• Published 2nd Aug 2017
  • 4,757 Views, 803 Comments

A Pony Displaced: Homeward - NoLongerSober

With Sombra dead and his cadets and old friends in tow, Magic Barrier and company try to adapt to the modern world, heading forward to try and make Vanhoover their new home.

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Chapter 76 - A Spear & Sword in Winter

A cool breeze wafted through the air as Swiftsword and Spearmint trotted along the pier, ignoring the light layer of snow. Spearmint was enjoying a hot snack on a stick while Swiftsword’s was being scrutinized as it floated in her magical aura.

“I still say the damned name of these makes no sense,” the unicorn said as her eyes examined every millimeter, making Spearmint chuckle and roll her eyes. “Other than having a stick, this has nothing to do with those bouncing pole toys.”

“Then just call them corn dogs, Swift!” Spearmint laughed as she took another bite.

“I’d argue that name makes even less sense.” Swift sighed before taking a bite and swallowing. “While it has cornbread as a coating, what’s in the center has nothing to do with dogs. It’s a sausage made of either tofu or pork.”

“Hmm…” The minty mare hummed as she enjoyed the last bite of her corn dog before tossing the stick in a recycling bin. “Well, at any rate, they’re quite tasty.”

“I think I’d prefer burritos over it.” Swift’s remark drew another chuckle from the green earth pony. “What’s so funny, Spear?”

“Sorry Swift, it’s just that based on my experience with nobles in the past, you’re a lot different than what I’d expect.”

“Could you please elaborate?” Swift asked before taking another bite of her treat.

“I mean, you’re really refined in many ways and you have a certain grace that you’d expect from a noblemare, but you’ve also got a fondness for foods that’d likely be dismissed as for commoners. On top of that, you play the electric guitar.”

“It’s not my fault I found the lute to be a boring instrument,” Swift answered between bites of her corn dog. “Now the axe, that is an instrument with some power behind it.”

“Still, it’s something I really like about you,” Spearmint said as she leaned closer to Swift, giving her face a nuzzle. “Say, do you have anything planned for Hearth’s Warming?”

“Well, I hadn’t put too much thought into it.” Swift turned her head to look into the windows of the various shops that ran alongside the pier. “I’ll probably get you and my housemates some gifts, and perhaps spend time with you for Hearth’s Warming.”

“Uh, Swift? About that…” Spearmint nervously rubbed her neck. “I promised my sister that I’d spend Hearth’s Warming at her place.”

“Oh? Well, wouldn't I be able to visit? I’ve little doubt I could afford a train ticket.”

“It’s not that, Swift.” Spearmint swallowed as she came to a halt.

“Is it an issue of space at your sister’s place?” A note of worry entered Swift’s voice as her next question came up. “Or because we’re both mares?”

“No, it’s not that, Swift.” Spearmint smiled as she laid a reassuring hoof on the unicorn’s shoulder. “It’s more I worry how she’d react to the age thing.”

Swift let out a sigh of relief. “Oh, is that all?” She chuckled before finishing off the last of her corn dog. “If she raises that concern, I will merely remind her I am an adult who is a trained soldier and who was bred to be a warrior. I trained for years in the way of the sword with the intent to kill griffins and I have slain ponies both living and undead alike. I’m certain the age difference will be of little consequence.”

A look of astonishment struck Spearmint’s face.

“Is something wrong, Spearmint?” Swift worriedly asked as she placed a hoof on her companion’s cheek.

“No, just… well, if I were a pegasus, my wings would be sticking straight out right now.” Spearmint’s remark drew a powerful, full bellied laugh from Swift.

“Ah, I appreciate a mare with a liking for strength.” The unicorn gave Spearmint a quick peck on the cheek. “Rest assured, I think your sister will be happy for us.”

“Thanks, Swift.” Spearmint gave the blue mare a kiss of her own. “Say Swift, since I keep calling you that for short, could you come up with a nickname for me as well?”

“Such as?” Swift tilted her head and brought a hoof to her chin.

“Well, how about Minty? That's what my sister calls me,” Spearmint said before running a hoof through her mane.

“Hmm… I’m not sure. I think Verdant said that was his grandmother’s name.” Swift put a hoof to her chin and attempted to think of a new nickname, only to be halted by Spearmint hitting her with a set of puppy dog eyes. “Well, I suppose Minty is a good nickname.”

