• Published 2nd Aug 2017
  • 4,751 Views, 803 Comments

A Pony Displaced: Homeward - NoLongerSober

With Sombra dead and his cadets and old friends in tow, Magic Barrier and company try to adapt to the modern world, heading forward to try and make Vanhoover their new home.

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Chapter 22 - Fashion and Future Plans (Part 1)

Barrier and Daring groggily trudged down the halls of the manor, their minds on auto-pilot as they slowly made their way to the smell of hay bacon, hash browns, muffins and fresh coffee. Barrier could barely see as he sat down at the table, spotting only a green blur at the stove in the early morning light.

“Good morning, sir.” The blob seemed to look back at the bleary eyed unicorn. “I should have breakfast ready for everypony soon.” Barrier could only grumble in response before the talkative shape placed a mug in front of him. The mug rose in a wobbly blue aura as Barrier lifted it upward and chugged the dark brew down, restoring his vision and fully bringing him back to the waking world.

“You’re lucky I’ve started putting ice cubes in your coffee out of habit, Barrier,” Verdant replied without looking back before he grabbed a spatula and started to flip the faux-meat products in the pan.

“Verdant, if I could handle an angry dragon in my cadet days, I can handle some piping hot coffee first thing in the morning.” Barrier’s reply drew a chuckle from Daring in between sips of her morning brew.

“I’m pretty sure I recall something a bit different the first time you had the kid make coffee for us, dear.” She smirked as the younger stallion started to place plates of food around the large table. “Also, correct me if I’m wrong, but didn’t you tell me the angry dragon was drunk when you dealt with it?”

Barrier could only grumble as the other residents started to pour into the kitchen and dig into their meals.

A few minutes passed in relative silence before Barrier felt a magical tingle in the air only a moment before a package appeared in the air above the table. Snagging the parcel in his magic before it could fall, Barrier brought it close to him and saw a folded up letter attached to the top of it. Pulling the letter away and unfurling it, Barrier began to read aloud.

“Dear Magic Barrier, I was sorting through some things and found a collection of medals that, upon your banishment with Luna, came into my belonging, along with a spare dress uniform. I decided that it would be better for you to have them rather than simply letting them sit in my study and collect dust. I believe these will look rather nice on you, even if you need to get the uniform refitted. I hope you enjoy these, signed Princess Celestia.” Letting out a sigh, he then folded up the letter before placing it and the package on the floor next to the table and resuming his breakfast.

“So,” Daring started as she grabbed a muffin from the table. “Do you plan on going to the gala?”

“Hmm… I’m not sure, Daring,” Barrier replied as he set his fork down. “It was something rather dull for me, though I mostly was just there on guard duty or as a military representative rather than as a guest.” He then placed a hoof to his chin in thought. “I think the last time I was there as a guest, I was… twelve, I think.”

“Hmm,” Daring hummed before taking a bite of her muffin. “How ‘bout the rest of you?” the lounging mare said before tossing the rest of the muffin back and swallowing the baked good.

“I certainly intend to,” Swiftsword answered as she raised a napkin and wiped her lip. “This grand gala will be a grand opportunity to establish that the last of the Falchions has returned to the nobility. Once word of my house’s return has spread amongst them, I will most certainly have an easier time restoring my family’s standing and influence.”

“I think the gala will be fairly romantic,” Winter Gem piped up as she poured some more strips of hay bacon onto her plate. “Forge, do you plan on coming to the gala with Snow Sweeper?” she asked of the blue stallion across from her who scratched the back of his neck before replying.

“I’ll ask him, but I’m not sure if he’d be too interested,” he said as he rose from his seat and opened the fridge. “He may consider it a bit too fancy. Still, I’ll give it a shot.”

“It’ll be interesting to see,” Hat Trick chipped in while Forge returned to the table with a glass of orange juice.

“I’ll tag along, maybe give my plus one ticket to a friend,” Verdant said before rising from the table. “Now if you’ll excuse me, I’ve got some tomatoes and geraniums to check on.”

“Would you like to go to the gala, Daring?” Barrier asked before igniting his horn, levitating his plate over to the sink. Daring tapped her chin in thought.

“Yeah, I think I would, but would you mind doing something with your mane?” She pointed a hoof at Barrier’s two-toned mane. “It’s pretty long and kinda messy looking, so it would look out of place at a formal event.”

Barrier’s eyebrow rose as he ran a hoof through the blue locks and gazed at his reflection in their toaster. “Alright, I’ll get it cut, but I don’t know much about what’s considered a good masculine hairstyle these days.”

“If I may make a suggestion, sir,” Swiftsword spoke up, drawing Barrier’s eye. “I believe you should come with me to Ponyville today. I promised Rarity that I would seek her aid for my gala attire. I have no doubt that with her knowledge of modern fashion, she would not only be able to help you find a suitable cut for your mane, but refit your dress uniform to better fit you.”

“Well it beats reading library books or losing at Candyland again,” Barrier replied as he rose from his seat. “When do you want to get on that death trap?”

“I will simply need a moment to gather my saddlebags and bits, then I will be ready to depart.” Swift turned and glared at Daring. “I have already hidden my sword away so none will lay a hoof on it while I am in Ponyville.” Daring simply rolled her eyes at the noblemare’s words.

“At least you’re not lugging it around in public anymore,” Daring said before she picked up her plate and added it to the collection in the sink.

“That is what the dagger in my mane is for,” Swiftsword replied with a wry smirk before her horn lit up and took out a small blade from behind her head. “A Falchion goes nowhere unarmed,” she declared before she placed the dagger behind her head once more and made her way to the stairs, drawing a sigh from the professor.


