• Published 2nd Aug 2017
  • 4,751 Views, 803 Comments

A Pony Displaced: Homeward - NoLongerSober

With Sombra dead and his cadets and old friends in tow, Magic Barrier and company try to adapt to the modern world, heading forward to try and make Vanhoover their new home.

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Chapter 73 - A Daring & Fleet Flight for Date Night

It was a peaceful Sunday night as Fleetfeather followed Daring Do, clad in her Masquerade disguise through the brightly lit Vanhoover streets.

“We’re almost there,” Daring said as she looked to her cycloptic girlfriend. “I figure we’ll have a great time there.”

“Hopefully you’re right,” Fleet replied as they turned a corner. It was then a wide grin spread across Daring’s face.

“And here’s the spot.” She thrust a foreleg in front of them towards a black colored building with yellow neon lights that read “Bananas”.

“Bananas?” Fleet tilted her head in confusion as Daring pulled her closer. “Is this some sort of restaurant that specializes in only one kind of fruit?”

A loud bout of laughter erupted from Daring before she bumped Fleet’s hip with her own. “No, Fleet. What they got in there is way better than that.”

After a few minutes in line, the two had entered the building. It reminded Fleet of Midnight Melodies, only there was a larger bar and the stage didn’t seem designed for karaoke. It had a narrow catwalk that ended in a round space surrounded by comfy looking chairs. In the center of the circular area was a pole that reached into the ceiling.

“How about you save us some seats by the pole while I get us some drinks?” Daring asked as she gave the blue pegasus a pat on the back.

“Alright. I’d like a banana daiquiri,” Fleet said as she stepped away from the disguised mare, settling into a comfy seat.

A moment later, Daring returned to Fleet’s side. “Alright, one banana daiquiri for you and a Bloody Marey for me, and just in time for the show.”

Show? What kind of show? Fleet began to ask herself as she took a sip of her drink.

Before she could verbalize her question, a rather odd voice spoke up from a booth near the side of the stage.

“Good evening, ladies and welcome to Bananas!” In the DJ’s booth was a pink unicorn mare whose horn flared while her lips remained shut. “DJ Melodic Harmony here and I hope you’re all ready because we’re about to introduce our first dancer.”

“Hope you’re ready for this,” Daring whispered to Fleet, looking quite giddy.

“Softness in his eyes, iron in his thighs!” The pink unicorn’s horn flared as the warped sounding voice echoed throughout the club. “Sexiness is here! Raise a mighty cheer at the sight of… Twerkules!”

A strange wubbing noise that Daring considered ‘music’ started to boom throughout the club as a large, muscular, gray earth pony stallion seductively made his way on stage and made his way to the pole.

“Hello there, ladies,” he said with a sultry grin as he started to slide his back up and down the pole. His dance movements drew Fleet’s eye to the large blue speedo that left very little to the imagination. “What can I do for you tonight?”

“Well, I don’t think my friend here has ever been to a club like this before, so I figure you could give her a good first time here,” Daring answered as she reached into her saddlebag and tossed a hoofful of bits onto the stage.

“Oh, a first timer.” Twerkules gave a chuckle before thrusting his hips towards Fleet’s face. “Don’t worry, Miss. I’m very experienced, so you’re guaranteed a good time.”

“I’ll… bet…” Fleet seemed to speak in a trace as she found her eye locked onto this singular portion of the stallion’s anatomy.

“Remember, look but don’t touch,” Twerkules said before he spun around and shook his exceptionally well toned flank towards Fleet’s face.

“I… Umm… woof…” Fleet fanned herself with her hoof, unaware that her wings had flared upward.

“Glad to see you’re having a good time,” Twerkules said as he gave her a sensual smirk. “Y’know, I get off in about an hour and a half. If you want, I can really give you two a wild night for a reasonable price.” He then gave her a sexy wink.

“Oh! I, um, while I thank you for the offer, I must decline.” Fleet tried to back up in her chair, only to realize her wings were rather stiff, making her blue face explode into scarlet.

“You sure?” the muscular stallion asked before taking some quick spins around the pole. “I’ve got a long list of ladies that would say I’ve more than satisfied them; Like Kiko Angora, Stopwatch, Swiftsword, Bea Wellington. If you think I can’t handle two at once, just ask High Gear and Pixel Flash.”

