• Published 2nd Aug 2017
  • 4,758 Views, 803 Comments

A Pony Displaced: Homeward - NoLongerSober

With Sombra dead and his cadets and old friends in tow, Magic Barrier and company try to adapt to the modern world, heading forward to try and make Vanhoover their new home.

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Chapter 29 - Fun & Games (Part 1)

Wind Whistler was pacing back and forth at the front of the door, shaking slightly while her mother rolled her eye.

“Calm down, kiddo,” Barrier called out from the kitchen, filling bowls full of chips, cheese snacks and popcorn. “Your friends will be here real soon.”

“I just want this party to go right,” the filly replied while ruffling her feathers. “So much can go wrong.”

Fleetfeather began to draw closer to comfort her foal but was halted when a quick series of raps came from the door.

The small filly let out an eep and dashed behind her mother’s hind legs as Barrier came to the door. With a flare of blue light, the door swung open to reveal Belmont and two others. Beside him was a green earth pony mare with a red mane. In front of them hopped a thestral filly with a light yellow coat and a mane of red and yellow stripes.

“Hey there, Barrier!” Belmont grabbed Barrier’s hoof and merrily shook it. “What have you been up to lately?”

“Oh you know, the usual,” Barrier replied as he pulled his hoof from Belmont’s tight grip. “Regretting past decisions.” His voice lowered to a mutter. “Like agreeing to bets around spelling bees.” His words got a chuckle from Wind Whistler and an eye roll from Fleet.

“Well anywho,” Belmont slung a foreleg around the mare’s shoulder. “This here’s my wife, Red Bouquet, and my daughter, Dawn Apple.” The small filly stepped forward and fluttered her leathery wings.

“Hi Mr. Barrier!” she chirped and bounced. “Thanks for letting Wind Whistler have this party. It’s gonna be great!”

“Well we’d better skedaddle,” The green mare named Red said as she turned away. “Don’t want to keep your parents looking after Gold Pippin too long.”

“Right, gotta fly.” Belmont gave Dawn a quick hug before spreading his wings and following after Red. “See you in the morning, Dawn!”

“Just like every morning!” Dawn called out as the door slowly closed. Turning back to face the adults, a puzzled expression crossed her muzzle as she drew closer to Fleetfeather.

“Is… is there something wrong, Dawn?” Fleet’s inquiry made the filly cock her head to the side.

“Mrs. Wind Whistler’s mom, are you a pirate?”

Fleet was stunned by the question while Barrier snorted and Wind Whistler giggled.

“No, silly!” Wind Whistler trotted towards the living room, the trio following close behind. “My mom was in the guard and she lost her eye fighting an evil neko-romancer!”

“A what?”

“She means necromancer, Dawn,” Barrier answered. “He turned the dead ponies into zombies.”

“I’ll go get you kids some snacks.” Fleet flew off towards the kitchen moments before a few more knocks came from the front.

“You two get settled in here. I’ll get it.” Barrier’s horn lit up before he vanished in a bright flash, reappearing in front of the door. Once the door was opened, he was met with a flash before his eyes.

As his eyes refocused, he found a pair of fillies standing on the front step. One was a short blue unicorn filly with a dark purple mane, holding a camera in the same yellow aura as her horn. The second was a somewhat tall and slender green earth pony filly. Her dark green and pink mane were surprisingly not the oddest thing he spotted from the filly. That would be the pair of film canisters held in her mouth.

“I eser Arrer!” A noise came from the green filly’s mouth. “I bah zuh oobies!”

“Care to repeat that, kid?” A blue aura came over the canisters, pulling the cans into the air. “Remember not to talk with your mouth full.”

“I said ‘Hi, Mr. Barrier! I brought the movies!” the earth pony shouted as the unicorn slipped into the house, the sound of a camera shuttering following her. “I thought we’d start the movies with Figurine Fantasy for something light. Then after we’ve played some games, we’d put on the ultimate daikaiju battle, Codzilla Vs Hamera!”

