• Published 2nd Aug 2017
  • 4,758 Views, 803 Comments

A Pony Displaced: Homeward - NoLongerSober

With Sombra dead and his cadets and old friends in tow, Magic Barrier and company try to adapt to the modern world, heading forward to try and make Vanhoover their new home.

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Chapter 57 - Cool Days and Warm Nights

The late autumn morning in Vanhoover was fairly dark in the skies while the ground was a glimmering white. When the ponies of Barrier’s manor awoke, they saw that there was a fine layer of snow all over the town.

While they were surprised by the shift in weather, the former soldiers decided to go about their business as best they could.


“Good morning, everypony,” Swiftsword called out as she entered the Four D’s, brushing some freshly fallen snow from her coat.

“Hey there, Swift!” Punch replied from the back as her magic tied the apron strings on her uniform. “How’s things by you?”

“Fairly well,” Swift replied as she headed into the mares’ room to quickly change into her uniform. “I’ve always enjoyed winter weather, even when it’s this early in the year.”

“This is the first time I’ve ever had to deal with snow,” Punch said as Swift emerged from the bathroom. “My family would always head south to avoid this stuff before.”

“It’s quite the beautiful sight…” Swift tapped a hoof to her chin as the two trotted into the back to put on hair nets and wash their hooves. “Assuming one doesn’t need to shovel the snow. Then it becomes a plague.”

Fruity Punch chuckled as she put her mane and tail in nets. “Hey Swift, I’ve been meaning to ask you something. What’d you do on Nightmare Night?”

“Well, my friends and I went to Ponyville to visit Barrier’s niece. While we were there, we met up with Princess Luna, played a number of games and ate copious amounts of treats. How did yours go?” Swift asked as she turned on the sink and squirted some soap onto her hooves.

“Miserably,” Punch groaned as she stuck her hooves into the stream. “Not only did Honey and I get a bad case of food poisoning that kept our heads in the toilet most of the night, I also managed to trip and tumble down a flight of stairs. It really bruised up my chest. I was sore for days afterwards.”

“I’m so sorry, Punch,” Swift said with concern as she pulled her hooves from the running water. “I’d give you a pat on the back or offer you some leftover candy, but my hooves are damp and… well, it seems my housemates and I were struck with a sudden bout of hunger and ended up devouring every scrap of food we had.”

“Eh, it happens.” Punch shrugged before shaking her hooves dry. “Still, I do appreciate the thought. Now, let’s get ready for the breakfast crowd.”

“Right,” Swift nodded as she levitated a stack of menus over. “Let the breakfast rush commence!”


A thunderous sneeze echoed through the streets, knocking snow from the rooftops as more continued to fall from the sky.

“Wow,” Hat Trick said with a chuckle as Winter Gem rubbed her nose. “It still surprises me that you have so much trouble when it comes to snow.”

Gem gave a snort and glared up at the pegasus flying by her side. “Give me a break. I grew up in a Faust damned desert! I never even got to see snow until I was training in Canterlot.”

“It’s still deliciously ironic for somepony named Winter Gem,” the purple pegasus replied as he glided closer.

“Yeah, yeah, laugh it up.” Gem rolled her eyes as they headed towards Suits of Utter Perfection. “Either way, I’m getting some winter gear for this crap.”

The store’s bell chimed as the pair made their way in, where a gray unicorn stallion with a red bow tie stood by the cash register. “Welcome to Suits of Utter Perfection. How can I help you today?”

“Well, Dapper,” Gem sniffed as she and Hatty strolled up to the register. “I’m hoping for a sweater, snow pants, a jacket, and some snow boots if you haaa…. Aaa...aaachoooo!”

“Sounds like you need some soup, too,” Dapper Gray said as he wiped down his now filthy counter. “Just remember, the soup store’s across the street.”

“How often does your place get mistaken for that place?” Hatty asked from the back as he browsed some jackets.