“You misunderstand, Mr. Twerkules.” Fleet continued to try and move back in her chair, causing it to tip over. She ablely landed on her hooves and quickly righted the chair. “There’s a stallion that we’re in a relationship with that would not appreciate us making use of a prostitute.”

“Ah. Say no more,” he said before grinding against the pole once more. “I hope you enjoyed my little dance for you, ladies.”

“Oh, we certainly did,” Daring said as she rose from her chair, tossing two hooffulls of bits onto the stage. “Maybe we’ll come back some time.”

“I look forward to it.” He gave one more flirty wink before sweeping up the coins on the stage. Just as Daring left the row, two more mares swiftly filled her and Fleet’s former chairs.

“Well… that was certainly an… interesting experience,” Fleet said as Daring came to her side. The sky blue mare fanned her face as her wings finally started to lower.

“It sure was.” Daring chuckled before giving Fleet a hip check. “Wanna try something else like this, or do you wanna do something a bit cleaner?”

“Cleaner, if it’s alright,” Fleet replied. “Perhaps it’s me not being accustomed to modern customs, but I’m not too comfortable at something so… sexual in a public place.”

“Hey, no sweat,” Daring gave her back a pat and nuzzled Fleet’s face. “Sorry about this.”

“Don’t misunderstand, I did enjoy his… show, but I think something like this is better held in private.”

“Ah. I see.” Daring nodded to her companion as they reached the exit. “If I’d known you felt that way, I probably would have set things up in advance so you’d get a private room.”

“Maybe we’ll try that the next time we go out like this,” Fleet replied as she and Daring pushed through the club’s door.

“I’d like that.” Daring nuzzled Fleet once more. “As for some cleaner fun, I think I know just where to go.”


Some time later, Daring led Fleet into a place filled with all sorts of strange machines, bright lights and odd noises.

“Now this is the kind of place I used to visit all the time as a filly.” Daring beamed as her eyes swept over the various machines. “Welcome to High Score’s Arcade.”

“Certainly different from the kinds of arcades I’ve seen in the past.” Fleet’s lone eye swept over the various machines and the ponies playing them.

“Oh yeah. All these games are fun to play.” Daring was grinning like a filly on Hearth’s Warming in a candy store as her eyes wandered over the rows of machines. “I’m seeing Super Marinara Sisters, Iron Blood: Warriors of Ravenloft, Pony Rangers: Battle for the Grid...”

The golden mare seemed to trail off before spotting one machine in particular.

“Bingo! Prance Prance Revolution!” she excitedly shouted before darting off, with Fleet following close behind.

“This… is a game?” Fleet was rather perplexed by the colorful machine. It had two screens that showed arrows pointing in multiple directions rising to the top, along with some odd platforms in front of the cabinets with nine buttons.

“You bet it is,” Daring replied as she climbed onto one of the platforms. “How about I do a round so you get an idea of how to do it?”

“Alright,” Fleet replied, seeing a grin forming on the tan mare’s face.

Daring pulled a bit from behind her ear and slid it into the coin slot. A whirring sound came from the machine and the buttons by her feet began to glow. From what Fleet could tell, Daring picked out a song and made the image on the screen change once more.

Music started to play from the speakers on the sides of the machine as arrows started to quickly rise from the screen’s bottom.

As soon as the arrows rose high enough, Daring’s legs became a flurry of activity as she quickly moved to hit the various buttons around her in step to the beat.

At first, Fleet had kept her eye on the machine’s electric light display, but soon found it drifting lower.

The sky blue mare gulped when she realized her eye had fallen upon Daring’s flank, watching as it bounced around as she danced. She tried to turn her attention back to the screen, but found her gaze continuously being drawn back to her taut rump.

Before she could tear her eye away once more, Daring’s tail shifted to the side, offering her a greater look all the pegasus had to offer. When she tried to look at the screen once more, she saw Daring was looking over her shoulder with a smirk on her face.

Fleet’s face turned a bright scarlet just as the song came to an end. The machine started to spit out a collection of tickets as Daring turned to face her.

“So, liked what you saw?” Daring asked before giving a chuckle. “I don’t really need to ask. Your wings say it all.”

