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26. Caught In The Dangerous Act

Looking out her bedroom window, Sonata sighed to herself. It had been a month, a month since Dawnshine had started bullying her. It had been a tough month for her and she was done with it, done with Dawnshine, done with... living. Sonata thought back to when she had problems with Gabby, but this... this was far worse than what Gabby had done to her. Sure, Gabby had fought and given Sonata a blackeye but never did she ever anything like what Dawnshine had. Sonata looked out her window and thought back to everything that had happened in the past month.

Things had not got better since Dawnshine first started harassing Sonata, if anything, things got even worse and worse by the day. Each day Dawnshine made it her goal to make sure Sonata's life at school was nothing but a living hell. Every day from beginning to end, Dawnshine would do all types of things to Sonata. From pushing or tripping Sonata, saying things to her so that she could hear, teasing her, and making every class they had, terrible for her. Everything she was doing was getting to Sonata and the more she bullied and harassed her, the more Sonata was getting more and more tired and depressed.

She had tried mentioning it to her sisters or her mom or dad, or even a teacher or Principal Celestia or Luna, but every time Sonata had gotten close to telling someone, Dawnshine would either be around and when she saw her Sonata would get cold feet and stop in her tracks. Or Dawnshine's words would replay in Sonata's mind and stop her, she hadn't forgotten about what Dawnshine had told her if she were to ever tell someone what she was doing. Sonata knew better than to tell someone, but she was scared, scared of Dawnshine, scared of what she would do to her. She had soon Sonata before what she could do and Sonata was afraid of what she would do if Sonata made her mad. And Dawnshine knew this, she knew that Sonata was scared of her, and she loved every second of it.

Dawnshine watched from far away and watched Sonata walk around school sad and scared. She smiled whenever she got near and Sonata would get startled and start stressing out which would confuse her friends or sisters as to why Sonata was getting so jumpy. Dawnshine also noticed the change in Sonata's emotions, what was once a happy and full-of-energy teenage girl was now a depressed, sad, scared, and emotionless teenage girl. And that made Dawnshine all the happier seeing that everything she was doing was having that much of an effect on Sonata. Dawnshine would sit in class and watch as Sonata who sat in front of her would move around in her seat uncomfortably, and whenever she would be called on in class she would jump and always give a wrong answer which would make Dawnshine smile and giggle to herself.

However, Dawnshine wasn't the only one who noticed the change of behavior in Sonata. From her sisters, friends, family, classmates, and teachers everyone could tell that something was up with Sonata. But no matter how much they asked if Sonata was okay, she would only smile and nod or give an excuse, but being the bad liar that she was, they knew there was more that meet the eye. Sonata knew that she had to tell someone, anyone, but Dawnshine would always be around making things harder on her. And every time Sonata had to lie she felt terrible, from saying that she was tired, to not feeling the best, or that she was stressed out about a test, it was all the same. Even Sonata had noticed her change, she was a mess and the more people asked if she was okay, the more she felt bad that she was lying to everyone.

Sonata sighed and turned from her window and to her desk. She still had homework to do and she had to finish it before it got later. Another thing that had changed was that Sonata had started to distance herself from her other sisters. She felt bad that she was staying away from Adagio and Aria, they were her sisters after all and she loved them dearly, but she didn't want them to see her like how she was. So keeping her distance from them was the best thing that she could do.

As she was working on an essay for her English class, she stared at her arms. Cuts were all over her arms, and Sonata couldn't help but feel awful every time she saw them. She knew what had caused her to do it, but she felt worse knowing that she was letting Dawnshine get to her and cause her to do this to herself. She had tried to get Dawnshine out of her head, she had tried to ignore and pretend that Dawnshine wasn't there, but she couldn't. Dawnshine had her in a hold that she couldn't get out of no matter how hard she tried to get out. 'You should just kill yourself, no one will care if you're gone.' Sonata stopped what she was doing, those words had come into her head. It hadn't been the first time this had happened either. Whether she was in class, at home, or out at a restaurant with her family, thoughts like that would pop up out of the blue and would shatter Sonata's mood for the rest of the day. 'Just kill yourself Sonata, you're a failure.' Sonata tried to shake her head to get the thoughts out of her head but the thoughts were stronger.

Stopping from doing her homework once again Sonata sighed and looked up at the ceiling. The thoughts were getting stronger and she was starting to believe them. "Maybe I should just kill myself..." Sonata sighed as she looked out the window to her room once again. The stars were shining in the night sky, now that would normally make her smile, seeing all the pretty stars in the night sky, but today, it made her groan. She was nowhere near close to being finished with homework and she still had a bit left to do, along with taking a bath and getting her things ready for tomorrow. Sonata looked back at her homework and sighed, seems like she would be failing yet another assignment in another class. Not wanting to waste any more time she had wasted, Sonata got to work on her assignment most likely not doing a good job on it.