“You’d be surprised,” he said with a roll of his eyes. “At any rate, I’m sure I’ve got plenty of winter apparel to suit your needs.”


A tiny bit of the setting sun’s light pierced the clouds as Iron Forge and Snow Sweeper went on a pleasant walk through the Vanhoover streets.

“I must ask, does it always snow this early in Vanhoover?” Forge asked, making the pegasus at his side grin.

“Oh yeah. First to start the snow and last to wrap up winter. It’s something Vanhoover’s famous for.” Snow had a prideful grin on his face. “It’s one of the things that makes this place so special.”

“Well, you certainly seem enthused about this.” The unicorn’s reply drew a chuckle from the snowy stallion.

“If you think I like seeing the snow, you should check out my sister.”

“Oh, come now.” Forge rolled his eyes. “How badly could she really like snowy weather?”

A smirk crossed Snow Sweeper’s face as he pointed to the sky. The sound of a band playing reached Forge’s ears as he looked up at the source.

The cobalt unicorn was taken aback at the sight of Snowy Skies with a straw hat and cane, dancing and singing as Fleetfeather followed along with a look of annoyance on her face and a boombox in her mouth.

“I’m Madame Hearth’s Warming, I’m Madame Snow!” Snow loudly belted out as she pirouetted. “I’m Madame Icicle, I’m Madame Ten Below!”

Snow Sweeper had a hard laugh as Forge raised his jaw back up. “If you think that’s bad, you should have seen it last year when she budgeted a live band to follow her as she did this. Let me tell you, the mayor was pissed.”

“Well… At least she’s having a good time.” Forge watched on as Snowy kept dancing in the sky, sometimes tapping clouds with her cane to make more snow fall. “I just hope we won’t have to do too much shoveling.”

“Don’t sweat it,” Snow replied with a casual wave. “This is pretty much just a practice run to get set for full winter. It’ll get melted in a couple days.”

“That’s good to know.” A smile graced Forge’s features as they trotted through the cold streets, the sight of a familiar apartment complex quickly coming closer. “Anyway, what movie did you pick for us tonight?”

“I got us a copy of Screech,” Snow nearly squeed as he said the title. “It’s the greatest horror-satire flick of all time!”

“I hope you're right, Snow,” Forge said as the two arrived at the foot of Snow’s apartment building.

“Oh, trust me.” A smirk crossed his features as the two reached the door. “Even if the movie’s not your taste, I’m gonna make this a fantastic night for the both of us.”


“Brrr…” Fruity Punch shivered as she and Swiftsword trotted out of the restaurant. “It’s official. I’m buying a jacket and pants for the first time ever.”

“It’s not so bad, my friend,” Swift replied as they walked along. “At least not compared to spending a week walking towards the Crystal Empire.”

“Yeah, I’m gonna take a hard pass on that,” Punch jokingly said before rubbing her neck. “So Swift, I’ve been meaning to ask you something.”

“Go on,” Swift turned to face her pink companion.

“Well, it’s that…” Punch bit her lip before continuing. “Do you like girls?”

“Are you asking if I'm sexually attracted to mares?” Swift could see that Punch was quite nervous from the way her legs were shaking a bit from the walk. Too much for it to be the cold alone.

“Well, yeah.” Her face became a more reddish pink as she looked away from the blue mare.

“I am, actually,” Swift replied, drawing a surprised look from Punch. “I believe the term that describes me is ‘bisexual’.”

“Heh. Just like me then.” Punch’s tone became calmer and more jovial. “Just like a pendulum, we swing both ways.”

“Is there more to your question?” Swift tilted her head, her question making the pink unicorn nervous once more.

“Well...” Punch swallowed and looked away from Swift once more. “Is there anypony you’re… y’know… interested in?”

“There is one…” Swift’s cheeks became somewhat pink as they walked through the evening streets.

“Oh…” Punch was somewhat taken aback, but put on a smile. “Well, can you tell me who’s the lucky pony?”

