• Published 2nd Aug 2017
  • 4,758 Views, 803 Comments

A Pony Displaced: Homeward - NoLongerSober

With Sombra dead and his cadets and old friends in tow, Magic Barrier and company try to adapt to the modern world, heading forward to try and make Vanhoover their new home.

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Engulfed in darkness, Barrier felt his joints aching as his chest was repeatedly slammed. He struggled against the force holding him down and compelled his eyes open to gaze upon his assailant.

“Wakeupwakeupwakeupwakeup!” An excited charcoal coated unicorn filly squealed as she bounced up and down on Barrier’s chest.

“Gimme a sec, Arcane,” Barrier groaned as the violet eyed filly hopped off him and onto his nearest mate. “Dad needs to get his coffee.”

“Hurry up, Dad! We’ll miss the reunion!” The filly with the two-toned blue mane said before a chitinous green foreleg grabbed onto Arcane’s back and moved her to face its owner.

“Arcane, sweetie, it’s…” Punch squinted her scarlet eyes as she looked across the dark room to see the wall mounted clock. “Five-fifteen. It’s really, really early in the morning.”

“Besides, they’re coming here.” A gold coated pegasus yawned as she slowly rose up from Barrier’s side. “There’s no way we’ll miss a reunion happening at our house.”

“Oh… Sorry, Mom. I thought it was gonna be done at Uncle Verdant’s again,” the little unicorn said as Daring ran a hoof through her messy gray mane.

“Not this time, dear,” a blue pegasus said as she slid out of the bed. Her mane was a pale pink with a gray streak in the back. She let out a yawn as she headed towards the bathroom. “Since you’re up, I suggest you get some breakfast, brush your teeth and take a shower so you’ll be ready for this afternoon.”

“You got it, Aunt Fleet!” Arcane replied just before Punch set her down on the floor and took off like a shot for the kitchen.

“And some ponies wonder why I don’t have kids,” Punch muttered before she slumped over on top of Barrier. “Hugs?”

“You know these don’t feed you anymore, right?” Barrier asked before giving her an embrace and a kiss on the cheek.

“Don’t care. I like ‘em,” she weakly muttered in response.

“As much as I’d like to stay like this, I’d better put on the coffee,” Barrier said before vanishing from the bed in a flash and reappearing by the door. Briefly stretching his legs, he started to drag his tired form towards the kitchen.

The charcoal stallion made his way into the kitchen as the first rays of sunshine began to peek through the windows. This allowed his bleary eyes to see there were only two ponies in the kitchen. One was Arcane Shield as she tried to hop up to the cupboard that held her precious breakfast cereal while at the table sat a young teen pegasus with a light blue coat and a dark blue mane. She looked on the verge of nodding off, holding her head up with her forelegs as she munched on the strawberry toaster pastry held with her right wing.

“Whirlwind, why aren’t you helping your little sister?” Barrier asked as his horn glowed, opening up the cupboard that held the cereal, as well as his coffee mug.

“She insisted on getting it on her own,” Whirlwind answered before letting out a loud, unladylike belch that made Barrier worry she woke up the neighbors.

Sighing, Barrier levitated a box of Cinnamon ‘Splosion cereal, a bowl and a coffee mug with ‘#1 Mom’ written on it onto the table before putting the coffee pot into the sink and filling it with water.

“Say, Dad,” Arcane started as she darted over to the fridge and tossed it open to grab a carton of milk. “Why does your mug say, ‘#1 Mom’?”

“Because Uncle Hatty and Aunt Winter Gem have a terrible sense of humor,” Barrier answered as he turned off the water and filled the coffee maker with it and fresh grounds.

“Oh, I forgot to get the princess!” Arcane said as she placed the milk carton on the table. “Be right back!”

The energetic filly darted towards the stairs. When Arcane was out of sight, Whirlwind gave Barrier a wicked smirk.

“So, when do you plan on telling her about ‘the year from Tartarus’?” She asked before darkly chuckling and taking another bite of her pastry.

“When she’s old enough to know about why I burn poison joke whenever I see it,” Barrier replied as he heard the pot percolating.

“And yet I had to deal with that whole chestnut on my own, including when your water broke,” Whirlwind said with a smirk before sticking her tongue out at Barrier, making him sigh.

“You used to be cute,” Barrier tiredly muttered, making Whirlwind chuckle.

“Bitch, I’m adorable,” she said before putting her hooves together like a beckoning cat and giving him wide, puppy dog eyes.

“I’m back with the princess!” Arcane said, her voice muffled as she carried a plush doll of Princess Celestia with a t-shirt that read, ‘best princess’ in her mouth before taking a seat at the table.

“You’re really looking forward to today, Arcane?” Barrier asked as she dumped a large amount of cereal into her bowl, followed by a small portion of milk.

“Yeah-huh! It’s gonna be great seeing everypony again!” Arcane quickly replied before practically shoving her head into the cereal pile and starting to scarf it down.

