• Published 2nd Aug 2017
  • 4,758 Views, 803 Comments

A Pony Displaced: Homeward - NoLongerSober

With Sombra dead and his cadets and old friends in tow, Magic Barrier and company try to adapt to the modern world, heading forward to try and make Vanhoover their new home.

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Chapter 45 - Spirits and Spandex

On a warm autumn afternoon, Magic Barrier was headed through the streets of Vanhoover, eventually reaching a large building that had a style that reminded the unicorn of Appleloosa, save for the larger doors and the neon lights on the sign that read; “Liquor in the Rye’s”.

Pushing his way through the double doors, he saw a large earth pony mare with a pale blonde mane stacking some bottles behind the bar. The sound of Barrier drawing closer made her pink eyes shift to the stallion.

“Well, it’s been a while,” the mare smirked as she leaned across the bar, “What’s kept you away, Deep Pockets? Cheating on me with another supplier?”

“I wish, Hard Rye,” Barrier muttered as he reached the bar. “I’ve just been cutting down since I…”

Rye’s eyebrow cocked as the unicorn trailed off. “What happened? C’mon, Barrier. You can tell me. I’m a bartender. It’s my job to listen to my customers and sometimes offer advice.”

“I’d really rather not,” Barrier grumbled as he took a seat. “I’d just like to get three bottles of Griffinstone whiskey and two bottles of Princess Select vodka.”

“Alright, coming right up,” Rye sighed as she ducked under the bar and started to place the collection of liquor bottles on the counter. “If you change your mind on talkin’ ‘bout it, feel free to do so.”

“I’ll keep that in mind,” Barrier glumly replied and tossed some bits on the counter. “Keep the change.”

“Thanks.” Rye quickly snatched up the coins as Barrier trotted away, headed for the door. Just as Barrier was about to reach the door, Rye spoke up once more. “Still, if I were a betting mare, I’m gonna guess that you got drunk and slept with your friend. The mare with the one eye.”

Barrier halted in mid-step. A tense moment was held before the stallion set his hoof down. “How’d you know?”

“Well besides you admitting it just now, there’s quite a few signs,” Rye answered as she hopped over the bar. “You’re really depressed, I haven’t seen your girlfriend around town for quite a while and I’ve seen you out with the blue mare much less. Put it all together and it indicates a drunken porking session.”

Barrier groaned and rested his head against the door. “I didn’t want anypony hearing about this. You’re one of the few I’ve told.”

“Hey, my lips are sealed,” Rye said as she set a firm hoof on his shoulder. “Any good bartender worth their salt knows how to keep secrets.”

“I appreciate it,” Barrier replied without looking back at her. “Thank you.” The onyx unicorn tried to pull away, but the mare’s hoof kept him rooted to the spot.

“Now hold up there, Barrier,” Rye brought a hoof to his chin and made him face her. “What do you think about that mare you slept with?”

“That’s none of your business, Rye,” Barrier grumbled with a warning tone as he pushed her hoof away from his chin. “It was a stupid mistake after having too much liquor and don’t really want to think about it.”

“Alright, that’s fair,” the bartender sighed as she let go of his shoulder. “But remember this, drinking tends to make a pony lose their inhibitions and do things they actually want to do. This may mean a part of you wants to be with…” Rye bit her tongue and quickly clopped a hoof against the hardwood floor as she tried to recollect. “Fleetfeather! Right, that’s her name.”

“I know, Rye. Believe me, I know,” Barrier tiredly replied as he massaged the side of his forehead. “I just… I don’t know, with everything going on… it’s just really complicated and jumbled right now. I just hope that Yearling comes back and is willing to forgive me.”

“Here’s hoping that it goes well, Barrier,” Rye sympathetically said as she trotted up to his side. “Still, if she doesn’t, maybe you should think about that other mare.”

“I hope it doesn’t come to that,” the unicorn softly and sadly said. “At any rate, thanks for the liquor and kind words, Rye.”

“Hey, just doing my job,” Rye patted Barrier on the back before a smirk came to face. “And if that doesn’t work out, maybe you might give some other mares some attention.” She then gave Barrier a cheesy wink and stuck her tongue out at him.

Barrier chuckled at the look she gave him. “Ms. Rye, are you trying to seduce me?”

“Well, it would be nice to have a stallion help clear the cobwebs out for me,” Rye chuckled as well. “Gets more than a little cold and lonely on those Vanhoover winter nights.”

“I’m sure you’ll find somepony who’s right for you.” Barrier kindly grinned to the stocky mare, nudging the door slightly.

“Thanks, Barrier. I hope so,” Rye replied with a soft smile. It may have been a trick of the bar’s lighting, but Barrier thought that for a brief instance, he saw the faintest tint of red on her cheeks.

