• Published 2nd Aug 2017
  • 4,758 Views, 803 Comments

A Pony Displaced: Homeward - NoLongerSober

With Sombra dead and his cadets and old friends in tow, Magic Barrier and company try to adapt to the modern world, heading forward to try and make Vanhoover their new home.

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Chapter 36 - The Best Night Ever (Part 1)

The stars shimmered as Barrier stared out the train’s window, trying not to focus on the vehicle’s rumbling or the conversation between his three cabin mates.

“Do you think suit looks good, Forge?” Snow Sweeper asked as he tried to straighten his bowtie, using the window’s faint reflection.

“You look stunning, Snow.” Forge gently placed a hoof on the pegasus’ shoulder, drawing a smile from him as he smoothed out a small wrinkle from his dark blue suit.

“I must agree with my friend, Snow Sweeper.” Swift nodded as she took a sip of water, careful not to spill a droplet on her elaborate outfit. “That, along with your current haircut will…” She paused, the words escaping her, patting her thigh as she tried to recall. “Oh, blast it all. What’s the saying? Knock their shoes off?”

“Knock their socks off, Swift,” the snowy gray stallion chuckled behind a hoof. “The saying’s ‘knock their socks’.”

“But…” the blue mare tilted her head in confusion. “Wouldn’t something that knocks a pony’s socks off also knock their shoes off?”

“It’s a figure of speech, Swift.” Barrier pried his eyes away from the window with a roll. “I don’t know why they say it these days, just that they do.”

“Hey, Swiftsword.” Snow leaned closer to the mare across from him, an eyebrow quirked in curiosity. “I’ve gotta ask, do you really have to bring a sword with you to a gala?”

“But of course!” Swift blustered as she swelled out her chest, noble pride clear in her voice. “Not only will my sword serve me well should some fool insult my honor or challenge me to a duel, it is the symbol of my family’s grand legacy. I carry it as one would wear their coat of arms on the garb.”

“O...kay…” The pegasus slowly pulled back. “I kinda doubt that sorta stuff’s gonna happen tonight.”

“If not, then it shows how even after being gone for centuries, the Falchion name commands respect.”

“At least you brought something to keep you safe,” Forge muttered as he leaned back in his seat. “Verdant’s putting himself in serious dang—”

“Forge,” Barrier spoke in his ‘captain’ tone. “Verdant’s going to be fine. Relax.”

“He’s right, Forge.” Snow placed a hoof on his boyfriend’s lap as he softly spoke, making the unicorn look him in the eyes. “This is a public event with hundreds of attendees chatting, dancing, enjoying the food and trying to have a good time while trained guards are stationed throughout. Nothing bad’s gonna happen to your friend.”

Taking a calming breath, Iron Forge sighed. “Okay, you’re probably right.”

“That’s the spirit, Forge.” The grey stallion leaned closer, giving the unicorn stallion a quick nuzzle. “This is a special night and we’re gonna try to have some fun here. Right?”

“Yeah.” A smile graced Forge’s features as he pulled Snow into a quick hug before returning the nuzzle. “The music should be wonderful and the Crêpes Suzette is to die for.”

A smirk crossed Barrier’s face as he leaned closer to the two. “And how would you know about that, Forge? The only times you’ve been to a gala were when you were on duty, and thus not allowed to have any of the food being served.”

“Um…” The blue stallion’s eyes swiftly became the size of pinpricks as he bit his lip. “So, uh… Swiftsword!” He quickly snatched up her forehooves in his own. “How do you think your hunt for a suitor will go tonight?”

“Hopefully well, Forge.” She gently pulled her hooves away. “Also, I wonder if we shall see Spearmint and the others again.”

“Probably, but I just wonder when—” Barrier’s words were silenced as the sound of a bellowing pony in the hallway drowned him out.

“Attention passengers. We will be arriving in Canterlot shortly. All passengers not headed for Baltimare should prepare to depart.”

“Thank Faust for that.” The charcoal stallion hopped to his hooves and slid the door open. “I’m going to get the rest.”


“And with a flick of the wrist…” Hat Trick twirled his hoof above a black top hat before reaching into it. When he pulled his hoof back out, he was holding a hoof full of caramel candies. “Presto!”

“Pretty neat, Hatty,” Erica said as he tossed a candy to each of the cabin’s other occupants.

“Thank you, Erica.” He placed a hoof on the top and bottom of the hat, gently pressing until it vanished in a puff of purple smoke. “I do what I can to impress.”

“Hopefully the rest of the night gets even better.” The hen merrily rubbed her talons together. “I’ve never been to Canterlot before, much less the palace.”