“Well, be sure to save some energy for when they get here. And be sure to clean yourself up after breakfast. That goes for you too, Whirlwind.”

“You’ve got it, Pops,” Whirlwind dismissively said before taking another bite of her pastry.

“Oh, by the way, you left a magazine sticking out under your door, Sis,” Arcane said before swallowing her mouthful of food. “Dad, what’s ‘Tush & Glutes’ magazine about?”

Arcane’s words caused her big sister to start choking on her pastry and turn a bright crimson while Barrier brought a hoof to his forehead.


It was a little before noon and everypony in the manor was waiting in the living room. Arcane was practically bouncing from her spot on the couch while Whirlwind was more focused on her Game Filly Advance. Daring, Fleet and Punch chatted about who they thought would get to the manor first while Barrier was casually flipping through a magazine about upcoming movie news.

The doorbell rang. Arcane leapt from her spot on the couch while Barrier lightly set his magazine aside before teleporting over to the door. As he reached for the handle, Arcane skidded across the floor and lightly bumped into his hindleg.

Opening the door, Barrier found himself face to face with a unicorn mare with a light blue coat and a darker blue mane that elegantly flowed down to her shoulders. Beside her was a minty green earth pony who looked nearly identical to how she did when he first met her, save for a few wrinkles here and there.

“Hello, Barrier. It’s great to see you again,” Swiftsword stated before she and Barrier exchanged a quick hug.

“Great to see you too, Swift. You too, Minty,” Barrier said with a warm nod.

“Yes! You both owe me a sandwich!” Punch’s shout echoed out from the living room.

At Swift’s sides there stood a pair of unicorns. On Swift’s right was a purple coated filly with a two-toned blue mane while on Swift’s left was a colt who greatly resembled his mother.

“Hello, Father!” The two foals said before they drew closer, letting Barrier pull them both into a hug.

“It’s especially great to see you two. How are your blade skills coming along, Radiant Sword?” Barrier asked of the little filly.

“Pretty well, Father,” the violet filly said with a prideful smile on her face. “Mother says I’m nearly as good as she was at my age.”

“Meanwhile, I get better grades,” the colt boastfully said, making Radiant Sword glare at him.

“Watch it, Mars!” Radiant barked.The pair glared and growled at each other.

“Behave, both of you,” Spearmint said, making the two straighten out and mutter weak apologies.

Barrier lightly chuckled as he led the group deeper into the manor. “Well, make yourselves comfortable. You’re the first ones here.”

“Naturally,” Swift said with a smirk on her face. “Falchions are always on time.”

“But Mom, weren’t you late for a dentist appointment last week?” Mars asked, nearly making the sky blue mare stumble.

“She’s got a point, Swift. Not a great example for the captain of the guard to set for her children,” Spearmint said as a grin threatened to split her face.

“Well, yes, um… There are exceptions to every rule.” Swift’s face started to turn red as Spearmint covered her muzzle to keep from chuckling at her wife.

“C’mon, guys! I’ve got Marinara Party 8 all ready to go!” Arcane said as she charged forward, making Mars and Radiant race after their half-sister.

Barrier, Swift and Spearmint just barely made it to the living room when they heard the doorbell once more.

“I’ve got it,” Whirlwind said as she flew off of the couch and over Barrier’s head as he turned about. Once he reached the hall, he saw Whirlwind opening the door.

“Hey there Mr. Sorae, Mrs. Sorae, Mrs. Cloud and Mrs. Sweet,” Whirlwind cheerfully said to the four adults in front of her, along with three children. “Nice to see you and the kids again.”

“Nice to see you too, Whirlwind,” a shamrock green stallion with a white muzzle and forelegs said as he stepped forward.

Wrapped around his chest was a somewhat faded yellow vest that sharply contrasted against his coat and brown mane. Peppering his form were tiny faded scars made from an assortment of little nicks. Save for this and some slight wrinkles, Verdant looked nearly identical to how he did years ago.

“We brought all sorts of treats for the reunion,” a scarlet coated griffin said as she held a large covered bowl in her left talons. “We’ve got my specialty barbecued boneless chicken bites.”

“Sorry, Erica, but that’s not goin’ to top my mah apple pie,” a pale yellow earth pony said as Barrier stepped closer. Her freckled face beamed with pride as she balanced a large pie atop her two-toned pink mane. Her emerald green eyes nearly twinkled as she shot the griffin a smirk.

“Urgh, Erica, Bailey, please don’t start,” a sky blue pegasus tiredly pleaded as she brought a hoof to her forehead before running it through her long grey mane. “Not everything needs to be a competition.”

The two quickly muttered apologies as Barrier finally made his way over to them.

“Verdant, Erica, Bailey Sweet, Storm Cloud, great to see you again,” Barrier said, giving his step brother a hug that he returned. “How’s business been with you four recently?”

