• Published 2nd Aug 2017
  • 4,758 Views, 803 Comments

A Pony Displaced: Homeward - NoLongerSober

With Sombra dead and his cadets and old friends in tow, Magic Barrier and company try to adapt to the modern world, heading forward to try and make Vanhoover their new home.

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Chapter 99 - The Enchantress Cometh (Part 3)

A tense moment held in the air as Barrier looked at the mare sitting at the other end of the table.

“I’m proud that you’ve had that talk you needed with Princess Celestia, and even more so that you wish to learn how to defend yourself without magic. That said, I really don’t think I’m suited to teach you.”

A stunned look came over Twilight’s face at Barrier’s response. “What?! But why?!” the violet mare loudly whispered. The charcoal stallion sighed before a sad smile crossed his muzzle.

“I’m a killer, Twilight.” The stallion smiled tiredly, a hint of sadness dancing behind his eyes. “My personal style evolved from ninjutsu taught to me by my first mentor and specialized lethal combat skills from my second. My style really doesn’t have a place in this day and age. You need a teacher who wasn’t training highly specialized killers.

“Besides that, repetition is key and to train you effectively, either you’d need to almost constantly commute to Vanhoover or have one of us move away.” Barrier leaned back before he continued his speech. “I doubt you want to be separated from your friends for too long and due to my current commitments, me moving to Ponyville isn’t really an option. Have you thought about asking your brother if he or one of the other guards could set something up to train you?”

Twilight sighed as she rested her chin on the edge of the table. “Asking BBBFF for help was the first thing I tried. Unfortunately, he and his forces are busy preparing for after the wedding. Once it happens in May, he’ll be transferring to the Crystal Empire and Starshine will take over in Canterlot. Besides…” The violet mare’s words were interrupted as Punch placed two plates with their orders on the table.

“Bon appétit! I think Julian really outdid himself on the fries this time," Punch cheerfully said before she moved to a nearby table and started picking up several empty plates.

“You were saying?” Barrier asked as Twilight’s horn glowed, picking up a fork that poked at her salad.

“... Part of me worries that some day, I’ll have no choice but to use lethal force to protect Equestria.” Twilight kept her eyes away from Barrier, instead focusing on the fork she used to rearrange her croutons. “That making somepony a friend or locking away someone bad won’t be enough. After all, the Crystal Empire was only able to be saved because of you…”

Barrier could see a faint shudder from the mare, knowing she was recalling the sight of him snapping the sickly Sombra’s neck.

“If Sombra weren’t so far gone with dark magic, I’m sure the elements would have merely cleansed him and afterwards, he’d be standing trial for his many crimes,” Barrier said before picking up his sandwich and taking a bite. Whether or not he’d be executed for his actions, that’s another story.

A light groan came from Twilight’s throat before she jabbed a lettuce leaf from her salad and stuffed it into her mouth.

Swallowing the bit of sandwich he had, Barrier brought a hoof to his chin. “Do you plan to stay overnight?”

“Well,” Twilight said through a mouthful of salad before swallowing. “I think I should. Even if I left right after lunch, it’d be late by the time I got back to Ponyville. Why do you ask?”

“You could attend the self-defense class I’ve been teaching at the community center,” Barrier responded as Twilight shoved another mouthful of salad into her mouth. “After that, however, I know a stallion that owes me a favor and who might be able to train you in more conventional non-magical combat. There are killshots to be had in his style, but thankfully nothing like mine.”

The look on Twilight’s face quickly seemed to brighten up as she raised her chin off of the table. For a moment, Barrier thought he spotted her tail excitedly wagging.

“He may not be as specialized as I and my ponies were, but rest assured, he’s skilled in teaching ponies how to fight and survive,” Barrier added. “However, that is still an if.”

“Well, no matter what, I do appreciate this. Thank you.”

“Just know this, Twilight…” Barrier started to speak before taking a breath to steel himself. “I know what it’s like to be in a dangerous scenario and not be able to use magic to get out of it. During the one fight I had with Grimhilde, she was able to slam a magic suppressing ring on my horn. The shock and cutting me off mid-cast led to her beating me to a pulp and nearly eating me alive.”

Twilight nervously swallowed her large mouthful of salad, letting out a few quick coughs. As she coughed, Barrier saw a glass of water floating up to Twilight in a pale blue aura. Snatching the glass, the violet mare quickly downed the water and turned to face where the water came from.

“Thank you, Swiftsword,” Twilight said to the approaching unicorn as she carried a water pitcher on her tray.

“Think nothing of it, Lady Sparkle,” Swiftswod replied. “Still, remember that even with no magic, a unicorn is able to accomplish great things. For example, did you know Dr. High Gear, the mare that made Storm Cloud’s new leg, is an inventor of many other devices and is also a unicorn who lost her horn?”

“I… I did not,” Twilight answered as she poked her salad with her fork.

“Indeed. I praise you for wishing to learn non-magical combat. Bettering one’s self by shoring up their weak points is something that I truly respect,” Swift said, Barrier noting a hint of pride in her voice. “It’s why I’ve become rather good with magic blasts alongside my sword skills.”