“I think you’ll like it, Erica.” Verdant gently leaned into her side before she wrapped her wing behind him. “There should be food, fireworks, and festive music all throughout.”

“Also, if you’d like something a bit more... intimate” Winter Gem waggled her eyebrows, making the purple pegasus bite down on his lip to keep from giggling. “I’m sure you’ll be able to find a very nice place to get your dress wrinkled.” She gave Erica a wink, making the griffin blush and the green stallion’s eyebrow rise in confusion.

“Why would she want to do that?” Verdant looked up and down Erica’s body, taking in the sight of her tight, backless black dress, complimented with a light blue flower on the left side of her head. “Her dress is rather nice and looks pretty pricey. Why would she want to get it all wrinkled?”

The trio stared at Verdant for a moment before breaking down into a fit of chuckles.

“What? What’s so funny?” The emerald pony looked amongst the three before Erica’s wing pulled him closer and she draped her arm over his shoulders.

“Well, let’s just have a good time and see how the night goes,” Erica said. “There’s so much to try out tonight.”

Hatty smirked wickedly and leaned closer to the cuddling pair. “Hopefully it goes better than what happened to Verdant on Butterfly Island.”

“Butterfly Island?” Erica’s head tilted in curiosity.

“Hatty,” Verdant sneered, glaring at the purple pegasus.

“Let me handle this,” Winter Gem said as she pulled Hatty back by the shoulder. “Dear, if you try to tell anyone about what happened then, not only will I make space for Faust’s spirit in bed, but I will let Verdant do whatever he wants to you, and you know damn well how strong earth ponies can be.”

“Alright, I’ll stop,” Hatty grumbled, crossing his forelegs and pouting like a child.

“Now don’t be like that.” Winter Gem leaned closer before whispering into his ear. The violet pony’s pupils turned to pinpricks while his face radiated a deep crimson. “Does that sound nice?”

“Yep!” he squealed. When he realized how high his voice was, he coughed into his hoof. “I mean yes, most definitely.”

“Attention passengers,” a loud voice bellowed from the halls. “We will be arriving in Canterlot shortly. All passengers not headed for Baltimare should prepare to depart.”

“Right then.” Verdant slid out of his seat, quickly smoothing out his dark green suit and straightening his bowtie. Opening the door, he looked over his shoulder at his eager friends. “Ready for a fantastic night?”

“You bet,” Erica grinned as she followed him out the door. “If we play our cards right, this could be the best night ever!”


Fireworks whizzed through the night sky, bursting into a rainbow of sparkling lights as the eight stepped off the train platform. As the group gazed at the shimmering spectacle, the noise of the exploding shells was not enough to drown out the melody of singing ponies coming from the direction of the palace.

“It’s magnificent,” Erica whispered as they moved onwards. “Now I wish I brought a camera.”

“Alright you kids, listen up,” Barrier barked, making the former soldiers snap to attention. “Try not to cause too much trouble at this formal event. Also, don’t forget that once you’re done, head to a bar called the Phoenix Fire on Wysteria Street to meet up. Understood?”

“Yes, sir!” the five former guards replied in unison, saluting before they walked onward.

“Very good.” Barrier nodded and then continued onward with the group, the sound of music growing ever stronger as the grandiose palace grew ever closer. “Also, each of you that manages to resist the urge to sing until we’re inside will receive a fifty bit reward. Understood?”

“Yes, sir!” the voices answered once more.

“Do you intend to take me up on this bet?” Barrier looked over his shoulder, his question drew smirks from Hatty and Swift, along with a smile from Verdant.

“No, sir!” the five replied before a short chuckle was shared amongst them and their dates.

With a roll of his eyes, Barrier flared his horn and drew his flask from his cummerbund. “In that case, Celestia had better have stocked up on booze.”


After a barrage of singing that nearly drove the charcoal stallion to madness, the eight had finally made it to the gala. As they stepped into the massive hall, they spotted a large menagerie of ponies going about the event; chatting, dancing, or standing in line to speak with the alabaster alicorn at the top of a set of steps.

“Well, quite a glittering assemblage.” Hat Trick stepped ahead of the group, sweeping a foreleg out as he took in the sight of the guests. “Royalty, nobility, the gentry,” He spun around, facing his compatriots. “And how quaint, even the outbred!”

Hat Trick laughed aloud but quickly fell silent as he heard no reaction from his friends; save for glares from Verdant, Gem and Swift. “Um… did I say something wrong?”

Clicking her tongue, Swiftsword stepped forward. “Show of hooves, whose parents were cousins?”

