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24. Canterlot High Food Fight

It was lunchtime at Canterlot High and many of the students were already sitting at their tables, eating and chatting away with their friends while some were still standing in line, waiting to get their food. Sonata was anxiously, yet eagerly, waiting in a line for what seemed like forever, but it had only been five minutes. She hoped that they still had that certain food available that she had wanted last week but she had sadly been too late and couldn't get her hands on it.

She had sadly gotten held up in class as she had to finish an assignment for her teacher. Sonata, however, was determined to get her hands on that meaty, cheesy, crunchy goodness treat… tacos! And lucky enough for Sonata, today just so happened to be Taco Tuesday! So now she was currently in line right now, waiting for that delicious taco that she hungered for. She was determined to get what she came for and wouldn't leave the cafeteria empty-handed. If only the line didn't take so long!

Minutes had gone by as Sonata slowly moved closer to her destination. The longer it took for Sonata to wait for her food, the more anxious and hungry she felt. She couldn’t help but watch helplessly as the other students took another taco from the big piles on the counter. She got more and more nervous as the big pile of tacos got smaller by the second. She was starting to lose hope of ever getting that taco that she desperately wanted. Sonata was tempted to just cut in line and ran off with dozens of tacos in her arms, but she didn't want to cause an angry mob of students chasing after her for stealing the tacos, especially the fact that she would most likely get in trouble for doing that and possibly get detention, something she did not want just because she wanted some tacos. And the last thing she needed was to get beat up by the students for stealing their food… and then get beat up again by her sisters for doing something so dumb, and on top of it all, get in trouble with the principal who was her aunt!

Finally, after about a half hour of waiting in line, it was finally her turn. As Sonata approached the counter, she discovered to her horror that all of the trays where the tacos were supposed to be were empty… except for one, and it was all for her. The taco itself had rich meaty ground beef, lightly covered in sour cream with freshly chopped lettuce, tomatoes, and onions on top, and finally, mixed cheddar and mozzarella cheese on top of the other ingredients. All packed in a U-shape crisp-fried corn tortilla… just as Sonata imagined. Sonata squeed at the sight of that taco and her mouth began to water.

At last, after so many days of waiting, I can finally eat that taco! With a huge smile on her face, Sonata reached out to take that taco from the serving tray. As Sonata’s hand touched the taco, another hand touched the taco at the same time as hers. When Sonata looked up to see whose hand belonged, she saw another girl that looked very familiar to her, and that was because she was.

This girl was none other than the girl who had given so many people, including her sisters, so many problems. Dawnshine who was standing before her didn't look too happy to see her. “Sonata.”

Sonata looked at her and just smiled and waved trying to be nice to the girl. "Hi Dawnshine, hope you're having a good day. I'm just about to eat a taco! I've really been wanting this taco and I’ve been dying to get one since last week, but they were all out last week and I couldn't get one."

“Oh no you don’t!” Dawnshine shouted at her but then thought of an idea. "Actually, you can have this taco.” Dawnshine said with a fake smile.

Sonata smiled back at her. “For realsies?”

“NO!!! YOU ARE NOT GETTING THAT TACO!” Dawnshine screamed.

Sonata frowned. “Aw, come on! I’ve been waiting to get this taco all week! I’m not leaving without it! Besides, you were cutting in line!”

Dawnshine smirked arrogantly. “I do not wait in lines! I can get food anytime I want to, no matter who I cut, especially you! You stupid, pathetic, failure!"

The whole cafeteria was dead silent after Dawnshine's insulting rant and no one dared to make a sound, not even to breathe. Sonata stared at Dawnshine with a shocked expression, Adagio and Aria who had heard everything started making their way to the two of them. The two sisters had talked down on Sonata many times before, but even they would never say anything that cruel to her! Worse of all, everything Dawnshine had just said was true… and that hurts her. She may not be the sharpest crayon in the box, but she still has feelings. Sonata’s eyes began to water.