“Well, things were insanely hectic for the Summer Sun Celebration sales. We nearly ran out of azaleas. I swear, the customers looked like they wanted to hang us when they found out we were running low. Still, I won’t be caught off guard next year,” Verdant replied as he broke off from the hug.

“And things have been going good at Gold Medal Grocery,” Erica added with a hint of pride. “Dad’s been really happy with how it’s been going in my talons.”

“Well, being owned by a gold medal swimmer is sure to draw some attention,” Barrier said as he thought about the store once known as Einar’s. “How about you, Storm Cloud?”

The pegasus sighed as she rubbed the bridge of her snout. “Well, the weather works has a bunch of new recruits that need training. I swear, pegasi these days just can’t shoot a lightning bolt like they used to.”

“Tah be fair, darlin’, not many are tryin’ to use lightnin’ to snipe a target,” the toned earth pony said as she patted Storm Cloud’s back. “Then again, all Ah know about weather works is how much rain the trees need.”

“Speaking of, how’s farm life doing?” Barrier asked as he looked past the four, spotting three hidden forms behind them.

“Well, it’s a bit of a balancin’ act, Barrier,” Bailey Sweet replied as she leaned against the doorframe. “Parentin’, takin’ care of North Grove, tryin’ to help rest of the family there, haulin’ apples to the shop can be pretty tuckerin’. Still, wouldn’t trade it fer the world.”

“And how are the kids doing?” Barrier asked as the four stepped aside, revealing a trio of children.

“Hiya, Uncle Barrier!” the middle one of the three, a sky blue pegasus colt with white forelegs hopped forward before excitedly waving at him, making his grey mane jostle.

“Hello, Nimbus Cloud,” Barrier said to the energetic colt. “Do you plan on racing the other kids?”

“Yeppers!” Nimbus answered as he hopped in place. “No one stands a chance against me!”

“Well, just don’t make a mess out of the backyard,” Barrier said before patting his head and turning his focus on the red coated hippogriff by his side. “And how’s my favorite niece, Killee?”

“It’s Kelly, Uncle Barrier,” the eldest of the three chuckled. “I keep telling you that.”

Barrier always remembered Kelly not only for being one of the few non-ponies the cadets had brought into the world, but for all the times she bit him when she was a baby while proclaiming, “Killee!” The charcoal unicorn believed the little hippogriff wanted to kill and eat him, while Verdant tried to dismiss it as children liking to bite things and her trying to say her name. His argument would have been convincing… were it not for the fact that immediately after saying that, the little cub shouted, “Kelly killee!”.

“Am Ah your second favorite, Uncle?” A squeaky voice drew Barrier’s attention to the smallest of the three. She was a yellow coated unicorn filly with a mane like her mother and the white muzzle and forelegs of her father. Barrier had to resist the urge to “D’aww” at her near puppy-like expression.

“Of course, Candy Crisp, though it’s a very close race,” Barrier said before leading the herd family towards the living room. “Say, where’s Toil and Bubbling Brew?”

“She called me earlier and said they’ll be late since they need to be there for the cable pony,” Verdant replied as Candy hopped onto his back and leaned against his head. “Brew’s really looking forward to getting TV in her room.”

“Hey Verdant,” Daring called out from her spot beside Fleetfeather. “When was the last time you had one of your misadventures?” A sinister smirk crossed her muzzle while Verdant groaned.

“About eight months, so I know I’m about due,” the shamrock stallion remarked before bringing a hoof to his forehead. “Remind me, how did you talk me into that book deal?”

“I’m one smooth talker,” Daring boasted as she rubbed a hoof against her chest. “Besides, you get decent royalties from them.”

“At any rate, it’s good to see you again, my brother-in-arms,” Swift said as she gracefully made her way over to Verdant, giving him a warm, welcoming hug that he quickly returned.

“Good to see you too, Swift. How’s the captain’s life treating you?” Verdant asked as the foals quickly split off from their parents and headed outside.

“Tiring, but well worth it,” Swift replied as she kept her eyes focused on her foals as they froliced about. “In all honesty, things have been a bit dull as of late, but I’d say boredom is well worth the price of peace.”

“Great to hear. How about you, Barrier?” Verdant asked as the older stallion took a seat on the couch. “Things going well at the community center?”

“Save for some prankster putting gelatin powder into the pool, I’d say things have been pretty calm,” Barrier replied as he tried to rotate his stiff shoulder. “Though, what could have ever topped that cake monster incident?”

“Hey, Crème Noire’s not a monster. She’s an adorable pet,” Verdant replied defensively. “She’s the cutest little cream puff and she gets along great with Pizza.”

“Y’know, even after all these years, I still can’t figure out why you’d want a chicken as a pet, let alone naming it Pizza,” Punch said as she hopped off the couch and started to head for the kitchen.

“Because pizza’s one of the greatest things in the world, so why wouldn’t you want to name a pet after it?” a voice asked from the front entrance. “Hope you don’t mind, but we let ourselves in.”