“Oh, hey!” Rye spoke up. “We’re gonna be having a special event here for Nightmare Night. Think you’ll be stopping by?”

At the mention of the holiday that was barreling towards him, the stallion’s ears perked up and a few hairs on the back of his neck rose as he recalled his promise to the princess.

“Sorry, but I have plans for Nightmare Night already,” Barrier answered, smoothing the back of his neck. “However, do you think you could give me a crash course in Nightmare Night traditions?”

“Alright, no problem,” Rye said before stretching and heading back to the bar. “Let’s start with the lore.”


“House meeting!” Barrier exclaimed as he strolled into the manor, liquor in tow.

A rumbling of hooves came from upstairs and the kitchen as the housemates came charging toward the elder unicorn as he set his bags aside.

“What’s the reason you called us, Barrier?” Fleet inquired as the unicorn headed to the living room, the seven ponies following shortly behind.

“First off, I need to ask what you all know about Nightmare Night.” Barrier flopped onto the couch while the others started to take their seats.

“Oh! I know all about Nightmare Night!” Forge spoke up, fidgeting in his seat. “Snow showed me!”

“Then I’ll let you handle explain it to the others.” Barrier smirked as he took out his flask, taking a short swig.

“Right. Now, Nightmare Night is a horror movie from about forty years ago where a psychopath named Misery Mires puts on a white Captain Smirk mask and stalks a foal sitter.”

A silence was held as Barrier gave the blue unicorn a flat look.

“Right, looks like it falls to me to explain this holiday.” Barrier sighed, setting his flask aside. “Nightmare Night’s an annual holiday where ponies dress up in costumes and go door to door, collecting candy.”

“Candy?” Wind Whistler quickly perked up at the mention of sweets, her tail happily wagging.

“Aye, there’s candy, but you’re also supposed to offer up some of your candy to an effigy of Nightmare Moon,” Barrier stated as he raised his forehooves behind his head and laid back. “There’s also games, musical entertainment and other kinds of ‘spooky fun’ happening then.”

“I seem to recall Nightmare Moon was the name Princess Luna took on when she ‘turned evil’ as Rainbow Dash put it,” Winter Gem interjected from her spot on the floor.

“Indeed.” Barrier nodded to the snowy mare. “Apparently, while she and I were sealed away, a holiday was formed around her legend.”

“May I ask what this supposed legend of Nightmare Moon is about?” Swift asked from her spot behind the coffee table.

“Apparently, Nightmare Moon would go on patrol on Nightmare Night. Ponies would try to disguise themselves in order to avoid her gaze.” Barrier tried to hide a slight grin before he continued speaking. “If she catches you and you don’t have any candy to offer her, she would ‘gobble you whole’.”

At Barrier’s words, everypony in the room turned to face the green stallion sitting with them. Following a moment of silence, the earth pony gave the group an angry glare.

“Why the hay are you all looking at me for?” Verdant looked accusingly at his housemates. “Princess Luna and I have a verbal contract about those events. Per our agreement, I have never spoken about what happened on Butterfly Island with anypony who didn’t already know.”

“But if that’s the case,” Fleetfeather interjected, “then how could this story become a legend about her?”

“My best guess is that one of you talked about it with others and it spread around after she turned.” Verdant pointed towards his fellow privates, all of whom innocently whistled and looked away.

“At any rate, there’s two things we need to discuss.” Barrier slid off the couch, his tone becoming more serious and stern. “To preface this, Princess Celestia has told me that Princess Luna plans to go to Ponyville for their Nightmare Night celebrations. She has asked me to attend and to discreetly keep an eye on her, as well as aid her with adjusting to this new era.

“The reason I bring this up is because I wanted to ask if any of you wish to come along with me to Ponyville for this. It will probably last all night and, should the princess ask, we’re to say that we’re there to visit Twilight and consult her about the customs of Nightmare Night.”

“I humbly volunteer my services, sir,” Swiftsword said as she stood up. “I have taken a vow to serve the crown in whatever way I can.”

One by one, the other housemates agreed to come along for the coming night.

“Excellent,” Barrier proudly smiled and nodded. “I expected this very thing. Now, the next thing to take care of when it comes to this will be picking out our costumes.”

“I’ve got an idea about that,” Hatty said, grinning as he rubbed his chin.


The assemblage of eight stood in front of a two-story building with a large sign above the door. The upper portion of the sign was written in a cartoony pattern with a rainbow of different bright colours, while the lower section was done in fanciful gold cursive on a white backdrop.

The eye-catching/gouging sign read, “Confetti & Coattails Party Planning and Supply”.

“I saw the place getting stocked with all sorts of costumes last week,” Hatty said as he led the group into the store. “I figure we’ll not only find great costumes, but I’ll be able to get you an employee discount.”