Dawnshine noticed Sonata’s sad state and decided to mock her. “Aw… what’s wrong? Did I hurt your widdle feelings?” Dawnshine laughed at her and then changed to a more serious expression. “Let’s face it, you're nothing! You don’t even deserve to eat this taco! Only the best of the best deserves the best-tasting taco in Canterlot High! And that person is me, now leave!”

Sonata’s expression changed from sadness to anger at Dawnshine’s words. While Sonata wasn't one to fall into anger, she wasn't about to let Dawnshine talk down on her and take away her taco! So she said the first word that came to mind, one that rhymed with Mitch but started with a B. Everyone in the cafeteria gasped at what Sonata had called Dawnshine, even Adagio and Aria were surprised. No one had ever dared to insult Dawnshine’s pride, much less call her that word.

Dawnshine had just reached her boiling point her face was red with anger as she then grabbed a piece of dessert from someone’s tray from behind her. “Eat this!” Dawnshine shouted as she threw the piece of the dessert at Sonata and it hits her squarely on Sonata’s face. Everyone gasped at what Dawnshine had done and then set their eyes on Sonata, waiting to see what would happen next.

Sonata just stared at Dawnshine with a stunned expression, as the dessert dripped off of her face. Sonata slowly placed her pointer finger on the dessert and then placed her pointer finger in her mouth to taste it. But she then gagged in disgust, she wasn't a fan of blackberries and she narrowed her eyes at Dawnshine. “Of course, you know this means war!” said Sonata in a low voice. Without taking her eyes off Dawnshine, Sonata took the plate of mac and cheese and calmly walked up to Dawnshine, and then slammed the plate of mac and cheese on top of Dawnshine’s hair.

The war between the two girls had truly begun and Adagio and Aria couldn't believe that their sister was going up against Dawnshine. Most of the students watched the two girls tensely while some others were already placing bets on who will win this "fight."

Dawnshine screamed in horror as she looked up to the top of her head as mac and cheese was dripping from her hair. Dawnshine clenched her teeth in anger and glared at Sonata. “You really want to do this with me?" While her eyes locked on Sonata, Dawnshine took another food from another tray. The food appeared to be some kind of meatloaf and was very slimy and smelly and it was brown with green spots all over it. No one even wanted to know what it was or where it came from, but she figured that it was perfect for the job. Without hesitation, Dawnshine threw the meatloaf at Sonata, intending to hit Sonata right in her face. "Take this!" Sonata, who predicted the intention with the meatloaf, ducked down at the last second and the meatloaf flew over her head.

“FOOD FIGHT!” One of the male students shouted out suddenly before he got hit in the face with that same meatloaf. Within seconds, the whole cafeteria was now in chaos as many different kinds of food were thrown everywhere across the room.

While everyone was fighting each other with food, the two girls who started all of this were still staring each other down, the taco was on the ground but both girls still wanted to win and take the taco. They narrowed their eyes, bared their teeth, and raised their fists as if they dared one another to make their move first. Before one of the girls moved an inch, Adagio and Aria got in between them, grabbed Sonata, and ran off. Dawnshine who saw this was about to run off with them, decided to just let them run off. 'Coward.'

The Dazzlings took cover behind and table and Adagio started to berate Sonata. "Sonata, what were you thinking! You just caused a food fight to break out!"

"I wanted my taco!" Sonata yelled back at her and Adagio and Aria couldn't help but sigh they knew how Sonata was about her tacos.