“Wonderful.” A large smile quickly spread across Spearmint’s face as she deactivated her weaponized cuteness. “Say, have you thought about what you’d like for Hearth’s Warming?”

“Hmm… Not really.” Swiftsword replied as she looked down towards the beach, where she spotted a gathered crowd of ponies doing some stretches. “Maybe some Flame Crest books or some hair metal albums. What about you, dear?”

“Well,” Spearmint brought a hoof to her chin. “There’s… Nah, forget it. Too expensive.”

“Minty, I assure you, nearly anything you’d like is unlikely to be too expensive.” Swift said as she looked into Minty’s deep green eyes. “Please, tell me.”

“Okay,” Spearmint rubbed the back of her neck. “Some jewelers are making custom necklaces based on the Elements of Harmony, but they have the gem in it custom made to look like your own cutie mark.”

“Ah. Some jewelry. That sounds like a wonderful gift.” Swift cheerfully nodded. “Will I need to have a photo taken of your cutie mark for the jeweler?”

“Swift, please. That would be really expensive.” Minty darted in front of the unicorn. “Like, about five thousand bits.”

“Only five thousand?” Swiftsword chuckled. “My dear, I paid four times that much for my gala attire. Besides, my fellow privates and I not only have a good deal saved away, but I have been studying business investments to further increase my house’s wealth. I assure you, getting you this necklace for Hearth’s Warming would merely be a drop in the bucket.”

“Swift… Are you sure?” Minty asked as she took one of Swift’s hooves in her own.

“Absolutely, Minty,” Swift answered as she leaned in and gave the mint-colored mare a nuzzle.

“Okay… But I’m gonna work my rump off to find you a great present.” Minty pulled Swift into a hug, which the taller mare quickly returned.

“I’d advise against that. I rather like your rump.” Swift chuckled as she leaned into the hug.

Once the two pulled away, Swift’s attention then fell upon the stretching ponies once more. “Minty, what are those ponies doing?”

“Oh, I’m guessing they’re polar bears. They run into the freezing waters, usually for some sort of charitable cause… or they’re just nuts and want to take the physical challenge.” As Minty finished her explanation, the two spotted Winter Gem and Hat Trick as they exited one of the nearby stores.

A smirk then crossed Swiftsword’s features. “Oh, Gem! Hatty! How would you like to partake in a physical challenge for charity?”

“Swift,” Minty said as she placed a hoof on Swift’s shoulder while the others drew closer. “I really don’t think we should do this.”

“What’s the challenge?” Gem asked as she and Hatty came to a halt.

“Running out into the freezing water with the rest of those ponies.” Minty pointed towards the nearby beach. “There’s no way in Tartarus I’m doing this. Especially since we just ate.”

“Isn’t that an old pony’s tale?” Swift inquired with a raised eyebrow.

“Even if it is, I’m not doing it.” Minty started to trot away. “I’m thinking I’ll head back to the manor to watch a movie. Wanna come with?”

“I think I shall,” Swift answered, quickly following behind Spearmint.

“What about you, Gem?” When Hatty looked to his side, he saw that Winter Gem was no longer there. Instead, he saw her leaning against a railing, looking out towards the prepping ponies. “I thought you hated cold stuff?”

“Oh, I do… but I don’t like turning down physical challenges.” Gem looked over towards the pegasus. “Besides, not only is this apparently for charity, but the snowfall only started two days ago. How bad could it be?”

Halfway to the manor, Swiftsword and Spearmint both heard a loud screech that echoed all throughout Vanhoover.



The pair had a rather pleasant walk as they approached the manor. However, just as the pair reached the gate, the sounds of a yelling mare seemed to be growing ever closer.

Looking over her shoulder, Swift spotted Punch screeching; “Guuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyys!!!!!!!” before skidding to a halt in front of them.

Taking a deep gasping breath, Punch threw herself at Swift hooves. “I’msorryI’msorryI’msorryI’msorryI’msorryI’msorryI’msorryI’msorry!” She groveled before Swift lifted her back onto her hooves.

“Punch, calm down. What’s going on?” Swift asked as she brushed some snow off the pink mare’s form. “What are you so sorry about?”

