• Published 2nd Aug 2017
  • 4,757 Views, 803 Comments

A Pony Displaced: Homeward - NoLongerSober

With Sombra dead and his cadets and old friends in tow, Magic Barrier and company try to adapt to the modern world, heading forward to try and make Vanhoover their new home.

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Chapter 23 - Fashion and Future Plans (Part 2)

“So this is Rarity’s place of business?” Swiftsword inquired as she cantered towards the tall building before her, taking in the sight of the blue, purple and gold structure.

“Yep. This is Carousel Boutique.” Barrier stepped ahead of Swiftsword with his horn aglow. Turning the knob and opening the door with his magic. The bells jingled as the two entered the boutique.

“Hello and welcome to Carousel Boutique,” A voice called from behind a corner, from which an alabaster unicorn emerged. “Where everything is…” Pausing at the sight blue mare of the before her, she halted her slogan. “Ah, Swiftsword. You’re right on time, darling.” Her eyes then moved to the charcoal unicorn beside her. “And Barrier, to what do I owe the pleasure of your company?”

“Well Rarity, besides Swiftsword needing you to make her outfit for when she goes to the gala,” Barrier’s horn lit once more as he reached into his saddlebags and pulled out the parcel containing the dress uniform and placed it before her. “I need to have a dress uniform refitted for me.”

“Well that shouldn’t be too much of problem, Barrier.” Rarity’s smiled as her horn glowed while Barrier’s dimmed. From the back, a set of red glasses, measuring tape, a notepad and quill floated over to the marshmallowy mare while the parcel was quickly and cleanly opened. With the red and gold-cuffed and collared uniform soon extracted and placed on a ponyquin, Rarity guided Barrier up onto a platform before a trio of mirrors.

“Are there any other alterations you would like me to make to that uniform besides the refitting?” Rarity moved all around Barrier, taking measurements and furiously taking notes.

Barrier paused for a moment to think. “Think maybe you could dye it? I don’t believe those colors would look that great on me.”

“Certainly, Barrier,” Rarity said as took more notes. “How about… dark blue with silver cuffs, a dark violet belt and a crimson sash?”

“That sounds more like it.” Barrier smiled before another thought came to his mind. “By the way, do you know any place where I could get a mane cut?” he inquired while trying to remain still, despite how oddly ticklish the measuring tape was. “Some of my housemates and I are starting to think I’ve let it get a little too long.”

“Not a problem. I’m certain Groomsby will be able to take care of that.” Rarity then tore away the note on her pad and placed it on the ponyquin before turning to Swiftsword and ushering her to the mirrors. “Now darling, what pray tell would you like in your gala outfit?”

Swiftsword hummed while taking Barrier’s place before the mirrors. As she stepped up and Barrier stepped down, Rarity brought a sketch pad and several colored pencils up to her. “I would like an outfit that is fairly tight. I don’t want any loose bits that could easily get caught on something should a fight break out.”

“Swiftsword, how likely do you really think that is?” Rarity’s eyebrow slowly rose as she looked away from her sketchpad.

“I admit I am uncertain, but I have seen more than one duel break out between nobles at events such as these, so I wish to be prepared,” Swift replied while Rarity’s measuring tape started to snake its way around her.

“Alright then.” Rarity jotted down some notes before looking Swift in the eye. “Anything else?”

“Well, I would also like it to be fairly durable, but without being too constictING!” The blue mare squealed as the tape rubbed tightly against her rear.

“Sorry about that,” Rarity said as moved the tape to take measurements of Swiftsword’s long, toned legs. “Now, is there anything you’d like specifically when it comes to the aesthetics of this outfit?”

“Perhaps a mix of modern and classical style would ideal.” The blue unicorn bristled as the tape slid across her shoulders. “Oh, and an easily removable blue cape would be essential to me.”

Rarity furiously took notes while making a few scribbles on her sketchpad. “Out of curiosity, is there any particular reason for a blue cape?”

“Tis quite simple,” Swift replied as she stepped off the platform to face the snowy unicorn. “I am uncertain how nobles of this era dress, but in our time, during many events such as galas, nobles would wear different colored capes to denote their rank. Barons and baronesses would wear white while viscounts and viscountesses such as myself would have blue.”

“Really?” Rarity looked up from the sketchpad before quickly writing a side note on another scrap of paper. “Interesting. What were the colors worn by the upper ranks?”

“I seem to recall,” Swiftsword ran a hoof through her mane as she began to recall, her hoof making a clank upon reaching the hidden dagger, “Earls, counts and countesses wearing green capes, yellow was for marquises and marchionesses, red was for dukes and duchesses and lastly, grand dukes and duchesses would be garbed in purple capes. This allowed ponies to quickly realize their position in many a discussion and dealing in these situations.”

“I guess this makes sense.” Rarity spoke up while she continued to sketch away a design concept. “This would explain why Mars so often wore one in the Flame Crest books.”

