• Published 2nd Aug 2017
  • 4,751 Views, 803 Comments

A Pony Displaced: Homeward - NoLongerSober

With Sombra dead and his cadets and old friends in tow, Magic Barrier and company try to adapt to the modern world, heading forward to try and make Vanhoover their new home.

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Chapter 70 - Dinner Mint

“Are you sure you’re ready?” Barrier asked as the sun began its slow descent beneath the horizon. Swiftsword and Barrier stood in the manor’s front yard. Glimmering blue barriers covered the house, fence and some nearby foliage.

“Yes, I am.” A look of stern determination adorned Swift’s visage. She looked prepared to face down anything.

“Then begin,” Barrier replied. With that, the blue mare took a breath and her horn began to brightly shimmer. “Slow and steady. Remember what you’ve learned.”

The pale blue aura around Swift’s horn grew brighter.

“You’ve readied the spell properly. Whenever you're ready Swift.”

Tensing her body, the mare took another deep breath.

The instant she exhaled, a bright flash came from her horn. When the light dimmed, Swift had vanished, only to reappear a few meters away next to Verdant’s vegetable patch.

“Congratulations, Swiftsword.” Barrier offered her a soft smile as he lowered his shields and her knees wobbled. “You’ve successfully pulled off your first teleportation, and at a younger age than I.”

“BLAURHG!” Barrier looked away on instinct as she fell to her knees and retched.

“Don’t feel too bad about that,” Barrier said as he approached Swift as she rose back on her hooves and wiped the vomit from her lips. “I’ve yet to see a unicorn that didn’t throw up the first time they teleported. It gets easier after you’ve done it more.”

“Um, did I come at a bad time?” A mare’s voice came from the front gate, making Swift’s ears stand at attention. Behind the gate stood a familiar minty green mare with a spiky, four-colored mane.

“Spearmint! How wonderful to see you again!” Swiftsword tried her best to sound jovial as she approached the front gate. “I was just going through some practice and executed my first teleport.”

“Wow, congrats,” Spearmint replied as Swift’s magic opened the gates.

“Nice to see you again, Lieutenant Spearmint,” Barrier said as he and Swift approached her. “What brings you all the way out here?”

“Well, since Hearth’s Warming is coming next month and I’ve accumulated a bunch of vacation time over the years, I decided to stay at my sister’s in Tall Tale.” The minty mare drew closer. “Since winter hasn’t started yet and Vanhoover’s a fairly quick train ride away, I decided to swing by and see if Swiftsword would be willing to help me practice.”

“Normally, I would love to,” Swift spoke up, rubbing a hoof against her upset and empty belly. “Unfortunately, I’m not feeling up to having any more sparring tonight.”

“Not a problem. I can totally get why.” Spearmint offered the sky blue unicorn a smile.

“Still, I’d be more than willing to show you around Vanhoover, if you’d like.” Swift said before remembering something. “Well, once I’ve hosed off Verdant’s vegetables.”

“Sure, I’d love that.” Spearmint gave Swift a warm smile. “I’ve always wanted to check out a seaside city, so this sounds great.”

“Well, I’ll leave you two to have your fun,” Barrier said as he started to march back to the house. “Do you want to stay for dinner?”

Before Spearmint could give him an answer, Swift interjected. “Oh, let’s not force Verdant to cook up an extra serving. Especially after I vomited on his vegetables.” She then turned her attention to the minty mare. “Please, allow me to show you to a local restaurant once I’ve finished with my cleaning.”

“Okay, sure. Thank you,” Spearmint nodded as Swiftsword quickly ran off to grab a hose by the side of the house.


Twilight had blanketed Vanhoover as the two mares approached a familiar restaurant with a neon sign adorning the entrance.

“And now to finish our quick tour of Vanhoover highlights, a rather excellent restaurant, Delicious Dining Delights & Deli.” Swiftsword was nearly beaming with pride as they drew closer to the restaurant.

“Hmm… it’s got a nice, sorta homey look to it.” Spearmint gazed over the building’s white panel walls and green tiled roof.

“It’s understandable.” Swift’s horn glowed as she pushed the door open. “It’s a family owned restaurant that has their house in the back.”