“Didn’t you lose to Toil ‘N Trouble in the cadet competition?” Barrier fought back the urge to smirk and chuckle as he saw the blue mare’s face twitch.

“Yes, well, I hope you enjoy your meals. I should return to my tables,” Swift replied before she headed towards another section of the restaurant floor.


After finishing lunch and heading back to the manor to drop off some of Twilight’s things in the guest room, Barrier and her eventually made their way towards the community center.

Partway to the large building, Barrier and Twilight ran into the familiar shades of gray and white that made up Color Splash.

“Hey Barrier. How are… oh…” Splash’s eyes fell upon Twilight. “Oh, I know you.”

“Oh boy, here we go again.” Twilight brought a hoof to her forehead. To her surprise, Color Splash pulled the hoof away from her face and placed some bits in it.

“Buy yourself some ice cream with that,” Splash said before her horn glowed with white light. The light from her horn washed over her body, making her colors match Twilight’s, even painting over her cutie mark with a copy of Twilight’s before walking away down the snowy street.

“Uh… Barrier, do you know what that was about?” Twilight asked as she watched her doppelganger walking away.

“Not really, but I don’t talk to Splash that often,” Barrier replied before he set off once more as Twilight stowed the coins away in her saddlebag.


Barrier and Twilight soon found themselves in the community center’s gym shortly before some of Barrier’s students began to arrive.

Punch was the first to arrive and she nervously kept her eyes on Twilight before trying to put as much distance as she could before Bea and Holly arrived. A few moments later, the twins arrived, completing Barrier’s little class.

“Good afternoon, students. We have a special guest with us today,” Barrier said as he addressed the five creatures standing in a row. He then pointed to the violet unicorn as she took a step forward. “This is my niece and one of the bearers of the Elements of Harmony, Twilight Sparkle. Today, we will be doing basic sparring practice and I’d like you to spar with her.”

“Not it!” Punch nearly screamed as she quickly brought a hoof to the side of her snout.

After a brief moment, the cow in the crowd smiled as she stepped forward. “Well I’d be happy to spar with her.”

“Thank you, Bea. Just remember that she’s relatively new with hoof to hoof combat. I’m not asking you to pull your punches, just to keep that in mind. Twilight, I want you to try to observe their moves and try to handle Bea.

“Now, Punch, you’re with Nicky and Holly, you’re with Shorty,” the charcoal unicorn barked, making the students start to break off into pairs. “On my mark… begin!”


As class was wrapping up, Bea’s face was drowned by the crimson of her blush while Twilight was slowly stretching, her bones making uncomfortable crunches with every move.

“Urgh… Well, besides seeing some basics, I learned that a cow weighs more than a piano.” Twilight cricked her neck before turning to Barrier. “How did I do?”

“Not the best, but admittedly better than I expected,” Barrier said before giving her a gentle pat on the back that despite how careful he was, still made the mare wince. “Bea, would you be willing to escort Twilight back to my house while I see an old friend about something?”

“Sure thing, Barrier,” the cow replied as she walked up to the sore unicorn. “Come along, Darlin’. Ah’ll make sure you get there safe and sound… Uh, do you know the way there?”

With a faint chuckle, Barrier tossed on his saddlebags and began his journey out.


After a twenty minute walk, Barrier had arrived at the Delta Hotel and made his way to a room on the third floor where he gave the door a few light raps.

A brief moment later, the door swung inward, revealing Lightning Javelin. “Ah, Barrier. I’m a bit surprised to see you here.”

“I’ve come to ask a favor, Javelin,” Barrier said firmly, drawing a sigh from the pegasus.

“Well, you did save my life during that training exercise Bliztwing put us through, so I do owe you.” Javelin slowly stepped out into the hallway and closed the door behind him. “So, what is it you need?”

Barrier took a deep breath before looking the blue-gray pegasus in the eye. “My distant niece, Twilight Sparkle, is seeking to learn non-magical combat in case she’s rendered unable to use it. I have too many commitments to move out to Ponyville to train her and I think she needs more than what I offer in my defense class. I’d like to ask you to train her.”

Javelin’s jaw went slack as he looked at the charcoal unicorn. “Are you crazy? I just bought a house and my daughter’s not yet out of the hospital, and you want me to move myself all the way out to Ponyville in order to train your niece?”

“She’s not just my niece. She’s also the current bearer of the Element of Magic and a mare that’s saved Equestria no less than three times so far,” Barrier responded as he stood firm. “The last threat she faced was able to render her unable to use magic and she believes she was only able to save the kingdom once it was restored, hence why she wishes to learn non-magic combat for when her other options are unavailable.”

A deep and annoyed sigh came from the pegasus as his wings drooped. “...Alright, I’ll do it, but not only will we be even afterwards, but I want something from you in exchange.”

“Such as?” Barrier asked as his right eyebrow rose.