“That reminds me, I need to start reading those tomes.” Swiftsword made her way around to Rarity’s side. “I have my doubts of their accuracy due to referring to me as the Maiden of Blades.”

“Rarity,” Barrier chipped in, hoping to prevent having to hear something he’d find awkward, “Could you please show me where I could find this Groomsby that you mentioned before?”

“No problem, Barrier. I needed to pick up some shampoo anyway. Once I finish this concept sketch, we’ll—” Rarity was interrupted by the sound of the front door being slammed open, which was quickly followed by a pink blur that bolted up to Swiftsword’s face.

“Hi there, Swiftsword!” the bouncing mare happily exclaimed as she danced around the startled viscountess. “I knew I sensed somepony visiting Ponyville for the first time! I’ll need to throw you a welcome to Ponyville party ASAP. When’s your birthday? What’s your favorite kind of cake? I wanna throw you a super duper ‘Welcome to Ponyville for the First Time’ Party’, so I just gotta know that!” Pinkie quickly spat out before she finally stopped bouncing around Swiftsword and settled for bouncing in front of her, smiling sweetly as she awaited an answer.

“What?” Swiftsword was baffled by the pink pony hopping in front of her, requiring a moment to gather her thoughts. “Well my birthday’s on the twentieth of April. As for favorite cake… I suppose that it would be angel food cake with vanilla cream and strawberries?”

“Alrighty, now I know what to do for you!” Pinkie giggled before turning around to face her charcoal companion. “Nice to see you again, Barrier.”

“Likewise, Pinkie,” Barrier flatly replied as his horn started to glow, a flask levitating out of his bags.

“Say,” Pinkie stared close at the flask, like a cat spotting a plump mouse. “Can I have a sip of that? I wanna know what it tastes like.”

“Sure,” Barrier brought the flask closer to the mare that now sported a grin that stretched across her face like taffy. “Just remember to leave some for me. I feel like I’m gonna need it.”

Pinkie happily took the flask and took a few quick swigs of the brew. She savored the rich flavor before giving a large swallow. “Hmm… Not bad. It’d be pretty good in a rum cake. It doesn’t seem to have the burn you usually expect, but things like that have felt a bit weaker for me ever since that... Pepper.” She bitterly spat the last word.

“You’ll get over it,” Barrier replied before taking a swig of his own. Great. Now I’ve got cake and candy flavored backwash.

“Anywho,” Pinkie sauntered up to Barrier and placed a foreleg over his shoulder. “I’m gonna take you to Groomsby’s while those two work on what her outfit’s gonna be.”

“Pinkie,” Barrier started, his eyebrow rising as the living lump of cotton candy started to lead him towards the door, “How did you hear us talking about that?”

“Duh, I have ears.” She pointed with her free foreleg to her ears as they wiggled like gelatin. “Now c’mon! I’ll get you there and back with a new haircut faster than you can say ‘Cut to next scene’!”


“Thanks again for the haircut, Groomsby!” Barrier looked over his shoulder as he headed out the door, his mane now much shorter in the back and looking much straighter. “If I need a haircut again and happen to be in Ponyville, I’ll be sure to stop by again.”

“See, Barrier?” Pinkie darted in front of the tall unicorn, hopping backwards as they continued on. “Nice looking cut and super quickly done.”

“Well, you’re not wrong.” Barrier ran a hoof through his trimmed locks, knocking away a few loose strands. If you hadn’t spent the entirety of it bombarding me with the damned questions about birthdays and desserts, it might have been relaxing… Though I should probably ask the kids when their birthdays are.

“Are you looking forward to the gala?” Pinkie asked as she backflipped over a mare she nearly bumped into, “It’s gonna be the best party ever!”

A snort escaped the unicorn as the mares words reached him. “It’s never really been at the top of my list of favorites functions to attend. If I’m being honest, I don’t think you’ll care for it much either, Pinkie.” Barrier’s remark made the happy mare pause in confusion and mid-air.

“What do you mean, Barry?” Her head tilted as she settled onto the ground. “Isn’t it the biggest party of the year?”

“Depending on your definition of party.” He trotted on, Pinkie following at his left, “You have to understand, it’s a formal party. It’ll have a lot of things like chatting with narcissistic nobles and politicians, fine wines and hors d’oeuvres, those sorts of… wonderful things.”

“But there will be dancing and a music, right?” Pinkie’s eyes seemed to swell as she pleaded, her mane becoming somewhat deflated.

“There will be, but it’ll probably be more fancy stuff like waltzes and the sort,” Barrier’s words turned her frown upside down and her mane became poofier once more.

“Alrighty!” Pinkie merrily hopped up into the air, leaping over a trio of fillies riding by in a wagon pulled by a scooter. “If they’ve got that stuff, I can definitely improvise.”

“Well I suppose one of us has to look forward to it.” The two finally reached the door of Carousel Boutique once more. “Hopefully you’ll have a good time there.”

