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33. Swimming On The High Seas

Dawnshine returned to her cabin in the middle of the night and silently walked back into her cabin and went into her bed. She was tired from all the walking she had done and she was looking forward to some sleep. "I looked everywhere for those geodes. I was told that this forest still had some geodes that hadn't been found, that's what the legend stated! And if the legend was right about the first seven geodes, then the other four are definitely still here, but where? I've looked everywhere and this forest is so big it could take days for me to find them, if I can get my hands on one I would have so much power, power that I want." Dawnshine smirked as she closed her eyes and went to bed.

When everyone woke up they got dressed and walked out of their cabins to hear from Gloriosa and Timber what today's activity would be and to eat some breakfast. Seeing everyone around eating breakfast Timber decided to give them the news for today. "Alright, everyone!" Everyone turned to Timber to see what he had to say. "Today we're going to be doing one of my personal favorite activities, swimming!" Everyone smiled and started chatting with their friends. Even the Dazzlings who were eating their breakfast smiled, swimming was something that the Dazzlings loved doing when they were younger but sort of stopped when they got older. But they wouldn't back down at the offer of going swimming again just like when they were younger. Timber saw everyone chatting and smiled. "Once you're done with breakfast put on your swimsuits and we'll get the party started!" Everyone nodded their heads and went back to eating, some eating a bit faster so that they could hurry and get to swimming.

After eating breakfast everyone went back into their cabins and started changing into their swimming wear. As the Dazzlings changed into their swimming they couldn't help but think of all the fun they were going to have in the water. Adagio wore more of a red bikini-like outfit, while Aria and Sonata both wore whole swimsuits. Reasons being Aria wasn't the type that liked to show off her body, not that she was embarrassed, just that it wasn't her thing. Plus, she didn't exactly like it when guys looked at her like she was some sort of treat. Aria knew that teenage boy's hormones were raging, but she had made a promise to herself that she would find a guy that liked her, not for her body but because of who she was. She only hoped that Bael wasn't like that, but she had hope that he wasn't. Sonata, on the other hand, was a whole different story. She wasn't fazed with Dawnshine but what she had said about Sonata's body had made the poor girl self-conscious about her body. So now, she wore the body suit that covered her body. Sonata checked in a mirror to make sure that none of her body was showing.

Adagio and Aria saw what she was doing and sighed, Dawnshine still had an effect on Sonata. Now, her covering her body wasn't a bad thing, it was the fact that she was doing it because of what Dawnshine said to her. After the girls finished getting ready they walked out of their cabin and over to the water where a few kids were already waiting. It didn't take long for all the kids to come to the water and start putting down their towels. Gloriosa was in the kitchen working on making lunch for the kids once they were done with their fun in the water, while Timber stood on the shore to make sure nothing happened to any of the kids. He was shirtless with his swim trunks, now although Timber had mentioned that swimming was his favorite activity, he had to watch over all the students in the water.

The Dazzlings jumped into the water and started to swim around with their friends. However, that quickly changed after one splash to Aria's back from none other than Sonata. The two quickly started a water fight which soon turned into a full-on war battle with all the girls splashing water at one another. The girls smiled and laughed as they splashed water at one another not having a care in the world with the fun they were having.

Aria had managed to get away from the war, she was tired and she needed a break from the action. As she was swimming away she saw Bael who was relaxing in the water, the sun was up and it was probably refreshing to him. Seeing that Bael was all alone, Aria decided to swim over to him. "Hey, Bael!"

Bael's eyes, which were at first closed, opened as he turned and saw Aria next to him. He smiled as he turned to face Aria. "Hey, Aria! What's up?"

Aria smiled. "Nothing much just having some fun in the water. I can see that you're doing the same."

Bael gave a small smile, something that Aria noticed. "Well, I was having fun hanging out with the guys, but then they swam off and got... distracted." He then pointed in a direction.

Aria raised her eyebrow in confusion. "Distracted? How could they have gotten distract- oh." Turning over to the direction Bael was pointing she saw that some boys like Dean, Derek, Leon, Valex, and Venus were over by some of the girls like Phoebe, Gabby, Joy, Dawnshine, and even Adagio.

Seeing that they were looked at the girls couldn't help but started to do all kinds of poses that made the guy almost hypnotized. Seeing that Aria grimaced, she couldn't believe that the guys were looking at the girls like that. Aria then started looking around and started to get a bit nervous. 'Where's Sonata?' Looking around she spotted Sonata who was sadly swimming away and swam over to Celestia who was by the shore measly putting her toes in the water. Luna was nearby but she was laying on the grass also making sure nothing happened to any of her students while at the same time reading a book. Aria frowned as she watched Sonata get out of the water and sit next to Celestia. She also watched as Celestia and Sonata started to talk, Celestia's head turned to the girls who were still "performing" in front of the guys as they watched. Celestia's head then turned and she and Aria made eye contact with one another before Celestia went back to talking with Sonata.

"Seems like your sisters didn't want to get in on the fun, I guess." Aria turned to Bael and sadly smiled.

"She's just been having a lot of... self-conscious issues lately. Dawnshine said some things to her that really good under her skin and now she's been acting different, our family has been trying our best but we can only do so much." Aria then turned to the girls and rolled her eyes, scoffing in disgust. "Can't believe the guys are looking at the girls like that, sick. And then the girls think that this is some sort of game, even my own sister is joining! I'm going to have to have a talk with her."

Aria, who was frowning perked up when she heard the sound of someone laughing, she turned and saw Bael laughing. She raised her eyebrow and Bael stopped. "Sorry, it's just that I totally agree with you. Don't get me wrong, the girls do look nice, but to do that? Yeah, no way. The guys are into that and the girls want to have some fun with them because they know they like it."

"You don't like that stuff?" Aria asked. She wanted to know why Bael wasn't over there. She hoped that it was because he wasn't some little pervert but she wanted to be sure.

Bael just shrugged his shoulders. "Guess not. Maybe it's because I already like someone so I don't get attracted to other girls in their swimsuits? Not sure." What Bael didn't want to tell Aria was that the girl he had a crush on was right in front of him, but he didn't want to tell her just yet.

Aria peaked at that, he liked someone, but who? Was it here? No, she wasn't going to ask that in the water near everyone, she wanted the moment to be special. So, Aria only smiled at Bael. "Well that's good, I hope that things go well with your crush." She playfully winked at him which made Bael blush, she wasn't sure if it was because of the sun or her but she wanted to believe that it was her who made him blush.

The rest of the day was full of fun in the water with water fights, swimming, and even a balloon fight in the water. All the students had a bunch of fun, and thankfully, no one got hurt and everyone had a good time. When it was time to stop for the day and go in to eat some lunch, students came back to shore and grabbed their towels to dry off. The kids ate around the campfire so that they could warm up and feel the nice warmth of the heat.

Sonata watched as some of the girls came back onto the shore in their bikinis. She sighed to herself, she felt out of place being the only one besides Aria wearing a full-body swimsuit. She had wanted to wear a bikini, but she was self-conscious and didn't feel right having one on. She had seen Dawnshine smirking from afar knowing good and well that what she had done was working and having an effect on Sonata. Dawnshine who was eating on shore had stared at the Dazzlings. She had already gotten to Sonata, all she had to do was get to Aria and Adagio and find the geodes and she would be in complete control.

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