Swift took a breath before she spoke. “Her name is Spearmint. She’s a member of the guard in Canterlot. I first met her when Barrier went to the empire with the element bearers.”

“Oh?” A look of confusion crossed Punch’s features. “I thought you said you were hoping to find a noble stallion.”

“I tried, but I didn’t find a noble that was available and met my personal standards,” Swift said as she thought back to the night of the gala. “But Spearmint… She’s strong, brave, a skilled and determined fighter…” Her face became ever so slightly pinker. “And her thighs were spectacular.”

“D’aww…” Punch gave Swift a pat on the back. “Glad you found someone you like. Does she know you’re interested?”

“I do not think so…” Swift replied before a determined look crossed her face. “Still, I intend to speak to her about such a prospect the next time I write her a letter.”

“Well, here’s hoping it works out, Swift,” Punch said as she pulled away. “I’ll see you in the morning.”

“Thank you,” Swift said as the unicorn headed for a side street. “And Punch, I’m sorry if I upset you with this.

“Hey, don’t sweat it,” Punch replied from the street corner. “You’re a good friend and kinda hot. But as they say, there’s plenty of fish in the sea.”

“A good attitude to have.” Swift nodded while the pink mare happily walked away. “Have a good night, Punch.”

“You too, Swift!” Punch gave a wave before she and Swift parted ways for the night.


The night rolled on nicely for Verdant and Erica as they laid back on her couch, watching the end of the movie they’d been enjoying. The griffin’s arm was draped softly over the stallion’s shoulders.

“So, what’d you think of the movie?” Erica asked as she pulled away from Verdant as the reel reached its end.

“I really liked it,” Verdant replied as he watched Erica put the reel back in its canister. “It’s nice that Piney convinced Janice and Buckeye to join them at Brandy’s house.”

“Ditto.” With the film sealed back in the canister, Erica flicked the light back on with her wing. “While I like the third one a bit more, the cleaner scene’s my favorite scene in the whole series.”

“It was pretty spectacular,” Verdant said as Erica took a seat next to him again before he looked up at the time. “Wow. Didn’t notice it’s nearly eleven. I should probably be headin’ home soon.”

The shamrock stallion started to pull away when he felt Erica’s talons gently landing on his shoulder. “Hold on, Verdant.”

“What’s up, Erica?” He looked back, seeing Erica trying to look sly while trying to cover the fact she was a little nervous.

“Well, not only is it really late, but it’s also pretty cold out.” A slight blush appeared on her beak as she continued to speak. “I was thinking you could spend the night here, where it’s nice and warm.”

Verdant briefly thought for a moment on Erica’s invitation.

Hmm… Well, Forge said he’s okay with me and Erica now, so he won’t panic if I’m not home in the morning. Plus, they can go a day without me cooking breakfast for all of them.

“Sure thing, dear.” Verdant leaned closer to Erica, giving her beak a nuzzle and a kiss. “Would you like me to stay on the couch or…”

“Actually,” the faint blush on her face started to become brighter. “I was thinking my bed would be warmer. Heck, we could make it even warmer if you’d like.”

The two shared a chuckle before looking into each other's eyes.

“I’d love to, Erica.”

The two soon made their way to the griffin’s bedroom. What would come next was glorious.


“Well, that was definitely a rather fun movie,” Forge said as Snow placed the film back in it’s canister. “Though I do have one question.”

“What’d that be?” Snow winced as he flicked the light switch with his wing, needing a moment to adjust to the brightness of the room again.

“Wasn’t Stew Maker the guy who’d play Fuzzy in the Shoobeedoo cartoons?” Forge asked as Snow sat back down on the couch. “He sounds just like the one from those movies Verdant and Wind Whistler like.”

Snow Sweeper chuckled as he slung a wing over Forge’s back. “Yeah. It’s kinda funny to think one of the killers from a horror movie with a mystery would later play a comedic mystery solver.”

“Either way, I still had a great time.” Forge gave Snow a nuzzle before pulling back. “Say, what time is it?”