“I know it’s going to be just the best night ever, Barrier.” The young mare then pulled the stallion into a bone-crushing hug. Releasing her grip on him before anything could break, Pinkie started to head off. “See you around, Barry! I’ve got to take care of some things for Mrs. Cake, and then plan things for Gummy’s birthday. Later!” Pinkie then dashed off at a speed Barrier had only seen from some very athletic pegasi before.

With a sigh and roll of his eyes, Barrier pushed open the front door of the shop, vaguely aware of the aching ribs the pink terror had left him with.

“-as many a mare would have tried the same thing, Rarity.” He heard Swiftsword sadly say from in front of the mirrors. “I am sorry to say that your plans for the gala… may likely fail.”

“I.. appreciate your honesty, Swiftsword.” Rarity appeared somewhat crestfallen as she lifted her glasses and rubbed her eyes. “Still, I do intend to try, no matter what.”

“I wish you the best, my friend.” Swift looked into the mirror, spotting her approaching housemate and giving him a nod. “I intend to find a suitor there as well, so perhaps fortune shall smile upon us. Is that not right, Barrier?” Rarity quickly turned at the mention of Barrier’s name, doing what she could to compose herself; she didn’t notice Barrier’s slight eye twitch at Swift’s mention of suitor, his mind briefly flashing back to their discussion on the train.

“Ah, good to see you, Barrier.” Rarity set down her fabric samples and sketch pad as she drew closer to him, examining him very closely. “I must say, your mane looks much better now.”

Barrier nodded his appreciation at her compliment before his eyes fell upon Swiftsword once more. She was covered in a variety of blue materials covering her coat. “How goes the outfit making?”

“Better than I expected, Sir,” Swiftsword replied as Rarity came back to her side. “She managed to craft a fantastic design in a matter of minutes. We had just finished trying a multitude of materials for my attire.”

“You’ll both be happy to know that I should have Swiftsword’s outfit done fairly early tomorrow.” Rarity’s horn glowed as took the samples of cloth off the noble mare and set them aside. “And refitting and dyeing your dress uniform shouldn’t take very long at all after that.”

“Excellent,” Barrier grinned as his former cadet drew closer and he turned towards the door, “We’ll find a hotel to spend the night in, pick those things up in the morning then head back to Vanhoover.”

“Before you head out,” Rarity spoke up, stopping the two in their tracks. “There’s something I’d like to ask you two about.”

“And that would be?” Swift’s eyebrow rose cautiously.

“Pinkie Pie’s birthday is coming up soon and she’s been working rather hard to throw fantastic birthday parties for everypony else.” The snow-colored unicorn walked over to the pair, her magic setting her glasses on a small table. “I was wondering if you would be willing to help us throw a party for her.”

Barrier swallowed nervously at the thought of spending any period of time around the mare.

“I will be certain to be there, Rarity.” Swiftsword gave the marshmallow mare a soft smile. “She threw a grand party to help welcome us to our home. Would it be alright if I brought my friends along to this?”

“But of course!” Rarity responded ecstatically. “I’m certain Pinkie herself would say, ‘The more, the merrier’.”

“I’m not sure about myself, though,” Barrier interjected, drawing the pair’s attention. “I’m not really the fondest of partying and that sort. In addition to that, I’ve been thinking about finding a job in Vanhoover. If I’m being honest, it’s fairly boring when all you do all day is read books, exercise, or get beaten at board games.”

“Very well, Barrier.” Rarity drew closer before gently patting Barrier on the cheek with a knowing smile. “I’m certain Pinkie would understand if you can’t come because of work or… another reason.”

“Well, thank you for everything, Rarity.” Swift cantered towards the shop’s door, opening it wide. “We must be going for now. I would like to have a hotel room ready for us before dinner time rolls around.” Swift and Barrier trotted out, leaving Rarity by the threshold.

“It was good seeing you again, you two.” Rarity waved at the two of them, who kindly returned the wave. “And be sure to stop by Sugarcube Corner for the party Pinkie’s setting up for you.”

Barrier sighed and brought a hoof to his forehead.

“Faust and Zacherle above, that mare will drive me to an early grave...”

After making their way to Sugarcube Corner for the party Pinkie threw, which resulted in the pair feeling like they ate twice their body weight in sweets, Barrier and Swiftsword managed to hobble over to an inn, where they were able to enjoy a fairly peaceful night’s rest, save for the slight stomach aches.

Author's Note:

Alticron: "Hey everyone. Welcome back to the second part of this arc and the first to Remastered Hairstyle Saga as I like to call it. What's this all about, you may ask? Well, to be honest, I wasn't that happy with the fact that the cast's mane's were all just basic forms in Pony Maker, so I decided to remake them with Sober's permission, giving them all new hairstyles that I figure look a little bit better."

"Next time, we wrap up this saga and we get another cast member getting an new hairstyle. Can you guess who? I'll see you then."

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