“Not at all, Forge. Come on in,” Barrier called out as Forge approached the living room with his family.

Forge’s mane was slightly messy, but far less so than when he’d first arrived in Vanhoover years ago. It was like he tried to comb out bedhead, but stopped trying about three quarters of the way through.

Snow Sweeper was at Forge’s side, looking strained as he tried to balance two pegasus foals that were hanging off his spread wings. “Okay, kids. Could you please let go? Dad’s wings are starting to get pretty sore.”

“‘Kay, Dad!” the two foals replied before they let go and darted into the living room. One was a cobalt coated colt while the other was an alabaster coated filly. Both of them sported manes and tails that matched Forge.

“Hiya, everyone!” The pair shouted excitedly.

“Hey there, Air Razor. Sky Hammer,” Verdant said as he leaned down to speak to the two. “How’s things been?”

“Awesome, Uncle Verdant!” the filly, Air Razor said as she practically bounced about. “I won a paintball tournament, Hammer got a huge stuffed bear at the fair’s high striker, and we start first grade not too long from now!”

“Wish Aunt Snowy Skies were here,” Sky Hammer glumly said before his sister hopped over and patted him on the back. “She said she’s too sick to come here.”

The adults in the room cast a glance at Forge and Snow Sweeper, seeing Snow mimic the motions of someone having a heavy drink.

“Well, I’m sure she’ll feel better later and be able to come around,” Forge said reassuringly to the little foals. “Now, I see your friends are out in the back. I’m sure you’d rather play with them than hear some grown-ups shoot the breeze.”

“He’s right! C’mon, Hammer! I’ve got to kick Nimbus’s butt in a race!” the energetic filly exclaimed before charging for the backyard door with her brother following closely behind.

Staring out the window, Forge let out a contented sigh as he watched his foals join in on the games the other youngsters played. A smile crept across his face as he watched his children’s joy and felt his husband’s wing on his back.

“I must say, Forge, I am rather glad you decided not to keep the beard,” Swift said as she drew closer to the cobalt stallion. “It looked rather—”

“Scruffy? Silly? Bad?” Forge asked as he sat down and opened his forelegs for Swift.

“I was going to say, ‘ill-suited’,” Swift replied before pulling Forge into a hug.

“You’re not the only one,” Snow chipped in as the two broke off their embrace. “Honestly, a beard never looked good on him.”

“For me, it wasn’t so much the look that bothered me as much as the itching,” Forge said as he rubbed a hoof against his muzzle. “I swear, it got so bad sometimes, I lost sleep.”

“At any rate, it’s good to see you all again,” Swift said as trotted over to Spearmint. “Honestly, while I love Canterlot and my life there, I do miss the salty Vanhoover air and spending time with all of you.”

“The feeling’s mutual, Swift,” Erica said as she leaned against Verdant to cast an eye to the kids. “Say are your kids… Y’know?”

“No, they’re not armed dear,” Swift replied as she turned and headed for the couch. “My family motto may have been ‘A Falchion goes nowhere unarmed’, but that’s a relic from wartime that doesn’t belong in modern times. I’m not going to let my eight-year old children wander around with hidden daggers on them.”

“But you’re fine with them having weapons training at their age?” Snow Sweeper inquired with a raised eyebrow.

“Oh, of course. There are some old traditions I do retain, but they only handle training weapons in our training hall or in the community center’s gymnasium,” Swift replied. “I mean, you taught Kelly a bit about archery, didn’t you, Verdant?”

“Only because she pleaded with me and she likes to go hunting with her grandmother and uncle,” the shamrock stallion replied.

“I still don’t get why those three like rabbits so much,” Erica said as she looked out the window, where she spotted Kelly and Sky Hammer were now playing a game of tug-o-war with one of Bailey’s spare bandanas. “Mom, Everett and Kelly can’t get enough of them, but just… No. I can’t see them as anything but pets.”

“Have them in a stew with the right seasonings and you’ll love them too.” Swift’s response made Spearmint look at her with a raised brow. “They’re delicious darling and I suggest you try it at least once.”

“Pass! Hard pass!” Spearmint replied as she rapidly shook her head in disgust just as the doorbell rang once more.

Without speaking a word, Barrier teleported to the front door and pulled it open. On the other side was a sky blue pegasus mare with ruby red eyes. Her short mane was a pale pink with a purple hairband atop it. Her flowing and curled tail had a large white bow at its base.

The pegasus mare gave a warm smile as she held out her forelegs. “Hi, Dad.”

“Hi, Wind Whistler.” A grin that threatened to split Barrier’s face appeared before he and Wind Whistler pulled each other into a tender hug. “I’m surprised to see you here solo.”

“Crispy Wings had to deal with an emergency at The Four D’s, Melony’s working on a big dessert for this, and High Stakes got called in to oversee the installation of some new games at the casino. Still, I figure they’ll be here in an hour or two, tops.”