“And I’ll just pretend I know what that is.” Barrier shrugged and let the filly pass by.

The filly dashed past, leading to happy screams coming from the living room.

“Alright, Melony’s here, so first up, truth or dare! Shutterbug, you spin first!” Wind Whistler’s exclamation echoed throughout the house.

“Hope the cadets are having a better time than I am.” Barrier sighed before slowly dragging himself towards the living room. “At least they can have some liquor tonight.”


Under a ceiling light, four stallions were gathered closely around a small table. Upon the table were several white cards. A chuckle came from the white-maned pegasus who stood before the sole black card.

“Okay, so far we’ve got ‘Hip hop jewels: Kid-tested, Mother-Approved’ and ‘An icy hoofjob from a Vanhoover whorse: Kid-tested, Mother-Approved’.” Snow Sweeper grinned while the three looked at the last face-down card. “Will the last card win the point? Let’s see…”

Snow slowly reached out and placed his hoof on the card. Hat Trick looked at the card nervously while Forge took a long sip of his soda and Verdant took a breath.

“And the last card here gets us…” Snow quickly flipped the card and slammed it back onto the table. “... ‘Incest! Kid-tested, mother approved!” Snow laughed as he slammed his hoof onto the table.

Hat Trick guffawed as he leaned back in his chair and fell over, not seeming to mind. Forge spat and gave a long hard laugh until he was forced to catch his breath.

“Heheheh,” Verdant chortled as he wiped a tear from his eye. “I’ve held onto that card since the first hoof, just hoping for that card to show up.”

“Well it sure as heck paid off!” Snow’s laughter died down as he slid the card over to the happy earth pony.

“Man, I knew I shouldn’t have played that ‘Sex with Princess Celestia’ card earlier,” Hat Trick spoke up as he sat his chair back up. “I would have won this hoof.”

“Well, you may get it next time, Hatty,” Snow replied as he slid the deck over to Verdant. “Still, I don’t know how you guys come up with stuff like this. You’ve got sick senses of humor.”

“It tends to happen in our old line of work,” Forge spoke up before levitating a tissue over and blew into it. “At least from what I’ve seen.”

“Yeah.” Verdant took a quick swig of his soda. “We weren’t in the guard long, but we still saw all sorts of crazy shit.”

As Verdant finished speaking, a wicked smirk spread across Hat Trick’s face. “Speaking of shit Verdant’s seen…” he started to say slyly, making the green stallion’s pupils shrink to the size pinpricks.

“Hatty, don’t you dare!”


As a trio of mares leaned into their front row seats, the griffin hen with them swallowed nervously.

“Y’know, Winter Gem, when you said we were going to a show, I didn’t think you meant something like this!” Erica shifted back and forth in her seat as she gestured towards the ring before them. “You’re sure nothing from the ring will be able to hit us?”

“I’m pretty sure we’re fine, Erica.” The blonde mare casually waved a hoof at the hen. “I mean they didn’t make us sign a waiver, so if we do get hurt, we’ll be able to sue them all the way to Tartarus.”

“How comforting,” Erica replied with a roll of her eyes.

“This should hopefully be an entertaining battle, even without weapons,” Swiftsword spoke up as she leaned back in her chair. “I hope to see some bloodshed tonight.”

Erica could only groan as the grey pegasus mare at her side kept focus on the ring. “Well we’ve got a former champ going up against some fresh talent, so here’s hoping.” She stretched out as the lights started to dim, leaving all light focused on the mare at the ring’s center.

“Mares, stallions and guests of all species, welcome to tonight’s bout of Royal Ruckus Wrestling!” the announcer shouted into a megaphone. “You’re in for quite the spectacle tonight, so without further ado, let’s bring out our first contenders!”

A roar of applause filled the arena as a spotlight moved to the corner of the arena.

