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27. A Time Between Sisters

Just like how Adagio and Aria promised, when Saturday arrived they decided to hang out with Sonata. The girls, along with Sunset and Tom made the day just for Sonata. Whatever Sonata wanted to do they would do it and have fun with Sonata making her feel loved and making her smile and laugh.

The day started with Sunset making the girls pancakes which were Sonata's favorite. The family of five ate their breakfast which was delicious. After they finished eating they started doing all the things that Sonata wanted to do. From playing board games and video games to watching Sonata's favorite movies, and playing all the fun games that she loved to play. It was a lot of fun and everyone enjoyed hanging out as one big family. And even though the things that Sonata liked weren't what Adagio or Aria liked, they decided to do them, because they loved Sonata, and if doing what she loved as a family showed her that she was loved then they would do them, too make the Sonata then knew and loved back.

Sunset and Tom soon left around the afternoon to go get some lunch from the girls, which Sonata requested tacos and they happily went off to find the most tasty tacos that Canterlot had. The Dazzlings were then left alone with one another still watching one of Sonata's favorite movies. The three of them watched the movie in silence as the movie finally came to an end. When the movie ended Adagio stood up, she had been sitting for so long that she needed to stretch. She looked over at Sonata who was sad that the movie was over but was still happy about the movie.

"That was such a good movie! Don't you guys think so!" Sonata turned to face her sisters with a smile on her face, making her two sisters smile. They were happy that their sister was finally acting back to normal. Adagio and Aria smiled at Sonata's contagious smile, it was something that they always loved seeing.

Adagio thought back to when she and Aria ran into Sonata about to hurt herself with tears running down her cheeks. It was one of the scariest moments that Adagio and Aria had ever seen. Just seeing Sonata holding the knife in her hand with tears running down her cheeks, with a face of horror and utter depression. It was something that came from a horror movie and would most likely be something that Adagio and Aria would never forget. Just the other night Adagio had a nightmare about Sonata but this time she and Aria were too slow and had walked into the bathroom with Sonata's dead body in it. The nightmare had jolted Adagio awake, she was dripping in sweat as her heart felt like it was going to burst out of her chest with how fast it was beating. It was at that moment Adagio promised herself that she would do everything in her power to make sure that Sonata lived life to the fullest with a smile on her face the whole time. No longer would Sonata ever cry or have that face she had before, she would carry that smile she always had.

"Yeah, it was a pretty nice movie! I like the part where the woman and the man got together in the end, it was a nice ending to an already good movie." Even though Aria didn't really pay much attention she made sure to give a basic answer so that Sonata didn't get upset that she wasn't watching the movie.

Sonata nodded her head and smiled. "Yeah! It's my favorite movie in the entire world! I love romance movies! Seeing how the man and the women get together in the end! And watching how they have to go through all sorts of problems that are getting in the way of them being together, I love it!" All of a sudden Sonata's smile changed from the smile she once had to a frown as she started looking down at the ground. Adagio and Aria saw this and immediately went into action.

Adagio and Aria quickly went over to Sonata's side. "Sonata? What's wrong? You were so happy just a second ago, so what happened?"

Sonata looked up at her sisters and sighed. "It's just that..." Sonata looked down and then back up at Adagio and Aria. "This will be Arctic's last year in high school before he heads off to college and then I'll never be able to see him. I'm a Sophomore and he's a Senior, things won't work out between me and him anyways... and I really do like him."

Aria and Adagio looked at one another, they wanted to help their little sister but they weren't sure how to. "Sonata... just because Arctic is leaving this year that doesn't mean that you guys still can't talk or see each other. You have his number so you can give him a call whenever you want, and he'll probably come back during his breaks like Christmas or Summer and then you guys will be able to hang out then. And it's not like you guys are bad, sure he may be a Senior and you're a Sophomore but that's only a two-year difference, it would be worse if let's say you were in the sixth grade, that would be way worse."

Sonata laughed at Adagio's words, making Adagio and Aria happy seeing their sister smile and laugh once again. "Yeah, I guess you're right, it is better that it's only a two-year difference... but does he even like me? I've seen the Senior girls and they're all so pretty and smart, what if Arctic likes one of them? Or maybe even a Junior girl, why would he like a Sophomore like me?" Sonata once again frowned and looked down sadly, it seems that Dawnshine's bullying had gotten to the girls more than Aria and Adagio thought. They thought it would be easier to make Sonata feel better but it was becoming a challenge.

"Sonata, I'm sure he likes you, you kissed him! You're funny and nice, you always help others, and you saved the world from Gabby! And you're really pretty! You have a nice face, beautiful colored eyes, and your ponytail is the cutest. So what if you're younger than him, that doesn't matter. What should matter is that you like him and he likes you for who you are as a person." Sonata looked at Adagio in surprise, the way she was talking, it was almost as if Adagio knew for a fact that Arctic liked her.

"She's right you know." Sonata's attention turned to Aria. "You're a cool person and whoever would get with you would be a lucky person. You're full of fun and each day with you is full of excitement, I'm sure someone will like you if Arctic doesn't like you, but you don't have to worry about that. I'm sure Arctic like you, he just hasn't said it yet."

Sonata smiled and blushed at her sister's words. "Thank you, both of you." Sonata then got up and hugged her two sisters. "You guys are the best, I love you."

Adagio and Aria smiled as they hugged Sonata back. "Love you too, Sonata." The three girls continued to hug each other until they heard their mom and dad walk back into the room.

When their parents walked into the room they had tacos and other sorts of Mexican food with them. The girls stopped hugging and went over to their parents where the five of them went over and started eating as a family. During lunch, the five talked and laughed as a family, something that was fun for the whole family, including Sonata. Everyone watched as Sonata happily ate her tacos with a smile on her face, it wasn't a surprise that she was happy, she was eating her favorite food in the entire world. Seeing that Sonata was eating her tacos with a smile on her face made the other four members of the family happy.

After the family finished eating they cleaned up and all sat around in the living room wondering what Sonata wanted to do next. "Well Sonata, what do you want to do now?" Tom asked as he looked down at his daughter.

Sonata thought about it and smiled as she looked at her family. "Let's go to the mall and go shopping!"

Adagio, Aria, Sunset, and Tom looked at one another and smiled. The family of four went off to Tom's car and began their trip to the mall, and the family of five couldn't wait.

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