“It’s…” the pegasus looked over the unicorn’s shoulder, spotting the clock in the kitchen. “About ten to eleven.”

“My, time just seems to fly.” Forge slid off the couch, much to the pegasus’ surprise. “I should probably get home.”

“Whoa, Forge! Wait!” Snow’s word’s drew the unicorn’s attention back to him. “I was kinda thinking that since Sis is gonna be pulling an all nighter for this snow, maybe you could spend the night.”

“Oh, right,” Forge chuckled, rubbing the back of his neck as he walked back to the couch. “So, would you like to cuddle in bed tonight?”

“I was actually hoping we could get a little closer than that,” Snow said as he leaned closer to the stallion that took his seat beside him.

“What do you… Oh!” Forge was taken aback and a tint of crimson splashed across his cheeks. “Snow, I… I’ve never done… well, that…”

“Oh? You’re a virgin?” Snow looked down, spotting Forge fidgeting and playing with his hooves. “It’s okay, Forge.” He leaned closer and gave a kiss on his cheek. “If you don’t want to do this, that’s fine.”

“Don’t misunderstand, Snow. I do.” Forge swallowed as he looked his love in the eye. “It’s just… I don’t really know what to do.”

“Not a problem.” Snow took one of Forge’s hooves in his own, giving it a gentle caress. “If you want to do this, we can take it slowly and I’ll guide you through it.”

“I…” Forge bit his lip as he looked into Snow’s golden eyes. Staring into them, the unicorn was soothed by his gentle gaze. “I would really like that, Snow.”

“Alright, dear.” Snow nuzzled Forge’s face before hopping off the couch. “Nothing to be afraid about, but if you want to stop at any time, just say so and we will immediately.”

“Okay.” Forge took a deep breath as he followed Snow from the couch, his eyes locked on the exaggerated sway of the pegasus’ hips. “I can do this.”

“I know you will, Forge.” Snow gave him a gentle kiss on the lips as he opened the door to his bedroom and led the unicorn inside.

What would come next was glorious.


“And thus Princess Crystal Crown and Prince Arrow were married and they lived happily ever after. The end,” Fleetfeather read aloud. Her eye was torn from the book by the yawn that came from the bed in front of her.

“That was a great story, Mom,” Wind Whistler said before turning over. “G’night.”

“Good night to you too, dear.” Fleet set the book aside and gave the filly a kiss on the cheek.

The elder pegasus quietly made her way from the child's room and towards her own across the hall. Once inside her room, she looked towards the large mirror on her desk and slowly took her eyepatch off.

Fleet gave a sigh as she gazed at her reflection, her eye drawn to the scarred socket where its twin once resided.

“Least it doesn’t hurt any more,” she muttered to herself as she crawled into bed. “Still an eyesore, though.”

As she laid in bed, the thought of her missing eye soon drifted to what else she had lost in the empire.

The kids… That will always sting. Fleet sniffled at the thought of her five eldest, now lost to history. Still, at least they lived long, most likely happy lives.

The house in Canterlot… it was quite nice, but this house is also very nice. The hot showers and indoor plumbing are a rather great benefit.


Fleet’s thoughts paused as she considered what she thought about her departed husband.

Flash… I love him, but he moved on. He married Silver Wind and even had a daughter with her. I’m happy he was able to be with someone he loved...

He said goodbye to me a long time ago.

Fleet gave one last yawn before closing her eye and drifting off to sleep.

Perhaps… it’s time I said goodbye as well.

Author's Note:

Alticron: Hey folks, I hope you enjoy this new chapter of Homeward. I hope you all look forward to the next one where we focus more on Fleetfeather.

Also, a quick note: I've updated the art for several chapters of this and the previous story. Why? Because I grew dissatisfied with the looks of Swiftsword and Sober and I redid the looks of some of Barrier's old squad.

I hope you like the new look as much as I do. See ya next time!

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