• Published 2nd Aug 2017
  • 4,751 Views, 803 Comments

A Pony Displaced: Homeward - NoLongerSober

With Sombra dead and his cadets and old friends in tow, Magic Barrier and company try to adapt to the modern world, heading forward to try and make Vanhoover their new home.

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Chapter 71 - Meet the Parents (Part 1)

Barrier’s morning was going fairly normally, save for the addition of Spearmint joining Swiftsword for her morning exercises and breakfast. He was about to rise up from the breakfast table when Verdant came up to his side.

“Hey Barrier, I was wondering if I could ask you for a favor,” the shamrock stallion said as he followed the unicorn walking towards the den.

“That depends.” Barrier looked over his shoulder while pushing open the den door with his magic.

“Well, seems Erica’s parents have finally bugged her enough that she’s given in and wants me to meet up with them,” Verdant stated as he and Barrier walked into the room.

Despite the room having rows of bookshelves lining the walls, most were nearly completely bare; filled only with the few books the household had purchased since their arrival and a few worn out tomes from the house’s previous owner that Daring refused to allow to be thrown away.

“She plans on having us meet up this Saturday and I was wondering if you could possibly come along to put in a good word for me since her mom has a lot of respect for those who serve to protect their homeland.”

“Hmm…” Barrier kept his eyes focused on some of the books they had, trying to find something worthwhile to read. A task easier said than done given nearly all he’d done since arriving in Vanhoover was catch up on a thousand years worth of reading. “I think I can do that.”

“Thanks, Brother.” Verdant let out a sigh of relief. “I hope that some of the stories you can tell will be able to help me get in their good graces.”

“I know a story you can tell them,” a voice said from outside the room. Turning about, Verdant saw Hatty leaning by the doorway with a smirk on his face. “You can tell them all about the time you saw Princess Luna poop from the inside.”

The purple pegasus let out a chuckle, but was rather surprised to hear Verdant joining in as he drew closer.

“Sure thing, Hatty. I’ll tell them all about that.” Verdant’s tone took on a sinister air as he drew closer to the pegasus, whose wings started to twitch.

“But first, I’ll tell them all about the incident in Princess Celestia’s bathroom that had you stain her muzzle and forced us to run all the way from Canterlot to Hollow Shades and back with no sleep so we could turn a three day trip into a two day one.” His words started to morph into a growl as he drew closer, forcing Hatty to back up until his rear bumped up against the wall.

“Y-you… You wouldn’t dare.” Hatty’s tone was shaky as his purple coat turned pale.

“Oh, wouldn’t I?” Verdant chuckled. “I’ve repeatedly made threats that have been completely ineffectual. Now, I make a promise, Hat Trick. If you bring up what happened on Butterfly Island again, I will let the story slip out so the public will know all about this. The people of Vanhoover will talk less about the Stomach Stallion, and more of the infamous Facial Flier.”

“Alright, alright! I’m dropping this!” Hatty’s coat quickly turned from pale purple to crimson. “Yeash. When did you get so Barrier-like?”

“We all rub off on each other a little, Hatty,” Verdant replied as the pegasus started to walk away. “And besides, turnabout is fair play.”

Well, good on Verdant for taking a stand for himself without resorting to violence. Barrier thought to himself as his eyes fell upon some of the various manga volumes Verdant had bought. Hopefully this ends up sticking.

“If you want to check out my manga, feel free to do so,” Verdant said as he walked up to Barrier’s side. “I’d recommend GoGo’s Bizarre Adventure since it seems like something you’d like and I figure the stuff in Uma ½ will bring up some less than pleasant recent memories.”

“Thanks for the warning,” Barrier replied as he plucked the suggested book from the shelf.

“By the way,” Verdant said as the unicorn started to walk away. “I’m planning on asking Fleetfeather if she can come along as well after dinner. Is that okay?”

“No hair off my muzzle,” Barrier responded as he reached the door. “Just remember, neither of us will hold back with what we tell them.”

Verdant gave a short nod as he followed along. “That’s good. I figured it’s probably for the best for them to get an honest opinion of me. At any rate, I’d better get heading to work. See you later, Brother.”

“Goodbye, Brother.” Barrier gave a short wave as Verdant headed for the front door. Still weird calling him that. Eh, I’ll probably get used to it eventually.