The red of Fleet’s face turned brighter as she realized that her wings were standing at attention. She quickly snapped her wings back into place and looked away in embarrassment.

“Twice in one night, dear Faust…” Fleet muttered to herself when she felt Daring placing a hoof on her shoulder.

“Hey, don’t sweat it. I was kinda hoping for something like that,” Daring said as she stepped aside. “Wanna take a shot at this game?”

“Well, I don’t see the harm.” Fleet stepped onto the platform. Reaching into her saddlebags and retrieving a bit for the slot, the machine whirred to life once more.

With some careful and slow steps, Fleet went through the collection of songs the machine offered before picking a slower song to dance to.

At first, the cycloptic mare struggled to keep the beat, but soon started to pick up the pace. At the song’s conclusion, the machine spat out a smaller collection of tickets that joined Daring’s.

“Nice moves, Fleet,” the golden coated mare said as she stepped beside her on the second platform. “Wanna go two-player?”

“You know you’ll just whip my flank,” Fleet replied with a roll of her eye.

“Nah, I’m not gonna whip a flank that nice.” Daring’s remark drew a grin, snort and a facehoof from Fleet.

“And Hatty’s rubbing off on you.” Fleet chuckled before the pair put some bits into the machine.


The two enjoyed playing the dancing game together until the arcade shut down for the night. They traded in their hundreds of tickets for a white bow for Fleet’s tail and a tiny comb.

After the pair swung by a late night café to grab a quick bite, the pegasi took to the skies of Vanhoover and flew back to the manor.

Carefully reaching into her saddlebags, Fleetfeather pulled a key out with her teeth and unlocked the window to her bedroom. Quietly, the two pegasi slipped inside, landing at the foot of the bed.

“Thanks for tonight, Daring.” Fleet’s smile shone in the moonlight as she closed the window.

“I had a great time with you too, Fleet.” Daring nuzzled her cheek and gave it a kiss. “Anything else you’d like to do before we hit the hay?”

“As a matter of fact, there is,” Fleet responded as she gently laid her saddlebags on the ground. She slunk into the bed and laid on her side. “Perhaps after all the fun and teasing we had tonight, we could have a little release?”

A loving smile graced Daring’s features as she crawled into bed beside Fleet.

“I’d love to,” she whispered before their lips met in a deep, passionate kiss.

What would come next… was glorious.


When Fleetfeather awoke, her bed, mane and feathers were all rather disheveled as she found herself wrapped in Daring’s tight embrace.

“Budda, budda, budda; when you need a man, oh cushy, cushy, cushy, cushy; remember I’m your ham…” Daring mutter-sang before she stirred awake.

“Oh, morning, Fleet.” Daring tiredly planted a kiss on Fleet’s snout. “How are you feeling?”

“Hmm… Wonderful,” Fleet answered as she nuzzled Daring’s face and planted a kiss on her cheek.

“Me too, Fleet,” Daring whispered as she gently pulled her closer. “Say, wanna take a shower together?”

“Only if you don’t mind seeing me with my eyepatch off.” Fleet pulled away, slipping out of bed and going through some quick stretches.

“No problem.” Daring followed her out of the bed and draped a wing over her back.

The two made their way to the door, but were rather surprised by what they found awaiting them when they opened the door.

Glaring up at them was a rather tired looking Wind Whistler who was glaring daggers at the two of them.

“If you’re gonna fuck my mom, could you not be so damn loud on a school night?!” the little filly angrily exclaimed before sharply turning and heading downstairs.

“Oh… oh Faust…” Fleet’s visage exploded into a vivid scarlet as she used her wings to cover her face.

“Um… sorry about this…” Daring looked away from Fleet as she rubbed the back of her neck and chuckled awkwardly. “Next paycheck, I’ll get some soundproofing installed.”

Author's Note:

Alticron: Hey there, folks. Hope you enjoyed this latest chapter of Homeward, where we get to see Daring and Fleet enjoying the date from two chapters prior. It was pretty fun writing up a little date night for them. I've wanted to write some romance for them for some time to expand on their relationship since becoming a herd.

Anyhow, onto this chapter's pic which shows off the staff of the Vanhoover strip club, Bananas.

Next time, we get to see what business Wind Whistler and High Stakes have been working on since before her birthday. See ya then!

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