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4. Tryouts For The Soccer Team

After having a good first day at Canterlot High, the Dazzlings happily told Sunset all about all the fun and excitement they had. Once getting home the girls enjoyed a few more hours of hanging out, eating dinner, taking a shower, or in Sonata's case a bath, and heading to bed for their second day of high school.

And before the girls knew it, it was morning and it was time to get ready for their second day of school. Adagio, Aria, and Sonata quickly got ready for school and jumped into Sunset's car. They wanted to get to school as quickly as they could so that they could start yet another day of school. Fortunately for them, the drive from their house to the school wasn't a far one and in a matter of a few minutes, the girls had gotten to school and jumped out of the car while waving goodbye to Sunset who happily waved goodbye to her girls.

Upon arriving inside of the school the girls went their own ways to their classes. Aria and Sonata walked to the right while Adagio headed to the left, the girls said their goodbyes and headed to class so that they weren't late. As Sonata and Aria were walking down a hallway to make it to their class they saw Dawnshine at her locker pulling out some books. Aria noticed her and glared, she still hadn't gotten over what she had done yesterday. 'I don't know who you think you are, but one way or another I'm going to knock you off your pedestal that you put yourself on. That I can promise!'

Sonata, who was beside her sister, noticed where her glare was focused at. Sure enough, Dawnshine was in front of them getting out some books from her locker. After pulling out her books she then closed and locked her locker and walked away toward her class, completely unaware that Aria was glaring daggers at her from behind. Aria huffed and walked even faster to get to her class, as Sonata could only sigh and pick up her own speed to catch up with Aria. 'It's not even been a week and Aria already has an enemy. I just hope that she gets over Dawnshine soon so we can all have a good time in high school and not have to deal with any problems.'

The day zoomed by and the Dazzlings were currently in their last period of the day. The day had been a good one, but since it was only the second day the girls were lucky to not be given any homework so far. And to Adagio's favor, their P.E. had just let the class know that they wouldn't be getting dressed or doing any physical activities until next week so that everyone could have time to get their gym clothes and time for the teacher to give their gym locker number. So, with only a few minutes left in their day, the girls were just hanging out and talking to each other and with some of their friends.

"Are you serious?" Adagio asked as she looked at Phoebe with a surprised expression on her face. Aria and Sonata who were nearby talking with one another soon turned to Adagio to see what was going on.

"Yeah, I saw a poster earlier today." Phoebe said confirming what she had said. Adagio and Phoebe smiled as Aria and Sonata looked at each other in confusion and then at the two girls.

"Uh, Dagi?" Adagio and Phoebe turned their heads to see Sonata looking at them confused. "What were you guys talking about? Why are you two smiling? Did something good happen? If so, I want to know!" Sonata then let out a smile herself, making Adagio and Phoebe let out a small laugh.

"Well, Sonata." Adagio started. "From what Phoebe told me, the school is having after-school soccer tryouts for the girls." Aria and Sonata gasped and then smiled, ever since they were first introduced to soccer the girls had fallen in love with the sport. If there was even a chance, they were going to join the soccer team no matter what. Adagio saw her sister's smiles and nodded her head with a big smile. "Yep, so, I was thinking that we go and give it a try. What do you girls say, wanna give it a try?" Adagio, however, already knew the answer.

Aria and Sonata looked at one another and back at Adagio with huge grins. "Yes!" Just then the school bell rang signaling the end of the day as kids got up to go home and leave for the day, the Dazzlings had a different plan in mind.

"I'm going to let Mom know that we're going to soccer tryouts, you girls can go ahead and head to the tryouts." Phoebe, Aria, and Sonata nodded their heads as they made their way with the two sisters following Phoebe as she knew the way.

After quickly heading out of the school and letting Sunset know what their plan was, Sunset accepted and let Adagio know that she would come later to pick them up. So now Adagio was making her way to the field where the tryouts would be held. Seeing her sisters and Phoebe she made her way over to them. Aria who was talking with Phoebe and Sonata saw Adagio and put in hand in the air. "Yo! Adagio! Glad you could make it to junior varsity tryouts."

"Yeah, I'm glad. Mom said that she would come and pick us up later after tryouts." Adagio turned her head and looked around to see not many girls as she thought there would be on the field. She did a quick count in her head and counted a total of twenty girls on the field. It was herself, Aria, Sonata, Phoebe, Gabby, Frizzle, Joy, Athena, Dawnshine, and a few other girls that the Dazzlings didn't know.

Phoebe noticed Adagio's confused expression and let out a weak laugh but then sighed. "Yeah, Canterlot's girl's soccer team hasn't had much success since Rainbow Dash and her team led Canterlot to two consecutive championship titles... but that hasn't been in more than ten years ago." She then noticed a girl walking her way toward the girls on the field. "But that is soon to change, especially since we've got a new coach this year, and she just so happens to be here." Phoebe turned her head over in the direction of the coach and the Dazzlings turned their heads to see the coach.

The Dazzlings turned their head and gasped, along with all the other girls. There, making her way toward them was none other than Rainbow Dash! All the girls soon started whispering and making small comments to one another seeing a Canterlot star making their way toward them. Once arriving at the girls, Rainbow blew her whistle getting the girl's attention and silencing them.

Rainbow smiled. "Hello girls, if you may not know already, CHS has made me your new head coach. Now I know Canterlot's girl's soccer team hasn't seen victory since me and my amazing team." The Dazzlings snickered, even though Rainbow had gotten older she still had her same ego. "But with me being your coach, and with this team, I expect great things to happen! Now with such a small group this year, there's no need for anyone to get cut, so you've all officially joined the Canterlot girl's soccer team. But don't think that means you're getting out easy, if you truly want to be on this team, you have to show and earn your spot. If you want to go out and play you're going to have to prove it! To the ones who can do that you can have time out on the field during a game, but for the ones who don't, well... enjoy being a bench burning or backup for the year." All the girls nodded their heads, they all wanted to play and they were going to do whatever they had to do to be able to play for the team. This made Rainbow smile. "Now let's turn things around and show everyone just how great we are! Now who's with me!?" All the girls cheered at Rainbow's speech, there was a new fire burning inside of them and they were going to do whatever they could to make Canterlot's soccer team great once again. Rainbow smiled and blew her whistle once again silencing the girls. "Now let's begin! The girl's soccer team tryouts have now begun! Now I want all of you to run up and down the field five times each way! Now, go, go, go!"

After Rainbow's yells all the girls then started their runs up and down the field. Each one of them fueled with wanting to not only do good for the team but to also be able to play. The Dazzlings especially wanted to show that they were worthy of being able to play. They wanted nothing more but to be able to help Canterlot, and the girl's soccer team win another championship and prove that Canterlot wasn't a school to be taken lightly. Rainbow watched as the girls run up and down the field and she couldn't but smile thinking back to her old days on the team. 'This year is going to be awesome!'

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