A few moments later, Barrier was laying on the living room couch and enjoying the book as Daring strolled into the room. The pegasus mare gave every part of her body a stretch before flopping down onto a recliner and letting out a sigh of relief.

“Hey Daring. How’re things on your end?” Barrier asked as he set the book aside.

“Pretty good,” she answered as she stretched out. “I got my latest book written and just had it sent off to be edited. Now I can just kick back and relax.”

“That’s good to hear. Anything planned for the weekend?” Barrier inquired as he got off the couch to fetch some water.

“Well, I was thinking of taking Fleetfeather out on a date this Saturday.” Daring gave the lever on the recliner’s side a flick with her wing, making the back of the chair fall while the hoof rest rose to prop up her hindlegs. “I’ve been thinking of this one club I found the other day that I think she might enjoy.”

“Just a head’s up, Verdant is planning on asking her to come with him and I to meet Erica’s parents this Saturday.” Barrier said as he opened a cupboard and brought down a glass in his magic.

“In that case, I can ask her out for Sunday then,” Daring casually replied as she felt her back sink further into the softness of the chair.

“Alright then. You want something to eat or drink while I’m in here?” Barrier asked as he stuck his glass under the tap.

“Hmm… Nah. I’m good,” Daring replied just before Barrier finished filling his glass.

“Very well.” Barrier turned off the tap and headed back towards the living room, taking a refreshing sip of the water. “Say, do you still have those photos you took back in the Crystal Empire?”

“Yeah,” Daring rose up to face Barrier. “Why do you ask?”


Saturday had seemed to come rather quickly for Erica as she led the three ponies through a rather cozy looking section of Vanhoover, lined with townhouses with neatly trimmed lawns.

“Okay. Just act normal and everything should be fine,” she said, clearly trying to calm her nerves as she walked along. Verdant gave her neck a quick nuzzle that seemed to somewhat ease her mind.

“Still hard to believe we’re now heading to a griffin’s house,” Fleetfeather carefully whispered to Barrier, making sure what she said was unheard by the pair in front of them. “Things have changed so much since our time.”

It’s guaranteed to be better than the last time I was in a griffin house. Barrier shuddered as he recalled the night that had effectively broken him and subsequently benched him from the field when he’d... He shook his head to dispel the thoughts. It wasn’t the time.

“Okay, everypony. We’re here,” Erica spoke up as they came upon a house that looked rather similar to the rest that lined the street. The single story house’s exterior was covered with white panelling that contrasted the dark green tiled roof. There was a number plate by the door that read Forty-Six. A cobblestone pathway extended from the front porch to the mailbox.

“Did you grow up here, Erica?” Verdant asked as the four made their way along the short path.

“Yep. Hippity Hop Avenue was where I used to live until I got my apartment,” she answered, glad for the momentary distraction until she reached the door. “Right… here goes…”

Erica was barely able to get two light raps on the door when it suddenly swung open and she found herself pulled into a hug so tight that she doubted even an earth pony could squeeze this hard.

“Erica, I’m so glad you’re here!” Asta happily exclaimed as she gave the younger hen a squeeze.

“Hi, Mom.” Erica was relieved when Asta released her grip, allowing her to breathe again. After getting a lungful of air, she straightened her stance and pointed to her side. “Mom, this is Verdant Range. Verdant, this is my mother, Asta Sorae.”

“Nice to meet you, Ma’a—” Verdant was cut off by Asta quickly scooping him up into a hug that was almost as tight as the one Erica had just escaped from.

“It is nice to finally meet you, Verdant! Erica’s told me so much about you!” Asta said as she released Verdant from the bone-crunching hug. It was then she noticed the two ponies who stood behind him. “May I ask who these other two are?”

“This is Captain Magic Barrier and Sergeant Fleetfeather,” Verdant answered as he and Erica stepped aside to allow them to come closer. “They were my superiors and trainers when I was in the guard.”

“Ah! More royal guards!” Barrier and Fleet were eternally grateful that instead of delivering another potentially lethal hug, the muscular hen simply chose to grab a foreleg from both of them and give them firm shakes. “Please, come in. We’d love to have your company.”

The group followed the bulky hen into the house, where they arrived in a living room with dark brown carpeting. There was a dark blue couch near a set of matching chairs. Between the couch and chairs was a coffee table covered in a lacy covering.

