the pair headed off. “I hope I don’t do too badly tonight. I’ve honestly never been on a date before...”

“Really?” Snow’s eyebrow rose as he closely examined his date. “Well trust me, I’m sure we’re gonna have a magnificent time.”

Looking back one last time at the manor, Forge spotted the rest of his remaining housemates waving at him from the doorway. “Thanks.”

As the household watched the two pass by the front gate, Hat Trick and Winter Gem stepped forward. “We had best be off, it’s a long walk where we’re going,” the pegasus said as he adjusted his bowtie one last time.

“Hope you all have a good time,” Gem said as she and her paramore made for the door.

“I intend to, my friend,” Swift replied. “I have a book that should prove most interesting.”

“And Mother and I will have a great time with Escape from Midnight Castle tonight!” the filly of the house called out.

“As for Barrier and I...” Daring sported a devilish grin that gave the charcoal unicorn pause. “Oh what fun I have planned for you tonight,” she darkly chuckled.

“Well, see you later tonight!” Hat Trick then closed the door behind the two of them as they set off, leaving Barrier to wonder what horrors Daring had planned for him.


Daring Do cackled evilly as sweat dripped down Barrier’s brow. He knew he was doomed. With a resigned sigh, he moved his foreleg forward, nudging the small piece in front of him.

“Oh, poor Barrier,” Daring spoke while choking back a laugh. “What poor luck it was to land on all three licorice spaces.” Her hoof reached out and drew a card. Flipping it over, she revealed that her card had a purple square on it. “While you’re stuck there next to Gloppy in the Chocolate Swamp...” she smiled wickedly as she moved her piece to the end of the board, “I’ve made it to Candy Castle, leaving me the undisputed Queen of Candy Land!”

“Yeah. You won the best three out of five in row.” Barrier let out a tired sigh before he spotted the unicorn in a nearby chair setting down her book. “How’s the book, Swiftsword?”

“It’s alright,” she answered as she tiredly rubbed her eyes. “There are a lot of characters to keep track of and I am torn on whether a throne made of swords is a grand idea or a waste of perfectly good weapons.” As she got up from her chair to stretch, the sound of the front door opening rang out as a voice came from the entrance.

“I’m home!” Verdant’s voice echoed throughout the hall before he made his way to the trio. “How have things been by you?”

“Well I got my butt whipped by the Candy Queen over here,” Barrier replied as he watched the green stallion heading into the kitchen, drawing a chuckle from them.

“You should have agreed to play Battleship instead, sir,” he retorted as the sound of the fridge reached Barrier’s ears. “Um… sir, we have a problem.”

“And that would be?” Barrier cocked his eyebrow as he heard Verdant’s hurried hoofsteps drawing closer. The green pony was carrying a red, heart-shaped box in his mouth that he quickly set on table in front of Barrier.

“It seems Forge forgot to take the chocolates he’d got for Snow Sweeper with him...” Verdant eyed the box carefully as Barrier closed his eyes and let out a sigh.

“Well it looks like they’ll have to do without them, Ver—” Barrier was cut off at the sound of the front door being slammed open, making his eyes shoot open to see Verdant was gone, along with the box of chocolates. Barrier then slapped a hoof against his forehead. “That colt better not do something stupid.”


At an outdoor table of the fanciful restaurant known as the Gilded Sunset, the two stallions sat while having a hearty laugh.

“She....” Forge tried to speak as he held back his giggles. “She really stuffed your locker full of shaving cream?” He managed to finish before he was consumed by his laughter once more.

“Yeah,” Snow Sweeper replied as he started to regain his composure. “It really sucks when your boss is your roommate and your big sister.” As he let out a contented sigh, Snow gently placed a foreleg on top of one of Forge’s. “Thanks for saying yes, Forge. I’ve had a great time.”

“As have I, Snow. As have I.” the unicorn said contently as he gazed into Snow’s pale golden eyes. “And I plan on making tonight even sweeter for you.”

“Oh?” Snow’s head tilted to the side as curiosity etched itself upon his brow. “How so?”

“I got you a box of some of the finest chocolates in all of Vanhoover,” Forge answered with a great smile stretched across his muzzle.

“Wow, thank you, Forge!” the pegasus happily said before glancing around in confusion. “But… um… where are they?”

Before Forge could react to the realization that he had left the chocolates at home, an arrow had struck their table, drawing several surprised gasps and shouts from the other patrons. Attached to the arrow with a gold ribbon was the box of chocolates.

“Whoa!” Snow called out as he examined the arrow and box. “you really know how to impress a guy on a date, Forge!”

“Well you know me,” Forge replied casually as he quickly glanced up towards the roof of a building across the street from them, briefly spotting a blur of green and brown from the rooftop. “I always try to make things as good as they can be,” he chuckled as his horn lit up to undo the ribbon. Verdant, I’ll owe you one… assuming you end up paying for damaging this table and whatnot.

“Still, thanks for everything, Forge,” Snow said before picking up one of chocolates. “I can honestly say this is one of the best nights out I’ve ever had.” Tossing back one of the sweets into his mouth, Snow happily savoured the taste before he happily swallowed. “And these chocolates are the best! Still,” his tone seemed to shift somewhat, seeming disappointed. “I know something sweeter.”

“And what would that be?” Forge asked nervously before seeing a smirk make its way across Snow’s muzzle and he leaned in closer to him.

“You,” Snow answered right before he closed the distance between them and gave Forge a tender kiss on the cheek, making Forge’s face match the color of the sunset sky.

Author's Note:

Alticron: Hey folks. Hope you enjoyed the new chapter. There's no art this time, but I have revised the art of Verdant's family seen in the APD: Another Path chapters 48 and 50 (Part 1) respectively.

Next time, Wind Whistler has her first day in a modern school and Daring, Fleet and Barrier have a talk. See you then.

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