Swift raised a hoof up, which was quickly joined by Verdant and Gem’s. Hatty gave a hard swallow as he started to back away.

“And recall that I am a member of the nobility, Hat Trick.” Swift stepped closer to the purple pegasus, her nose nearly touching his. “You are my friend and I know you were merely attempting to be humorous, hence why I will let such an insult slide this time. Understood?”

“Yes, Swift,” he squeaked before swallowing again.

“Very good.” Swiftsword nodded, a look of satisfaction on her face. “Now if you’ll excuse me, I will attempt to integrate with the modern nobles.” Confidently, she strode past Hatty, swiftly becoming one with the crowd.

“Best of luck there, Swiftsword,” Barrier said before turning his attention back to the remaining six. “Hope you enjoy your time here, kids.”

“I’m sure we will, sir.” Hat Trick went back out to Winter Gem before draping a wing over the earth pony mare’s back. “Would you like a dance, my dear Gem?”

“I think I will.” Gem smiled as she and her paramour pulled away from the group, her smile becoming a dark smirk. “I’ll enjoy spending time with you before you get used to the holy spirit.”

Hatty sighed as they trotted away. “I promise I’ll make it up to you once we’re home.”

“Well, what would you like to do, Erica?” Verdant looked up to the taller hen.

“How about we go hit the dance floor for a bit before finding a place with a nice view of the fireworks?” She leaned closer to him, her wing brushing up against his side.

“Sounds fantastic.” Verdant grinned as the two departed into the crowd of party goers, drawing a nervous sigh from Forge.

“Don’t be so nervous, Forge.” Snow draped a wing over the unicorn’s back. “If I remember correctly, you said some really great things about the food here.”

“Oh, right!” Forge perked up smiling at the pegasus. “Let’s see what the modern nobles call a spread.” The two disappeared into the crowd, bound for a table lined with snack foods.

“Well, then…” Barrier pulled out his flask once more, taking a quick swig. “Guess I’ve got to find my own fun.” Capping the flask and sliding it back into his cummerbund, Barrier made his way into the crowd.

Glancing around the crowded hall, Barrier was able to spot several familiar faces going about their business. Rarity was speaking to a white unicorn sporting a blond mane, while Rainbow Dash was near a group of ponies in bright spandex outfits that stood out from the wide assortment of suits and dresses.

Before he could find where the other element bearers were, Barrier felt a tapping upon his shoulder.

“Magic Barrier.”

He groaned as he recognized the mare’s voice. Turning to face her with a forced smile, he took in the grumpy look on the golden unicorn’s face. “Good evening, Starshine. How’s your night been?”

Starshine closed her eyes and took a deep breath before glaring at Barrier. “That doesn’t matter. Princess Celestia has requested your presence.”

“Very well then, take me to her,” Barrier replied before Starshine turned to walk away, the stallion following behind her. “So, where’s your captain?”

“Last I checked, he was taking Empress Cadance from the ballroom to somewhere more private,” the armored mare grumbled bitterly as they reached the base of the stairs. “Please excuse us. We have important business by order of Princess Celestia.”

The group of ponies filling the stairs grumbled and muttered as they made way for the guard and dark stallion. The two quickly made their way up, where they found Princess Celestia with Twilight Sparkle at her side.

“Your highness.” Starshine raised a foreleg into a salute once she reached the top of the stairs. “I have retrieved Magic Barrier, per your request.”

“Thank you, Lieutenant.” Celestia nodded before giving Twilight a sympathetic look. “I’m sorry about this,Twilight, but I need to speak to Barrier about something. I’ll do everything I can to be back as quickly as possible.”

“I...Okay, Princess,” the purple unicorn said with a hint of sadness as Celestia moved towards the hallway behind them.

“I’ll be back as soon as I can.” Celestia said softly before pausing to take a breath. “Barrier, at my side.” Her tone shifted from the kind and gentle toned she’d used with Twilight to one much more authoritative.

“Yes, ma’am.” Barrier quickly moved to the aforementioned position, giving Twilight a look of sympathy as he passed.

The two made their way into the dark hall as Celestia’s horn started to glow a shimmering gold. In a flash of the golden radiance, Barrier suddenly found they were no longer in the hallway, but a large bedchamber with a roaring fireplace, a bird’s perch, large mirror with a horseshoe shaped frame and several large cushions scattered about the carpeted floor.

“Have a seat, Barrier. This may take a while.”

Author's Note:

Alticron: Ooohh. What could the princess want to talk to Barrier about? Guess we'll have to wait to see in the next chapter.

In the meantime, we can take a look at how the cast looks in their gala outfits.

Hope you all had a good time. I look forward to seeing you all next time.

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