“Einar, Erica’s here and not only did she bring her boyfriend, she brought some other guards with her!” Asta called towards a nearby closed door before taking a seat.

“Just a second!” A masculine voice came before a slender, dark red griffin tiercel came out of the door. He was carrying a tray of freshly baked biscuits which he placed on the coffee table and some glasses of water. “Dig in, everyone. Dinner will take a while to be ready.”

“Are you sure having us won’t be too much hassle, Mr. Sorae?” Verdant asked as Erica and him took their place on the couch.

“First off, call me Einar,” the tiercel said as he took a seat next to his wife. “Secondly, I was so excited to have my little girl’s boyfriend over, I made plenty of food to spare.”

“Glad to hear we won’t be a bother then,” Barrier said before trotting up to Einar and holding out his hoof. “Magic Barrier. Former captain in the Equestrian Royal Guard.”

“Pleasure to meet you, Barrier.” Einar gave Barrier’s hoof an eager shake. Fleetfeather soon did the same before she and Barrier took a set of seats between the dating couple and Erica’s parents.

“So, Verdant,” Asta inquisitively said as she plucked a biscuit from the tray. “Why don’t you tell us a little about yourself?”

“Okay.” The shamrock stallion swallowed a little before he resumed speaking. “I’m eighteen, though I was born over a thousand years ago. I was born and raised by a herd family in Dream Valley, a place that’s now a part of the greater Fillydelphia area. I was a member of the guard for approximately two and a half years until the liberation of the Crystal Empire and now I work at the Pretty Petals flower shop.”

“Hmm… Interesting,” Asta said before taking a bite out of her biscuit.

“So, are you fertile?” Einar asked, making Verdant’s cheeks quickly flush red while Erica looked horrified.

“Dad, what the shit?!”

Barrier bit his lip to stifle laughter at the sight before him.

“Sorry dear, but I’d like to know if this fine young stallion could provide us with grandchildren.” Einar casually answered before picking up a glass of water.

Verdant coughed into his hoof to regain his composure. “Well, I am an active sperm donor and according to the staff at the clinic the last time I checked, my sperm has been used to impregnate at least four females.”

“Very nice,” Asta said after finishing off her biscuit. “You mentioned that you came from a herd family. Tell me, do you intend to start a herd?”

“Well, y’see,” Verdant nervously rubbed the back of his neck, “Where and when I came from, decisions about herding would come from the lead mare, so any decisions about such a thing would fall on Erica to decide.”

“Eh, I’m not sure I’d be comfortable with that sort of thing,” Erica looked away from her pony paramour, who then nuzzled her side.

“That’s okay, dear. I just want to make you happy.” A smile came across Erica’s beak before she wrapped her wing around Verdant’s back.

“Very well.” Asta nodded while Erica picked up a glass of water. “On a related question, how do you… fit?”

“Fit?” Verdant tilted his head in confusion as Erica started to take a sip of her drink.

“You know…” Asta made a circular shape with her left hand before putting her right index talon in and out of the hole she made. Erica and Verdant’s faces exploded in crimson before she spat her drink.

MOM, WHY?!” Erica screeched before coughing and trying to clear the water from her nostrils.

“What? I’m curious since I heard compared to tiercels, stallions have enormous schwanzstücke,” Asta casually replied, forcing Barrier and Fleet to choke down giggles while Erica slapped her talons against her face.

“Mom, Dad, for the ancestors’ sake, stop asking me questions about our sex lives or Verdant’s junk!” Erica exclaimed before sighing and slumping back against the couch. “I just want to relax with my boyfriend inside me.”

“Um… Erica…” Verdant sheepishly said as he spotted Barrier desperately trying to keep from laughing. Erica’s parents were somewhat taken aback by her words while Fleet looked away, shaking as she tried to contain her laughter.

A horrified look appeared on the young hen’s face when she realized her slip. “BESIDE! I meant to say beside me!”

The proverbial dam burst for Barrier as he collapsed to the floor, laughing his flank off.

Author's Note:

Alticron: Hey folks, hope you enjoyed this chapter. Been planning on introducing Erica's father for years and now we finally have him.

Next time, we get more of the hijinks of Verdant meeting with his girlfriend's parents, and a bit of backstory revealed. See ya then!

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