Taking a moment to catch her breath. Her face soon became a redder shade of pink as she nervously rubbed her left foreleg. “Well, there was a bit of an accident in cooking class and… well…” She gave a large, hard swallow. “I set Verdant on fire.”

“I’m sorry, could you repeat that? You grew too quiet towards the end,” Swift asked as she leaned in.

“I set Verdant on fire.” Her words were even harder to make out.

“Come again?” Minty asked as she tilted her head.

“I SET VERDANT ON FIRE!” Punch exclaimed, making Minty gasp in shock.

“You WHAT?!” Swift threateningly asked as her horn started to angrily flare.

“It was an accident!” Punch pleaded as she started to back away. “I screwed up and made some grease in my pan catch fire! I tried to throw it into the sink, but some of the burning grease fell on Verdant!”

“He had better be in good condition, Punch,” Swift said as she threateningly approached.

“Thankfully, Splash got a fire extinguisher and put it out after a couple seconds.” Punch’s answer made the light from Swift’s horn vanish before she let out a sigh of relief. “Some of his mane and tail got burnt, and his vest was ruined, but I think he’ll be okay.”

“Alright,” Swift replied before taking a deep breath. “I’m sorry for how I acted, Punch.”

“Hey, don’t sweat it, Swift.” The pink mare put a hoof on the noblemare’s shoulder. “I know how much you care about your housemates. I’d react the same way if one of my siblings were hurt.”

“Thank you, Punch.” Swift smiled as the pink mare pulled the hoof away. “Where’s he now?”

“I gave Erica and Splash my bit bag so they could take him to see Tidy Trim to see if she could do something about his hair,” Punch answered. “I figure after that, they’ll probably take him to S.O.U.P. to get a new vest. Can’t say I blame him for wanting one. That’s one nasty scar on his back.”

“Very well.” Swift gave the pink mare a nod. “Thank you for telling us and trying to help out, Punch.” The sky blue unicorn then gave her friend a quick hug. “I’ll see you later.”

“Sure thing, Swift,” Punch said as she turned about. “I’m looking forward to the new recipes I’ll get to try tomorrow. Bye!” She then waved to Swift, who returned it alongside Minty.

Once Punch was out of sight, Swift let out a sigh as she pushed her way past the gate. “Well, I’m glad Verdant’s fine. Punch had me worried.”

“Yeah. Though there’s one thing I wonder…” Minty put a hoof to her chin as she pondered.

“What’s that?” Swift asked as she looked over her shoulder.

“Why is he buying clothes at the soup store?” Minty was rather baffled when Swift started to laugh heartily.


A little more than an hour later, Verdant and Erica stepped through the door. His mane and tail were now both shorter and a bit more rugged looking. Adding to this new look was his new vest, which was more defined yellow than his previous somewhat yellowish-green.

“Hey guys,” Verdant said somewhat nervously as he and Erica drew closer, one of her wings tightly draped over his back. “How do I look?”

“Looking good buddy,” Hatty said as he flew closer to him. “I’d say it’s an improvement. Less ‘colt next door’.”

“I’m with him,” Gem added. “I find it’s a lot more handsome. Really makes you look more like a stallion than a teenager.”

“Thanks guys,” Verdant said as he gave his housemates a weak smile. “Say, Erica and I are still a bit shaken up, so I don’t really feel like cooking dinner.”

“Not a problem,” Forge replied as he drew closer. “I’ll go get us some takeout and I’ll bring it up to you two. I’ll even keep it nice and warm for you. Does Burrito Burro sound good?”

“Sure thing. Thanks, Forge,” Erica said as she and Verdant headed towards the stairs. “We’ll just be upstairs if you need us.”

“No sweat,” Barrier said as Forge headed for the door. “Hope you feel better soon.”


After approximately a half hour, Forge stepped back through the manor’s door with several paper bags carried in his orange aura. “Dinner’s here!”

“Thank you, Forge,” Swift said as he started to give out bags of food. “I’ll take Verdant and Erica’s food up to them.”

“Thanks, Swift,” Forge replied as he continued to pass along the food.

Swift made her way up to Verdant’s room a moment later. Gently pushing the door open, she saw he and Erica were cuddled up in each other’s forelegs, softly sleeping.