“In the red corner, from Delight Island,” the announcer shouted as a large figure slowly entered the light, “we have the former heavyweight earth pony champion, The Tropical Terror, The Fruity Fighting Filly, give it up for Banana Blitz!”

A round of thunderous applause came from the crowd as a buff mare even taller than Barrier made her way to the ring, the stage lights shining off her yellow coat and flowing green mane. Gouts of yellow fireworks followed behind her as she made her way to the ring.

“Go, Banana Blitz!” the grey pegasus shouted as she hopped up to stand on her seat. “Tenderize that fresh meat!” Her voice echoed over the crowd before a set of talons grabbed her shoulder and shoved her back down into the seat.

“Snowy, please try to tone it down,” Erica hissed through a blush. “You’re turning into more of a spectacle than the wrestler!”

“Sorry there, Erica,” Snowy softly apologized as she scratched the back of her neck. “I’ll try to rein the fangirl in.”

“Don’t sweat it too much, Ms. Skies.” Winter Gem leaned forward in her seat to face the pair. “I’ll probably end up like that before the night’s over.”

“And now,” The trio’s attention snapped back to the ring as the announcer exclaimed once more. “We’ve got a new challenger for you tonight!”

The lights darted to the far side of the arena, allowing the audience to make out the silhouette of another tall mare.

“In the blue corner, from a dark alternate universe where Equestria’s become a ravaged wasteland comes our newest fighter!” the announcer bellowed as the audience leaned forward in their seats, hoping to get a glimpse of the mysterious mare. “Introducing, the Wasteland Warrior, the Born and Bred Gladiator, the Zaftig Zony, give a warm Royal Ruckus welcome for… Tiger Stripe!”

The audience burst into cheers as the mare stepped forward, an explosive burst of flame accompanying her as she marched. She was an orange mare with black stripes all over her body, contrasting with her gray mane.

“Alternate universes? Seriously?” Snowy snorted and threw herself back in her seat. “I swear, the storylines they come up with get crazier and worse every year. What’s next, fighting a possessed doll?”

“Hmm… This should be quite the delightful scrap.” Swiftsword leaned closer to the ring.

Erica sighed as she rested her chin in her talons. “If I wanted to see two mares smack the crap out of each other, I would have gone to see my neighbor talk to her sister.”

“Everypony ready?” The announcer's shout was swiftly answered by the roar of the crowd. “In that case, let’s get ready to rumble!”


As the quartet of fillies ran about the room, playing a game that defied adult comprehension, Barrier was setting up a film projector and the first movie of the night.

“That should take care of it!” Barrier called out to the children, drawing them closer to the projector. “All you’ve got to do now is flip the switch and you’ll be watching Figurine Fantasy.” That should hopefully keep you four under control for about an hour or so. Barrier sighed and turned away as Shutterbug’s magic flipped the projector’s switch. “I’m going to get a snack. Try not to make too much of a mess while I’m gone.”

Making his way into the kitchen, he found himself staring at Fleetfeather as she scooped peanut butter ice cream into a bowl.

“Think it’d be okay to give something like that to those kids?” Barrier inquired as he opened the fridge. “I hear peanut allergies are fairly common.”

Fleet snorted and rolled her eye. “That’s a moot point since this is for me.” She smirked as she brought the bowl over to the table. “I figured I could use a nice treat once in a while.”

“Don’t we all.” Barrier chuckled, pulling a box of strawberries out of the fridge. “Especially since we can’t drink tonight.”

“I don’t think I’ll need it,” Fleet replied and picked up a spoon with her frog. “I used to handle taking care of even more kids, and that was without the help of things like movies or board games.” She then jabbed the spoon into the frozen treat and licked her lips before she had her first bite.

Barrier started to raise a strawberry to his mouth, but then lowered it back to look at the mare across from him. “Fleet…” His words made her pause. “How are you holding up?”