“Hmm… Looks pretty nice,” Spearmint said as her eyes swept over the restaurant. In front of the door was a counter where a plump pegasus mare was standing ready with a smile. To the right, the rest of the restaurant opened up to a dining area, where many tables were scattered about with a plethora of ponies and griffins all happily enjoying their meals.

“Welcome to Delicious Dining Delights & Deli,” Drumstick greeted cheerfully as Spearmint approached. “How can I help you this evening?”

“We would like a table for two,” Swiftsword spoke up as she came to Spearmint’s side. “I wish to show my fellow soldier what delights you can create, Mrs. Drumstick.”

“Not a problem, Swift.” The pegasus offered a chuckle to the pair. “Take a seat at table eighteen and we’ll have some menus ready for you shortly.”

“Excellent.” Swift nodded before trotting into the dining area with Spearmint following behind. Upon arriving at the table, Swiftsword held out a chair for the minty mare before taking her own seat.

“Gotta say, you’re pretty familiar with this restaurant, Swift.” Spearmint began to look about the room, looking over the tasteful white wallpaper adorning the walls and taking in the variety of unfamiliar aromas.

“Well, I should be familiar with this place. I am a waitress here.” Swift’s words took Spearmint somewhat aback.

“That’s… a bit of a surprise,” Spearmint said as she leaned closer to Swift. “I figured that when you said you’d found a career in Vanhoover, you became something like a fencing instructor or something a bit more… regal. Waitress seems sort of an odd job for a countess to have.”

“Perhaps, but there are two important things to remember, my friend.” Swift smiled as she spoke. “Firstly, I am a viscountess, which is a lower rank than that of countess. Secondly, I am still somewhat adjusting to modern ways. I believed it would be best to have a career that could help me understand how things have changed over the centuries. I believe a restaurant where griffins and ponies regularly intermingle would be a good place for such.”

“Hmm… Interesting logic.” Spearmint brought a hoof to her chin just as a certain pink unicorn arrived at their table.

“Hi there and welcome to Delicious Dining Delights & Deli,” Fruity Punch recited with a practiced ease as she held a pen and notepad in her violet aura. “Might I get you two something to drink?”

“I believe I’ll have a sparkling orange juice, Punch,” Swift replied as a pair of menus were placed on the table.

“Hmm… Do you serve virgin strawberry daiquiris?” Spearmint asked as she picked up a menu and cracked it open.

“We do indeed,” Punch said as she finally realized who she was speaking to as her eyes seemed to bug out from her skull. She then quickly stepped over to Swift’s side.

“Hey Swift,” she said as she held a hoof up between her mouth and the blue mare’s ear. “Is this that Spearmint mare you said you fancied?”

“I am,” Spearmint bluntly answered, making Punch’s eyes become the size of pinpricks and her pink coat to turn pale. “When trying to have a covert conversation, remember to lower the volume of your voice.”

“Ah-heh-heh-heh… Um…” Punch rubbed the back of her neck as her coat suddenly shifted from a pale pink to a bright red. “I’ll… I’ll go get you your drinks and take your orders in a few minutes.” With that, the pink mare dashed away towards the kitchen, nearly knocking over another waiter on the way.

“So…” Spearmint clicked her tongue as she turned her attention to the now scarlet mare sitting across from her. “You… fancy me?”

Punch, I will reap a great and terrible vengeance upon thee. Swift thought to herself as she took a steadying breath and her coat returned to its normal shade of blue. “Indeed. I do find you a rather attractive mare and I am rather interested in you personally.”

“Well, that is a pleasant surprise.” A small chuckle came from the green mare as she looked away from the unicorn. “I admit that I think you’re an interesting mare and I also find you pretty attractive. I’m just a bit surprised you’re interested, being a few years younger than me.”

“I believe you’ve said you’re only twenty-two. I would say that much of an age difference doesn’t matter to me,” Swift replied. “After all, my former fiancées were both older than you.”

“Wait, you had fiancées? As in plural?” Spearmint was rather stunned by Swift’s words.

“Indeed. I was arranged to marry a noble stallion by the name of Radiant Spell. As he already had a wife named Ocean Sunset and a child named Radiant Sparkle, we were to become a herd family, which would have made Radiant Spell my husband and Ocean Sunset my wife,” Swift said casually before she spotted Punch leave the kitchen with several trays in her magic.

“Radiant Spell was a year older than you when I last saw him, as was Ocean.” Spearmint nodded along as she listened to Swift’s story.