With a smile, Swift placed the bag of food on Verdant’s nightstand and quietly opened the bag to let the warm meal’s aroma gradually reach their noses. As she turned to leave the room, Swift noticed that on Verdant’s table was a collection of six pony plushies. Based on what the shamrock stallion had told her before, the dolls seemed to be based upon his lost sisters.

“Oh, Verdant…” she whispered as she headed for the door. Just as she crossed the threshold, the sound of Erica yawning and stretching reached her ears.

“Thanks, Swift,” the hen said before gently nudging the stallion awake. “Wakey-wakey, Verdant. Dinner’s here.”

Swift soon arrived in the living room, where she saw Minty sitting on one of the couches waiting for her. “How are they doing?”

“They were having a little nap before I dropped off the food,” Swift said as she took a seat at Minty’s side and pulled her burrito out of a bag. “What do you think of the food?”

“Well, I think I’m starting to develop a taste for chicken,” Minty said before taking another bite.

“Wait until you try bacon,” Swift said with a grin before taking a bite of her meal. “That’s a true miracle meat.”


Night soon came to the Vanhoover manor. One by one the manor’s various residents started to head off to bed, leaving only Swift and Minty to chat amongst themselves in the living room.

“So, any plans for tomorrow?” Swift asked as she stretched out on the couch. “I think we could get some good sparring in.”

“Actually...” Minty rubbed the back of her neck, making Swift’s brow raise. “I was thinking I should head back to Tall Tale tomorrow. It’s been a bit since I checked in on my sister and I promised I’d help her decorate her place for Hearth’s Warming.”

“Ah, not a problem,” Swift happily said. “I hope it goes well, Minty.”

“Same here,” the minty mare said before giving Swift a kiss on the cheek. “Say, Swift? Before I head home, think we could… well…”

“Fornicate like rabbits in heat?” Swift’s words caused an explosion of pink to dance across Minty’s face. “I’d love to, my dear. Come, let us make for the bedroom.”

The two trotted alongside one another, leaning into each other as they headed up the stairs. Making no noise, the two made their way into Swift’s rather spartan bedroom. It was furnished with only a bed, a nightstand with a lamp, and a small desk with a collection of books on them.

Spearmint crawled onto the bed and laid back before Swiftsword climbed on top of her. She then leaned forward and gave the earth pony a kiss as she wrapped Spearmint’s minty green forelegs around her waist.

What would come next was glorious.


Spearmint was left gasping as Swiftsword laid down by her side. “I… Whoa… You were... incredible.”

“So were you, my dear Minty treat.” Swift softly smiled before pulling her into a deep kiss.

“I mean that thing with your horn? It was like fireworks!” A shiver of pleasure ran down Minty’s spine at the mere thought of it.

“Oh, that reminds me. You’re on the pill, right?” Swift asked as she sat up.

“...What?” Spearmint went pale at the unicorn’s question.

“I mean, don’t they teach you that in school? If a unicorn does what I did to a mare, it can cause pregnancy, even if the unicorn’s another mare.”

WHAT?!” Minty exclaimed as she bolted upright.

Swift started to snicker, which soon grew into full blown laughter. “I can’t believe you fell for that!” The unicorn’s rambunctious laughter was cut off by the minty mare smacking her in the face with a pillow before the pair broke out with laughter.

A series of furious raps came from the other side of her bedroom door.

“Pipe down, you two! I’ve got school tomorrow!” Wind Whistler’s furious shout came from the hallway, soon followed by muffled grumblings.

The green and blue mares both felt their coats turning a bright scarlet.

“Right… I’ll try to learn a sound shield spell.”

Author's Note:

Alticron: Hey folks, welcome back to the latest chapter. I hope you enjoyed this little bit character interaction between Swift and Minty as the holidays approach.

Now, some of you may be wondering, "Alticron, why did you set Verdant on fire? Isn't he your pony avatar?" to which I say yes, he is. However, as my art skills somewhat improved over the years, I grew dissatisfied with Verdant's look, so I decided to make a new look for him.

And this brings us to this chapter's pic, which is of the local hair stylist, Tidy Trim, and Verdant's new look.

I've been wanting to show this look for Verdant to you all since July 2020. That's how long it's been since I made him.

Next time, we turn the spotlight to Iron Forge and his thoughts on family. See ya then!

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