Fleet put another spoonful into her mouth and swallowed. “I have been somewhat well. Certainly much better than I was when I left the empire.” She sighed and set the spoon into the cold bowl. “Still, I have been feeling somewhat… lonely.”

“How so?” Barrier’s head tilted as he slid out of his chair.

“Well for one, I don’t see Wind Whistler as much as I did when we first came here because of her schooling.” Fleet wrapped her forelegs around herself. “The others… they’re usually doing things related to their jobs… and even then, I have trouble trying to be friends with them after having to be their officer. What they have with you… I just don’t have it...”

“But what about your co-workers?” Barrier slowly drew closer to Fleet. “Surely you’ve been talking to them.”

“Not really, I’m afraid.” Fleet exhaled as Barrier placed a hoof on her shoulder. “They’re nice ponies… but I feel like I have trouble opening up to them. Most of them are a good deal younger and have never dealt with anything like what we’ve had to put up with. Even my boss is younger than me.”

Fleet leaned into Barrier, wrapping her forelegs around his sides. “Sometimes… it feels like you’re the only friend I have left.”

“Don’t be like that, Sergeant.” Barrier gave a small smile as he returned the hug. “I’m sure you’ll make some friends. After all, the cadets managed to make friends here. Verdant’s got his classmates. Forge has Snow and his teammates, Swift’s got the other waitresses, Gem’s got the local Apples and Hatty… Okay, I’m not really sure about Hatty making friends since he’s pretty much always either with Gem or working on his magic stuff, but my point still stands.”


“But nothing, Fleet,” Barrier interrupted. “We may not be making friends right now, but I know we will. If the cadets could get friends so quickly, I’m sure we will soon.”

“Barrier,” The cycloptic mare lightly giggled. “You know they’re privates.”

“I know.” A grin stretch across the dark stallion’s muzzle. “But if I called them privates, you know I’d make all sorts of innuendo about them.”

“Yeah.” Fleet chuckled before looking Barrier in the eye. “Still, thanks.” She leaned closer to him and kissed him on the cheek.

“No problem, Fleet,” Barrier said as the hug tightened on both ends. “I really care about y—”

“Mr. Barrier!” A small voice drew the pair’s attention to the kitchen entrance, where they spotted a blushing green filly. “We’ve got a problem.”

“What’s wrong...um…” Barrier paused as he tried to recall the filly’s name. “Melony, was it?” The youngster nodded as the pair untangled from each other.

“It turns out I brought the wrong movie over.” Melony drew closer. “Instead of Figurine Fantasy, I brought a movie about donkeys doing weird things that make me feel… funny.”

“Funny?” Fleet inquired as she moved from her seat. “Funny how?”

“I dunno, but it’s really weird.” Melony answered as she tried to avoid making eye contact.

“Melony, what’s going on?” Barrier drew closer to the green girl. “What movie was it?”

“I don’t know what they’re doing, but the title card said the movie’s called ‘Donkey Dong Country 3’.” Melony looked away as she answered, not seeing the horrified looks on the adults’ faces.

“Crapcrapcrap!” Fleet quickly flew out of the kitchen towards the living room. “Barrier, help me turn this damned thing off!”

Barrier sighed as he quickly followed his housemate towards the living room. “And on a night when I can’t drink.”

Author's Note:

Alticron: "Hey folks, hope you've enjoyed this chapter and look forward to the next part. It was one the more fun chapters to write."

"Also, Sober has asked that I put a disclaimer about a certain line in this chapter."

“Alternate universes? Seriously?” Snowy snorted and threw herself back in her seat. “I swear, the storylines they come up with get crazier and worse every year. What’s next, fighting a possessed doll?”

"He was concerned that this may be taken as an insult towards Fallout: Equestria. Rest assured, it is not. Snowy's view is just meant to be based on some people's opinions on storylines in wrestling. I'm sure some wrestling fans can attest to some storylines that they found really absurd. Well, hope to see you with the next chapter."

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