“Huh… wouldn’t that be a bit… I dunno, iffy with your ages?” Spearmint asked as she nervously rubbed her neck.

“I fail to see how,” Swift replied. “Ponies married younger back then, though I was eighteen when I was introduced to him, which by today’s standards is considered an adult. It was months before I became physically intimate with either of them and I was the one in charge when I did so.”

“Okay. Just wanted to make sure you were alright,” Spearmint said as Punch arrived and set their drinks down. “Ever since that stuff in the empire, I’ve been doing some reading up on olden times stuff and I’ve seen a fair bit of creepy stories of young ponies being forced to marry older ponies and having children by them.”

“I understand and I do admit, there were some instances of such things that, as you would say, ‘creeped me out’ back then.” Swift gently pushed the menu Punch offered to her back. “I’ll have the fettuccine alfredo with grilled chicken.”

“Alrighty.” Spearmint cracked open her menu and quickly looked over the meals offered. “I think I’ll try the… spicy vegetable panini with a side of cheesy garlic bread.”

“Great choices,” Punch said with cheer as she jotted down their orders. “I’ll get these out to you as quickly as possible.”

Once the pink mare had departed, Spearmint decided to be the one to break the silence.

“So, are you saying you’d like to date me, Swift?” A faint scarlet appeared on her minty face.

“Indeed, I do.” Swift gave an affirmative nod. “While you’re not a noble, I do admit that I like your personality, drive, strength, combative skill and consider you a rather lovely mare.”

“Thanks.” Spearmint smiled as the red on her face started to slowly spread. “Hmm… Y’know, I think I’d be willing to give this sort of thing a shot. But just so you know, I don’t really have much dating experience.”

“If it helps, I am rather unfamiliar with modern courtship as well,” Swift replied. “Still, I do believe this is a relationship that would be well worth exploring.”

“So…” Spearmint lightly tapped the table with her hooves. “When we do the training, what do you have in mind?”

“Well, I believe the best way to start would be to spar and allow me to better assess all your skills,” Swift replied. “I could also purchase some sparring weapons and other things to aid with this training.”

“Okay. When do you think would be a good time to start?” the shamrock mare asked, looking over her shoulder to see if she could spot Punch and their food.

“If you stay overnight, we can begin at dawn by running around the city before I have to work my shift.” Swift’s answer drew Spearmint’s attention back to her. “After that, we can have more direct combat practice if this sounds alright.”

“Okay, I should be able to get a hotel tonight, plus my sister’s not expecting me for another week.” Spearmint brought a hoof to her chin.

“There’s no need to stay at a hotel. I can easily loan you my room so we can more easily begin our training at dawn.” Swift offered. “However, if you do wish to stay at a hotel, I will gladly pay for it.”

“Hmm… thanks for the offer, Swift.” Spearmint gave the sky colored mare a smile. “I think I’ll stay at your place. It might be nice to know your friends and I’m sure you’ll be nice while training me.”

“Oh-ho-ho-ho-ho, my dear Spearmint.” Swiftsword chuckled and leaned closer to the mare across from her. “By agreeing to this, you have volunteered to be put through Tartarus, and by the gods...” Swift’s expression shifted, a slight grin settling on her muzzle. “I intend to deliver.”

“Um…” The green in Spearmint’s coat turned a paler shade of green as Punch seemed to appear from nowhere and place their plates in front of them.

“Bon Appetit, you two,” Punch said with great cheer before walking away. “Dolly worked extra hard making the sauce tonight.”

“Thank you, Punch,” Swift pleasantly said before using her magic to grab a knife and fork. “Now, let us dine.”

“O...kay…” Spearmint bit her bottom lip as she grabbed her panini. Please Faust, let me regret eating all this cheese more than accepting her offer.

Author's Note:

Alticron: Hi, everyone. I hope you enjoyed this new chapter. I wanted to advance Swift's character by having her and Spearmint start their relationship and also have her learn how to teleport. In the things I do, I try to make it that very, very few unicorns are able to pull it off, with the number I have being countable on one hand. And even then, she's still getting the hang of it. It'll be a while before she's mastered it.

Now, I hope you look forward to our regularly scheduled next chapter, but between then and now is our fourth anniversary of uploading the prologue to Fimfiction. Will we have something for you then? Check in on August 2nd to find out.

See ya then!

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