“Firstly, when Prism gets the key to our place, you have to assist her and the squad with moving in, including helping them shop for whatever furnishings they’ll need,” Javelin firmly stated as he took several steps closer to the unicorn stallion.

“Anything else?” Barrier asked as the pegasus’s snout was now only a few inches away.

“Either you or your niece has to take care of some sort of housing for me in Ponyville. Also, if my daughter and her squad needs anything, you’re going to help them. And should something come up, you’ll contact me immediately.” The protective note in the pegasus tone was something that didn’t go unnoticed by the charcoal unicorn. “And should an emergency involving them come up, I’m free to drop training your niece like a ton of bricks to rush back here and take care of it. Understood?”

“Agreed,” Barrier said before holding out a hoof to Javelin, who grabbed it with his own and shook it.

“Alright. I’ll do it, but first I’ll need to tell Storm and her friends… and this mare at the bar.” A faint blush came across Javelin’s face.

“Thank you, my friend,” Barrier nodded before he headed for the stairs. “Have a good evening, Javelin. Also, if the mare at the bar’s who I think it is, try not to break Rye’s heart.”


The sun was setting as Barrier made his way into the manor, where he saw Twilight and his housemates gathered around the kitchen table while Verdant manned the stove.

“Oh, hello, Barrier,” Twilight said from her spot between Daring and Fleet. “How’d things go with your old friend?”

“Good, all things considered,” Barrier said as he removed his saddlebags and approached the table. “Lightning Javelin, a former pegasus guard from our era has agreed to train you, provided one of us is able to provide housing for him. Is the guest room at the library still available?”

“Yes, it is,” Twilight said, sounding rather relieved as a smile graced her muzzle. “Thank you, Barrier.”

“Trust me, you won’t be thanking him once the training begins,” Gem said from across from Twilight before she turned her attention to the stallion at the stove. “Hey Verdant, how’s dinner coming?”

“I think this risotto’s just about done,” Verdant replied as he started to take some of the meal, put it onto plates and bring them to the table. “Bon appetit.”

“Verdant,” Fleet spoke before leaning closer to her risotto and giving it a quick sniff. “I think you used too much wine in making this.”

“Really?” the shamrock stallion asked before he carefully looked at his cook book. “I could have sworn I… Oh… that was a three, not an eight.” He winced at what he had done. “Sorry.”

“Wind Whistler, I don’t think you should eat this risotto,” Fleet said as she gently pulled the filly’s plate away. “Verdant, could you make her something for dinner that won’t get her drunk?”

“On it. How about spaghetti and marinara sauce?” Verdant said before he brought the empty pan to the sink.

“Sounds good. Thanks, Verdant,” Windy said as Twilight picked up a fork full of rice.

“Well, I’m sure the rest of us will be just fine with this risotto,” The violet unicorn said before taking a bite.


The next morning, Barrier woke up and stretched out his limbs as Fleet and Daring shifted closer to each other for warmth.

After quietly making his way out of the bedroom, he headed for the door so he could go for an early morning stroll.

Just as he reached the base of the stairs, the early morning quiet was disrupted by a noise coming from upstairs. It was the sound of violent retching.

In a flash of mystical light, Barrier vanished and reappeared at the top of the stairs, where the sickening sounds came from the bathroom. As he stepped closer to the bathroom, he saw the guest room door had been thrown open as the ponies emerged from their rooms.

“Twilight,” Barrier cautiously asked as the sounds of vomiting ceased. “Are you okay?”

A tired and sickly groan came from beyond the bathroom door. “Urgh… I’ve got a terrible headache and my stomach’s killing me,” Twilight’s hoarse voice answered before the sounds of vomiting returned.

With a sigh, Verdant walked past Barrier and headed downstairs. “I’m gonna cook up some of Toil’s hangover brew. Hopefully it works.”

“Poor thing,” Gem said as she heard Twilight groan. “Sure there was more wine in the risotto than there should’ve been, but I didn’t think she was this much of a lightweight.”

“And I’m the one that had Windy’s portion,” Forge said as they heard a flush coming from the bathroom.

“Urgh… I’m never eating risotto again.” Twilight’s weak voice came from behind the bathroom door. “And why were there carrots? Did… did the risotto have carrots? My head hurts and I can’t remember…”

“At least you’ve gone through a rite of passage for adulthood, Twilight,” Hatty said to the mare behind the door. “Your first hangover.”

“Urgh… This is Faust punishing me for the spell on Smartypants… And could somepony turn off the… sun?”

Author's Note:

Alticron: Hey there, folks. Hope you enjoyed the conclusion to this arc in Homeward. It was pretty interesting setting up Twilight wanting to learn non-magical combat and Lightning becoming her trainer.

Fun fact: A joke was planned for this chapter that ended up being scrapped since I couldn't think of a good way to fit it in. It would have Winter Gem complaining that while she was doing some work on the farm, from out of nowhere, a horizontal lightning bolt came out of nowhere and destroyed the weather vane on top of the barn. I'm sure you can guess where the lightning came from.

Next time, we hit the big 100 and have a major revelation about some of the characters. See ya then.

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