“Well, you’ll be pleased to know you’re not the last to arrive,” Barrier said as he led Windy towards the living room. “Verdant, Swift, Forge and their families are here.”

“Five bits says Toil ‘N Trouble gets here before Gem and Hatty,” Windy said with a confident smile on her muzzle.

“That’s a sucker’s bet, Windy,” Barrier replied as he and Windy arrived at the living room entrance.

“Wind Whistler!” Fleetfeather excitedly said as she pushed herself off the couch and galloped over to her.

“Hey, Sis!” Whirlwind said as she paused her game and rushed over, where the three pegasi shared a deep hug.

“Hey, Mom, Whirly. It’s great to see you again.” Wind Whistler squeezed the two one last time before breaking the hug. “How’s your summer been, Sis?”

“Well, it’s been pretty fun. Video games, baseball, going to the beach,” Whirlwind replied.

A devious smirk crossed Wind Whistler’s muzzle. “Watching the water glisten as it cascades over Everett’s body?”

“Oh Faust, shut up!” Whirlwind gave her elder sister a light shove as her face turned crimson.

Wind Whistler had a chuckle before she ruffled Whirlwind’s mane, making the teen filly scrunch up her face.

“Hey, Mom,” Arcane called out as she cracked open the door to the back yard. “Can we have some of the puddings we— Windy!” she suddenly exclaimed as she spotted her eldest sister and launched herself at her, landing on Wind Whistler’s face.

“Whuz Ah uhhweys luk dith, Duhd?” a muffled Wind Whistler asked as she tried to pry the little unicorn from her face.

“Turnabout is fair play, dear,” Barrier chortled as Windy set Arcane down on the floor, where she quickly gave her sister a hug.

“Great to see you again, Windy,” Arcane sweetly said as she nuzzled her foreleg. “Say, think this year, you could go easy on m—”

“No, I’m not giving you an easy pass in gym class, Arcy,” Wind Whistler replied, making the little filly angrily pout. “Nepotism isn’t going to help you. I treat all my students fairly.”

“Aww, can’t I at least sit out dodge—”

“No,” Windy firmly said, cutting off the young filly. “Besides, dodge ball’s really fun.”

“Says Coach ‘their defenses are broken, let the slaughter begin’,” Arcane muttered before Daring patted her on the back. “I swear, you’re worse than Mrs. Radiance.”

“Don’t worry about that right now, dear,” Daring tenderly said. “Go play with your friends. I’ll bring out the puddings shortly.”

“Yay!” The charcoal coated filly instantly cheered up before darting back out the door. “Hey everyone, my mom’s gonna bring us some pudding!”

As Daring chuckled at the sounds of the children’s cheers, Wind Whistler gave her a hug that she quickly fell into.

“So, how’s your back been treating you lately?” Windy asked the graying mare as the two started to head towards the kitchen.

“It’s only achy when it rains,” Daring said as she strolled along. “Who’d have thought my greatest enemy wouldn’t be Ahuizotl or Caballeron, but Arthur Itis?”

The pun made Wind Whistler roll her eyes.

“Well, Swift did take care of the latter pretty well,” Windy chuckled as she recalled the time the villainous stallion came to the manor. “Shouldn’t have tried to take her sword.”

“You seem awfully cheerful when talking about somepony that nearly got decapitated,” Daring remarked as she opened up a kitchen cabinet and pulled out a large tray.

“Hey, she didn’t decapitate him, she only threatened to do so,” Windy replied as Daring opened a second cabinet, revealing a large stash of pudding cups. “Along with others threatening to shoot, burn, smash and slash him. I swear, it looked like he was gonna shit himself.”

“Yeah, he did.” Daring softly chuckled as she and the young mare started to pile the puddings onto the tray. “Looking forward to school starting up?”

“You know it,” Windy answered as she pulled open a nearby drawer and pulled out a collection of spoons. “I’m hoping we can get the baseball team to regionals this year.”

“If anypony can do that, it’s you, Coach,” Barrier said as he entered the kitchen. “You want a hoof with that?”

“Nah, I got this,” Daring answered as she took the spoons from Windy. The instant she set them down on the tray, the doorbell rang once more.

“While I’ve got this,” Barrier responded before teleporting over to the front door once again.

Pulling open the front door, he spotted a lime coated unicorn mare with a two tone purple mane and vivid amber eyes. Beside her was an earth pony filly with a matching coat with white forelegs and a muzzle. Her amber eyes were nearly glittering as her tail excitedly wagged.

“Hi, Uncle Barrier!” she excitedly said before latching onto one of his forelegs in a nearly bone breaking hug

“Good to see you, Bubbling Brew,” Barrier winced as he patted the little filly’s back. How is it that earth ponies are this insanely strong at such a young age?!