Just then the door to the cafeteria burst open causing the Dazzlings to flinch and see what was happening. In came walking in Luna, the Vice Principal, and she did not look happy. “WHAT’S GOING ON HERE?!” she shouted in her strong voice. The whole cafeteria froze at the sound of an angry Vice Principal. They all stuck in their halfway throw or dump pose, not daring to make a sound, even as one of the students got hit in the face by a banana peel. Vice Principle Luna’s eyes hardened on every student in this cafeteria. As much as she wanted to lecture them all about their childish acts, her first priority was to find whoever was the one who started this mess. “Alright, who was responsible for this destruction? Tell me the students who did this or I swear I’ll have everyone in this cafeteria in detention every day including Saturdays with double the homework, cleaning up every single spot in this cafeteria, and banned from eating in this cafeteria for the rest of the school year!” Not wanting to face Vice Principle Luna’s wrath, they all pointed at Sonata and Dawnshine. Luna looked down at the two girls with a stern look and crossed her arms. “Alright you two, kindly explain to me how you both turned this cafeteria into a war zone and nearly destroyed half of this cafeteria?” Both girls tried to speak mostly sobbing in Sonata's case as she was scared she was going to get in trouble with the Vice Principle their side of the story over the other at the same time, increasing their voice volumes by the second. Luna was already getting a headache and starting to lose her patience with the two girls. “SILENCE!!!” Luna screamed. Both girls immediately stopped talking and with no time to deal with this ridiculousness, Vice Principle Luna turned towards Pinkie Pie who suddenly appeared out of nowhere. “Pinkie Pie, do you happen to know what those two did that caused the destruction of this cafeteria?”

Pinkie saluted and took a deep breath before she started talking. “Well, Sonata was waiting in line to get her taco that she always wanted to get since last week until it was her turn, but Dawnshine cut in line and tried to take the last taco for herself, but then those two had an argument with each other until Dawnshine said something really mean to Sonata, which in turn caused Sonata to say something mean to Dawnshine, which also caused Dawnshine to throw a dessert at Sonata's face and then those two kept throwing at each other with food until Dawnshine tried to hit Sonata with that smelly meatloaf, but she missed and ended up hitting another student in the face, which then-" Pinkie paused for a moment and then gasped loudly. "Caused the whole cafeteria to start a food fight and it was in chaos until you arrived!” Pinkie concluded with a squee.

Everyone was stunned by Pinkie’s long overly detailed rant until Dawnshine broke the silence. “Hey, wait a minute! How did you know what had happened? You weren't even here until now!” Dawnshine exclaimed.

Sonata turned to Dawnshine. "Don't question it, no one knows." Dawnshine looked at Sonata confused but decided to go with her word, for once.

Luna then turned back towards Sonata and Dawnshine. “Is what Pinkie Pie says true? You two caused the food fight, all because you both fought over the last taco?” Vice Principle Luna asked with disbelief, but at the same time not really because she knew Sonata got defensive over her tacos.

Sonata nodded in shame, confirming Luna that it was true. Dawnshine however, rolled her eyes and tried to defend herself. “There wouldn't have been a fight if she just let me take that taco, which rightfully belonged to me!”

Luna glared down at Dawnshine, causing the girl to take a step back in fear. “Wrong, it wouldn’t have been a fight if you haven’t cut in line and not tried to take the taco which was rightful to Sonata! As punishment, you will pay for her next taco and then the two of you will spend the whole evening cleaning up this cafeteria until the place is completely spotless!”

Dawnshine groaned in defeat. “Whatever.”

Luna heard her but didn't seem to mind her. “Sonata, do you also understand your pun-” Luna couldn’t bring herself to finish her sentence as she watched Sonata eating the taco that had fallen on the floor. “Uh… Sonata? Are you eating the taco that was on the floor?” asked Luna with her perplexed expression.

Sonata looked up at Vice Principle Luna. “There’s no way I’m leaving this cafeteria without that taco! So I’m eating it!”

“But the floor could be dirty!” Luna exclaimed.

“Worth it!” Sonata responded and then resumed eating the floor. She may have gotten in trouble, but at the end of the day, she got the taco and that was all that mattered to her.

Meanwhile, Dawnshine glared at the girl eating the taco on the ground. 'Sonata... I will get my revenge on you! And with the rest of your sisters and this school! I promise!'

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