Sonata slammed her bedroom door and jumped onto her bed after throwing her backpack off. Screaming and crying into her pillow Sonata kept thinking about all the things that Dawnshine had told her. It had been another long day of Dawnshine's torturing and today was the worst day so far. Things weren't getting any better and with being unable to tell anyone about what Dawnshine was doing to her, Sonata was starting to believe that things would never get better. Sonata was starting to lose hope and after further thinking, she had made a decision. Getting up from her bed and wiping away her tears, Sonata stood up and made her way to the bathroom.

Arriving at the bathroom, Sonata closed the door and opened one of the cabinets. Opening the cabinet, Sonata saw a knife that she had stolen from the kitchen without anyone knowing and hid it in the bathroom. Sonata stared at the knife and sighed, she had used the knife so many times to hurt herself before, but every time she saw the knife it made her flinch in fear. She saw some dried-up blood, blood that was hers, blood that she had shed when she cut herself. Sonata's eyes wandered and looked around at her arms where all the cuts were. There were so many cuts, maybe a hundred? Sonata had lost count of how many times she had cut herself. She looked back down at the knife and sighed, it seemed that today would be the last time she would cut once and for all.

Raising the knife Sonata sighed, she knew this was going to hurt but she was used to the pain by now. "Goodbye, mom, dad, Dagi, and Ari. Along with all my friends, amazing classmates, and teachers. It was nice knowing you, but this is goodbye." And with one quick slash, Sonata sliced the knife against her arm causing it to bleed. Sonata let out a yell of pain, tears running down her cheeks. She silently cursed to herself and hoped that no one heard her. Looking down at the blood Sonata started to get light-headed but she had to stay strong, she had to finish what she had started.

Sonata raised the knife once again, about to slice her arm once again until just then the bathroom door slammed open. "Sonata! We heard you yell are you o-" Sunset, along with Adagio and Aria rushed into the bathroom and froze. Right in front of their eyes, was Sonata who was frozen like a deer in headlights, with a knife in her hand along with cuts and blood all around her arms. Just as quickly as she rushed in, Sunset quickly dropped to the ground and fainted. Adagio and Aria who had heard their mom fall were too in shock to care, their little sister was doing self-harm to herself, and the two could only gasp and look at their sister in horror. Sonata froze and stared at her sisters in the eyes, she had forgotten to lock the bathroom door and had been caught.

Dropping the knife Sonata took a step back in fear. She had been caught, and there was nothing she could do. Tears started to run down like a river she felt like she was going to throw up, her head felt like someone was hitting her with a hammer, her vision was starting to get dizzy and she felt light-headed. "I-I... I'm so sorry... things happened a-and Dawnshine was saying all these things about me. S-She said that if I told anyone she would... she would..." Sonata covered her eyes with her hands. "I'M SO SORRY!" Sonata fell to the ground and started to scream and cry.

Adagio and Aria quickly raced over and hugged their sister, and Sonata hugged back. Adagio rubbed Sonata's back as Aria hugged Sonata as tight as she could. "Shush... it's okay Sonata... it's okay." Adagio looked over at Aria and Aria nodded, with their dad being gone and their mom being... they looked back and saw their mom still out like a light, out of commission, they were the only ones who could be there for Sonata right now. "Tell us everything that happened." Sonata looked at Adagio in panic and Adagio gave the girl a warm smile. "Hey, it's okay, we're your family. You're safe here, Nata. Tell us what happened, please." Adagio started to cry herself which made Aria and Sonata cry.

It took a while but Sonata had told Adagio and Aria everything that had happened. Midway through her explanation, Sunset had woken up and hugged Sonata so tightly that she thought her eyes were going to fly out of their sockets. Once Sunset stopped crying and gave Sonata a lecture on how to never do that again and to tell someone if something is going on. After hearing that and promising that she would if she ever felt that way again, Sonata told her sisters and her mom all about the abuse she had received from Dawnshine and how Dawnshine was bullying her and had even told Sonata to kill herself. To say that her family was mad would be an understatement, Aria looked like she she was going to kill Dawnshine. Sunset looked like she was about to faint from everything Sonata was telling her while Adagio stayed by her mom's side to make sure Sunset didn't pass out again but even she looked like she wanted to exchange a few words with Dawnshine.

After Sonata had finished telling the three of them everything that had happened, they gave her a big warm hug that she took. Sonata cried in their embrace and apologized again and again to them. Sunset had gotten up and picked up the knife to not only wash but to also keep it away from Sonata. As the Dazzlings hugged one another, Adagio and Aria looked at each other and nodded. They had made a promise to themselves that they were going to do whatever it took for Sonata to get better.

Author's Note:

Apologizes for being gone for about a week. I went on vacation with my family but I'm back with the rest of Arc Two for A Dazzling New Life: High School Edition, the Sophomore year!

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