“Hey there, Barrier,” Toil ‘N Trouble said as her dark aura grabbed the little filly and plopped her onto her back. “Hopefully we’re not too late. The cable pony took for-friggin’-ever to set things up.”

“You’ve actually made it in good time,” Barrier replied as he shook his foreleg to get some feeling back into it. “We’re still waiting on-”

“COME ON, YOU SLOWPOKES!!!” Barrier heard a young mare bellow before he saw a white and gold blur rush past the front gate before coming to a screeching halt in front of the front door as well as kicking up a large amount of dust.

When the dust began settling, Barrier saw the blur was a young unicorn with a long, golden mane that flowed past her shoulders and down to the side of her barrel.

“Good afternoon, Darcy,” Barrier said as the athletic unicorn tried to brush some of the dust and dirt from her coat.

“Hiya, Uncle Barrier. Aunt Toil,” the alabaster mare replied as she rubbed some of the dust from her pale blue eyes. “I would have been here sooner, but—”

“Darcy Spice, you’re in so much trouble!” a mare shouted from beyond the gate. Looking over her shoulder, Darcy spotted the winded forms of her parents, with a unicorn filly on the pegasus back with a matching violet mane.

Despite how cross the pair looked, Barrier was happy to see the approaching pair. “Looks like some ponies haven’t been keeping up with their training.”

“Or know the meaning of the word ‘quick’ in ‘quickee’,” Darcy muttered, making Toil choke back a laugh and Brew to look at the older girl in confusion.

“Oh, come on! We haven’t done any guard work in over a decade,” Hat Trick said as the tiny alabaster unicorn on his back started to playfully swat at the frilled ends of his short mane.

“Darcy, I told you to wait up.” Winter Gem huffed as she made her way to the front step. Despite Barrier’s crack, he could tell the weight Gem had gained over the years was pure muscle. “We were supposed to walk here all together.”

“Well, I didn’t want us to be the last ones here due to you two needing to wash up because of your ‘love wrestling’,” Darcy pouted grumpily.

“Wouldn’t have helped. You’re the last ones here again,” Barrier replied as he turned to lead the guests into the manor.

“Oh, consarnit!” Gem angrily spat as the last of the guests made their way inside.

“Well, if you want, I could sell you some stamina brews later. I’ll even give you the family discount,” Toil said with a smirk on her muzzle. “Looks like you could really use it.”

As Winter Gem shot Toil a glare, the filly on Hatty’s back hopped onto his head to look at the green and white filly. “Hey Brew, think we’ll be in the same class when we start school?”

“I’m sure we will, Wild Card!” Brew said, her eyes practically lighting up. “I hope we’ll be able to do lots of hoofpainting in kindergarten!”

“Just remember not to eat any paint or glue, kids,” Gem said before gently biting down on the scruff of Wild Card’s neck and setting her down on the floor just as the rest of the guests came into view. “Now, how about you kids play out in the back? Us grown-ups will be there shortly.”

“‘Kay, Mom!” Wild Card shouted as she dashed towards the backyard with Brew following shortly behind.

“Hi, Everypony. See you in a bit,” Darcy said before she headed outside as well. “Yo, Whirly! Wanna play some Marinara Cart: Super Circuit?” she asked as she reached into her saddlebags.

As he gently closed the back door, a contented sigh escaped Barrier’s lips. “I’m glad to see you all here again.”

“We wouldn’t miss this for the world,” Hatty said before giving Barrier a light pat on the back.

“Says the pony that got here dead last,” Forge said with a chuckle. “Seriously, how is it that Swiftsword got here before you, and her family are the only ones that don’t live here!”

“To be fair, Forge, she got here before any of us,” Verdant replied.

“At any rate, we’re ready to fully begin,” Barrier stated, taking up a commanding authority he hadn’t needed in years. “Everypony, I want you to grab some of the food from the fridge to take to the picnic tables.”

“On it,” Swift replied as her magic cast the fridge open, displaying a wide variety of food and drinks within. In a blur of different colored hooves, the foods were quickly snatched up. By the time they started to head for the back door, there was only one covered container left in the fridge.

“Want me to get this, Barrier?” Daring asked as she, Fleet and Punch drew closer.

“Nah. You go have fun with the youngsters. I’ll handle the potato salad after I take care of one last thing,” Barrier answered nonchalantly as his magic pulled the bowl from the fridge.

“Alright, but try to be quick,” Punch said as she and the rest turned around. “First come, first served on the chicken bites.”

Gently closing the fridge, Barrier took the potato salad back with him to the master bedroom he shared. Carefully placing the bowl on a nightstand, Barrier made his way over to a wardrobe. Taking a breath, Barrier placed his hooves on the wardrobe’s handles. He slowly pulled it open.

Within the wardrobe was a pair of black picture frames that held intricate paintings of two beings. One was a cream colored pegasus stallion with a fiery orange mane and deep blue eyes. The other was a dark colored griffin hen with white head feathers and a tail tip that was two different shades of blue. Atop the frames was a small amount of black bunting.

