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51. The Start Of The New Years

The New Year had arrived, bringing with it a crisp, chilly air and a sense of renewal. For the Dazzlings, it was a time of reflection and relaxation as they spent the holiday season with their parents, Tom and Sunset. After their tumultuous past and recent adventures, they relished these moments of calm and familial warmth.

Adagio, Aria, and Sonata sat cozily in their hotel living room, sipping hot cocoa by the fireplace in their pajamas. Tom, their father, was busy preparing a delicious dinner, while Sunset, their mother, hummed a tune to herself as she took down the decorations the family had put up the day before for the New Year party.

"Isn't it nice to do nothing but sit around and drink hot cocoa for the holidays?" Sonata exclaimed, wrapping herself in a fuzzy blanket as she happily drank her hot cocoa.

Adagio smiled, nodding in agreement. "Absolutely. It's a much-needed break from our usual routines."

Aria leaned back in her chair, gazing at the twinkling lights on the Christmas tree. "I almost forgot how peaceful life can be. With school and soccer, things have been pretty intense as of late." Her sisters nodded their heads taking in the nice calming silence.

Their parents joined them, carrying trays of steaming food. Tom placed the dishes on the table, his eyes sparkling with joy. "Dig in, girls! I made all your favorite dishes."

The evening passed in a blur of laughter, stories, and delicious food. They reminisced about their childhood memories, shared updates on their lives, and cherished the simple pleasure of being together as a family.

As evening approached, people who were still celebrating the New Year started setting off fireworks. People gathered outside to watch the fireworks light up the sky. The colorful explosions reflected in their eyes, filling them with a sense of hope and anticipation for the year ahead.

After a few days of relaxation and bonding, it was time for the family of five to return to Canterlot. They packed their bags, said their goodbyes to Manehattan, and boarded the airport that would take them back to their home sweet home.

The plane ride was peaceful, the rhythmic sound of the airport traveling in the air lulling them into a state of calm. Adagio leaned her head against the window, watching the passing scenery down below with a contented smile.

Aria glanced at her sisters, a thoughtful expression on her face. "You know, I've been thinking. Our geodes have been acting strangely lately." She made sure to keep her voice down. Although her parents were across from them fast asleep, Aria still didn't want them to overhear what they were talking about. Much less anyone else either since they would probably think they were weird.

Sonata perked up, her curiosity piqued. "What do you mean?"

"They've been glowing more frequently, almost like they're trying to tell us something," Aria explained, pulling out a necklace from beneath her shirt and tapping her fingers against her geode necklace which just so happened to be glowing.

Adagio nodded, her brow furrowing slightly. "I've noticed that too. Maybe there's more to these geodes than we realize."

Their conversation was interrupted as the plane started to make its approach to Canterlot. They gathered their belongings and stepped out of the plane, ready to resume their studies and routines and figure out more about their geodes. With determination in their hearts, the Dazzlings made a pact. When they returned home, they would devote themselves to training with their geodes, delving into the depths of their magical abilities to uncover the secrets that lay hidden within.

Back at Canterlot High, the Dazzlings settled back into their daily lives. Classes, soccer practice, and games filled their schedules, but the mystery of their glowing geodes lingered in the back of their minds.

One evening, after a particularly intense soccer game against a difficult opponent, they gathered in their rooms, each wearing their geode necklace. It was during the game that something unexpected happened. The girls noticed a faint glow emanating from their geodes. At first, they dismissed it as a trick of the light, but as they continued, the glow grew brighter and more pronounced. Once the game was over they quickly rushed to the bathroom and held out their geodes, watching in awe as the mysterious energy within them surged and pulsed with a newfound intensity.

"This is incredible," Adagio exclaimed, her eyes wide with wonder.

"I've never seen anything like it," Aria added, her voice tinged with excitement.

Sonata giggled with delight, reaching out to touch the pulsating energy. "It's like our geodes are trying to tell us something!"

The realization dawned on them—there was more to their geodes than they had ever imagined. These mystical artifacts held untapped power, waiting to be unlocked and understood.

Now that they were home and that their parents were out of the house working at the moment, they took the opportunity to think about what had happened.

"I can't shake this feeling that our geodes are trying to communicate with us." Adagio said, pacing the room back and forth, her hand rubbing her chin. "They've never done this before, especially not during a game."

Aria frowned, crossing her arms. "Well we were pushing ourselves pretty hard to earn that victory, perhaps we pushed passed limits we didn't even know we had and it caused our geodes to shine like that? But even still how do we figure out what they're trying to say if they're trying to say something to begin with? It's not like they come with a manual."

Sonata perked up, a mischievous glint in her eyes. "What if we try meditating with them? Maybe we can tap into their power that way."

The idea intrigued them, and they decided to give it a try. They sat in a circle, closing their eyes and focusing on their geodes. Slowly, a soft glow emanated from the crystals, enveloping them in a warm, comforting light.

As they delved deeper into their meditation, images, and sensations flooded their minds. They saw flashes of their past adventures, felt the bonds of friendship and sisterhood strengthening, and heard whispers of ancient magic guiding them forward, or perhaps it was their imagination playing tricks on them, they weren't sure.

When they opened their eyes, they were filled with a newfound determination. "We have to keep exploring this power," Adagio said, her voice tinged with excitement.

Aria nodded, a determined gleam in her eyes. "Agreed. Whatever these geodes hold, it's something we need to understand."

Sonata grinned, her enthusiasm contagious. "Let's make it our New Year's resolution to unlock the full potential of our geodes!"

And so, the Dazzlings embarked on a new journey, eager to unravel the mysteries of their magical gifts and unlock the true extent of their powers. With each day of training and exploration, they grew stronger, more confident, and closer than ever before. The New Year had brought them a promise of adventure, discovery, and endless possibilities.