A few hours had passed since Barrier and Swiftsword had departed Vanhoover, the former keeping his eyes on the scenery in the distance as much as possible.

“Captain Barrier,” Swiftsword spoke up nervously, not drawing her eyes away from the window.

“No need to call me captain, Swiftsword,” Barrier replied as he watched many fields and trees pass by. “What's on your mind?” he inquired before he raised up a bottle of water he had purchased on the trip.

Swiftsword took a deep and steadying breath, only to pause for a moment and then say nothing. She remained this way until Barrier took a swig of his water. “Would you be willing to sire my foals?” Her question caused Barrier give a violent spit take. He coughed as water dripped from his mouth and nose.

“W-what?!” he sputtered out as he saw that Swiftsword was trying to suppress a giggle. “What is so funny, Swiftsword?”

“Forgive me, but it appears Hat Trick was right about holding off asking until you were drinking something,” she answered as a small smile graced her features. “It has helped me feel somewhat more at ease.”

“Yes, very funny.” Barrier gave her a flat look, “But back to the business at hoof. Why in Faust’s name would you ask me to sire your children, Swiftsword?”

Swiftsword once more took a deep breath before looking Barrier in the eye. “You more than once stressed the importance of having a back-up plan for if the initial one fails. If I find myself unable to find a worthy noble stallion to continue my bloodline with, I ask if you would be willing to help me continue it.”

“I can somewhat understand what you want,” Barrier said as he rose from his seat and drew closer to her, “But why would you ask me to be the one to sire your foals?”

“There are several reasons, sir.” Swiftsword straightened her stance. “First is that you come from a noble family.”

“A minor nobility, Swift. My father was only a baron,” Barrier retorted before he took a seat next to her.

“That is good enough for me, sir.” Swift turned to face Barrier before she continued. “The second is you are a stallion who is strong in both body and magic, which would likely lead to stronger foals.”

“I can see your logic there,” he said as he scratched the back of his neck. “I’m not 100% sure if that’s how it works according to modern science, though.”

“At any rate, my third reason is…” Swift closed her eyes before she took a deep breath. With a sad sigh, she then finished, “Having you sire my foals would be the closest I could have to keeping my promise to Radiant.”

“Promise?” Barrier’s head tilted as his thoughts started to drift towards his long departed brother. “What promise are you talking about?”

“I made a vow to dear Radiant not long before we departed for the Crystal Empire.” She turned away from the dark stallion, her eyes focused on the plains that rolled by. “I promised him that after I returned from the empire, I would finally and happily join his herd to officially unite our two houses. I would hold him and Ocean Sunset close to my heart for the rest of my life.” Swiftsword sniffled as she continued to speak. “That I would love and raise Sparkle as my own… that he and I would join our bloodlines by bringing new Falchions into the world together.” Barrier spotted a single tear rolling down her cheek and he gently placed a hoof on her shoulder.

“I…” he paused for an instant, not entirely sure what to say. “I didn’t know… That you felt so strongly towards them, Swiftsword.” he then pulled closer to Swiftsword. “I knew you were with them often when you had a day off, but I never knew you were that close. I thought you were going along with it because our fathers’ arranged it.”

“Nay.” Swiftsword’s voice nearly cracked as she shook her head. “I did not know them well at first, but our bond quickly blossomed together.” Barrier saw a sad smile cross her features as the unicorn mare began to reminisce. “Sparkle was a kind and adorable filly who was always awestruck when I would teach her in the ways of combative sorcery and swordplay. Ocean Sunset... my word, she was a beautiful mare. Strong, affectionate, tender, wise. She was a grand mare. I doubt any pony couldn’t fall for her. And Radiant...” Swiftsword happily sighed as she continued to stare out the glass pane before her. “Radiant Spell was a caring stallion, who would do anything he could to help those he cared for. Handsome, sweet, charming, wonderful with children, strong…” Barrier noticed one more tear fall from Swiftsword’s cheek. “I loved them all, Barrier.” She whispered as she shook.

“As did I, Swiftsword,” Barrier whispered back as he slowly pulled Swiftsword into a soft hug. “As did I.”

Several moments passed as they sat there. After a some time had passed, the two returned to their original seats, sitting in silence for several moments longer. Eventually, Barrier broke the silence around them.

“Swiftsword… I’ll need to talk with Daring about this,” he said, drawing Swiftsword’s eyes back to him. “I think she’d be okay since I donated to help the thestrals, but I’d like to make absolutely certain.” Barrier then felt Swiftsword had dashed across the cabin and wrapped her forelegs around his neck.

“Thank you, sir.” she said as she squeezed him tightly before pulling away. “Still, I doubt it will come to that. I find it unlikely that I won’t find a worthy stallion to continue my bloodline.”

“Well here’s to hoping, Swiftsword. Best of luck with that.” He glanced out the window. “Well, looks like Ponyville’s coming up. Hopefully this won’t take more than a day.”

Swiftsword tittered as she rose from her seat. “Judging by the work she managed to pull off with only scraps in the empire for Empress Cadance, I’m certain she’ll work wonders for us.”

“We’ll see, Swiftsword.” Barrier slipped out of his seat as well, following Swiftsword towards the exit. “We’ll see.”

Author's Note:

Alticron: "Welcome back for another Homeward chapter, everyone. Hope you enjoyed this chapter that explored a bit of Swift's past relationships."

"Next time, we had the pair arrive in Ponyville and we being the first of the great hairstyle revisions. Until then, see ya!"

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