“Hello, Varia. Fireball,” Barrier sighed, starting to feel a bit of mistiness in his eyes as he looked upon the paintings. “Everypony’s here for the big reunion and I… I really wish you two were here. Tartarus, I wish I even got a chance to meet you two.”

“Fireball,” Barrier said as he focused his eyes on the pegasus stallion’s image. “While I don’t approve of what you did with the princess, I know you were overall a good stallion. You protected Equestria with everything you had. I’m proud of you and I’m sure Ember’s proud of you too.”

With a deep breath to steel himself, he turned his attention to the griffin’s portrait.

“Varia… I’m not going to sugarcoat things. Your mother was one of the most evil monsters I’ve ever known, let alone in Equestria’s long history. A devourer of foals and a beast that committed atrocious acts against many ponies, myself included. However, even with all the bad things she did, there was one thing that I’d say was good… and that was bringing you into the world.

“Despite everything that happened with the war you were born into, you fought hard for peace between the ponies and the griffins. A peace that has lasted since then. You did something that I thought would have been impossible in my times… In all honesty, I couldn’t be prouder to call myself your father.”

Taking a step back, Barrier looked back and forth between the two photos. “I’m sure your siblings and the party guests are getting hungry for the potato salad, so I’m going to have to wrap up our visit today, kids. I’ll be sure to check on you on your birthdays.

“Bye, kids.” Barrier paused his talking to wipe a single tear from his eyes. “I love you.”

Softly closing the wardrobe, Barrier pulled a quick about face. Picking up the potato salad, he took one last calming breath before trotting off towards the manor’s back door.

Nosing the door open, he saw the assembled guests were happily chatting at three picnic tables that were placed next to each other with a wide spread of food and drinks covering them. With a small chuckle and a smile, Barrier placed the potato salad on the table and took a seat on the far end of the tables with Daring at his side.

“Attention, everyone!” Barrier’s words made the gathered assembly grow quiet. Clearing his throat, he began to speak once more. It was a speech he’d been planning for quite some time.

“First off, I’d like to thank you all for coming here on this momentous day. Fifteen years ago today, I first moved into this house with eight ponies I am proud to call my family. We’d just been through the battle that liberated the beautiful land known as the Crystal Empire and started a journey to find what would be a home for us. While we no longer all live under the same roof, I’d say our journeys have led us each to places we’d happily call our homes.

“Over the years since I first appeared in modern Equestria, we’ve seen many things happen that I never would have expected to see. A topsy-turvy world conjured by a mad draconequus, an army of shapeshifters attempting to conquer Canterlot, evil alicorns, mad scientists, strange alternate worlds, new alicorns, a change of ruler and so, so much more. Still, despite all of this, it’s been well worth it to have you all by my side.

“A millenia ago, we were all displaced from our homes and time. With a terrifying battle behind us, we all began a new journey, now to find a new place to call home.” Barrier took a deep breath as he looked over the wide collection of his former cadets. Once youthful soldiers were now turned into seasoned adults. Even little Wind Whistler had grown into a fine example of a mare.

“Now, I’d say that the homeward journey has ended happily for all of us. We have all started families of our own and found prosperous careers,” Barrier said as his eyes swept over the guests once more. “Be it athletics teachers, captain of the guard, flower shop owners, smithy managers, stage performers, farmers, potion brewers, authors, maitre d’s or have just retired.

“I wouldn’t trade my time with you all for anything in the world and I’d like to propose a toast,” Barrier said as he picked up a glass of punch with his hoof. “To friends, family, home, and many more prosperous years to come.”

“Hear, hear!” The assembled guests said as they also clinked their glasses together before a joyous cheer erupted from them.

After the toast, the party went on for hours, long into the night before the guests all started to make their way home. Swiftsword was the first to leave so she and her family could catch the train to Canterlot, followed eventually by the rest.

With a yawn, Barrier trotted up the manor’s stairs. At the top of steps, he saw Whirlwind yawn as she exited the bathroom with a zombie-like trot. “Goodnight, Whirlwind. I love you.”

“G’night, Dad. Love you too,” she sleepily said as she made her way into her bedroom. Only a few seconds later, Barrier heard the soft thud of her hitting her mattress, followed by a loud snoring.

Stepping further down the hall, Barrier came to a halt outside Arcane’s bedroom door.

“Hey Dad, could you tuck me in, please?” The little filly’s voice came from the other side of the door.

“Of course, dear,” Barrier answered as he gently nosed the door open. Stepping inside, he saw that Arcane was snuggly in her bed as she held onto six alicorn plushies.

“Say Dad, do you think Empress Cadance will ever let Uncle Hatty and Aunt Gem back into the empire?” Arcane asked as Barrier’s horn glowed a dim blue as he adjusted her blanket and started tucking her in.