“Whoa, you weren’t kidding about having a lot of housemates, Hatty,” a fancy looking gray unicorn stallion by the register said.

“Aren’t you the chap that runs Suits of Utter Perfection?” Forge eyed the unicorn carefully.

“No, you’re thinking of my twin brother, Dapper Gray,” the stallion chuckled as he stepped out from behind the register and held a hoof out that Barrier shook. “My name’s Tuxedo Tails, co-owner of this business with my wife. How may I help you?”

“We just need to find some costumes for Nightmare Night, Mr. Tails,” Barrier answered as he scanned around the floor, seeing the privates headed into an aisle, Wind Whistler quickly following suit.

“Well, you’ve come to the right place at just the right time, sir.” Tuxedo grinned as he gestured towards a collection of aisle. “We’ve got the widest selection of Nightmare Night costumes in all of Caneighda county. Still, you may want to get your costumes soon. Next week, we start stocking supplies for Hearth’s Warming.”

“But it’s only… Nevermind. Thank you for your help, Mr. Tails.” Barrier nodded as he and Fleetfeather started to trot down one of the aisles that had dozens upon dozens of costumes on display.

“Hmm… Now, let’s see…” Barrier’s horn began to glow as he took costumes off the racks, carefully examining them.

A raven? No, reminds me too much of old training exercises… and Grimhilde.

A transforming robot? Nah, just seems to silly.

A pony ranger? There’s no way in Tartarus I’m going to wear skin tight spandex.

A dragon? Barrier shuddered. Way too similar to being inside a dragon again.

Barrier stopped when he felt something poking into his back. The object poking him had the shape of a cutlass, but the feel was wrong. It didn’t feel like sharp metal, but dull plastic.

Looking over his shoulder, he saw Fleetfeather was now in a full costume, poking his back with a toy sword held in her wing.

Fleetfeather was in a striking red jacket with yellow cuffs and a white undershirt. She sported a set of dark gray pants and brown flared boots.

“Decided to go with a pirate outfit, Fleet?” Barrier’s eyebrow rose at his friend’s appearance and how quickly she had managed to change.

“Aye,” Fleet grinned as she pointed the toy sword away. “I figured since kids have mistaken me for a pirate before because of the eyepatch, I figured why not go with it.”

“Fair enough.” The unicorn smirked as he turned back to the costumes, searching for something he’d find decent. After a few moments, he finally spotted something worthwhile sticking out of a discount bin at the end of the aisle.

Cyborganizer: The Rebootening. Guess I’m one of the few ponies that liked that film. Barrier picked out the collection of silver plastic pieces from the bin, seeing at least four identical sets underneath it. A few little touch-ups to the colors and it’d look pretty decent.

Barrier looked back towards Fleet, where he saw they were being approached by an earth pony in a pink and white spandex costume with a matching helmet upon their head.

“So, you decided to go as a Pony Ranger, Gem?” Barrier trotted up to the spandex clad pony. “It looks pretty good on you.”

“Thanks, sir. But I’m not Winter Gem,” the ranger replied, making the unicorn’s eyebrow rise.

“Verdant?” Barrier asked before the earth pony took off his helmet. “You do realize pink is now considered a somewhat feminine color, right?”

“Pfft, yeah right. And one of my sisters was a wicked witch,” Verdant scoffed and rolled his eyes. “I know a lot of things have changed over the centuries, but pink being a feminine color is just too ridiculous.”

“Well, to each their own.” Barrier shrugged as the pink-clad pony started to walk back down the aisle, meeting up with a quartet of ponies also clad in spandex uniforms.

As the five rangers headed for the register, a glum pegasus filly trotted up to the pair.

“Hey Windy,” Barrier patted the little filly forehead. “What’s wrong?”

“Nothin’,” Wind Whistler grumbled with a pout. “Just that they’re out of Foaltron costumes.”

“Sorry to hear that, honey,” Fleet softly spoke before giving her daughter a quick nuzzle. “Did you see any other costumes you’d like?”

“Nah,” Windy replied, leaning into the nuzzle and sounding a little more cheerful. “I think I’ll just make my own costume.”

“Alright. Guess we’ll check out then,” Barrier walked past the pair. “How about I get us a pizza once we’re done here?”

“That sounds awesome!” Windy happily hopped up and fluttered over to him. “Thanks, Uncle Barrier!”

“No problem, kiddo,” Barrier smiled as Fleet trotted up to them, now changed out of her costume once more. “Here’s hoping things aren’t too chaotic there.”

Author's Note:

Alticron: "Hey folks. Hope you enjoyed this latest chapter, despite how calm it was. Some big stuff's going down next time."

Also, I went back and revised the look for Starshine back in chapter 15. Take a look to see how she looks now.

Get set for next time. It's gonna be a doozy.

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