“Considering the reason why they’re banned, I kinda doubt it,” Barrier replied before placing a gentle kiss on her forehead. Can’t say I blame her. It’s their fault Princess Flurry’s first word was the F-Bomb.

“Oh well,” Arcane said as she squeezed the plushies a little closer and yawned. “Think we could get them a souvenir from the empire the next time we have a trip there?”

“Sure thing, Honey. I’ll get—”

“Not ruby reaper stuff, Dad. A nice souvenir.” Arcane’s remark made Barrier give a childish pout that made her giggle. Barrier quickly joined in on the giggles before lightly ruffling her mane.

“Goodnight, Arcane. I love you,” Barrier whispered before he pulled away and headed for the door.

“Love you too, Dad. G’night.” He heard her mutter before he gently closed the door behind him.

With a contented sigh, Barrier made his way downstairs. When he reached the bottom, he could see Punch having a glass of water while Daring and Fleet headed into the bedroom.

“I’d say the party went great today, Barrier,” Punch said to the approaching stallion as she set her glass down in the sink. “I could literally feel the happiness and love coming off of everyone there.”

“That’s good to know, Barrier said before he made his way into the kitchen, where the two shared a warm nuzzle and a quick kiss.

“Say, feeling up for a little more fun tonight?” Punch asked with a sultry smirk on her muzzle.

“Not really, sadly,” Barrier said as he brushed her cheek with a gentle hoof caress. “As much as I’d love to make your night glorious, having to deal with everything this week has been really exhausting.”

“Can’t say I blame you,” Punch replied as she and Barrier started to make their way towards the bedroom. “How many bat ponies were here on Friday?”

“Forty eight…” Barrier groaned as they reached the door, recalling the team glomp they all struck him with at once. “I never would’ve thought so many ponies would use my donations. I’ve practically sired enough foals to start an army.”

“Me either, honestly,” Punch whispered as she pushed open the bedroom door, where she could see Daring and Fleet were already asleep in each other’s forelegs.

“I may not feel up for sex, but would my favorite cuddle bug like to have some tender cuddles?” Barrier asked as he carefully made his way into the bed.

“I’m always up for cuddles,” the changeling replied as she slipped into the bed beside Barrier. The two were soon holding each other closely with their forelegs entangled before they gave one another quick pecks on the lips.

And so, after a long and tiring time, the old soldier enjoyed a good, long, well deserved rest.

The End.

Author's Note:

Alticron: Well, this is it, folks. After all this time, we've reached the end of A Pony Displaced: Homeward. It has been quite the journey for all of us.

There are some people I'd like to thank. Sober, for trusting me to continue this story when he couldn't. The various people who've edited this story over the years. Chaos Phantasm, DK_E, ChasingResonance, CanadianPony and anyone else I may have forgotten due to my bad memory.

But most of all, I want to thank you, the readers who have stuck with this story after all these years. Thank you and I hope you have a good time.

Now, is this truly the end for the Homeward universe? Well, I don't intend for it to be. I do plan on doing some bonus chapters down the line to expand on things, but those have no set schedule. Still, I do hope you found this a satisfying end for this tale that we've been sharing all these years.

Sober, anything you'd like to say?

Sober: It's been a long trip. Thank you readers for sticking with us all these years.

Alticron: Well said. Before we go, I'd like to provide one last thing of art, and it's a big one. The full body looks for the epilogue cast (that changed enough over the years to bother making references for) and their kids.

And lastly, if you have any questions at all, feel free to drop them in the comments and I'll do my best to answer them.

Thank you once again for all your time and take care, everyone.

Comments ( 7 )

Well, here's my station. It's been fun but now it's time to get off. :ajsmug:
Been a ride, almost unreal that its been nearly seven years since this project started. For those who don't read the description: Hello there. I'm one of the many editors of this lovely story.
There's been ups and downs along the way, some harsh words spoken, a lotta laughs. Tried to put the project down to focus on my own projects, missed Homeward, came back to edit some more.
Could not be more proud of the work that has gone into this. :pinkiesad2:
Alticron deserves a good long rest, an energon cube or two or a dip into Barriers secret stash. Being Homeward's editor has been a blast. Thank you all for reading. And thank you Alt for having me. :twilightsmile:

a amazing end to a awesome story.

Congrats on reaching the end.

It's nice to see the end is this story.

This story has been one of my favorites ever since I first found it. Thank you for all of the good memories and good luck with whatever comes next.

It's done! Awesome, now it's time to re-read Another Path, and then straight in to this one.

Well, all I can say is "good job!" I have been reading this one since the beginning and have enjoyed it. I'm sorry to see it end, but I am truly glad that it did finish and wasn't abandoned like many other stories that I liked.
I do hope you have other projects in mind sometime in the future because I do enjoy your writing. Like NATOStrike I'll be re-reading your stuff again.
Barrier is an excellent character in all his iterations and I'll miss him and his adventures. Thank all of you that had a hoof er hand in bringing this to fruition.

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